1 ;:!?";''?''",; T. ' - V; .;:-v,-;.'rh6 Hind Ton Hare Always a ' C Experiments, that trifla with And endanger the health el : ' '. :: . r:, v V; t. ; nfn.iifi and, Children Eiperience against Experiment,, -TV-: Castorla Is a harmless sahstitate for Castor OH Pare goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is pleasant. - It 5 i ;vr;:A , contains nenner vpium, jnorpmne nor omer jxarcono x substance. Its age is its gnasantee. It destroys Yt orms - and allays JFeverishness. f For more than thirty years it lias been i i constant use for the relief of Constipation. ITatulency, Wind. Colic, all Teethlnsf Troubles and JHarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach, ard ' Bowels - Assimilates the Food, giving- healthy and . natural sleep. ' The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the b- The End Yoii Have Always Bought In Use For OVer 30; Years i.'mi timwa cmmw, tr mumimv rraCT. wn ow errr. NOTICE. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA, CRAVEN COUNTY. ,v J. A. Campbell, and A. Z. Campbell, partners trading as Campbell Bros., and Franklin Trust Company., Plaintiffs, vs . The Suffolk Lumber Company, the Colrpss Lumber Company, James H. Corbitt, Trustee, Currie & Campbell, Harry McCaughey, trustee. The Bank of Onslow, Mrs. G. L. Wiggins, J. M. Wiggins, Jr., and J. C, Wiggins, Defendants. t v The defendants ,The Colross Lum ber' Company, James H. Corbitt, Trustee, Currie & Campbell and Harry McCaughey, Trustee, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Craven County; the purpose of caid action is the appointment of a permanent receiver for the Suffolk Lumber Company, defendant, upon y ! . Wii5JWeW' --n 1 n ' :W M- y-: I Prices Talk These Days k it j i f-, Andwhen -we' say PRICE, we mean not' only-what you PA V, but what you get for'your money," You'll be: doubly satis I t i ! t ';fied with thefvalue the" Great Western Forty' gives you. : i You'll say so, when you ee it.- iThere is a beauty to, the body, ! . jkfr a brilliance to the finish a luxury, to' the upholstering that makes itan aristocrat. ' Andwhen vou examine the mechanism, the ! ! - 1 1 powerful, 'silent rollervalve engine, the. Vanaditim steel springs.vthe perfect construction of .: every- part, demonstrates -that here's" ' I I . J J' a car that justifies your highest enthusiasm. The, , -ri - , " - ' - - Lf 4 "'f h i I'? I 1 ! i w tdi yv lmuu rui ijfciaooruiiy : EiuiiiJuu 1 j vlooks and runs like a $3,000 car. In fact, you could not get better! service, better value more pleasure out r'of an automobile'at f j : - any price than you can out of the sturdy, tried and true Great Western at $1585. ' ' ' j ' ; Ay.'i.Rt v ( "", " f - ' ' 1 " ' "'-l i ; See -The Great Western First And You Seek No Further. Ask' Us for, Catalog Or Demonstration, ; i CaU, write or phone for COUNTY AGENCY. Demonstration or catalog. ' 7 . Bought, and whicb has been tiuu uw vwu mauo uuuer jum pec . v sonal supervision since Its inlancy. . ' Allow no one to deceive yon In this, , - ... . . A . i . c , Signature of the ground of insolvency, and for the just and fair distribution of the pro perty and assets of said Suffolk Lum bfe Company among the creditors of saW Suffolk Lumber Company, in cluding the plaintiffs, in the order pre scribed by law in the case of dissolution of. a corporation, and for such other and further relief as to f he Court may seem just and proper; and the said defendants The Colross Lumber Company, James H. Corbitt, Trustee, Currie' & Campbell and Harry McCaughey, Trustee, will further take notice that they are re quired to, appear at the term ' of the Superior Court, of said County to be held on the 11th Monday after the first Monday of Sep'temberi . 1912, it being NoVlith;" 1912, at the Court House of' said County in New (Bern, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. W. B. FLANNER, Clerk Superior Court , This 8th day of November 1912. ' . T " ;V T O .JLv O . . Civinj Fa a Treat. lit. f :m LuJ tie tinLit of lighter Lis c!.ir fcftbr dinner, puiflng Jt for iwtili f -1 then laying it down on the ash tray. Later ha-would relight It and finish his smoke. Often three or four unflnltliol cigars would be on the tray. . ' t f. One day . his. (mall son. Bitting near by, watched his, father light one of the short variety and said: ; ' . "How do you like that one. papaJ - f "Thta. my son, is a very "good cigar," replied the rather, blowing long puffs into the ait r - . , jf ' "I thought youU like it " papa, i I fonnd it in the ifutter outalde. Lm- oo Mau. - , I, , . I M .11 nil I.I . . . Art Is Lond Oiatancs. ' An American artlat walked out" of bis house, dosed the door .with nnusoal care and descended the steps. . ' ' In his hand was a satchel containing hts paints and brushes and a change of socks. . ; v At the gate le met a bright eyed, ragged little1 boy carrying ; a : basket filled with scarlet strawberries, purple dewberries, crimson . radishes, pale young onioiia, verdant spinach and glis tening lettuce from a huckster's wagon near "Vegetables T' the boy asked. t "Ber ries?" - , "No," replied the artist, brushing past "I am on my way to sunny Italy to paint water color studies of pic turesque peasant children." - ' . And "he ran for the boat Newark News. Nw Yrks First 8idwlk. The first sidewalk lu New York was fold by a woman, Mrs. Samuel Pro roost, about 1716. She was an import er and merchant and laid the sidewalk for the convenience of her customers. She bad Importuned the authorities to i it but they refused, saying it was Impossible. After her -object lesson paving and curbing gradually came in, but for some time her sidewalk was so famous that, people journeyed even from Philadelphia to see It MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. As empowered by a mortgage ex ecuted by Asa I pock and wife to Geo. T. Winfield whicb is recorded in the o ffice of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, N. C, in Book No. 182 on page 139, to which refer. The said mortgagee pursuant to the power contained in said mortgage will sell the land described t her in at public outcry to the highestbidder it the Court House in said County, for cash on the 30th day of November at 12 o'clock m. Said land is all the land which was conveyed by Luther W. Thomas and Lorena his wife to Asa I pock, by deed which is recorded in said records in Book 166 on page 59. Said land is situated in No. 2 Town ship, Craven County, and adjoins the land of Dr. F. Duffy the Levi B I pock land, and is on Fork Swamp be ing the same on which the said mort gagors reside. Thi Oct, 28th. .l9l2. , ; , GEO. T. WfNFIElD,. Mortgagee. f f The Evidence Is Sup; lied by Local ' Testimony v li the reader ' wants stronger prbof than the' following statement and ex perience of a resident of New Bern what can it be? -- . t , " '"r J. Mrs,Laveiiia Hall; 30 . George. t, New Bern, ;K' CJr.says:,liPoas's Kidney Pills have been of great value in'' restoring' myT" health,; suffered from a: weak back "and pains across my kidneys that made me restless at night. " In 'the morning I felt tired and had no strength or energy.; 7 The secretions from my kidneys, were un natural and . caused me no end of annoyance. When I read about Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a supply from the Bradham Drig Co. and they removed my ains and aches,. Since taking this remedy, I have had better appetite and my entire system has been toned up." (Statement given January 25, 1908.) . A LASTING EFFECT. " When Mrs. Kali was interviewed a short time ago she said: "I take pleas ure in confirming my former endorse ment of Doan's Kidney Pills. They gave me permanent relief from kidney trouble and during the past several years, I , have enjoyed good health." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents of the .United States. " Remember the name Doan's and take no other. A Complimtnt. "What did he say when you told him he was the worst liar you ever knewf "He merely remarked that he had been flattered before." St Louis Post Dispatch. Hard Luck. Mrs. Hattereon What! You've had fourteen cooks in three months? Mrs. Catterson Yes, and I didn't please anj of them. Life. Never yet was the voice of conscience silenced without retribution. Jameson A Cur For Concsit Very few men will venture to tell yon what to do for a sick horse, but any body will tell you what to do for your selt Louisville Courier-Journal. Fruit of ths Tree. "They have a family tree, I sup pose?" "Yes, and thof daughters ware; plp' pins!" Judge. Without earnestness no man Is ever great or does great things. INFLUENCES. We daily influence each other for good or eviL Let us not be the ' occasion of nusleading others by our silence when we .ought to speak. . ! , I: U JINES? KOTIC: 5 I ; Till 3 COLUMN LESS ?XID I OR IN ADVANCE. TO THE PUBLIC My dsiry is Apen for public inspection from, early morn ing unti nighti ' Respectfullv, H, J Staub, ' J 5''AVy :i 1 3t. 4" WANTED, 'small easolihe boat 3 to 5 rl. n wuiana, . in south ront bt. st. IT" FRESH PARCHED PEANUTS 25 cts, per ptefc at Kafer's'BaJcery. LOST v on street or iu Kress' store package fcontaining black silk and pink ' and blue ribbon., Suitable re ward for return to this office. FOUND A purse containing sum of money. Owner applv at office of New Bern Cotton Oil Mill Company and get same by identifying and paying for this advertisement. - 2t. EXPERIENCED Salesladies Wanted Apply to J. M. Mitchell & Co. CORE SOUND OYSTERS Just ar rived a fine lot of Core Sound oysters, also the finest lot chickens and turkeys in the city. No water in oysters. Phone 142. J. B. WATSON, the fish and oyster king. .For Sale. One single Cylinder Indian Motorcy cle, used only about sixty days. Apply to Seorge Stratton, care Standard Plumbing & Heating Co., New Bern, N. C. FOR FRESH cuts of Beef, Pork, Coraed Ham, dressed or live Chickens. E'gs and home made Sausage, phone 754 Crescent Meat Market, No. 18, Crescent street. Fine Beef Liver daily. FREE BAKINC. The Home Bakery will bake without charge Black or Fruit Cakes for any of its customers who will send the cakes ready mixed to the bakery by 6 o'clock Saturday afternoon Dec. 14th. CLERK WANTED. One who under stands bookkeeping. Apply to Ellis Coal and Wood Yard. tf. BULBS, BULBS We have the fol lowing in stock: Hyacinths, assorted colors; Narcissus, Grant White Free sias; also supply of sweet pea seed. J. C Whitty & Co. Phone 98. WOOD ASHES FREE, also dirt for the hauling, Broaddus & Ives Lumber Company. 3t. FORj SALE Old newspapers can be secured at the Journal office for ten cents per hundred. Purchase a sup ply for future use before they are all sold. FOR RENT Store on Pollock St., now occupied by J'. M. Mitchell & Co. For further information apply to Mrs. C. W. Blanchard, Kinston, N. C. WE MAKE a specialty of Chickens, Eggs. Turkeys, and Ducks and have the best and largest lot ever offered. Also anything in the grocery line. Phone 742 your next order. Crescent Grocery Co , 18 Crescent street. 100 empty egg crates for sale at Kafer's Bakery only used one time. FURNISHED ROOMS including bath for rent at 15 Union St. FOR SALE one Deadrise boat with house, seven and one half feet beam, thirty-two feet long. Twelve horse power Palmer engine. For sale cheap. T. P. Ashford, New Bern. N. C. kANYTHING YOU WANT in the meat line, today. Nice lot poultry, also. Have you tried my Hamburger steak and smoked ham, they are both fine. -.Everything 'that goes from my market has my personal guarantee of being first-class, and if it does not suit you, send it back and no charge made. Yours" : for . satisfaction. A. Castet. Phone- 239. ' " v ' JUST RECEIVED car load of . nice cattle. 1 Coast Line , Meat Market JONES' BARBER SHOP ., No.-. 6 Pastuer St, Opp., Union station. The Shop that's Convenient Hair cutting any style. ' ShaVong, Shampooing, ' s . singing and . Massageing. ' Special at tention to tender faces. Snildern hah cutting a specialty : 24 years experi ence Best of service. "Yourt to please. A. Jones, Prop. s ,' v -' ) A 5 JEWEL OAK HEATERS). S. Bas nlght Hardware Co,!-"" '. k THE WAT. to save money Is to get your water pipes protected before cold weather with a Glauber stop and waste cut cl. We guarantee all work. Phone 717. 137 KiJJIest. Standard Plumb r t & Heating Co. . , JTII" LrGCINGS J. S. Bas- t Tcird are Cow . SALE Three-fourths mile 16 1 tramway r.i'.l, also t'O railroad t rr- i anj 12.0 pounds r r f A.ii-c-sJ J. L. LOCALS I THAN ONE MONTH MUST SB Notice The tax books for X9X2 are now in my handstand your taxes are due. Please pa at once as we need the money. ; W. A. Thomas TAX COLLECTOR, BRIDGETON, N, C. The Waters Buggy Works 78 BROAD ST. NEW BERN, N. C. Offer a Buggy driven to the fastest horses and even , then they stand severest tests. Open Buggies $40.0 Runabout $45.00. Everybody's DOING IT. Doing what? Make a new buggy trot. Yours to please, G. S. WATERS, Prop; I C 13 Made from pure distilled filtered water.Jj NBWBBRN ICB CO. 19-21-23 Griffith St. Phone 23 Electric Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain la my stomach, head and back." writes H. T. Alston, Baleigh, N, Cn "and my liyer and kidneys did not work right, bat four bottles of Electrio Bitters made me feel like a new man." PRICE 60 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Having this day qualified as ex ecutrix of the last will and testament of Barbara Moore, deceased, all per sons, holding claims againat said de- -cedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified to the under signed, or R. O'Hara Attorney, on or before the 28th day of September, 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immedi are settlement. This 28th day of September, 1912. SARAH HAMILTON, Executrix. MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to the power of sale con-, rained in that certain mortgage deed executed by Major Dixon and Hannah Dixon, hia wife to The Land Improve ment Company of North Carolina (a corporation) bearing date of Feb ruary 20th, 1906, and recorded in the public records in office of Register of Deeds for Craven county in Book No. 160 Folio S37, ; the undersigned will offer fof sale , and sell to the highest bidder for cash. at the Court House door in New Bern, jN, C,.Tcn Monday, the 9th day of December, 1912, at the, hour of 12 o'clock m. all of the follow ing described real estate as conveyed in said mortgage to wits'. j! A. certain tract of, land in No. township, Craven-county, North Caro lina, on Neuse Road," beginning where; Cicero Green's line crosses, Neuse road and runs : with Cicero Green's line' N. 58 1-4 Ev "il. 2-5 poles 'to a pine;.' Thence S. 45 E.13 1-2 pole to Joseph River's corner; thence with ' Joseph)' '' Rivcr line S, 42 yf. 29 1-5 poles to Neuse. road; thence twith Neuse road i to the beginning,' containing 2-3-4,. acres more or less. . It being the same , land conveyed by J. 'W Stewart 'and''.' wife to said Major Dixon by deed bear- ing date of October 31, 1904, and re- " corded in the public records in 'office ' ; of Register of Deeds for said Craven 5 : county in Book No. 151 Folio 590 to. v which ' reference is hereby made. ' v. This 7th day of November, 1912. " ' THE LAND IMPROVEMENT COM-", PAN Y OF NORTH CAROLINA , ? ' By Fev. VnX.'an Sutton, , R. O'lirW, Atterr-y. TrcM '-nt.

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