i V i s ft - a if' V V . . . . Li i L , The Kind You Uavo Always V to nse lor over SO years, L l M . M M i X 14- ..J ' : Experiments that trifle with, and endanger the health, of I Infants and liildren Experience , against Jiiperiment. - Cstoria Is a harmleas snhititnte lor Castor, Oil, Pare- 1 grorlc, Drops and Soothing" Syrtps. , : , It Is pleasant. -' It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Marcotio . substance. , Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Peveiiehness.1 ? For more than thirty years it has oeen I v constant use lor the relief ol Constipation, "Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and, Diarrhoea. ; It - regulates the Stomach , rd : Bowels, , assimilates the Foodr giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tle Mother's Friend. -f GENUINE CSTORI SI Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought lii!;oWe::Fpr;:Cwer;30Yeai'ri '' -. ,; The Republicans contend that the tariff is the root of the prosperity tree. That's why it should have a man like Wilson to give it a judicious pruning Don't waste your money buying strenghtening plasters. Chamberlain' Liniment is cheaper and better. Dampen a piece of flannel with it and bind it over the affected parts and it will re lieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all dealers (Adv.) No matter how good a cigar may be it is sure to meet its match. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? In case of a burn or scald what would, you do to relieve the pain? Such in juries are liable to occur in any family andv everyone should be prepared for them. Chamberlain's Salve applied on a soft cloth will relieve the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a very severe one, will cause the parts to heal leaving a scar. For sale by all' deal ers. (Adv.) Again, "Why change?" saks Mr. Taft this morning. Well one simply can't wear the same collar all the time. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Most old bachelors are misunder stood by womeji for which they should be thankful. 1 SICK. HEADACHE. Nv This distressing disease1 results from 1 a disordered condition of the stomach, ' and can be cured by taking Chamberlain1 Tablets. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Straw votes are all right for women who have no other kind to cast. '.'' escapes;; an awful fate. .'. K f A thousand tongues could not; express the gratitude of Mrs. J. E. Cox of Joliet, ! , Ifl- ;. for - her wonderful - deliverance i front an awful 'fate. "Typhoid pneu- ' , monia.had lelt m witn a dreadful cough, ', awful coughing spells I thought I would OI& . i coyia gex no neip irom doctor s " treat meat or other medicines till-1 used s Dr Kihg New DiscoVeryv'iBut owe my Me to thta wonderful remedy for I - r' scarcely cough at all now " . Quick and safe,: its the most reliable of all throat and lung; medicinejil I Every bottle guar- anteed4S Ji6c. and $L00; ,,:Ti bottle r free AVa.il drugristfc'&'ife:'XAdV.) v .i Then.' after the regular Ovster .Dav. we caa have Fried Oyster; Payitewed, t Oyster pay tanned Oyste D?yt Roast Oyster' Day rand iso ion id Jibituin. Every 'day' is . RawOySter OaySM j; ' : A ,.' CA'STC lor Ixlaats arJ CUIca. . .Iti Iti Y:3i::j7::r:":M BoOght, and Which has Jbeen has borne the signature of ana. nas oeen maae anaer ms per sonal uuperrlslon since its infancy. 1 AIIawimi nnn todAMlvn von !n tliix. Tn,n,...nwl f tin ' Signature of Weather like this would'nt have any trouble being elected for anything it wanted. THE DEMONS OF THE SWAMP. are mosquitos. As they sting they put deadly malaria germs in the blood. Then follow the icy chills and the fires of fever The appetite flies and the strength fails also malaria often paves the way for deadly typHoid. But Electric Bitters kill and cast out the malaria germs from the blood; give you a fine appetite and renew your strength. "After long suf fering," wrote Wm. Fretwell, of Lucama, N.C., "three bottles drove all the malaria laria from my system, and I've had good health ever since." Best for all stomach, liver and kidney ills. 50c. at all 'druggists. (Adv.) Evidently Lieutenant Becker's coun sel knew what they were about when they advised him not to testify. Children Cry FOR f LETCHER'S CASTOR I A There is nothing left for the voters to do but vote. HELPS A JUDGE IN A BAD FIX. Justice Eli Cherry, of Gillis Mills, Tenn., was plainly worried. A bad sore on his leg had baffted several doctors and long resisted all remedies.'.'! thought it was a cancer, he wrote. ; "At' last I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve,, and was completely cured." Cures burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises and piles. 25c. at all druggists. a ' (Adv.) In view of the vigorous campaigning there, Oscar . Straus ought to carry unio. , - WHAT TEXANS ADMIRE ' is hearty," vigorous life, "according to Hugh Tallman, of San Antonio. W? find,'' he- wmes; Vthati'D i King's New Life Pills surely put new life gnd energy"into a person;;,!, 'Wife and be lieve they are the best made.''. . Execr lent tor stomach liver or kidney troubles. 25c. it all dealerirvj y tAo.) It appears tp have 'taken more than 1 twice 'ptr much money to finane a spontaneous .uprising of the poeple for Mrv WRooseyelt's Vnnuri finance .aV spontaneous uprising for his ar and gfow$ persons and contains' no opiates telli only part ofjths itale" J The whole story is that it is the best medicine for coughs ,colds, croup, bronchitis ' and other affections of the throat, chest and Idngs. ' .Stops t la grippe, - coughs . and has ; ; healing . san4s6otliing F effect Remember the name, : Foiey't, Honey jt Tar Compound, and accept no sub stitutes.. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) In the eood old davs oilirrims to Ov- ter Bay were not called cranks. t , . , election,; What; s the 'faunwt-j S 1 " " ' X OAsiwthatIley'eK Compbundk'best : for;'' children IThelr Brolcea She hung on his ana "as they stroll' edi slowly down the street A burdy gurdy -was playing desperately In the venue, but they did , not bear It -A touring; car missed them at a crossing by an Inch and they never knew It Other persona nslng the sidewalk got ont of their way instinctively because they were not seen and bad they not taken precautions' they 'would have been walked over1 by the oblivious couple. ' fi s ; It breaks me all np, the young man. repeated, mournfully. fto think of your going away for the whole live long summer and I cant go, too! Wby, you'll have forgotten that I'm on earth by the. time you come backl " v "George!" the, young woman cried in accents "which mingled : reproach and woe, ; "How can you! If yon knew how unhappy It makes me to have you doubt me!" , ; "It isn't that," said the young man, 1 don't doubt' you! I know you are as true as I am myself! But you can't help circumstances; and ft is only natural that with a lot of those Willie hoys hanging around you whose fath ers have enough money to choko 'em you should forget me! 1, can't be at your call all day with touring cars and motor boats to amuse you and they can! I don't blame you. Con- stantia, not at all! I " "I shall, cry, right out here on the street, if you talk that way!" declared the young woman In anguished tones, ' "I don't see what has got into you, George!' she went on". "As though anybody could ever take your place. no matter If he had a dozen boats and touring cars! It Just shows that you don't trust me! I shall be as lone some as you and I shall think of you all the time!" ' "Will you, really?" he asked. "But I'm not selfish enough to want to spoil your good times " "Good times!" she repeated, bitter ly. "As-though I could have any good times without you! It's going to be perfectly horrid. I don't see why. Just because my family have a summer home and want to go to it, I should be dragged along when I'd be so much happier here in town where I could see you! There will be nothing foi me to do and you'll have everything here. f' ;' "Think of all the otfgirls youH see talk about . my , forgetting you! Why, George, youH be so Tusy run ning around with half a dozen others that you won't remember my name or the color of my eyes! I guess I know men and you're like all the rest 1 used to think you were different, but somehow I see things more clearly tonight and Tknow " "Constantla," interrupted the young man, firmly, "you don't know what you are saying. Blnce I've known yon I can't tell whether there is anothei girl on earth or not! I simply don't see them! You haven't any Idea oi the' depth of my. affection for you when you think things like those you have Just been saying! Tell me that ydu don't mean them!" "I'd be perfectly miserable If I hon estly believed them," she admitted. "I guess I Just said them so I could bear you deny thme. : You're sure yon wont forget me, George t" - A "Forget you?" he repeated, tremu lously. "Yon are part-of-my every thought! I shall think of you every evening when I wander ' about all alone" . "It sounds so sad, she broke in. IH be Just like that, too. Ill sit and look at the lake and Imagine that you are with me and then itVon't seem so bad when I watch the other girls and men having good timet at ., the dances and parties. I must go In now. dear. . Good night! ri' ?Good 7 night dearest," said . the young man. ."I aball count the bonrs that you'll still be in town." : Aa' the young woman . entered bet own house the telephone bell rang and she . answered. : A ,jf . "Oh. is that von. Jessie!" she cried. fXes, ;we'w( g'olng to .the .' iake next weeK.; I'm so glad you're going, toof Yow cousin will be with you part of the" summer? : Weat Point,, yon say! I am crazy;, tbimeet bimli'l, almplj love AaxX eyest. Oh,' jneybe be won't like me at all-you're sucb a flatterer. Indeed, I s wil ,tryi to: give him good time can't yoi bring hjm around .to call before we leave town? Bring him to dinner; Ican;b4rdly s:'s4t' till; he ; a few blocks away-the young man paused to light a; cigar and fheq be happened to glance at a girl going by. He dropped the match and it burned bis shoes as he stared after ber. 'There's the little peach that's vis-' Itlng the Uphams!" be told himself. "She'a a , corker! Guess I'll Hoat around and get Introduced-! - cant miss any chance like that this sum mer I "Chicago Dally News. y 'It is a pleasure to tell you that Cham- berlain!s Cougb Remdey is the .best cough' medicine I' have;: ever, used,'.' writes Mrs..Hugh Chatnbcll, of Lavonia, Ga.i "I bave used it .with all of my children and the results have been high ly satisfactory." For sale by all dealers. i (advertisement.) ' y V7omcB of the Ugliest typ wemeaef superior eflacation sr. refineraect, ";. whose dlscern'i fl; -&od judgment fiye ? weijlit '.J force lo ; tteir ipbiaicasv fcig'h! praise the wonderful corredi ; and coradre properties of Own, t berlaini Stomach and UyprTaS leU. Thronghoot the manj stage, of woman! life, from" firlhood; ' through the': ordeals .of mother- i hood to the declining years, there It ao safer or more reliable rce'j- Sciae. " Otamberlaa's Tablets a;e ' sold eTerywhere at 25c a box. j With a'l due respect to .the Demo cratic forecasters, 'it is still too soon to announce that Mr. Wilson is unani mously elected. Twinges of rheumatism, backache, stiff, joints and shooting pains all show your kidneys are not working right. Urinary . irregularities, loss of sleep, nervousness, weak backand sore kidneys tell the need of a good reliable kidney medicine. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, strengthening and restorative. They build up your kidneys and regulate their action. ' They Will give you quick relief and contain no habit forming drugs. Safe andf always sure. Try them. For saW by all dealeis. (Adv.) Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A What does Mr. Roosevelt think of Albert J. Beverage being too good for George W. Perkins' money. J. K. Cotton. 1303 No. Market St., says: "I heard of Foley Kidney Pills and took therh for my case of kidney trouble. After taking tnem a few days the pain left my back, my kidneys acted regularly and the annoying bladder trouble was cured. I gladly recommend Foley Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Mr. -Debs has confessed to a New York reporter that the greatest calami ty which could happen to thfc Socialist cause would be his election, but there was nothing in his physical condition to indicate that he was breaking down under the strain of anxiety.. Huntsville, Ala. W. C. Dollard, a well known citizen, says: "I have used Foley's Honey & Tar Compound and founf it the most excellent prepara tion. In fact, it suits my case better than any cough syrup I have ever used and I have used a good many, for I am now over seventy years old." For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Howerver, they will never eliminate the middle man in the minstrel show, A Mitchell, a general merchant near Bagdad, Ky., writes . us: "I think Foley Kidney Pills one of the greatest kidney medicines there is. My daugh ter ; was in terrible' shape with kidney trouble, and I got her to take it. She is 'completely cured now. I think it one" of . the -greatest medicines made." For, sale by all dealers. . (Adv.). Pity the government cannot do the buying for all of the people. ., ' . Dan J. Joyce, Sanvdle, Henry - C&.t Virginia says;--! '-I' took "a cold with a cough .which v hung on. for;, two years. Then' : I. . commenced ' using: iFoleys' Honey and (Tar Compound and the cough finally left jieamd flow :,1 ani per salesti children opiate ; Jor saleby aU dealers. (Adv.) -- tr.-: r.: There could be no. better medicine than Cnamberlain's vCough Remedy. Mv Children were all sick with whoop ing cough.' . One of them waiTin bed, had a high fever and was coughing up blood. Our - doctor gave -them. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy' and the first dose eased them, and three bottles cured them, say's Mrs.. R. -A. Donaldson, of Lexington, Miss. .-.for sale by all dealers. (Adv.) 1 y. I t tac'v ache, rheurnatisrm kidney W; bladder trouble,' and urinary irreeuliritics. - ' DOES EXl RIENCE COUNT f If bo, let us do .your Shoeing. We can fit your horse; with -the', best Shoe and Rubber Pad on the mar ket, Our work is done by one of the best shoersin,the State. " (;? ALE WORK fetiARANTEED! We 'xall foVa&'d deliver your horse promptly..,; ' v - '.Call Phone 746. ',r . ; john" j, smith,: Church Alley. WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 for each spfeof old False teeth sent as. Highest priceo paid for old Gold, Sil ver, oJd Watches, Broken Jewelry tnd precious Stones, MONEY SENT BY RETUKN MAIL rhiia.: bmelung and Ketming to ESTABLISHED 20 YEA'. S. 863 Chestnut St. Pb'ladelph a. Pa TO DENTISTS We will buy ycur Gold Fil i gn. Go . .uLfap. and Platinum. Higl ett prices pid BOYD TALKS FACTS. The UNION CENTRAL LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY, which is forty five years old and holds the world's record for LARGE DIVI DENDS and LOW COST, GOOD life insurance the dividends in many instances EXCEEDING the pre mlupasra the LARGEST LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY IN THE WORLD for Its age. What is the reason? It's this way. You know the points of a successful life in suiance company are its revenue from invested resources, low death rate and economy in management Right here is the secret. The Union Central's average interest rate earn ed for 20 years, according to the Spec tator Co., accepted statisticians, is 6.52 per cent, nearly l 1-4 percent more than any company in the world: its death rate, due to exclu slve selection of risks is far below the average, while its management for economy and sound business principals is world renowned. These advantages possessed after long years of successful operation have created a model life insurance com pany absolutely worthy the con fldence and consideration of all intelligent men who are desirous of protecting their family or estate, end if you want the best, see me and get the best W. G. BOYD. Afcent. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the last will and testament of Mayer Hahn, deSeaseH lateoi Cracn couni, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claim9' against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of October A. D. 1913, or this notice will, be pleaded in bar oi their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 30ih Sep tember A. D. 1912. JOSEPH L. HAHN. F. M HAHN, S. M. STRASBURGER, WALTER B. SOLINGER, Executors uuder last will and testa ment of Mayer Hahn deceased ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Ben Hahn, deceased late of Craven County, N. C, this is to notify all per sons having claims against' the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or, before the 2nd day of October A. D. 1913 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate wtyl please make immediate payment. v F, M..HAHN ' ..'AdministratO! Behn Hatn De ceased.. , t - This 30th Scot. 1912. v.Hi boy V appetite; is often the source of atnisement.:' If yott would have such win,, kHw niir. srrpnvurpn iimwuiiuuiu mnu ssxiKLjass it 'to do, "it work' naturallyW "j r or sale by all dealers;" Jfi&yJ (Adf.) fault finding disposition s often due to a dis ordered stomach. , A man, witb-i good digestion is nearly always good na tures. " A' great 'many have . been per manently cured of etomach trouble by takinz Chamberlain's Tablets, if or sale by all dealers.' " ''' : JAdy ; ; prompt relief from. lACKACIOsV RHEUMATISM, tt'iMOMTic of BVADPP.R and ll . yh,K UUiHAK IRREGULARITIES . tu sitivr ooata MlbsisAUBI .J KLUKSWf roOPLB and to v mmen. nave hioh car t mmiii3..':j B. Ai Drl, 827 Wuk. 8 C 11 ill tkd.,isiD falsS&ib yi. II wnieavs. ' I liw Mtuf mffertd naeb ire c my l.ida 4 r. - Jl.lwl. Iw IhsdMranbaelrne A8"dmyli.d'- 'arUoa ma too (nqiMot, isu"f 1 i mi to lost it . i la aI aicbt.aad in my Mft .Jer ihtrm - I look Foler kk ,t Pills for 1 . -d mm bow fre of fcil r .ahleaud r te lila4 m and Monad. Fo 17 Eidaey P ' t mtf kirVw ttMankltia " FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS PENNSYLVAKIA ANTHRACITE CWrilTE ASH) DOMESTIC UP AND POCAHONTAS STffM m YARD FOOT CRAVEN STREET PHONE 34 PffiSSiB;i! CAJC DR. ERNEST C ARMSIKONG OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN (Registered) Rooms 320-321 Elks Temple. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5 and 7 to- Chronic Diseases A Specially Ten year9 experience in treating chronic diseases. Do you wear a truss? If no, let""ne show you my special make. Allages, from babies up. Complete Electrical Equipment, PHONE 704 H. W. SIMPSON FUNERAL DIRECT0TL AND EMBALMLR Oay Phone 167, Night Phone829 D. G. SMAW. AST. F. M. Simmons. A. D. Ward, SIMMONS WARD A ITORNEYS AND COUNSELLOR A'l .... tt !TI1 IKDR " Office Rooms : s i . buildine Practice in the countiao of Craven. Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Ui.slow. Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and federal Courts, and wher ever services are desired : ATTORNEY M LA W . - - - . Practice in the counties of Craven ;arteicV Pamlico Jones and Onslow and, in the State Supreme and Federa Couirts.??. ,v" v Offlcs Ns. 60 Grsvss Strssi. Tslspkoss Na. 97. ; Nsw Bsrn. N. t. illSlEN Office, Rooms,' 405-r406 Elks Temple -.nepernVn,;c.. v Practices lb counties of Craven; Cr teret, Psmhso, Jane's and Onslow aad in the State Supreme, and Fedea f ni f n fill wm h II ? ' v , ."'if v , v t i' ;-, r .-v.-..'' . Ohildron Cry CAGTORIA Fo!?y ili 'r?y Fill arc tonic in actum, quick in rttults. , Refata subiutatet.( . ' ' FD 5ALB- DY ALL DEALERS ;, , Bear the ST, st Signature of U , If this old world was what it ought to be the reformers would Le out of a job.