WHISTLER AT W0R1C , MR n r" '"i . v '- GO THIS .WINTER 'WITHOUT rnAT no a SUIT WHEN V At New Barn's fewest . STORE FOR WOMEJS 85 Mi&$5 Street VOU CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH A COAT OR COAT SUIT FOR EXACTLY ONE-HALF THE MONEY it cost six weeks ago. Coats for Girls, sizes 6 to 14 worth from $3 00 to $ 8.00, Special price $1.98 to $5.00. Coats for Women, excellent quality worth from $8.00 to $1800. Special price $5.00 to 12.00. Ladies and Misses Norfolk Suits in Navy and Black Serge worth from $9.00 to $12.00. Special price $6.50. A large selection in woolen and worsted sweaters to go below- manufacturers cost. I CAN AFFORD TO SELL IT NO ONE ELSE CAN. PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR LITTLE ONES AGAINST THE COLD. Watch further announcements. S. B. ALLEN PHONE 752. LADIES' OUTFITTER. ; Til ST co:: AND go I T. ... I-Y ' Barnes . returned . yefeterday from' WilsonVwhere he pcnt 'Thanks giving tay. ' . it , t Mrs. C tuptoa and Jittle wn re turned last evening from a -short visit at Morehead City.. . -i .' . . v Senator Adv Mrs.; F; M Simmons left last evening for Washing ton, D. C ' Mrs. Cecil Gabbltt a.nd children left last eveningjIorBalt'iinore, for visit with Mri Gbwtt'e mother.. T. A. Uzzlel! went' up to Gotdsboro last evening for a short bu.-uness trip. William Dowdy left last evening for Callison inx the interest of the J. S. Miller Furniture .Company. Mrs. . Lavinia Griswold left last evening for Goldsboro -where she will spend several days with her dughter, Miss Sudie Qriswold. T. C. Ethcridge left last evening for Kayetteville to attend the M. D. Con ference. Miss Mildred Ball returned ast evening from a visit with frienils at Kinston. Miss Lena Stephens of Oriental was among the visitor to the city yesterday. J. W. Stewart" and son James left last evening for a Visit in Florida. Mts. L. Y. Shaw of Washington who has been visiting Mr. ad Mrs. Fernie Gaskill returned home yesterday. j C. E. Taylor returned yesterday from ja short, business trip to Morehead City. I Mrs. J. " M. Whitney and children of Frankford, Del. who have been visiting Mrs. Whitney's sister, .Mrs. C. P. Battling, will leave this morning for Norfolk where they will make their Home, Miss Kate Nixon of Oriental was among the visitors to the city yesterday. Dr. Colin Shaw of Maysvillc spent labt night in the city. Mrs. Tr-C. Jones of Elizabeth- City arrived In the city list night and js stopping at the James Hotel of which her husband is manager. Misses Laura Lane and Cebia Griffin returned last evening from a visit at Norfolk. W. T. Hill, T. A. Henry, Dr. J. F. Rhem and Dr. R. DuVal Jones return ed last evening from'Richmood where they attended a meeting of the Mystic Shrine. A. T. Willis ,R. A. Richardson, Roscoc Nunn, Hugh Taylor and Dan Smaw returned last' evening fcm Nor folk where they attended the football game between A. & M. and W. & L. TMegra Telephome-- OR TELL THE wo that we have the VELVET FlNIplESSf CORDUROY MEN V V in all shades and can fill all back orders at " $l.(per yard. S - Jt 1 ' V"- V -A k WANT TO FINISH B Y 1913. The committee whohave the work of securing the money to be used in the erection of a memorial to the De Graffenried Cojony hope to have the full amount subscribed Dy January i 1913. At present abo6t eight hundred dollars have been subscribed to this fund. The proposed monument will cost about. fifteen hundred dolllars. ThCcontri Artist Had 'Mthod - . ; That Wa All Hia Own. : In "Memories ; of James McNetU WllsO."l'lbrThoinMi--E.'Wajrt.-.'tIi author aUOws s a; glance at the art ist:' methods" during hln residence at the white bow In Tite .8treet, built from the designs of hia friend, B."W Grodwin, pie rcWtect;" ; ; i ' y1 f "Th studio vwassurpri8lnarly diffar ent from the roon he previoualy used in' Lindsay rw, and entirely unlike the studios usually occujfled -by; other artists. I remeVnber a long, not 1 very lofty-worn. Very light, twith windows along one Bide; his carwas' beside his model at one end and at the other, near the table which he used as a palette, au old Georgian looking glass, so ar ranged that he could readily see his canvas and mode reflected in It. Those who' used such a mirror (as he did constantly) will know that It Is the mst mewlless of critics. "I mprveled then at his extraordi nary activity, -as he darted backward and forward jto look at both painting and model- from his point of view at the extreme end of the long studio. He Always used brashes of large size with very long bandies, three feet In length, and held them from the end with bis arm ttyehed to its full extent Each touch was laid on with great firmness, and his physical strength enabled him to do without the assistance of a maulstick, while the distance at which he stood from the canvas allowed him to have the whole of a large picture in sight and so Judge the correct drawing of each tench." BATTLEFIELD' BRAVERY. An Install f Cool Crarag In Fao f bnmtMnt Danger. Ferhap few stories of battles so thoroughly Hloatrato cool bravery in tK hi nf ml dinmr as the little w a incident at svreconnolssance before the ... - . ... . mm. battle or uiunai, or wuicn ixra tu- lism Beresford v as the hero. THm Rrttbtb were almost led Into' a terrible trap and discovered the danger only Just la the. They turned t re treat, and the Zulus poured in a volley which brought down the gray horse of a mounted Infantryman. His rider reir headforemost. 'The rest thought both. mn mt horse were killed at first, but the former soon struggled to his feet, with Ms face covered with blood and dated with his fall. Ijord William Beresford. seeing-what had happened, railed up and. to the face ef advancing hosts of yeUtag sav ages within easy range, quietly trotted back and told the man to meant be hind him. With a cool courage scarcely second to Lord William's, the man refused, noble fellow that he was, preferring the certain sacrifice of his own life to the probability of destroying bis pre server. The reply was admirable, terse and telling. The savages swarmed closer and closer; bullets rattled around them. The two who lingered were al most within reach of the assagais, and Lord William said: "Get up or I'll punch your head!" The man obeyed, and rescuer and rescued escaped. Pearson's Weekly. jjx its , ricrits aC v r The reputation of a store is made and held through the quality of the goco it sells. We are proud of our reputation. The distinctive character of our furnit ure, of our carpets and every thing we sell, speaks volumes. It is our chief asset upon which we base our claim of superiority. We would rather lose sales than have to resort to a sacrifice of qual ity in order to Undersell. It's not our way of doing business. You may depend upon everything you buy here, as being absolutely wort y and fully up to representation in every particular. THAT'S THE SECRJET OF THIS STORE'S SUCGfcSS. ! J. S.Miller Furniture Co. 90-101 MIDDLE STREET, PHONE 229. 35 Subscribe for the Journal After the Tutkey Hash has vanished try one of 6up young Pig Hams. It's fine as a ."come back" from the turkey effects. ' Everything in the Meat line -: iV. V v:- .,":v . The Market of satisfac tion. A. CASTET Meat Market. Phone 239 ( , THE BIST, OYSTERS OH Jr - t ur ernpriericeflofia not extend 1 back for 35 years as shuckers but we areslling THE BEST OYS TERS ever brought - to ; New Bern at 25 cents a v ouart dry measure at our fish house, lie member we don't sell oyster juice or essence of liquor, we mean dry measure. ' , . ' X , ' -oi Respectfullyp?!f!;? (:ec CEr:j ne:i col .,V ' Phone .ii-v'-'V;:'- Why Blaekir Wore ths Plaid. Professor Blackle frequently stayed at Dr. Donald Macleod's house In Olas Bow. One night, said the doctor, we were sitting np together, Blackle said in his brume war. "Whatever other faults I hare, I am free from vanity." An Incredulous smile on my race rous ed him. "Von don't believe that Give me an Instance." Being thus challeng ed! I aaid, "Why do yon walk about flourishing a plaid continuallit" Til eln von the history of that slrY When I was a poor man and when my wife and I had onr difficulties she one day ilmw mv attention to the threadbare character of my surtout and asked me to order a new one. I told her I couia not afford It Jnst then, when she went like a noble t oman, and put her own nlnlil ahawl on mv shoulders, and I have worn a plaid, ever since in memo ry of her loving deed." i Man Who Behsedad Charles I. . 'The nrysterious'jnasked man who beheaded Charles t. remains the Brit ish analogue for the Man With the iron uasK. . ijiuy. me uus nairuiueci, denounced Cornet-Joyce at the restora tion. but-Jowe on the fatal 30th of Januarv was not in favor with Crom well. The parish register of Whiter chaoel records the burial' in 1G4& off Richard Brandon, the common hang mnn. . nnrl -nnnofilte the enttr a contem Twirnrv hand Wmtt that "he cut off the head of Charle the Kirst; Brandon himself asserted that ."they mnde him "do 1t for f30.', with which he drank himself to death. Dundee Advertiser, , A i ' , ' 8adly Lacking. ' a , . Tlrl "vnnuff Charlie Goldle call ,on yon 4ast night?" "Yea. He call al most ?very night" . ."That pounds se rious. What sort of young man Is he pretty intelligent r 'Intelligent! ..Why, sav. he doesn't know enough to em brace an opportunity." Cleveland Plain Dealer. N 1 ',, ' How Could 8hsf Studenfrll told yon -last - night : to wake me at'7. this morning. Why. the dickens didn't you do sol " Landlady- Well, sir, at t ojclock yonhadn't come nome. t iiegenae uiatier. f v ' Rivals. l-uln Ton should cet him td sign the nledjre before you uiatry him. Babs Why, he doesn't drink. Lulu No, but he may be tempted to later. Conduct is three-fourths of Hfe.Ah Writing letters on any paper you happen to have about the house is like calling on your friends in a kimona unless the paper you happen tojiaye CRANE'S LINfiN iWN then you can faat rartaln that- vnnr r-a lie "Ihv letter" will appear in a dress that is beyond criticism. M. & WnlTEnlJKST & CO. 67 Pollock treet. -ESTABLISHED 1887- Phone 228 DON'T waste your time figuring out why a Black Hen lays a White Egg Egg! New 50 cent NECKWEAR in Silks and Knits the newest, just in. ' Get the I I I ii j j 25c Silk Sok Pare Silk 25c j A Red MaiiDollar in a Green Bor. i i Al T. ; Wills Company I I I I a i i . " , " . , i 1 ; .tv.0- v . i i : i Exclusive local fiealer in fine clothes tailored "to order by j ' . r. . . .-.-It-. ..'.-:- ! ! t Ed. V. Frice & W., (JUicagro. I I

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