1 l I f 4 M H f .'' )-i '.s IHlfAIIONAKBAM T W f- . STANDS THIRD simcm die And as it baa Surplus and Undivided Profits amounting to (106,000 and j j'apitai amounting to IJCO.OCO, it baa place on the Asthma) EtnV Bolt of Honor, which includea only banks having Surplus and Undivided profits equal to or exceeding their Capital stdckv' X"' -. ' v .v? f;: 4 S INTEREST PI AN SAVINGS OEPOSIJS SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT The dove of peace is roosting high in Europe. Time , to start on Christmas shopping. the list of the Don't waste your money buying trenghtening plasters. Chamberlain's Liniment is cheaper and better. Dampen a piece of flannel with it and bind it over the affected parts and it will re lieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all dealers (Adv.) The automobile contributes its daily quota to the death lists. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? In case of a burn or scald what would you do to relieve the pain? Such in juries are liable to occur in any family and everyone should be prepared for them. Chamberlain's Salve applied on a Boft cloth will relieve the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a very severe one, will cause the parts to heal leaving a scar. For sale by all deal ers. (Adv.) Those New York gun-men insist that they were just innocent by standers. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA . Of course, we all feel sorry for people who don't like us. SICK HEADACHE. ' This distressing disease results from a disordered condition of the stomach, and ca n be cured by taking Chamberlain' Tablets. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) ., fc-very woman whose husband is a t. .failure i sure he would have been a ' ; bowling success had he followed her A:: advice. !J ; ESCAPES AN AWFUL FATE. ; A thousand tongues could not express vv :, :' the gratitude of Mrs. Jm E. Cox of Joliet, !a'( j,,IU., for her wonderful deliverance !$' -trottf a awful fate. "Typhoid pneu v . 'monia had left me with a dreadful cough, .. A., she writes- "Sometimes I had such ' V i awful coughing spells I thought I would die. I could get no help from doctor's . - treatment or other medicines till I used .''.:' Dr.. King's New Discovery, But I owe Vf my We to this wonderful remedy for I ' J ; scarcely cough at all now." Quick and ; aafe its the roost reliable of all throat j ' and lung medicines,: Every bottle guar , , ,C anteed. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle ' '.- free at all druggists. ' t 1 - J (Adv.) ,'4. " 'i' i .i n p ,' - f ' . . - '. iVir And there aref people 'who make a .' Japecialty of telling the truth only' when they think it will be equivalent to a ' .A fat woman has" no time to .worry CflSTCHiA Tor Islets tzl CLL' 'r:ju Tii 3 Vwi .i . , Tears the of 2a C'juatnre Fufiis.TO c:;;i,i . :- . - . XJ m - '. v i; -.X.."' -1,-' i.' '.V State A man sometimes sees things from a different point of view after his wife makes up her jnind. The first thing the average hired girl does is look in the closet and size up the family skeleton. The first time a young man is in love he honestly believes he means what he says. THE DEMONS OF THE SWAMP are mosquitos. As they sting they put deadly malaria germs in the blood. Then follow the icy chills and the fires of fever f The appetite flies and the strength fails; also malaria often paves the way- for deadly typhoid. But Electric Bitters kill and cast out the malaria germ from the blood; give you a fine appetite and renew your strength. , "After long suf fering," wrote Wm. Fretwell, of Lucama, N.C., "three bottles drove all the malaria laria from my system, and I've had good health ever since." Best for all stomach, liver and kidney ills. 50c. at all druggist?. (Adv.) Distance sometimes lends enchant ment to a man's view of his mother-in' law. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA If you want a man to deliver the goods employ one who doesn't talk. HELPS A JUDGE IN A BAD FIX. Justice Eli Cherry, of GflUs Mills, Tenn., was plainly worried. ' A bad sore on his leg had baffled several doctors and long resisted all remedies."! thought it was a cancer,'' he wrote. "At last I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was completely cured.' Cures burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises and -piles. 25c at all druggists. (Adv.) v Fully two-thirds of what the average man says u of no consequence, .. .. WHAT TEXANS ADMIRE is' hearty,; vigorous life, according tq Hugh Tallman, of San Antonio.' "'We find.", he Writes, "that Dr.1 Kinir'n New Life Pills surely put, new life gnd energy into a person.. WifC and I be lieve they are the best made." Execl lent lor stomach liver or kidney troubles. 25c at all dealers. (Adv.) Tt:;w.iiati'.&Jtuan ito.' iproVe-'his " , :': K x Vfr V'-, ':". .". Children Cry; " FOR FLETCHER'S What a woman can't understand is why men don't have political houses viv.ajiiua aia iu opt iut iiic 1 BCtSalII fcr.: em'; iJ!--'iV v'r.:,' ?1 " "There could be no better medicine than Chamberlain's ' Cough ' Remedy. My Children were all sick with whoop ing cough. One of them was in bed, had a high fevet and was coughing up blood. Our doctor five them CI .in. !.;in's Con 'i r 'y ." I t' " f ' c' 1 f ' sanity to; a girl is foe iHtq to be ens? s:a:,:ats life a hard one Excssslvs Toll In Unsanitary Quarters . Responsible for Disease That Shortens Their Days. v Ill-health, we are told. Is the 'cause of one-fourth of the destitution in large cities. ' "The ratio la probably much higher among the tollers of the sea, said George McPherson Hunter of the American Seamen's Friend so ciety in The Burvey. "Below deck ta the recesses of the ship, twenty feet beneath the sunlight, stokers stand on Iron plates In front of open furnaces. bend their backs to fill . the , coal shovel, and then swing the coal Into the hot furnace mouth, , The rot of the ship and the swing of the body, throw an juneven strain on the lower part of the torso which causes, hernia. "Novelists telj with great gusto of the sailors killed by pirates and bue caneers, and sometimes by the 'bucko mate., , -AH, these amiable gentlemen of fortune neve' killed or maimed as many men as the forecastles of the ships that sail the seas. The medical officer of the pert of London submits a table . showing the minimum air space allowed for cattle In cowsheds. and tor individuals , in military bar racks, workrooms, lodging houses and seamen's quarters. Setting these side by side, It is shown that' cattle are best off in this respect and, seamen worst The reports of the i surgeon general of the United States Marine hospital service show continuously that seamen suffer in a startling man ner .from . diseases, moat " of them springing from the inadequacy of pure air and healthful places In which to eat and sleep." ASKED TO SHOW GRATITUDE Time for Son-ln-Law to Prove Him self Worthy of Favors Ho Had Been Receiving. "Son-in-law," he said,, as he called him Into the library and locked 'the door, "you have lived with me now for over two years." "Y-yes, sir." "In all that time I haven't asked you a cent for board." "N-no, sir." "In all your little quarrels with my daughter I have always taken your part and decided in your favor." "A-always, sir." "I have even paid some of your bills." "Y-you have, sir." "And in every way helped you to get along." 1 "Y-you have been very kind, sir." "I have tried to be, my boy, and I think you appreciate it" "M do, sir." , "Thanks. Kindly tell your mother- in-law that the poker chips which she picked up In my room this morning were, dropped out of your pocket and well call it square!" Postal Shower. . The postal shower is likely to be come an Institution. It la designed for the benefit of a friend 'who has gone to lite in a strange place. The shower was originated by a woman living in St, Louis to encourage her son, a young lawyer, who had estab lished an office In San Antonio, Tex. Knowing he was bashful the mother wrote to all her friends, asking that each one send a post card to him, with some cheering message. In . many cases a friend would encourage ber own friends to write also, , and thus the list grew. ; The young man got so much mail' matter that " San Antone people got to think he -was a person of some consequence, and they took to him In great style. The "shower worked sp , weir In this instance that the story spread. - Nov . the : idea is gaining, popularity by 1 .leaps , and bounds and bids fair to spread while the supply of lonesome friends holds OUt " j t i 1 - , , Teaches Bird Life In School. ' i Georgia is ' putting on her ' statute books a la that a bird day shall be observed in the public schools,, the Memphis Commercial Appeal s re marks. - v - This is not. to 'be a holiday, but a day set apart for: instruction in bird life and uses, so that children may be educated along these lines to such an extent that the birds of the state may receive the, protection they should have.,':, Not only will children be in structed as to bird-manners and hab its, but they will be particularly im pressed as to the usefulness of the lit tle creatures in keeping down insect life and thus, protecting trees,, fruits and ' growings crops. "ft Few children think of birds as serving a useful end. They regard them as things of beau ty merely or else as legitimate prey tar slingshot and gun. - , - v Solar Eclipse Affects Wireless. i During the recent solar eclipse an interesting test was undertaken be tween the radio station of the Royal dock yard in Copenhagen ' and . the Blaavandshuk station on the coast of Jutland, so as to ascertain the effect of the eclipse upon wireless transmis sion. It transpired that the telegraph ing became more distinct and reliable as the eclipse progressed, and that It was most distinct. shortly after the culmination of the eclipse. Tb3 vier that It Is the effect of the f V.r I' t upon the atmosphere v. ' ' 'i ia t' a cause of radio tekgrer' y b ir mv 'i better at nffht tb)n n;-? tie C-.y seems th: j t 1 ;. TV women; ;t.v, TTomea of tie Lignest type, women of isperior eJncation nd rtflaeoent, wlose iiiceniuijnt ts4 jadjmenl jfiTe weijll 'and force to ULtir epinioni, iigbJy praise t&e wonderful correctiTe and cantiTe properties of Cbam kerlaio's Stomach and lirer Tao lets. TLronBOct the nan stages of woman's. Cfe from girlhood.' throngs the ordeals of mother-' hood to the decHninf years, the.e i is no safer or more reliable mei-1 idae. Oamberlain's Tablets are sold eerywhcre at 25c a box. . About the shabbiest thing we know of is an old moth-eaten ostrich feather. . ' . . U Twinges? of rheumatism, backache, stiff jpints and shooting pains all show your kidneys are not working right, yrinary irregularities, loss ' of sleep, nervousness, weak backand sore kidneys tell the need of a good reliable kidney medicine. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, strengthening and restorative. They build up your kidneys and regulate their action. They will give you quick relief and contain no habit forming drugs . Safe and always sure. Try them.f For sale by'all dealers.' (Adv.) That third cup of coffee is cold. J. K. Cotton, 1303 No. Market St., says: "I heard of Foley Kidney Pills and took them for my case of kidney trouble. After taking them a few days the pain left my back, my kidneys acted regularly and the annoying bladder trouble was cured. I gladly recommend Foley Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Mr. Taft will have ample time for golf after the 4th of March. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Huntsville, Ala. W. C. Dollard, well known citizen, says: "I have used Foley's Honey & Tar Compound and founf it the most excellent prepara tion. In fact, it suits my case better than any cough syrup I have ever used and I have used a good many, for I am now over seventy years old."t For sale by all dealers. v' .Why does not somebody invent a bandit-proof mail car. A Mitchell, a "eneral merchant near Bagdad, Ky., writes us. " think Foley Kidney Pills one of the greatest kidney'medicines there is. My daugh te' was in terrible shape with kidney trouble and I got her to take it. She is completely cured now. I think it one of the greatest medicines made." For sale by all dealers.' (Adv.) Pinchot and Perkins will hardly feel badly enough about it to take up their residences abroad. t Dan J: Toyce. Saaville. Hcnrv Co- Virginia, sayst--,!I took a cold with a cough which , bung on (or two, years. Then; I r commenced usinir Folevs Honev , and Tar Comoound and the cough finally left oe amd now I am per fectly strong; and well." vis. best and safest, for. children-, and': contains no opiates. For sale by all dealers, (Adv.) ' The police often get those who help theielvev o " : ; 'Tells the Whole Story.' , ' r To' say that Foley's Honey A-Tar Compound is best for children and grown persons and contains no opiates tells only part Of the tafe. The whole story is that it is the best medicine for coughs ,colds croup, bronchitis and other affections of the throat, chest and lungs. Stops la grippe, coughs and has a healing and soothing effc. Remember the tiame, Foley s Honey & Tar Compound, and accept no sub stitutes. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Some of us must save money in order that others may inherit it. Horse Trainer 1. f I am bow located in' this city and am prepared to" train your horse, break coltf nd develop for speed ' or genera pqinoses., '." -' ;. I have had many years experience in this business and am fully prepared for the' work. Address Fred C. Swert, 108 Broad Street, or see me at the Fair Grounds. NOTICE Service of Summons by Publication. North Carolina, Craven County. In Superior Court. Fall Term, 1912. Moses Stanly, (Originally Catherine York) Vs. James C. Banks. - The defendant above named will take notice .that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Craven County to cancel for fraud a certain title deed for a tract or lot of land in the City of New Bern, North Carolina, which said deed was imporoperly obtained by the de fendant :and the said defendant will further take notice thath he is required to appera at the next term of the Su perior Court of the aforesaid County to be held on Third Monday in November, 1912, at the county court house of said county in the City of New Bern, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said complaint. W. B. FLANNER, Clerk of the Superior Court. This the 16th, day of October. 1912. GRKATLY REDUCED RATES TO NORFOLK, VA. THANKSGIVING DAY Foot Ball A M.. of N. C. vs. W. & L. of VA. Championship of the South The Norfolk Southern Railroad will again make special arrangement of sleeping car service and offer extremely cheap rates to Norfolk for those at tending the Foot Ball Game between A. &. M College of Raleigh and Wash ington & Lee College of Lexington, Va. in Norfolk Thursday, November 28ih. Round From Trip Goldsboro J.3.50 LaGrange '. ....3.50 Kinston 3.50 Dover 3.50 New Bern 3 50 Beaufort t. 4.20 Morehead City . 4.00 Oriental 4.00 Bayboro - 3.50 Vanceboro 3.50 Washington 3.50 Tickets sold for all trains November 27th and for No. 16 November 28th good to return leaving Norfolk at 9:00 p. m. November 29th. Make bleeping . car reservations promptly and be sure of securing satis factory accomodations. W. W. CROXTON, v ( General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. 1 'There are some folks who would not be on time for a show if it began at 111 LIC kj "It is a pleasure to tell you that Cha ra berlain's Cough! Remdey. is the best cough . medicine -1 "haveever used," writes Mrs, Hugh Chambell, of Lavonia, Ga. "I have used it. with all of my children and the results have been high ly satisfactory." ' For sale by all dealers. ; ' ' (advertisement.) Wilson will be the "doctor' now. i It Is your husband cross? An irritable fault finding disposition is often due to a dis ordered stomach."- A man wlttu. good digestion is nearly always good ma tures. : A great many: have been per manently cured of stomach trouble by taking Chamberlain's Tablets." ' For sale by all dealers. , '(Adv.) A girl's idea about a thrilling foot ball game is if she had some good clothes to wear at it. " . ,. ; . . i : ; k:dn-v cr r i3 rONIOISJ ACTIOS) m QUIOK IHItl CMre prompt relief from BACKMZ.i ICTDNST aad BLAUDER TROUSC kBUMATISI4, CC'NaESTIOIf tJb KIDNEY 3, INFLAMMATION , f kt BLADDER and all nnoymg URiKAtr , tRREOUUUUTIEa A positrM taoskW MIDDLE AOB& and ELBE PEOPLE and for WOMEN. SUVI HIOHEOT RiCOMMENOAtCCMI., mrki as too fanniBt. esiuli mm to Icjm mL aba M aisbt, sod in my blMr than trr-r" M i. i sous rom maatr ruiitorsMM iamaowrrMof til ronbU aod untmu m aad araasd.. go t hidnay nUsaa vraai ttioa." FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS a329 PENNSYLVANIA ANTHR'C'TE (WHITE m OOMESriC.WP AND POCAHONTAS STFAM Wl YARD FOOT CRAVEN STREET HOLLISTER & COX PHONE 34 WE WILL MAIL YOU 51.110 for each Mft of oli) t alse t th -en' .is. Hiph'st prieej p.!."1 f r old Go1 ', Sil ver. old Wa'che?, Inmcii Jewt-liy n precious Stonfs MONEY SENT HY RETURN MAIL Phila. Smeliir j; w.( Ref.ntng L- ESTAbiLIS h it -o YEAi S. 863 Chpstnut S I I) "(1 , h a. Vk. TO DENTISTS We will t'UV yur t .,. ,i Co'l Scrup, Hr.fl I'iati r, . Il.gir-l j. . dm id ia : PIOFtSStUXU m- H. W. MMPS0K FUNERAL DIRECTOR 'JAN J EMBALR1KR Oay Phone 167, Night Phcne 820 D. G. SMAW, AST 9 M Simmonb A. h Wai-a, SIMONS m WW ATTORNEYS AND V('17NSKLMKH r w l Office Rooms 41H-2-3 Elks Kuilrti.;. Practice in the counties of Cravesv Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, - Onslow. Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the S preme and Federal Courts, and whew ever services are desired. A. NUNI ATTORNEY AT LAW r Practice in the counties of Craves), Carterat, Pamlico . Jones aad Onslss and in the State Supreme and Fedes Courts.,'- I y $ ' f - Office No. SOCravsa Strsst. Tslspbons No. L ; , ' New. Btrs. N. sX T.D.WARREN l ATTORNEY AT LAW , . B. a Batta, Waduwtaa St. Cimi;iW Imi., it in his SSth yar. H writas hi 1r- btafy mflni muck from my kidMTSAM it IhdMTWbaoka lotaodnf kidanvuM Office, EoomS 405406 'Elks 'Temjia , - ' ' J NEW BERN, N, C. :, . . Practices in counties of Craven, Cm: ",-". teret, Pamljco. Jones and Onslow aosl v ' in the State . SuprtmeK and iedesa. Courts. . - , . r - r ' 1 ' i l .' ler troutlr, f - ' ninsry irrr; ; J ritfes- A deaf mute in Ohio recently R'nve a ' ' 'ir a f' r - - f v I.' t