w .. w w W ... w w -w W f r E.J ! : ui its I t l. . r .. i The distinctive character of our f urnit ure, of our carpets and every thing we sell, speaks volumes. It is our chief asset upon which we base our claim of superiority. We. would rather lose sales than have to resort to a sacrifice of qual ity in order to undersell. It'6 not our way of doing business. You may depend upon everything you buy here, as being absolutely wort y and fully up to representation in evey particular. THAT'S THE SECRET OF THIS STORE'S SUCCESS. J.S.Miller Furniture Co. 99-101 MIDDLE STREET, PHONE 229. A New Shipment of High Grade Ladies Coat Suits and Coats Just received from New York At New Bern's Newest STORE FOR WO MB IS 85 Middle Street Fifty coat suits, each a marvel of work manship, style and elegance, made of the test materials, lined with " Skinners Satir. Prices from $ 1 0 to $15. Positively worth double. Fifty coats made of Chinchilla, Broad Cloth, Plush, Kersey, Imitation Persian, and other high grade goods A'.L STYLES. To be sold from $4. to $20. These lots must this week. ML S. B. PHONE 752. LADIES' OUTFITTER. TUB GREAT Ma mi- are yours. "In the assortmenryou'll find Velours, Beavers, Velvet Velour and French ;- Felts.?. All embracing the newest Styles in every desirable shape ALL AT riiiLr Pitna- , 'Remember the great removal sale lasts 10 days. " ; r-" lerito ? r.- .j L.u -1 i. . t i . V . i be sold during A TEN DA Y While the sale has only been open two days already hundreds have been in attendance. Every one went away pleased for the values were even greater than they expected-r-In rr7. Hpnartnipnt snecial v' j r" - rr offerings- are being made today we make special meri- ' tion of our Millinery. 1 , hats . a n d trim x mings at exactly ? half-price ; , Come in and take your ; choice of any hat of trim- rningsr note price and for half the former values they and color.1-.: V i " ' ? r-i. r LLEN Miss Laura Pigott who ha been visit ing her daughter Mrs." C. L. Myerat Wil mington returned home yesterday, She vas accompanied home, by--hi niece, little, Mi Marian Quince Myers and Mrs. Charle JWdddard, ' ' ''-y'tr 'C . L. G. Harduon and wife of Thurma were among the "visitors to " the city yesterday. . : ' M. DtW. Stevenson and bride have returned from a bridal trip to New i era ana otner nortnern cities. Benjamin' Bennett left last 'evening lor a visit with relatives in r'amlico county., ' Miss Mary Johnson of Olympia spent yesterday in the city. Miss Lida Rodman of Washington arjived in the city last evening and is a giu.st of Judge and Mrs. O. H Guion. Charles Rcizenstcin of New York who has been vibiting in the city for several weeks, returned home last evening. Dr. J. F. Rhem returned yesterday from Charlotte where he attended meeting 01 uasis temple, Mystic Shrine. i A. D. Ward left last night for a professional trip to Kinston. : H. G. Rowe of Dover was in the city i yesterday. ! Miss Ned Wallace of Morehead City wa in the city yesterday visiting relatives and friends. Miss Mollie Robinson returned to Morehead City -yesterday after a visit here with reahives. Miss Mary Uzzell of Beaufort was in the city yesterday visiting relatives. R. J. Russell Caine in last evening from Kinsotn and is spending the day with his fa nil y. Rev. J. M. Gibbs of Jacksonville was here yesterday going to Wildwood to fill his appointment in the Presby terian church there today. Tonight he preaches at Croatan. Clyde Morton of Jacksonville was among the business visitors to the city yesterday. Mr. Morton is a former Journal employe and is now with the Jacksonville Progress. f M. M. Capph, Jr., editor of the Jack sonville Enterprise was in the city yesterday. S. H. Waters of Maysville was in the city' yesterday. Mrs. H. W. Gibbs of Beaufort re turned home last evening after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. O. A. Kafer. GOOD SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. The report of the white graded school for the month of November shows that there are eight hundred and fifteen pupils enrolled. This is an unusually good showing. Although there has been considerable sickness during the past few weeks and a few of the chil dren were kept away on this account. the average daily attendance was satis factory. " PROPOSALS INVITED. The city of New Bern desires pro posals for the construction of a fire proof building for the water and light plant. Plans and specifications for the proposed building are to be furnish ed by contractors submitting a bid. Bids to be opened at the regular meet ing of the Board of Aldermen Jan, 7, 19U. Right reserved to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid. Bids to be filed with City Clerk. Successful bid der will be required to execute suitable bond. ' This 7th day of Dec. 1912. F. T. PATTERSON, Citv Clerk. If you have rooms for rent' or have lost or found an article, or want to buy or sell something, use the Journal want ad column on page three. TELEPHONE ORCHARD 7,220. THE B. & S. EMPLOY MENT AGENCY L. SCHAFRANSKYf PROPRIETOR 215 East 4th. Street Bet. Aves. A & B ':-, 1 ' New Yofk. J::.. Laborers and Mechanics, oi all 'nationalities supplied at the shortest notice. Most advantagebusANarrangements made for concract Jabor Es tablished twelve years Ref eirences furnished from. all partsjbf the United State,s, Licensed V by the : state of New York; and; bonded for $1,000. Correspondence from firms and corporations need ing labor invited. ' " For Sale. One slne'e Cylinder Indian Motorcy cle, osed only about sixty day. Arply to Seorg-e ftrstroa, care St8'.4.ud AT A Ladies, you can bay at toplon's any coat or coat Suit at a saving of 7 4 off. This is an opportunity that might well be termed "the chance otQ, life time" as the exhibit-comprises variety and values never before equalled this city. Come and Coat Suits, Dresses and waists whether you wish to buy or not You've only a few days to take ad vantage of this exceptionally large variety and that too at special prices. Why not buy a Coat or Suit and be well Neckwear and Veilings for Xmas. tremendous variety of all the new conceits. SH: Robespierre Collars in white, Lilacl: and all colors made of good quality mesaline, in all the popular hades, each 25c. 75c. Robespierre Collars, made of mcssahnc and hnisheu witn net or hadow lace jabots, in cerise, emerald, green, brown, navy and tight blue, pink, old rose and Black, at 50c. $1.00 Hemstitched Evening Scarfs, ith silk fringe, full 1 1-2 yds. long and 2 yd .wide in light blue, pink, white, nd black. All new patterns to select from at, 50c. MILLINERY REDUCTION. You tan select from our millinery department trimmed or untrimmed hats at prices that do not cover the cost of material. It is an opportunity typical of New Bern's Btrst Store to sell it for less. This announcement Best Store, for thousands values we always show. 89-91 Middle NOTICE TO THE TAX-PAYERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY YOUR 1912 TAXES Are now due, please call around attend to this matter at once. ' R. B, LANE,' Sheriff. This Dec5. 1912. Mm Korses M (Wn 1 fin Ma mes ules 66 TO 68 SOUTH FRONT . STRLrT, DAYL0.1O, N. C. SAV i see this wonderful assortment of dressed on Christmas Day. Suits and Coats at prices that should interest everbody. Our Suit and Coat stock consists of about 475 garments. A beautiful lot. The styles are up-to-the-minute, made of two tone diagonals serges, and .-.ibdines. Only one of a kind. Some arc in fancy trimmed models, others severely plain lined with Skinners guaranteed satin. Correctly tailored throughout. The skirt are in the newest styles, high or regulation, waist lines. This department should not be overlooked. See it .sure. It is with pride and enthusiam that we an nounce this lot of fashionable garments. Style .workmanship and values gaive ample inspiration. Every suit in this varied collection has won its own recognition for delusiveness and in dividuality. PRACTICAL GIFTS DREN. FOR CHIL- Apparel for the Child Comes First. Boy's Norfolk Wool Serge Suits, sizes 2-12 to 18 years. A bargain at $7.50, . Coplon's Xmas price special $5.00. will cause great activity of shoppers know what wonderful assortments and UVJ Street. WE HEARD B VI I V.l II 4 1 1 1 1 8 i I I I I kirisrz v FOWNES I If f m ie doesnt wear a Bates Street f irt he doesn't wear the best, hj Shirt Give useful presentsnShop early. . - . 14 Shopping Days. A. T. Willis I I ine oncp iiiais uuiwcuu w. "'A I mm Boy's Knickerbockers ,izes 4 to 16 years, made of neat mixtures, cut full and large, Special at .50c a pait. Children's Hats trimmed and tailored effects of velvet and cordurov cloth an felt in brown and white, at .50c, 75c. .98c. $1.15 and up to $3.00. We h.ive just rceived about Mf rain raincoats for boy's and girls .sizes 6 to 16 years that make an ideal Christ mas gift, prices $3.00 and $3.50. Everybody gives liandkerchiefs (or Christmas presents; for they are al ways appropriate, and sure to be ap preciated by friends and reaitives alike. For men, handkerchiefs .J0cto50t each For ladies', handkerchiefs, 5c to 50c. each. fT5iildren's handkerchief's pat up in boxes , 3 handkerchiefs in Box all for 15c. The ladies aU say our handkerchiefs with colored monograms arc beauties. Dtin't take our word for it come see for yourself. throughout New Bern's Phone 409. HIM SAY I i(Fownes Gloves i ci f viz anu -stay ni . m Gloves wmcn lose jtf Hi Air shane auicklv ry - Jif j wear out quickly. p M Fownes Gloves fit gj W and "stay fit". The ilf y, very choicest skins 'It! Hi Mfrnm the world's j!; i into ' , GLOVES Company ., 1 r 'if' v r Plumbing & u&&ur,z o., iew ern. 7