t X 1SH ,ATHANKSG1VING. la expressing their seise of thankfulness for the ,;, peace and plenty with Vhlch the country. t large t ! and thia community especially, are. blessed, the offi - ' ceri and directors f ths bank desire tp thank th -1 customer of the Institution, for-their - valued pat tonage, ' s - " -' .. ' . - ., " We trust' that th past yearlias been a prosper- 4 oua one withour patrons and that the. forthcoming twelve months will be n every way the most suc cessful in their experience. V i m SIIOItT: fMUlG EVgNTS : ' The .east bound; train and the 'train fooip Norfolk were tooae i.baolan, hour 1 1 COAL! COAL! COAL! Just arrived direct from mines the Tery best Lehigh Free Burning -White Ash Coal. We have fur nace, egg, stove, nut and pea coal; also splint and lump coal for fire place and grate, the C. C. B. Poca hontas atearn coal, hard and pine wood sawed in stove lengths. Prompt jdelivery and personal at tention given to all orders, ELLIS COAL AND WOOD YARD, 5L j3& master a?N- I Phone 47, Union' Point The Best Man in the World will grumble at a dull, soft, vaci lating carving knife. Come ip and see our line. Then we 9 II sho w you Table Cutlery that will aston ish you. Everything from the big shining Carving set to the toys used by the twoyearoId. SUPPLIES FOR THE KITCHEN TOO, BEST AND CHEAPEST. Gaskill H'dware & Mill Supply Co. H Middle Street QUALITY HARDWARE. Phono 147 . - 1 J. S. BASNIGHT HARDWARE COMPANY 'X Yi t' . v ' I Andirons iV-'i ft , late in reaching, thh city lat evening Waiting on connecting Was the. cause The derailing of coal ear and . flat jrar tiMill Junction xoear Clark' yesterday afternoon paused, the wrcckf ing train jto be serft from, tfiis city'; to the scene bf the accident. Fortunately no one, was injured and the rackj was toon cleared. NEWS OF THE-SHIPPING. The power boat A. B."C- of Bairc"ii Creek, was in port yesterday taking on a cargo of general merchandise. The schooner Wave of Beaufort came in port yesterday iporning wi l cargo of country produce: The two mpsted schooner Center. -nial was in nor! yesterday taking on cargo of general merchandise fr' Mark er a Island. The power boat Bessie May of J?rau fort loaded here yesterday with a mixed cargo. The two masted srhonmr Cle'ii of Wit arrived in port yesterday mornjng with a crago of oyster.s. -""The siooncr Linio B. of I'cai.fort cant in port yesterday witn a cargo of oysters. The two masted schooner Janio of Atlantic was in port yesterday wiih a cargo of oysters. The two masted schooner tpti:iir of Wit was in port yesterday. The ti'ree masted -t -hooper Matxl and Kuth arrived in port yesterday morning with a cargo 'of coal for I-.llis' wood ard. i. r-, BIG PAY FOR EMPTY BOTTLES Startling With' Elktoa Man Out -iS'Jii-r i'Prpoltlon.--i;':,';: ;r': ."' Old Class Bottles Worth a Peony or Tw Will Be Bought for W DoUar Jf. ; '?' '. ' y For' tired, verworked and un-down systems there ' is nothing better, than Bea"rsEmullofi,i Jt'; builds utp the system, gives strength' and health. ft aids digestion . by building up the stomach. - And at . the vsame time builds up-the whole system. Now is the time to get your body strong and heafthyj before the tpring ' weather comes, which a. you know ,is the hard est Jirne of the year on wak people. We ask every mn-dtwn, nervous, a,ged, weak, or suflfering-with-weak-lunged person to try a bottle of Rear's Emulsion with the lindci standing that if it does "not do return the empty acily ttliat he . and rveoinuit-ndi d Co. is c'.uniei it III. for he shall ;ti;d jet e it. I "or a!e 'r.ilnl.ia. l'. : Adx . Brass Andirons FIRE SETS Wrought Black Iron Grates Fire Sets J. S. ; Basnight . Hdw. (Hoi 67 South Front ; PHONE ,99 J 6 Coast L ine V.TheStandard Railrpad ofhe South' mjfies the "Na ;? lion's Garden Spot': through the States 6f Virgin-. ia. North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia,' . FOUR FAMOUS ,; TRAINS: - - "New York and Florida Specials' (January" to April.) r v i ; " ;, j Florida anJ VVe$t Indian Limited,? Palmetto- Limited,". ' X , '"Coast Line Florida Mail." Dinin? cars a la rart 'service. I All year round through ciar service from New York: to both Port Tampa arid Knights Key; connecting with steamships to and from For, beautifully illustrated booklets and copy of "Purple Folder" VV, J.-CRAIG, Gen. Traffic Manaeer, T. C. WHIT ' yJ: General; Pascenser. Agent, '.W'lrhinjton, II, C. SHE LIKED T0y-R30W. Give Her a Fair Chance, bo, and She Was Willing to Pay Back. I.v by day as Mrs. Worth's house hold uud kitchen furniture and Kinecr ies slowly disappeared she saw that the moment approached when n fina' stand must lie made. One moniinj.' when JJlumy. sou of the borrower, up poured at the back floor w ith the stale ment. "Mil wnnts the w:ts!i boiler." Mrs. Worth determined to act. "Yon lell your ma that when she brii!!,t back what she has already'bor rowed I iH lend her the boiler." In a little while Jimmy rcapponred. "Ma wutits to know what she has borrowed." "There are n fpiart of Hour." bean Mis. Worth, "ti peek of itatoes, -n't up ful of suptr, a can of coffee, a hall pound of ,Junl, some onions and buttet mid spices, the screwdriver, the 'hatch et, a pair of scisors" she paused, rec- olleelinj; "three spools of thread, paper of ueedles and" But Jimiuv was"Konp. rresently hf nipped on the buck door ajiain. "Ma says for you to write 'em dowu I forgot some of "em." Mrs. Worth snt dowu w ill) pencil tind patiently mtide an alphabetical list ot nit the nrtleJe she could reniember. Jimmy took tho list uud disappeared A half -hour Inter he once more ap peared at the back dootimf niiiiouueed "Ma says if you'll lend her the wnsk boiler to carry them In sire II btiny; 'em home." Youth's Cumpnnlon. Geographies to Blame. Ask any hundred Knj;llh meu, wo men or children what la the -name of the capital of Russia and everyone of them will reply, "St. Petersburg." It may CTa smrfll matter, but In point of fact the proper name Is "Petersburg.' The English are tho only folk who in elst upon the "Salnt.'f The city - wag founded for Peter - the Great and Is named after him. It is quite true that Peter .was one of the most extraordl nary men that ever filled a' throne, but no one would have leen more astonnd- ed than himself nt belu? duhJied a saint. -He neither lived nor died in the odor of sanctity, and ft 1st hnnl.to find out how It became the English fashion to miscall the splendid town be found ed.-Umdon Mail. . ' ' . ' J i What It Costlv j-'J': - fn a little town In England, not long ago the entire ; family had Jeen at church and the j-oong minister1' was coming home te dine with them.. While at dinner they were discussing the new stained glass ,wlndow member had glren, ; "jrts a most beautiful piece of workmanship," said .one1, "and must have cost a great, deal of money."? "Do you nave any idea -how much!"'" VJ really do not?'' replied the minister, "but far futo the bnhdi-eds,, t should lmaxlnei "f.'o, Jt dldnX" said little Harold. v..l know how much it was. It cost 14a. lOd,?-; "Why, Jlarold, how do 'yon; know any thing about, it i," Be cause., mammav ft Snys fX the' bottom of the :Wlndow, 'Job 14, 10.V--Tmlon Glolw. ' ': t . ' "'y.-if. 'i,'"'"' --.-j'-:; " -;u:':''v'.'5f . 0. Home Piety. 1 . ..Nw- l?john," snid,tlre iuluiKei of a f?eotcli parish. ."I fear, you are growing remiss in ".your-rolljrious duties. v I have not seen, you in Ihe lrk these "three1 emi days'."'. " ,:-":?;';::' ' l"rt::;':5,.:" ' ; '!$o," finswered" John.' If-1 no- that I'm jgrowin', remiss; I'm just tlpkeriu'' bwA;v wf; my soul masek' Methodist Uecorder. ' . , . '" . f v'-V 'Vvw " Still Holding a Grudgs." h'v; : "BUnkensteln "simiily abhora women barbers." ; ' " , . "lie has some sort of a- renson, I sup pose.". , "--,-; "Tcs; he snys Jie can never forget the lure!! t' ! I '". U t ve .''. on." 3:.; s 1 .-,ry. MLCII Bt'll DINC ON AVENt'E. . irip out on Naiimi.il iem;t will convince ;:ny one lhal this seetjon is rapidly lein( i mpi ijve.) and bids fair to lieror.je one of. the main residential sections ui t It'- city. There .in several dv.iliiiiKs in course of construction and others wilt he crx ud dnrini; t lie next few liyii'lhs. l-ive a'o thi-. was a sparri-lv- tlicd section. Indications now art that in ks than tv.u vears there v. ill lie b'.'t few v acant h'ts there. VALUABLE BIT! PROPERTY Pi SSLt ftT AUCTION Iwiiijpellon Dec. 2nd at 12'clcck M., tin the pre- mSes, a house and lot on Quten Sr. near the Union depot-adjoining the Brad ham property on corner of QueerKand Pasteur Sts. J. T. H. MOORE. NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS. I am nt.w situated at the old Robinson Stables antl ready to serve tiie trade, when your car needs v;t.shit.g, hrass shined and oiled up- - We"-iake your car re mind you of the day you first bought it. . We will give you a monthly club rate. Give me a trial. We also hait-e large stor age room. Will give your car our whole attention. se NATHAN EDWARDS. ran y THE LAW OF WEALTH. ' THERE i no such thing in wealth making as blind chance. Ir sometimes looks to the observer as thbugh chance had a large part in getting a commonable income or amassing wealth. The fact is that anything like chance has no placeNn the calculattpns of a man who wishes to get a fair amount of money and property. All mut,t be carefully :. planned and hard work or hard thinking mast be at the bottom of it The U-si wiy io gain a comfortable fortune is to ht t.in sa iny .t t of v Ui,r income. W i. I i I M SAVI NCS ( i ul NT- cr -' C Si 00 m$, A HID MACKEREL j flilt MEAT I x Maple Buckwheat, Golden Apples. . ALL SEASONABLE FRESH. Syrup, Grin ICS AND y. x lA : x X X ; Eat Your 'Breakfast in Comfort : !. y . : 0 - i. . ... . i Many times the full en joyment bf one's breaks fast Is lost because the dining roomys cold and : creepy, -the fegular. heating plant not having had time. to recover fronvth'e banking re- , ceived the night before. . TheyuIqiriX - Odorless r . NGas Heater- , ifjv - , ; ; -s Light'the heater .10 to . 1 5 minutes before break- fast time and all ofthef chill, and creepy feeling1 wf LAe removed. It will rnVke the dining room comfortable in the coldest i weather. i i .i ti" " Sold4by the New' Bern NO ARTICLE OF JEWELRY Can lerjd so much to the costume or the appearance of the wearer as the necklace but it should be in keeping. Our showing is most compre hensive and gives you ample ascope for a satis factory selection at a very modest outlay. When quality is considered you will find our prices the lowest. v Sonet Gold Necklaces and Lockets' Sam k. baton NEW GOODS FOR FALL are arriving daily and you'll surely enjoy seeing -the latest arrivals. A more splendid showing than we have ever had for your inspection now awaits your approval here. Come artd look the newest things over whether you want to buy or not. An inspection will prove very interesting. Today is SAM a good time. LIPMAN Cor Middle and Sooth Front Streets, Bryan Blocfc r r GAS GO. x -.. ... r ilst v n T rs! purposes sTofsbit MAGNIFICENT MOD ERN MANTELS are put up by us in new and old buildings. Wood ornamentation , takes a variety of forms nowa days, both as regards interiors aud exteriors. We make and put up everything in ornamental woodwork, such a floorings, beams, rafters, etc., and grille, wainscoting, . artistic paneling, .moulding, arches, fretwark and alt kindsof cabinet trim. We have all these 'fn stock for build- Large stock of Sa$h, Doors and Blinds already made up. Lumber & Man'fg., Co. m j 1 1 i .inn aariii w ariJirv. i wt. r riirir. nil - "-.v 'maw ain rj - , n w - - ; j w ....... "Wilt'.--. T wis m 1 PRICES AREiWHAT; COUNT- s ' " v VVe a yon to com pare the prices you -; , ' V get at this store with 'those you get( at; N ' r otrier places. We are not afraid of com-' ' 1 - parisons. We KNOW that we' are pre-.' ,N . - , . pared! to undersell 4 because; our buying' ) ' . '.7 s : facilities are of the best and w.ekeep down 'Xx?-? ' expenses.' We sell dry ' gpods, notions -".V -. shoes,' hats, caps etc., at a very flight mar-; - , pin- above manufacturer's cost. WE - CAN TLCASE YOU. 4 1 59 MIDDLE STREET I