ft , U U laj la w .- t. " r aj W ' 1 1 4 1 ' Woodrow Wilson it vastly difl creot order of mm than you End amonz the raiiLj of many good men in practical political life, ' t ', , s . f- : it - -,- - i- - - Woodrow Wilson hi not among the great majority of politician and business men, otherwise estimable characters, who believe that the end justifies the meant, who are honest in a commercial or political sense. , ,.. i The candidate of , the progressive voters of the country not, only does not believe in the doctrine of i ''anything to win, " but he insists on plain old fashioned honesty in every detail of hit campaign. . , v v. - ' Woodrow. iWilson propose td" win; on the merits, of Vis candidacy and platform or not at all, - " ' . ' ' "Clean hands or no fighis Wilson! uWflaafuni o hJs supporters throughout the country,' ii f "h if u 41 uimuu i.iuuvy r ur, w iiyuu not a oouar ot quesaonaote money wui oc spent to cicci-wooqrow wusan.-' -. , The Democratic National Committee is heart and soul in accord with the candidate's v1ewa,"4' And the corrupting influences, with no political faith, casting about to win a foothold in the new govern ment with bribes of ill-gotten gains, have despaired, of reaching Wilson or his campaigner. U -' ' They have gone td the enemy, whoever that enemy may be, V It it a matter of common knowledge thai the Interests" are using all their political funds to defeat WuoiL7v 'A This makes it your figto:;V.vS " . ' i.-V-'- ' , What the American' People Heed to Know The people have constantly .made the mistake' 61 ' believing that this is a money-ridden nation.. Such is only the case insofar as the People fail to get together and so permit die few to control me dishonest representatives they, by mistake, elect to fifce ' "5 V -'TY zr'l' - '2 ' ' ' . The actual money power of the People is still greater man that of the Interests. , ' The Progressive People of the country, if they get together, Can buy and sell the Corrupting Influences and destroy their financial power. , v " , ' ':. - - .. S . So Woodrow Wilson and his managers believe that not only is it the only clean method but the most practical method for the Progressive People of the country to tupply the Woodrow Wilson Campaign Fund. The People to Fight With THEIR Dollars This year a popular president is to be ejected with the People's money. .' The Woodrow Wilson Campaign Fund is So be collected from the rank and file of the Progressive Voters of the country. : : " '' The bills of the Democratic National Committee are to be paid, not with the thousands ot the Interests, but with the individual dollars of the earnest, eager voters who desire dean, efficient government and who arc willing to help Wilson as he wants to be helped.' V Money thus needed is not spent in improper ways or in any manner dmilafjo the way in which the funds of the Interests are disbursed . ' . t!'- But we have to tell the voters of the country about Wosotaw Wilson. Wt have to tell them what be ha dan. We have to tell them what he stands for. We have to point out to them the important planks In bis platform. All this means that to bold up oar end we will be obliged to spend as mock money as those who oppose ns. This means that every man or woman who believes m Wilson should be willing to contribute to bis canae. Let the sap porters of Wilson help at to spread the Wilson gospel to the tear winds. g Let the Progressive Voters battle this year with their pock(books as well as their ballots. We Solicit Popular Oubsorlptlons-Can You Give From $1 to 9201 Of course, you can and you are glad to support the came In this way, . ,. Practically every voter can afford to give $1 to aid toe Wilson Campaign.' A great many ean give IS, ' A great many can give ta. And there are lota and lots of progressive voters who will be eager to donate intm 110 to 920. These are the kind of contributions we want. " And we will be proud to receive from thousands, who can only afford tl, their It contribution. We wan to beat from every man who has a dollar to give. . This year the man with the dollar must defeat the government tradncer who spends his thousands. Get Club Subscriptions If you know many Wilson men, If you work among many Wilson men, head a list with your name and money and get the others to join you with their subscriptions. Then send your list with the money to C R. Crane, Vice Chairman, Finance Committee, Democratic National Committee, 900 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. No loyal Wilson man can do more than this to assure Wilson's -fctsry at the polls in November. . How to Contribute to the Wilson Campaign Fund Slra the Ctoneon opposite and nil -In the amount jtm fin. Than attach your money to tale Coupon sod mtU today to the ddreaa given on tha Coupon. kw afl irbirh, avdara and addrp all coatribaMaae ta CtlCnaa. Vtea Churau, Fiaaaaa CommktM, Laaaaratia NatWJ r BOO Midiisu rmmm, Chiuto, Ul. ' Than writ a letter to thia paper rlvlur roar name aa a eoo vrlbalor nd atacins your reasone why yoa believe Woodrow W llaoo iboaJd be eleeted Preeldetrt of tbe United Stateo. In tbia way yoa wUi be 111 led aa a Wlleon contributor. A Souvenir Be elpt. bandaoaaly Htbxwrapbd.well worth tramlns, will be sec I to you. Tour letter will help In the fUrht by encouraging your tr.onds. Da everything yoa ca to hold op Wllaon'e haoda In his eltaa ampaiga lot the peopia who do the work and asBtinc e the donntrr. Woodrow Wilson Campaign Fund LOYALTY COUPON t. e. a. ena Tat DeaM JakMirrarlathai aMaiy of Weaaiww Wlliaa Im Pwaldaat at taePalaid atti,a ta eaaaad hanayaikeaMoaae tm tandii, uWill,Ma Mjut to mm bat PMpM(thaoaatry. IwUktaMaenbatttbroagk yaathaaaaa at t .... T " ? """nrtf-'rn Nnme..... Address R.F.D State x . 1 1 . i j A! J CO .Mr J. Ly-Riggs of, Bayboro wa among-the btisineBS visitor to the city yesterday., ' ' 1 . .' , r ,f v Mr. L. I. Moore left Tast evening for Raleigh to attend the State Fair; -' United States Deputy Marahal . 6. Cameron o Klnston. was 'among the visitors to thefcity yeterady,' ; ' S Mr. At DvwartJ left last evening for Beaufort emf "wilj attend to some professional., asinesa.- -V' '' w '"' ' ' s.t Mr TVD.j'Waerrn will spend todaV at -Beaufort attending to some 1 pro fessional business. 1 ' iTMr. Samuel Cam pen of Alliance was among the visitors to the city yesterday. Mr. , Charles Herring of Newport spent yesterday in the city. Mr. C. S, Weskett of Bayboro was in the cky yesterday. N. Duffy left last night for Rocky Mount on a professional visit. Col. James A. Bryan left last evening for Raleigh where he will attend the State Fair. Mr. J. 'Homer Mann left last evening for a short visit atLaGrange. Dr. Earnest Dunn went to La Grange last evening on a professional visit. Mr. N. M. Lancaster of Vanceboro was among the visitors - to the city yesterday. Mayor Charles S. Wallace of More head City was in the city yesterday attending to some business matters. Miss Katherine Beaman of Durham I who has been visiting her sister Mrs. John Suter, Jr. returned home yester day. Mr. S. L. Dill, Sr. spent yesterday at Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Richardson of Dover who have been visiting in the city returned home last evening. Mr. L. C. Scott is in Raleigh to at tend the State Fair. Mr. Carl Daniels of Bayboro was among the professional visitors to the city yesterday. Mr. H. L. Gibbs of Oriental spent yesterday in the city attending to some business matters. Sheriff A. H. Stephens of Oriental was in the city yesterday. Mr. W. W. Hooker of Alliance spent yesterday in the city. Mr. and Mrs, J. Perkins of Oriental passed through the fity yesterday morning enroute to Raleigh to attend the State Fair. Endorsed by there is a Dignity 4bout Work OF THIS KIND PROPERLY DONE, 5 N2lrjim.W Z&1.. an mmv -m w that is lacking where cheap ness -alone id considered. You can readily see that ;it is engraving of the highest class. The styles may De tfationenf rel upon 63 correct an( hbk s prices are very reasonable. ngraiea a raj? SAM K. BATON T A Frigid Atmosphere. "Where you beenT" "Been to call on that Boston girt. And Bay!" :'Welir i "Whenever I call on that girl I al ways feel like. I had been farthest north." Stylish Coats for Women who Doubtful "Jones is extremely attentive to his wife." "Still very much in love with her, eh?" ' "Either that, or he Is afraid of her." Boston Transcript. PROGRAM AT THE ATHENS TODAY. Alma & Howard, change their act today, introducing "The Aristocratic Belle and the man who took Peruna". This is a black and tan farce comedy, singing and dancing act, original, and very funny. Picture program as follows: "Broncho Billy's Escapade" Another dramatic masterpiece of this world famous Western masterpiece of this S. & A. Co. abounding with the vigor of the rugged hills featuring G. M. Anderson in his great character creation. "The Artists Joke" A splendid com edy by the Edison Co. "The Worth and the Flame" A French drama splendidly acted. Matinee daily at 3:45. Show at night starts at 7:30 o'clock. we mm mswe Few of The SAMPLE BLANKETS Left at Specially Reduc ed , Prices J.G. Qelamar, 79 Middle St., Phone 276 fl I1 1 r . in i wmJfi .8 aa a. aa ill - f 1 1 " 1 1 . ill 1 1 l aSt I I I .aat. aaai-a i Shirts WHY 3 Should you wear any other M II kind when you can now buy pj 111 the Shirts that are known M lf the best and the best known 11 hi m i w , " MANHATTAN KIND. " MI.50 to $3.00 i i AH colors guaranteed fast or gf f a new shirt on demand, any 01 size neck band, any sleeve gj II length. New fall patterns on jij p display. Hi aiittiwiWWarfWWWWWWwaaia".-. Perfect "too". Oil Heaters THE BEST MADE Price 3.0O and up SOLD ONLY BY M. E. Whitehurst & Co. ESTABLISHED 1887 67 POLLOCK ST. PHONE 228 f If you want to.: step nght into the iauntiest sort of a new Goat Suit withjeve-r 1 ry little detail of fin6 -tailoring carried out. Just as it should be, aMst to 6urtore will convince you or these racts. x-vf I k ; , -: 1 . " f ii . . : .. C " - ,. . ir ri i l It i I' ,1. JJ,ts 4511X3. Baxter's Special nrlt Cct1:oLiDCOLD 'Jt- T .... . . . . v '"' ;'vatc:j, t?icz ciico The Store for rVomen Who Ccso i 1 , If Hi? Dnn't Wftar a Bates Street attc-377? .'$2 ; j' Our New Fall stock far vurpasses any yef shown In . N N" r"w.S' ' ' 'Shlrtdom. A new shirt with a smile when one Jades,' . aMu..it0rA' ! ' T' l 1 i , ,"t"i Tlvr , ti?S ' s 1 u ;t i A. T.V:iLL!S COMPANY r ' ;i .-:-.w" 1 I i ... . " - i . . i : :, '' '' 1 1 J,