cpj iitt cm V YZ3 EAT :::t:.::;3 that -rs with you, don't Jet it work its own way toront,a ; its a slow process . and makes you leel bad. . Get rid of it quickly by . " . taking a pinch or two of , "" , ;.-"".... Hi Published every day in the year e cept Monday at 45 Pollock Street ,- PHONE 99 ' - J E. L UNO PRINTING COMPANY - t SUBSCRIPTION RATES j Omt Year ..,..4.00 Ste Month 2 00 Three Mdnthi ,1.00 Om Month z -40 Eotered at the Post-office, NewBen N. t-, at second ciassmauer. Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication to this office. South Carolina could use the recall to advantage to advantage now If it had it. GOOD ROADS NEEDED. Counties like Guilford and Mecklen burg built good roads when there wasn't anything like the information avail able as to road-building that there is now and those counties have been going ahead at a rapid rate. Craven is in sore need of better roads and while it is making .some progress with things as they are now, we believe it would make very much greater progress if it would -launch on a good-sized scale ifa program of road building: For jghese reasons we deplore the reverse which the movement for a good roads bond issue met here yesterday. NEW BERN AND THE NORFOLK SOUTHERN. Rightly or wrongly the Norfolk Southern Railroad thinks New Bern has shown a grasping attitude in its. dealings with it. We have heard that it claims that when it proposed to buy some land here on which to build (hops an extravagant price was asked. It is probable also that the railroad thinks that the city was disposed to drive as hard a bargain as it could in connection with the paving of certain streets. Anyhow the circumstances are such as to indicate that the proposed curtailment of service here has grown out of a spirit of retaliation for injuries real or fancied. If such is the case New. Bern ought to know it. New Bern needs the Norfolk Southern and the Norfolk Southern needs New Bern. The relations between the city and the railroad should be friendly for each profits from the prosperity of the other. There is room here for the Northern Coast Line outlet and the moveroeOM to get it is one of the most deserjjJjbT ever started here, we nope tnat tnere will be no let up until the new" line of railroad is secured. But New Bern also needs the Norfolk Southern and the very best service that that railroad will give. To this end we believe there ought to be a better tinder standing between the city and the rail road. The proposed change in sched ules operating to the disadvantage of New Bern should not be allowed to go into e fleet without a clearing up ot the situation as to how the Norfolk South ern management feels toward New 'Bern. Of' course the city cannot ex pect any more in the way of railroad facilities than the business which it pro duces justifies but it wants all that the business does justify and it wants a clear understanding of the reasons which actuate the railroad in curtail ing the railroad facilities if indeed it does curtail them. The Chamber of Commerce will of course take the matter up and the out come of its"inquiry into the matter together 'with full information as to the nature of the changes proposed will have to be awaited before an in telligent opinion can be formed as to whether the railroad is disposed to treat the city unfairly. WILL BE GREAT AFFAIR. With a Senator, one' and maybe . two Congressmen, the best known newspaper man in the State and ortier well known persons agreeing to come fcr New Bern's first annual municipal i j . dinner, it iB plain that the dinner is i going to be an affair of great moment. ... Jt We- believe that it will inure greatly to the advantage of New Bern; Sec iC'.' rotary Williams isto be. felicitated on ' v conceiving the idea and on the energetic manner in which he is working to make V,,. it a-'go. V." , . r READ THE ADS. " . . i" Thf is an especially good time of the year to read the-advertising in the .Journal. S6me very valuable in-forj . njation tut to where to buy and what to ;" buy lor Christmas': presents . will be found in the. announcements of New Bern's five merchants' Read the adj ' Wertisements , in the v Journal s. They : will help' you to save? money and -to fuy to the best advantage. . .' A ROSEATE VIEW. The communipation of "Fair; Play" in today's Journal is timely and in teresting i nou only because of the re marks on De GratTenried , but ' also because- of the roseate view of New ; LIVE R REGULATOR C A It drives out impunities and badly digested food in the stomach and bowels; stimulates the torpid live and restores regular bowel move ments. - It is a fine tonic and system purifier that puts the vital organs -is sound, healthy condition. . . ' ' x 1 - ,' ' Mil Imim Mm ! whwm St.at. ' ' AiklrtkirabMrttktlBedZoatklbl. II ym Uaaot fM It. matt . wwltl m ' It fcr Mil. fMHil. SiMaum Uxr IUDluar U sat iwlBUti4 tors lar thM b fnlw it. j. h. zetLiN 4 CO.. Bern's future as taken by the writer, The proposed park that is mentioned in the communication would mean changing the whole facts of the earth in the locality mentioned, but a park of such dimensions with such a location and view is an agreeable thing to think about at any rate, and may some ' day when New Bern is very much larger than it is now, be realized. "Fair Play" thinks New Bern' has a great future. The way it is gaining ground now would certainly indicate as much POOR SQUTH CAROLINA. (New York World.) Poor ' South Carolina! To be re presented at the Conference of Gover nors at Richmond by a vulgar dema gogue like Cole Blease.? If any other State after one exper ience had re-elected as Governor such a type of vicious .blatant .politician it would cause surprise. But South Carolina is only fulfilling its fate. After hlf a century of corruption and lawlessness, after fifty years of misrule by carpet-baggers, by ignorant negroes, by crooked corporation in terests, by political feudists and pro fessional inciters of race hatred, it has descended so low as to put the mark of approval on Cole Blease for a second time. A Governor who preaches mob murder and publicly provokes passio nate men to open crime; a Governor who appeals to the criminal instincts of men who need to be restrained and courts the support of criminals in and out of jail; a Governor who flouts the law, scoffs at the courts, defies de cency; a tjovernor who gives public notice that mobs and murderers can al ways look to him for official protection; a Governor so dcpraVed as to proclaim himself the advocate of wholesale I lynching , who parades as the friend of men who act like beasts- this is the kind of Governor South Carolina has made its spokesman. " For fifty years South Carolina has been prostrate. By choice it remains prostrate, and Cole Blease is its Gov- rnor. Poor South Carolina. "THE CLIMAX' Said to Be the One Bit Theatrical success ot rear. There has been a great deal of in terest manifested in the forthcoming engagement of Joseph M. Weber's charming play "The Climax" by Joseph Carl Briel, which will be seen at the Masonic Theatre next Tuesday night. 'The Climax" is said to be the one big success of the year, scoring a most unprecedented triumph at Weber's famous New York play house where it will been seen for many weeks to come, and will undoubtedly be the strongest and most wholesome offering that will be seen here this season." So great has been the demand for the play throughout the coiintry -that Manage Weber will have ' no fewer than five companies en tour this season. It can be truthfully said that the sun never sets on "The Climax", as it will be seen in .America, England, Australia; Germany, dtaly,s India, France, Spain, Sweden, Africa, South America and in other parts of the world where it will be played in all languages. ' " - ''.""i. Rugs That Curl. . Coat the under side of the" edge of rag with shellac and It 1U at no Mom cnrL, $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease'that .science, has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. - Mall's .Catarrh Cure is the only' positive' cure nqw known tonhe medical fraternity.; Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a Con stitutional treatment. Hall V- Catrrah Cure taken internally, acting di rectly upon the blood and -mucous surfaces ' of .the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the dis ease; and giving the , patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work: The proprietors have so much faith in. its curative ..power that they offer" One Hundred Dollars ior hay case that it fails to cureASend for list of -testimonials. - , Addres F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. ' Sold by all Druggists, 75c. ' : Take Hall's l amily Pills for con stipation. : . -. (Adv.) i Poi.; ST. Louia. Mo. short r ASS? g events; Postmaster Basnight - has recently distributed to box holders a neat little booklet containing .all the postal law of importance to the public. Bradham's drug store, ill serve the public today. There will be a meeting of the hon orary and working associates of the Girl's Friendly Society at the residence of Mrs. F. C. Roberts Tuesday morn ing at 11 o'clock for the purpose of meeting Miss Lewin of WashirigTon, D. C. ' Dr. R. C. Beaman, a former pastor of Centenary Methodist church and one very much beloved and esteemed by all, will preach at that church this morning at 11 o'clock- All are cordially invited to hear hjm. He is now pre siding elder of the Durham district. The Girls Friendly Society will meet in the Parish House Monday nig' t at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is de sired and a cordial welcome is extended to the public who are interested in the work. Miss Lewin of Washington, D. C. will give an interesting talk on the society work. KEEP THE LUNGS CLEAN. Bear's Emulsion heals the lungs and throat and builds up the system regulates the bowels and improves the appetite. Don't blame your parents for giv ing you consumption. The best way to keep from having consumption is to keep the lungs and throat in a good healthy condition. You do not in herit consumption, but you can inherit weak lungs. And as the air is filled witn tuDercule bacilli germs, your weak lun2s are a fine feeding place1 for them. Now what are you going to do let yo.r I'ings get weaker each year by action of the standing coughs on hru? If you n. iit to heal the lungs, don't, get these patented cough remedies thot are doped up with morphine codeine, or some drugs that will tern porarily soothe the throat, and leave the throat and lungs in a worse con dition than before. Q At your druggi-t ,Bradham Drug. Co., (Adv.) Belle Mead Sweets Bonbons and Chocolates A Fresh Supply at STARTLING STATISTICS": , Tha average annual fire loss In the United, Spates Is .$25,0BO,WK The fire loss for the firetv nine months of this year is $15y,0OO,OOO., (and fire season has just begun) in which North Carolina exceeds every other Southern State except Texas. Moral .INSURE YOUR PRO PERTY RIGHT NOW, In a reliable agency, - where full facilities are afforded , in leading foreign and domestic -companies, . and , where personal attention Is given all matters. .. ," j v-" : fc. , ... V W, G. BOYD - s General Insurance : Real Estate -' Surety Bonds. . A-: , ! SAWYER'S REMOVAL. V i O, .; Mike come over , here. Well, what's the news? Nothing more than 1 just noticed old man Economy." He has-moved Sawyerthe Tailor up' fifty points in the business race; - - v He started at 51 South Front and is now at 101, next to S. G. Roberts Gorcery ' Company" and he , Is ' giving three fits no.w instead of one: First the purse to perfection,-second your form, third your idea, giving you general satisfaction. ' '. All work of the very latest design. Thirty-five years practical experience. . Respectfully yours, i' Latest Economy. No. 101 South Front S't. Finest of Gifts . -A Diamond rtnj Is shave aD ths mast wticooK present 4, - As good as bank account . to ths recipient. If Kb pur. chased rljht stock contains only ths finest stones and settings The values arc except ionally good We are showing some special values at $50M. BAXTER New Bern FINE MALATiA. GRAPES 20 cents per lb. PRUNES, LARGE 2 LBS. for 25 cents. ORANGES FLORIDA 35 and 40 cents. FRESH EGGS. L S. GRANT a COMPANY 24 Middle St Phoned. You are cordially invited to visit our store, see our line! and get our pri ces before placing your order, small or large. Make our store your store and remem ber the phone 174 H. C. ARMSTRONG Bradham Drug Co. Sell everything with a SATIS FACTION string attached. If what you purchase is not en tirety satisfactory bring it back and get what you want or your money ba k. Our object is to satisfy every customer and we will do it. Bradham Drug Co. After all that has been written of the sinking of the TITANIC, with a loss of over 1600 lives, here are some facts that may in terest you. - v Three hundred and sixty six of each 1000 accidents1 happen While afHOME, on the STREET or while takmtr part in GAMES and RECREATION. BU I . wherever thpy happen, ALU will be paid benefits under our Accident Policies. i Tney are so cheap. so. reliable land so complete in. the protection one 1 han to TAKE CHANCES, ji REMEMBER, .one person ;m every seven is ;in jared 6 every year,;;:..; BAIN & STYRON GENERAL INSURANCE. II road and Middle Streets New Bern, N. C. ' OYSTERS! OYSTERS Ve have added a retail department to our large Oyster business, and we now solicit tl.e patronage of the- cit izens of New Bern. We buy the finest oysters obtainable and they are hand led and shucked in a sanitary manner by experienced men. " We deliver them in clean sanitary packages and 'guar antee full measure and . solid meat oysters. ' You don't pay for water when you get our oysters. ' ' ,-':". GEO. N. IVES& SON, .: Thone No. 6 HOW WHEI WHERE? BAXTER'S Dress Goods and Coat Suit Sale ; We have put-on sale a big stock of Dress Goods at New York cost also bur entire stock" of ladies coat suits;' coats and skirts. fiont fail to see as for anything you want, we will save you money our reguW prices are as lowjas other peoples sale price. We are showing a big stock of Xmas goods. See our windows. J. J. Department Store NEW 0OODS FOR FALL are arriving daily and you'll surely enjoy seeing the latest arrivals. A more splendid showing than we have ever had for your inspection now awaits your approval here. Come and look the' newest things over whether you want to buy or not. An inspection will prove very interesting. . Today is a good time. SAM LIP MAN Cor Middle and South Front Streets. Bryan Block S f Paper-Shell Almonds New Walnuts Fresh Sunshine 0akes and Crackers QUALITY-Not HACKBURN STALK CUTAWAY HAY, :DRFCES 'Phons 184, BAXTER. - - Elks' Temple. XXJsKXaOOQOQi Quantity. CJOOCXXX XXXXXXXXXXJOC GRAIN, FEED, AND SEED. o New Bem,l N.' , ( J ,1 1 V J "It

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