5 i CI -' i i : A. The Kind Too Have Always , in , n lor over SO years, ana ' : ' YtaCti Allow Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations l&neriinents that triilu with and enuanper tue neaitn oi Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR! A Costoria is a harrnlegs gnbstitnte for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Ssootliiug Syrups. It is pleasant. 2S ' contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age a Its guarantee. It destroys AVorms And allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lias been ! t constant u.o for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach ard Bowels, ' assimilates the Food, giving' healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. .1 GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SI ) Bears the rThe Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years Tt erprrnuri cow r. vr Atlantic Coast line The Standard Railroad of the 5outha ? mitres the "Na tion's Garden Spot" through the St tesof Virgin ia, North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Florida. FOUR FAMOUS TRAINS: "Hew York and Florida Specials" (January to April.) "Florida and West Indian Limited," Palmetto Limited," "Coast Line Florida Mail." Dining cars-a la carte service. All year round through car service from New York to both Port .Tampa and Knights Key, connecting with steamships to and from , Havana. . For beautifully illustrated booklets and copy of "Purple Folder" address . W.J. CRAIG, Gen. Traffic Manager. T. C WHITE. General Passenger Agent. W'lmington, N. C. Subscribe For !iv Pr ces Talk ; miese Bas ,fl f C,vj " And when we say. PRICE, we mean not only what you PAY; but .what you get .for your money. You'll.' be , doubly satia . 75 J v fied with the value the Great Western Forty givs.yQU.:V.You'H.ay:o.'When yov.see.It " There is a beauty to, the body,, r j i ; a, brilliance to the finish, a luxury to the upholstering that makes it an aristocrat. v And when you examine the mechahism,, the 5 1 I ' powerful, Bilent rollervalve engine, the Vanadium steel springs, the perfect construction of every part, demonstrates that' here's J: J t I ' a car that justifies your highest enthusiasm. The v,r , ' . . T yti 1-vlV, ' ' s .""" v-'-'-'' ' Great estah"Fprty$ I ; lodksand -runs like"a $3,000:car,;--r Jri facti::you could .-not get' better Tjervice,' better valuei.-more pleasure.. outr.oC.an automobileat i i : any price than you can out of Ihe sturdy,' tried and true Greaf Western at $1585. . , " . t - i v ' See The Great Western First And You Seek No Further; Ask U$- for Catalog v Or Demonstration. . i j : Call, Write or phone lot COUNTY A GENCY, Demonstration or catalog. . ; - V , V . O 10 , . J Q ' JJoOght, and -which has been' lias Dome tue tsisrnnnire oi nag peeu waue uuutx iuj per- supervision since its infancy. no one to deceive you tn this. and Just-as-good " are trat Signature of mvmntr rnmwrr. msm roa em. The Journal t v . - Rudimentary Mind1' Limb, i "i ' Snake : are not the ' .only .animals which exhibit to possession of rudi mentary bind limbs. - Jn the .whale tribe there is no evidence externally of bind limbs, ' The for limbs in them are converted Into7 the rfliPPer,"ior swimming paddles, IsYet -when, ,. tbe skeleton - is examined, ; traces of haunch knd ' attached rudimentary thigh bone 'are found. ? There is de veloped la certain kiad of . whales a bony piece representing the hajnnco. The; thigh bone, is distinct "but ther Is a mere rudiment attached to K, repre senting the snhTbone or tibia of oth9r animals. ." Part of the Show. "Ow'i yore little boy gettln' on, Mrs. Black?" "Very well Indeed. 'E's entered the theatrical profession now." ")h! Wot part's 'e tn kin ?" "Well, 'e ain't exactly takln' a part, but 'e fetches the scene shifters beer." Loudon Answers. A "UefuncUr." Customer (missing his favorite wait er) Where's Charles today? Walter I'm sorry, sir, but 'e's gone. Customer Gone! Do you mean he's defunct 1 Walter Yes. sir, an' with everything 'e could lay 'Is 'anda on. London Sketch. Consolation. "What made you so angry at the gen tleman, dearie?" "Be said that 1 was a fool and that my hat was too big (or ma" "Cbeer up, darling. He was wrong about your bat it Ota yon One." Cleveland 'Plain Dealer. The Three Possessions. "I've a kitchenette In my Bat. What's the feature of yours, Jones?" "A cellarette And of yours. Smith?" "I've i:oi a suffrsKette tn mine." Ex change. ft Is wise to save the first dollar that one makes tn business, but wiser to save the last. HARDWARE AND Building Ma lerial Paints, Oils AND Varnishes American Field Fence 1 1 SUALLWOOD. iipiBiis The Struggle Discourages Many a f-iV'ipltiseoi of fiew Bern,;:. .ArounalJ slay with an aching back, ;;f Can't res at.nighti ' . , l Enough, to wake, anyone'give ut.J' J'Doari'a JKjdney Pills are -helping thousands. ' : .: " T ".They are for kidney and backache; 1 ' And other kidney ills. v Here is convincing proof of their merit.: . ,J. A. Williams, 203 McDaniel St., Kinston, N. C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills proved of more benefit to me than any other remedy I ever ased and it would be impossible for nie to say too much in Thtic raue. 1 bad kidney trouble for a long time and was caused much annoyance by a. frequent desire to pass the kidney secretions. There was also lameness through the small ofmy back that on some occasions made it hard for me to attend to my work. 1 used many remedies but the benefit I obtained was only temporary. I finally got a box of Doan's Kidney Pjlls and soon after using them, I was cured." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. He trespasses npulnst his duty who sleeps upon his watch -us well tis be that t'oes over to the enemy. Burke. noticeT of? mortgage sale of city property. By virtue of power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed dated March 22nd, 1907, and made and executed by Frank Wood to the under signed, which said mortgage deed is recorded in book of deeds number 166, page 276, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, the under signed mortgagee, will, on the 30th day of December, 1912 at 12 o'clock m. at the court house door in Craven County, offer for sale to the highest for cash the following land in Craven County: One fourth undivided interest in all that certain lot of land conveyed by deed from I Wayne Eubank and Jen nette Pavie to Cicero Wood, which deed is recorded in book No. 151, page 377, in the office of Register of Deeds pf Craven Coimty, and being lot number 127, fronting 42 feet on West Street, and lot 144 on Lees avenue, and bounded as follows: On the south by Davis line, one th east by West street, on the north by lot number 136, and on the West by Lees' avenue, according to the plan of that part "of the City of New Bern commonly known a Pavietown. JoKn A. Boom, Mortgagee. November. 23rd. 1912. BUSINEi.3 NOTICES IN L'tHIS 60LCMNtWS TtfiN NE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOa IN ADVANCE , j FOR:-' RENT- Furnished Land unfur- nished '.rooms Bear business section I- with conveniences. ' Address G. Carlr, Journal. . 3 WHITCOMB'S UmatUla Oranges. Phone' 536. i 3f. WANTED A wood sawing outfit for sawing stove wood. Ellis Coal Yard. 3t. ; FRESH MARSHMAI.LOWS and afr dinner mints, 10c. er pound at Kafir's 1 Bakery. GIVE YOUR BOSS a Buck's Kan, i for a Christmas present. J. . l'a.-- j night Hdw. Co. FOR RENT Dwelling hoti-e, ss Middle St., possession after Dec. IV Apply to Mrs. Charles DufJy, l-'O Pollock St. . 3t. WHY NOT let us bake your Christmas cakes and piesi" We bake all kinds pound cake, fruit cake and layer cake. Phone 731 Neilon's Bakery, 31 Pine street. FOR SALE, shafting, hangers and pulleys used in old Journal office. E. J. Land Printing Co. FOR FRESH cuts of beef, pork, corned ham, dressed or live chickens, eggs and home made sausage, phone 754. Crescent Meat Market. 18 Cres cent street. Fine beef liver daily. WANTED, small gasoline boat 3 to 5 H. P. Willard, 153 South Front St. 3t. BULBS, BULBS We have the fol lowing in stock: Hyacinths, assorted colors; Narcissus, Grant White Free bias; also supply of sweet pea seed. J. C. Whitty & Co. Phone 98. FOR SALE Old newspapers can be secured at the Journal office for ten cents per hundred. Purchase a sup ply for future use before they are all sold. FOR RENT Store on Pollock St., now occupied by J. M. Mitchell & Co. For further information apply to Mrs. C. W. Blanchard, Kinston, N. C. WE MAP a specialty of Chickens, Eggs, Turkeys, and. Ducks and have the best and largest lot ever offered. Also anything in the grocery line. Phone 742 your next order. Crescent Grocery Co, 18 Crescent street. FURNISHED ROOMS including bath for rent at IS Union St. FOR SALE one Deadrise boat With house, seven and Orte half feet beam, thirty-two feet long. Twelve horse power Palmer engine. Fbr'eale cheap. T. P. Ashford, New Bern. N. C. JEWEL AIR TIGHT cast top and bottom, highly nickled heaters. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. JUST RECEIVED car load of nice cattle. Coast Line Meat Market. JONES' BARBER SHOP No. 6 Pastuer St., Opp. Union station. The Shop that's Convenient. Hair cutting any style. Shavi ng, Shampooing, singing and Massageing. Special at tention to tender faces. Snildern hair cutting a specialty. 24 years experi ence Best of service. Yours to please. A't ones, Prop. THE WAY to save money is to get your water pipes protected before ld weather with a Glauber stop and waste cut off. We guarantee all work. Pljone 717. 137 Middle st. Standard Pitimb- ng & Heating Co. ; Made from pure distilled!! , ' ' ' filtered water.S . NBW-BBRJS icb.co: f l a. - 18-21-23 Griffith St.',;. .Phone 23 LOCALS .r. m V '11:" DEALER IV- Horses i Mules A N D 66 TO 68 SOUTH FRONT ST RE FT, BAYBORO, N. C. NOTICE TO THE TAX-PAYERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY YOUR 1912 TAXES Are now due, please call around attend to this matter at once. R. B. LANE, Sheriff. This Dec. 5, 1912. The Waters Boggy Works 78 BROAD ST. NEW BERN, N. C. Offer a Boggy driven to the fastest horses And even then they stand severest tests. Open Buggies $4t.0 Runabout 945.0. Everybody's DOING IT. Doing what? Hake a new baggy trot. Tours to please, G. S. WATERS, - Prop; GREATLY REDUCED RATES Between Points on Norfolk Southern Railroad and Raleigh, Charlotte and Southern Railway. Round trip tickets will be sold December 13, 14, 17, (and 18 from Raleigh only) 19, 10, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31 and Jan. 1st. Limited to return until midnight of January 6th. The holiday excursion fares apply bweteen points on the Norfolk Southern Rail road and Raleigh, Charlotte and South ern Railway, as well as to or from points on connecting lines. For further particulars, apply to any ticket agent of W. Y. Croxton, General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Ya. MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to the power pf sale con tained in that certain mortgage deed executed by Major Dixon and Hannah Dixon, his wife to The Land Improve ment Company of North Carolina (a corporation) bearing date of Feb ruary 20th, 1906, and recorded in the public records in office of Register of Deeds for Craven county in Book No. 160 Folio 537, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at -the Court House door in New Bern, N, C,. en Monday, the 0th day of December, 1912, at the hour of, 12 o'clock m.; all of the follow ing described jreal estate as conveyed in said mortgage to wit: A certain tract of land in No. township, Craven county, North Caro lina, on Neuse Road, ' beginning where Cicero Green's line crosses Neuse road and runs with Cicero Green's line' N. 58 E. J 32 ' 2-5" poles tp a plner Thence S. 45 E,, 13,1-2 pole? to Joseph River'', corner! 4 thence with S Joseph River's lints; 42 2$ J-S poiei to Netiseroadi thence with 'Neuse road to the beginning, "' containing 2-J-4 . acres 'more or less. -Mt being . the same;v land conveyed by J. W. Stewart audi., wife to said Major Dixon, by deed bear- y ing darte of October 31,. 1901, and're ' corded in the public records in office of Register of Deeds for said Craven " county in Book No. 151r,Fol!o 590 to : which reference 1s hereby made. This 7th day of November, 1912. " THE LAND IMPROVEMENT COM-. PANY OF NORTH CAROLINA -By Rev. William Sutton, R. O'HARA, Attorney. Tic T ' -t Daniels

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