' 4 - i '.1 i -1 f l . w L V A n 1 1 - j j ; In recent mt6 we have?inst 1 worth of hew niI;ry i:l tKah ever before for filling your orders. ; $ We are now oreoared ribtonlv to do hisrh class ?! work, but do it PI 8 i8 I 8 B 4v ;! Si i t I Monarch Cottrell Cylinder Press This is the press on which the Daily and Semi Weekly Journal are printed It is a new and thorough ly up-to-date machine. C0 Si 45 POLLOCK STREET TVC5 lssl Omaha Folder. Nfj Qv This is one of the latest ' IT- jV-llL makes of fpliKT. It is at- la 5 ' ' lArT,l 11 irTI sSiP5fJl Cached to the pn-ss and is a : i: J 'J yL-rfs5fi' flS5 M'',!,9f.s;'V-f:r as most folders e3 . jT'P1 i Xh ' are detached and require an V extra man to operate them. : 1 New Series cr-rsrsrs l:l g Chandler & Price Job Press tV'S! 1 The cut below also shows a brand new . QJfv eBBr" machine-the largest job press we could 'T ri V ; tS buy. It will print a small size newspaper. t-fi-r V 8!S if? J V S M Av - L ' -' m itj Another new job. press but smaller size Y" , ' than the other one shown. - It h,H New.i 15 V -V - Series Chandler & Price, conceded to be- l - ,:::$-VAT?"'- the best job press:.; ' : l " rt. ' i Y "neifleryou neea.tne oramary-lines oi commercial printing or nave a sk crnhe-Reocrda'ofjDeeds oi ' ' 'J ' ' 2:1 newspaper or onagazine you want printed, it will be, to your interest ' llz V roWy, North1; CarWn .in Itt " to see us before placing your order. I : ; i - ?s Y0--lH ?pazit 59 the,.prK0pcrM .'v CJ , . . , , j .r,' 1 ' ? ' - " ; ' ' ' j:j described in said mortgage will be, sold '."J"IH ' , .. f ,! f v I at public outcry for cash at the Court ; . !; THE PRICES llt BE MADE AS LQWW AS POSSIBLE CONSISTENT ; J ! House in New Bern, on the 7tH day of . . k . J:I W r V : WITH THE QUALITY OF WORK ) J"uy, im at 12 o'clock m. ."V'r 1 .;, r.,i ) 7-t t ' t" ' ' -V' . " ' ! The w Property i described as .' . . ' t I - v m t'JaV',r 1 vv.' wv-eet.w-B-rMwm , -,w, s follows: viis, situated in the rity of New -;,, -!.r.'..' u .ti. nm; 1 1 t.aiinnu wotu- : . v- 1 :y-M :ffi$p,& Printers arifl Publishers - ' - 1 ! ! quickly ; tf in oocxxwoooc9eex3SBOBcfie These two illustrations show the Lahston Mono type Machine, the same being composed of a key bord and caster.TheMono type casting machine is a complete automatic type foundry, producing type , borders and spacing ma terial of any size at a speed that makes it cheap er to cast new than to dis tribute. It will turn a pound of metal into type of the highest quality in less than two minutes. With this machine we are especially well prepared to provide a variety of type for our patrons. , it ,V- -- s55fr B f j i.. . 'Vf St? Or I i I 1 4 I 1 II I argie gaan tfes.Jjj NEW BERN, N." C. till i 1 u f 1 J W K L " ' 1 TQ HOLD BAZAAR . The I.adie'i Aid Society of the First Baptist church "will hold their, annual baiaar at the-New Bern Gas Company's office next Friday, December Every member' who u engaged 'in . makinii fancy work for this aale will please have it iq the Viands of Mtk W, L. Lewis, No. 42 Broad street, Jby ' Wednesday, December 1 1 yi f P ' PROPOSALS INVITED. .'-The city, of New Bern deaires pro poaals .Tor the -construction of -a fire proof building for the water and li'ghr plant. ' Plau .and specifications " ior the proposed building are to be furnish-. M bv contractors submitting a bid. Bids to be' opened at the regular meet ing of the Board of Aldermen Jan. 7, 1913.- f.. Right reserved to reject any or all bids or to accept anv bid. Bids to be filed with City Clerk. Successful bid der. will bt required to execute suitable bond. This 7th day of Dec. 1912. F. T. PATTERSON, City Chile. Pretty Poor Singers. "Why doesn't yonr wile nlng to the bnby when it crleV" "We've found out that the uelphbors Would rat Iter listen to the baby." Mother's Journal. IF ARE YOU GOING NORTH Travel Via. THK CHESAPEAKE LINE DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUN DAY. The dcw Steamers just placed in service the I ity ol INorlolk and "City of BALTIMORE" are the most elegant and up-to-date Steamers be tween Norfolk and Baltimore. Equipped with :reiess, telephone in each room. Delicious meals on board. Everything for .comfort and convenience. Steamers leave. Norfolk (Jarkson St. Old Point Comfort Baltimore 6:15 p. m. 7:15 p. ni. 7 :00 a in. Connecting at Baltimore for all point. North, Northeast and West. Reservations made and any infor mation courteovsly furnished by VV. H. PARNELL, T. P. A. Monticello Hotel Norfolk Va. QUICKEST AND BEST LINE PANAMA, JAMAICA AND CUBA. The Evangeline will Make Eight Trips Through the Tropica. The Atlantic Coast Line announces that in connection with its splendid through Pullman service to Key West, The Penninsular and Occidental Steam ship Company will operate eight per sonally conducted tours with the new 'steel twin-screw steamship "Evangline" from that point to Colon, Panama Canal Zone, Kingston, Jamaica, and Havana, Cuba. The "Evangeline" is a brand new and modern, up-to-date ship in every particular. She is 364 feet long, 46 foot beam, has 5,650 tons register, 262 staterooms, equipped throughout with electric lights and fans, and has a speed of eighteen knots. ' -This splendid ship will leave Key West in t,he morinin on arrival of the Atlantic Coast Line Florida East Coast "Over-Sea" train from the North, on January 7 and 21, February 4 and .18, March 4 and 18, and April 1 and 15, sailing direct to Colon, where a stop of two days will be made, which will give passengers ample opportunity to inspect the. Panama Canal, the greatest 4 piece of engineering or other construe tion work knovn to mankind. Or quaint and tropical Jamica may be ex plored, and will be fully enjoyed. The "Evangeline" will sail thence to Havana to discharge passengers desiring to stop there, and the tickets will be good to re turn to Key West on any of the every week dav sailings of the regular line. . The tour will consume eleven days, and the rate for the entire trip, includ ing meals and berth at sea and in port, will be Slid. Tickets will permit stip over" so that a longer stop can be made at Colon, Kingston, or Havana, for passengers desiring to do so. Sailing dates, intincrarie and in formal ion regarding reservations, con nections, etc., may be obtained from A:lan(ic '.'Aoast Line representatives, or 1j-" addressing T.' C. WHITE, the fioneKi! Passenger Agent of that line, at Wilmington, Nt C , 1t; . ' MORTGAGE SALE " Pursuant to the paer contained in a V.iptrgagc : by Little . Rock . Baptist CJtM3t.h toAV. P. Mill, the same being; side of Carmer street in Reizenstein- ville being the lot and building now occupied by the congregation or church know as Little Rock Baptist Church the said lot fronting 25 feet on Carmer street and running back - westward fifty feet, .further -described as the same property mortgaged to W. F. - Hill. i ilre You;: ITervouo? v ' . - : . . . i . . .- ... X.-J. yoa nervous? It h ,i jrttXatu f your rn... 'nl j --.iltuScn, jrhicji cannot stswj the strain of th l-tri ori jo da ' A rtsuM,' jroii breik wn, and rufcf ys-r tLilrt snrou; tystea. Ppot keep tU upl Tikr Cardui, woman's tonic. Candid ' Is ' hudo from purer vtgetable Incrtdlenls. It acts gently on the womanly organs, and belps tbeoi to do their proper work. It relieves pain and restores health, in a natural manner, ky goingj to the source ci the trouble; and building up the bodily strength.' - Mrs. Orace Former, of Man, W. Va., took CarduL This is what she says about it: "I was so weak and nervous, I could not bear to fainting spells, and I lost flesh every day. The first dose of Cardul helred me. Now. I am entirely curerl of th faJntiner soells. and I cannot know it saved my life." It is T ...... .M- fnr uki jkju 9uuu uuiit on Take CarduL It will help .. VYttt tor ladles' Advisor? Dept. Qijrtanoori Medicine Co.. Quttoo, Teen.. tarn MmmHnt TmmirmrhMm mmA ft4-nm hfuk "Hon, TrMtmpnf for Unm.n " .nt iM. 1 ha ' 11141 " s s s s wsj-nyss TO CURE GOLDS Don't -Neglect a Cold, Ely's Cream Balm Will Stop It in the Sneezing Stage. A cold generally attacks t1n icket part, affecting the eyes ami e,ir" iu some ami producing nasal catarrh ';1 tl.n ii troubles in otliers. A cold i due toim iu flammnliou of the meuil riiue linm:; t ! : ir passages. ud m.iv lie proi.ij.tlv c!.:-; w.-.i. a little Ely's Cream I!uli;i. wim !i i:nrn . ately relieves the iuflitliiuia'ioii ;u:l all :!. distressing syTiijitoins, " such a. '' i' . cougbin-.r, running i.t liie u'e mid . ho:ireneM, tune tl.roi t, lt .r jh h. s; t ache. One rea :i liy thi Jii:re, a iimo. tie Ii.ihn act-; so klv i l i auo it is aj plied liirectly t t' icndcv, m re -..rf.i!t Even in sev :ef th' :.i nscs if att.; h, Ely's Cream Jialui ne'er f..ils to ui' k!r and effectu-illv check ti e Hiisoiioub dis charge which clogs ilio h.ei ; :.l throat, caimii.' the dinusting hi.-wk;ii: sjitting and blow ing of the nor.-. 'J1' i.uiedy ui t only 1 lives out the (Uaeuse, but heali; ani strengthens thewcakcLed meoibranes, thus ending catarrh. Catarrh in a filthy, diapmUDg disease. Don't put up with it another tiny. Get a 50 cent bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and see bow quickly you iU ba relieved. It is perfectly ''""'' Worse Than Mad. "A friend and 1 once panned a the ater In Washington." said nn old time aetor. "Just as the performance had let out My friend met tin acquaintance who was coming, out of the theater. We were Ignorant as to the attraction, so my friend asked liU acquaintance what sort of a performance he had boen witnessing. "Hamlet." said the acquaintance. 'Ah. "Hamlet."' said my friend. 'I suppose I hut you are low filled with all sorts of conjectures as to whether Hamlet was really mod.' The Hamlet tonight," said the ac quaintance, 'left do doubt on thnt point. He was not alone tried. He was frantic. There weren't a hundred peo ple In the house. " The HallmarK. "Isn't thnt Mnrjone Mincer, brette star'-" "Yes." it "But she hasn't a particle of inn ken p sne nnsn t a particle or makeup a('e' , , doesn t wenr pnint nnd pnwdei ( street anv more for fear she, , . ,' , . , , 1 e mistaken for a society lead- . I on her "She on the might tie er." Lire i A Free Thinker. Tommy Pop. what Is a free tnlnbirT Tommy's Pop A free thinker, ray son. Is nnv man who isn't married Phila delphia ICecortl. ATUNTIG US T llir I LIN t EASY AND S IY TO PAffAMA JMIJUCA-CUeit AND FLORIDA in i Tiir mirn nn nm nnm OVER THE H in I HI. I lUI-H-SI-fl Kn 'I in i hi. u I lii uui imi Liiunu rw IS OFFERED AT A COMPARATIVELY SMALL r i " i - The cruise v will be on the . New. , Steamship EVANGELINE of the . & O. S. .S.. CO., JLength 364 tee with 262 Stateroom ; . v - ? SAILING FROM KEY.; WEST : JANUARY 7, 1913 : i Other sailings: Jan. 21, Feb. J and .18, March 4 and IS, April i and IS, F. r.1. jolly It will only cost a postal card 'worth CpT have anyone near me. I had sav enouch for Carrlui fnr I K the best tonic for women. B, t v, r ri) ui nit pains pcLunai tu wuinenr you. Ask your druggist sisiiasaiimigijtsM MmmmmmMi ..I. inariM7.ir,..aAMMfMiii IU Y A KFD CROSS SEAL! Iswl ( --r.il Will , c lie I I. - mil Well . c-icnlay pi. in d d .ill hough llir i if ii.iiuicil wit li .11 ,1. I Ml 1 111 , ill- l.i. t i here urn m.inv sold during t!.i d.. lhuiis.mil- it the stamp- ha.' Incn sold in nearby towns during the pa-l lew days and it is hoped that New Bern will make a good showing. The ftanips can be purchased al Bradham's drug btore, Duffy's drug store, Henry's drug store, Gaston hotel, Edward Clark's cigar store, George B. Water' store, McSorley' store, and they can also be secured from Prof. H. B. Craven nd at the Presbyterian bazaar to be held thi afternoon and the Bpatist bazaar to be held Friday afternoon I he stumps sell for one penny each. Thi- n'oncy is used in fighting the great while plague. They are not to be u.-cil as postage but are to be placetl on the reverse side of letters and pack ages. Unfortunate Omission. One of tin most xtugulur instances of punishment for nit oversight was that shown try the commitment of an alma nac milker to the Bastille Id 1717. It whs made out by order of the Duke of Orleans, regent dtirlug the minority of Louis V. of France, and read as fol lows: "Laurence d'Henry. for disre spect to Kins George I. Iu not mention ing him in bis almanac as king of t.reat Britain." How long this mi luckv almanac maker remained In pris on is unknown The register oJ the Bastille, examined nt the time on the 3 rie vo, 1Itloll . flllHl to llirow unv ut o;, - the subject. .j . l i . , . , ,Y. - He Died Anyhow. v ;r I , ... i .. I This was ine nnv n nauve pbVKicinm ' I I India tilled out a death ccrtilicate: "I utn of a in iiul that he died (or lost his lifei for. want of fundings or on tu--ount of starvation Mavbe also for other things nr comfortables, and nuis: probably tie died by drowning." rtKoUrNALL I CONDUCTED K I t nnmi rwc 4 COST For full Information, the ftp-,-, proximate cost of , the trip from" any point desired, . and' for sche- - dules and reservations on' trainv and on the ship, address the nn-. r dersitned, who- -: will ccbrapany the party. ' ; i ir ' , -v;!LF.:i:.gton, IJ. C.:. : ff r?ri To get the Vk-U il particulars TOUR I V XI

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