i -, practical jrjbme. (H-ius i. JUL THEY CO: 12 AND CO E.' A. Council of Morehead City was among the business visitors in the city yesterday. ' " r - . U. ,V. Kichardsoa oi Uover was among the business visitor ia the iry yeaterday. . , , , - r ... . Ernmett' Whitehurst . of ; Beaufort -' 2' V. :cj: was in the city yesterday. , , . Charles R. (Thomas leftlast evening for a professional vinit in Pamlico r "a eounj.4-A,ij;v!-':- ' it 4, ma.tt J pi L , : S,r ' sd Useful gtfta for the home -things that will bring' comfort, joy and" ikoUL are tike sensible nresent to bestow. . re Dcoonuaf more aim norepoptiar every year. 'pride to tie eat ire house fe and Wbe we selected oar stock of Christmas offering; we had ia miad ae eeeeatjal requircmeatsj " Quality lor- no gift should lack merit ia .Jraakiag, if the donor wouU taw It eeoutla a lasting- remembrance. AND AS YOU GO ALONC-NOTETIIE PRICES J. S. Miller Furniture Co. 09-101 MIDDLE STREET. PDIONE 820. THE PRICE ROES NOT INDI CATE THE QUALITY . At New Bern's Newest STORE FOR WOMEN 85 Middle Street '. S. M. Brinson returned last evening from Covt City "where he spent the day' inspecting' the public schools at that place. -- , United States .Deputy Habitat J. E, Cameron of Kinston arrived in the city hut evening for a short visits 'ttxWiwti left last evening for Bayborar to "attend Pamlico County SifprW Coiwt. - f Mr -y. .;BoaweB of Oriental" was la the city yesterday visiting relatives .and friends, 2- .; ... , . '"' ; ; x r- ,., r ANNUAL MltTING. Th awwal iueeting, uf ft,' stock aoMersvof the National 8artt of (New Berne, for' the elect too of its directors and the transaction 1 of - such - 'other business as may come -before them, will be held at their banking house; on the second Tuesday -of January, being the 14th day of January, 1913. The polls will be opened at 12 o'clock and close at 1 p. m. G. H. ROBERTS, Dec. 12th, 1912. Cashier I remember when I began housekeeping in New York I was never satisfied with anything I bought un less I paid a big price for it, foolishly imagining that anything sold cheap must be cheap in quality. My experience, however taught me differently. Pretty soon I discovered where to get the best goods for little money, and I saved money on every purchase. The fact that I sell cheaper than everybody else injtown does not prove 4hat I give inferior quality. The contrary is true. But the fact that I have a -resident buyer in(New York; enables me to get goods ior one-half the price others pay, and I can afford to -sell for one-half the price others sell and make a good profit besides. , r IRS. & At MEN PHONE 752. LADIES' OUTFITTER. THE LAST DAY OF THE QREAT l ? f If you havens yet attendedrvcome-before it's too Alate or never again will sucj aa' opportunity-present v itself BARGAIN S . that trill amaze you' in' eVery de "partment--offerings that are J really unusuaP-come and convincje yourself , ; :-rx j : The space will notajjows to go antp, detail hut tdrgivife you'atf idea1 ot What you will find -we" mention ; jist a few)hspecialrfem our silk d6atfhnt. f, ' ft Higbfade Wsn sllks'itt all snades.with beautiful stripes, $uji;Mf5 jLM.HrFsf:ft W3KHioi;' wniVHii nw!jSift'cent-aardv .: vv- fn) rjl'.t v 4Iil thte ass'ottrhe&t'youll findvSO cent washsilks t! it are not only fine fn quality r-but exceptionally beautiful in- pattern. V Your choice of ,seve?al coor at Cemembe that1 We re, oitenng new tpeclals !dail-and the list day is - v 1 : -;:sMAY--:ic;ii4Ta;; REHEARSING FOR SHOW. The young people who are to parti cipate in the home talent show to be given at an early date for the benefif the De Oraffenried Colony Monument Fund are making much progress in their rehearslas which arc held each afternoon in Stanley Hall. The date of presentation has not yet been de cided upon but will probably be during the latter part of the present month. It is expected that quite a large sum will be added to the fund from the pro ceeds of the sale of tickets lo this at traction. CONTINUED TILL MONDAY. Owing to the absence of one or more material witnesses the preliminary hear ing in tHe case of the State vsjohn Pol lock and his wife, charged with retail ing spirituous liquors within the city limits, was postponed until Monday. The couple were placed under arrest Monday morning and since that time Pollock has been in the county jail.' his wie being recognized for her appearand yesterday. After postponing the ca's? yesterday afternoon the Mayor recog nized Pollock for his appearance in the sum of one hundred dollars. If you have rooms for rent! or have lost or found an article, or want to buy or sell something, uae the Journal wartf ad column on page three. There are three big problems in advertising: To hit the right people At the right time In the rijlht wayl The New Bern Journal solves two of them, It reaches the buying class in the morning hours the hours when most people make their plans for the day's shopping. It only remains for the merchant to present his advertisements in attractive form,' and the, trade of the best people in New Bern Is at his command. CLOSING OVTlSALB tour Cl.osjng.Ou.t $aieill iJoh'tinueuhtilah 1st. ' Cvervf liine'vih': the -store,y,t0 iioat cost; Thil &!Vrearip'pdrtunity -f to give money. , ' ( " 'tOTHING, DRY GOODS,' HATS7 CAPS;SHOES""AD' fefsNER'At , MERCHANDISE. ' - - all inclyded in the sal'1,' ' II ydti need anything of this sort you "will never get ' a ' better chanci?.J( buy, them, at as lo cost a', - now. .Don't delay,' conie now and take advantage ' of this u tissual opportunity. . : " r - MAVSVILLE, N. C, - ' ' " For Sale. '-"-j-One sinele Cylinder Indinn Motorcy cle, used only about sixty days. Apply to Jeorge Mratton, care tt&nuaid Plumbiog & Heating Co., Mew tern, N. C. -,. - ' ' '. ,''.. H ai 1 I , : : ' I 1 1 1 . J: U What Shall ! Give For Ciristmas? Jg Thiiii&ialways the pfoblchi of the, Christmas jm) tw m n :.IbdV .. bv f 'aT w mm .mam m mm m w w wmm mz w w mm r w '.v m tv- 1 - 7 ( r GIVE WEAR i There's nothing that will make more practical gifts and nothing that will be appreciated more. Here are a few good suggestions: Comfort Shoes, Business Shoes, Storm Shoes, Dress Shoes. Slroners. Rom eos, Bath Slippers, Rubbers, etc. High Cut Street Boots, House Shoes, Dress Slippers, Boudoir SHonem. Bath Slippers, Felt Slippers, Juliets, Rubbers, etc. School ShoesDress Shoes, Storm Shoes, Slippers, School Rubbers, etc. STANDARD SHOE CO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES 1 14 Middle Street. New Bern. N. C. DR. MILLARD J)EAD. Baltimore, Dec., 11. Members of F-utaw Place Baptist ' Church were shocked yesterday to learh of the sudden death of Rev. Dr. Juhius W. Millard in Atlanta, Gal, on Monday. For 40 years he was pasfor of Eutaw Place Church. He was a native of Goldsboro, N. C. Ur. Millard lelt Baltimore si.v yer.rs ago to go to Ponce de Leon Avenue Baptist .Chlirch of Atlanta. At the time of this death he was pastor of Jackson Hill Church, Atlanta. He delivered his last Sermon Sunday. A message of condolence was tele graphed to member of the family by his former congregation here. Dr. D. Millard left Baltimore Monday night to attend his brother's funeral. I HAVE OPENED MY TOY STORE in Trent Hotel building and as usual have the most complete line carried in the city. Don't wait forXmastobuy but come early and pick out what you want. We will deliver it when you want G. J. McSORLEY SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS. LOW EXCURSION RATES . via Atlantic coast line .-', account CHRISTMAS ; AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS Reduced rate Round Trip tickets Will be on sale at all stations on the Atlantic Coast Line to all points South ofthi Ohio and Potomac and Efist .dT the Mississippi Rivers, including Wash ington, D. C,v Cincinnati, Ohio, and Evansville, Indiana, for all train-oil December .13,14,17, 19, 20, 21, 2?,23, 24, 25, 31, and s January 1 limited returning, to reach original starting liolnt 1iotk later "than Midnight 'of anuarv 6. -1913 ' '( For further particulars, schedules, rates, ' reservations, etc.-. Atlantic-Coast Lihe-Ticket -address, W.sURAtcfj ! Passenger Traffic .Manager, 999 w w III 13 m..m.PP WE HEARD HIM SA g he would rather have in iJX L urn ' fii ' fff iifxk mm. l Y , ..ft L I " ; TVC. WHITE, - R ( 1 ; v-';4f rai rassengergeni., i 2 V-'i .! . J' , 'rt J-i WA W If i y a pair of IS id hi--- VOloves i r Glnvps - Which'. . lose KJ -fci 1 " .1-1.. AAA Fit and "stay fit". 52 o - itiyi very-, choicest skins v. ATTR ACTIVE TOURS.;, y A scries of the most alluring "trips that. aveoeen Drongni io our ' attention arc se announcqdiin a' special ad; in this1 pl)er by. the Atlantic Coast Line, to Panama. Jamaica and -.Cuba, with One person ally-conducted totit frorn'ley West , on January 7, as a special attrac tion. ' Those who wisli to see the beau ties of those countries and make a trip through Florida, including a trip over the famous "Over-Sea Railroad,'' should call on -or address F. M. Jolly, Traflic Agent; Atlantic- Coast Line, Wilming ton, whd, will personally "conduct the party on the- large .new: steamship 'Evangeline," which ,it is annouru. I, will accommodate 700 passenr 1 1 If he doesn't ear a Bate Street j j: : Shirt he doesn't wearthe best. I j: ; j',-".'iGive useful presents Shop early, 4 i v 11 Shopping Days. . r. "The c: i r 1 ! I I 4 M -1 (Adv.) . L - ;f:';''J.-