cneisras cons niDifJG ii: OfihTIDOFJOYWDHLDCWldE tV;!"'r; g"J " ' L.M ... .,.1,, lu.,,, ' i New Bern Welcomes Crown :. ing Event of Happy Holiday- Season. JtLtPBEPARilTlQNS E. FOB GREAT Ot . Weather - Will Be ine ana : ? : : v Favorable. -'"Lest you torget, it is Christmas.! '! World-wide is the celebration and i ttie keen enjoyment of it r; as f ir uns. ' Ja the practice of c. lebratwg it i in ' flj-lf.' Eveiy where Christ may t: cele K; fcratcd for there is no place where """CbrisUaiM have not gone, and every where the H.iv hrirps a f'oixl of jov f tlip hearts ot t imslian nu n ami w ';. soen. , Alter a rtonjsy traae in unprocc 'dented proportions New liern is pre for a thorouchBOine celebration ',. ml Christians . The weather man after - . - . T I , T . imln nt Kljxnrl'iir ii'.iimn'l M ' sweeter disposition yesterday and ivf 'M0mises to he good again today ,Nct' to "a white Christmas a clear, ')old Christmas is the one that most jJtwpl's-Iike and it is the kind that has . The day before Christmas in New ' Bern wa not unlike other Christmas ee in New Derp. The rain of the . earlv uiorning served doubtless1 to keep rw oiiuntn' rwvinlo (m m rnminu i-n ' tewn.but the stores nevertheless en- i: joyed a brink trade, and last night in tfcc' most of them it seemed, j udgwg from the crowd, -that the injunction '.-lift shop early had been wholly over- ; looked. 5 '. Purluiu tliprr was Ies of disorder '. tfHi'the streets last nieht fhan'on pre- VioW occasions. . The idea that the A 'proper 'ay to1 celebrate Christmas eve ' . ' SS Iff liltlKC g :aivcl. wo Clitvj Laim.u 'liV a smaller number of people thin had .. i.. .a . t' been the case with some Christinas eves rf-yore. The throngs were uiet and tfVTIPnV 111 IfirU. . AIILJtUIMtlVW . .VI Iviiv ' V , t. - Vreat day' iut none the less happy as inany :.' ipamiir eye ana giowmij 4eek attesed. 1 he,,, ringing ol tne i ':- -9ticet 'car ffonks, toa added a new and AMI moving meuiey i wniniw wiir r i ttbe precursor of the day of days., , Christinas day a sual in New Bern as but the opening of the holiday sea tan. It wilt be several days before the Vious events which get their inspira XtoiFEuttf Christmas will have, been onrluded. ' There will be ciiurc'li, Sun-;-dar school and social entertainments galore ana not until alter tne nrst 01 . Im rnminir vear tetlf the .old town urt- fle dowa to k B-ork-ailay Ratt , again, " Traveling Men to Celebrates. t..M JLiA M4- mI1 ..r nem vauuiw uavc inxii uiauc cii ,a. she local hotels1! .for accommodations iiringfltt' ndkyVAn -svlio are 'din 'he-road" ' Will tryiid -"make New Bern" tediy n xirdci lo ... -i l 1 jt . panicipuce jn ; uic, Lt-n.-uriiiiuu , which -have been planned for the' occasion. : " -, A patty of lfteen "Knight of the "Crip" have -made. arrtogcmentsto fcive a high-ojd time at th Caaton Hotel.T. Several lay: ago they wired PROGRAM AT THE. ATHENS . ; TODAY., " :- ' ' ne naft n cucpiionauv gwi Christina ; day bill read the 1itJ ver, and you- tan'f stay away. ii i V " "'Hies , ' - t . ? ' . The Three I.aBertas, singing ' t .Iking and novelty tacrobatlc .rtlonists. , - 4 . ; 1. Riddle and Rhymed Re 4 : 1 sinking and talking and 4frr trie dancing. ' ', TheMuslcal Brattons, com eJ t usical and talking, lntroduc i evfral atandard instruments. "T , i prpurate nets all good. - s: "In the Garden Fair" , li comedy drama.' "Bob- ' k" An Ed.'son comedy. ferTices'This s 1 I Jl-ion coie.'y. "The tit" A ror-aiice of that ', irt"? Col ..t;' ' j cattle 1 ' ' . 1 ' vc ! 'i. 4 $00 J . C , 1 . ., is ( s '. i . ; t i II. I . !! y 15c. to 8 10c. to f!l. SNATCHESTflWOF oiiiiiis Would-be Thief is ! BmJijy 0?er- , taken in Alley-Hiahd nacea vnaer rst PUTS UP IIVLlilWTUSSLK ' . : Pretended to Be DrUGems scatterea uut wrariy. aii Later RecovercciJ1' . Rirhmon.l, Va.,Dec4iWnatching a trav containing nine- fWvtond rinvs valued at 54,000 ,a later gave his name ;it .,i)sVV.-MyiTS, dsAhcd out of Lunsden'Vicjf'Irv store on Main street about TwfliiWTlock hist niglu and ran down ihsAVUftroughfare for several blocks, liofluV ;Ursued by ii.i.iin V. M I'rrAVw scotil other lerks in the ifwef. Captain Mvers flnallv overt rk rlie '.tOgitive in an alleyway where a desperate tussle ensued. However, with .the aid of re inforcements, he s iccSn,fciJ, in ov powering his man. Swtv I he captive was led AW,Ynearbv t-i gar store where pendinJ-AA arrival ol the police he pretended, to: be drunk and refused to talk. Not(ling wis found on him to indicate his real identity. When he entered tHo jewelrv store, he first purchasedtJief of, cheap cun' Out tons, ttien ne aaK?a to be shown some dimond 'land'.Jiwhen the tray, of sparkler11 was ta1vei from (he case 'he had little troublcvn v getting away with ifiem. Only f"A'tohe rings were recovered when tWft,,roan was caught, these being fotmd on his litigers.x Kix others wee'JutT' lxated in the nUeyway with tbevpjd of. police earrhlit;hts. .V.' GLADDEN MANY HEARTS. Many hearts will be maw ilad today by the Christmas dinneA'.yhich the q,i....s- a. ,ili ;i, Captain Satterfield and corps oil"' attcndw' !n bod-' il i.:.,, , . , i,' '' ii- r j day preparing the large baskets of ood ! ... . - , ' v which will be given to every- worthy . TLV.i '11 hi person who calls. Thirty -well filled i . . i. , . t'- i a p-,.., .u. :n . ; ,ir " rrTr" " rJ...SJX 7" - . . A r, t JMV I 7 Manager Cherry to secun&VvChristmas kx.w. fj 'th uirt n.rikt,-.w- w.If Utt I ti.v..t ' "V .w,3W" .iiMV, U .1 placed lit the hoteL parldijAd !oaded wiku me k, .iiiui ihc uwuvri uu i friends of .theparty.wiHlJiiffld hi.- ;A bpecta dinner 1tiepired and serv4 t itc .merry ia4rrsi;i ..-v At th other hcfetetrie Wt Christ; land sympathy for the. h?tuwl htis m tneirui hv been fettmrecl and band, parents and other rola'ives. everv consideration will beVov.n i he Thereareamimterof aeArVandflcf-l reuses in the cifv for tbeV.olidav and these exponents of Thespi's:, all?of w hi.rn are' doomed to'spend th&dAy , away froni their befoved ' Hr!?zA x'w; will j ouch to nave a nomklo eo There-are many iTerki; A Vew Bern ire many f ierK .-,iwv pern - d with, local firM(R5ho live iiarts of thfe Staivho will iaTshort holjdavi)iat it will" store ana wi . . ' i.-j:...,.". i:n kni-'f ' ' in other -part have such a short holiday ih; nnf be noKsihti for them tAfrtftrfi hnmc I These,ijns the majority of Va.-es, -have friends in'-thc cit v and" (thoN occasion tt'ill rtrnv rwitlMinir ti .Yfoi'i 'Tit-riiUrnA I bered them ' . Amusement , k There will bc,. number ot' in fractions and aumsements: during fjie- day and no one need fed lonesonnv-.,.This afteri noon, beginning at 1 o'clock, there will be a turkey shootout at (.hi nt park. At J:30 o'clork the snme place the . New Bern and: Vas! ni'Mon foot ball teams will, plav a i. h jr tnie. awe at There will be a ( hnstii) the AthensThcatre am there tonight. The m a show if t! Athens 1 heatre have ( i f vaudevi 'e art!:- for t'.i penormance is one oi mi in tome lime. guebt' and 'those wNoartpenting Thebudyfras Jiurird in CeilT lrt i thiy taffiprfi' honje, aHc ones 'CbmeterV. J T, ' . ' i ilf be i made a happy asn&nl Ie. , ' ; ', ' - ' V 'With The Actor Mis, " - . i 'w't - " - 1 aS8ii in nuivi-imig u.e u rr --- r local ownerg ad rtjadagers of tne ae or ,oik it is nexco impose - -r last . fct toRethomlorShnatmWWiUhcsjr-"""- - V V; 1'4lv", ! were , doing a fine buhiiiea arc luck enougn to nave a nom to iro to: t v,, tu iuni,,.i'H Christmas Morning FUNERAL OF MRS. DEI. A MAR Praised Warmly By "Her- Pastor- Laid to ltc$t inCed'ir Kitm'c' I' The funeral ol the late Mrs, ...(',. tpela mar rook piaca yester-nv.' after- uoon at J 30 ocloik from -Centenary Methodist church and was conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. B. Hurlev. Tte numbers of the Woman's .Missionary Society of the church of which -Mrs. 1Jl Amr w, 'aur.u.i and espucwlly I -v , . t . I ' . ... a,so Present a oeieeation from ihc Daughters of the Confederacy, , , " . , . The pall-bearers wire A. 1-.. H'bbard, , , . . . . . ' j-ll" v.. ioison; r. m. i.naa;vi.'k-, n. u. I -- U , . , . ' Z. Craven, T.-C. hthendge arid J. P, in rv.i , ln tne rr0an, 01 runm were a duet by Mnr W. HBisho, andS M ad 'J"" hvmn, "I.Am Glad thai Je,.is J me, which was a favontp with Mrs. Delamar Rev. Mr.' Hurley .poke in terms of unstinted ' of r the . rlcutsed, dwelling upon her fortityde-iiv fickiK-as. 1.-1. her abiiurcfinp cheerfulneLt, her rare iri a UIIIIITllllll.' I UCri UllllCAy, Jl CTV. TilWG u nclf ishness, her ftentlenes U charac- ifi aim oisiiu')ii anu ner- consianvjy JisplaVed solicitude 'for thi welfare; of oChers. - - : . v .. . ', - - AacvMenftes M respect for t hu deceased friends sent many heaii'tli'I Howera. HINOHARAvTO , SPEK. t I."'! be tpworth League ofvCemenary j Methodist church will hold a Christmas U-Tviceln the league room- thi e;en- 'i t o-tlocle. At his hour, Rev. cordial , inVitian'on -is-' e r.tended to v" . iiT fu w" .v..i;v yy tnf public -tp Wine out to. tbU ChiKt-' mas servke. ..' , ' - " lih. nmlti, Iii-Vaih. Ahf tn. thu I'htiul. , r , V ; . ' - 11 I OOR OUT, BOYS! ' icemen have been iiiinin:cted under arrcyt anvpersdii v 1ini or:hear of disclvirrini; hrc- other combustible between ' wiv- the hours of 10 o'clock t Ins. morning and t 'o'clock this afternoon. , ,,.- at gii;;:;t c, ON' IN NEW SI UURB One Hundred Blazed Forth Last Wight For First Time. Onikundred thirty-two candle power incnrlesccmV . hnip blazed tv-r.'li I;.? night for .the first time on Rhen; iven e in the new suburb, Ghent, in th -est ern part of the citj. - For several weeks slectriciims have' been nfatjed in placintr these b-Jits in position. When, the Tightnu' " tern of this suburb: was plani"!.' ihr owners decided to introduce -i. m novation in the lighting systen., ft' ich was practivally a new idea if. this section. . Formerly arc ligh 'h-ive beer used in illuminating the-ciry. Jr was found tltat a number of smaller lightsTcmldjhe wsed with aboct tbe sjtieT)peoJiture and -that the ill . in itiation given, byuhese was much better than the arc light; Accordingly at a distance of about sixty feet all along Rhem avenue, arches containing six of these; thirty-two bundle power in candescent lamps were placed. The test last night proved very satisfactory. BUY FOURTH CAR Street Railway People Find That - Thre Are Not EnpngJh. -, . f 'i As evidence of the fact that the owners of the; New Bern Ghent Street Rail way Company which began the 4pec tion of -btoeet cars iitthisjcitybiii Saturday, are.greatl)r pleased wkh the( patronage given , them, 'by . the ' people of--New Bern, thsy yesterday placed an order ; with the Cincinna U Car Com ' pany for. another car, 'Similar to.-tfe one now being Ubcd'and which were constructed by thenC " , Mayor. C , McCarthy; one of t' t the m the earn nd that each ''day's receipts BO' far .have been very .gratifying .to' the fconipany, j '.-w vi At present the schedulae ii effect is nofTall that coul.d be-desired.1, It is the intention of the a f "-x r initte, sched new arrives . oct. 'I car will be frohruary 1. , ny to give -is soon as ! a. put in 1 red about A. Kay Hill left Mono. morning fof a visit with relatives at South Creek. r- -1 s BE TELEPHONE'S RIVAL But It Will Be Many Years Yet, According To John Hays Hammond, Jr. IN EXPERIMENTAL STAGE YET r Nevertheless, He Sees Wider and More Practical Field Than One Now Occupied. Boston, Mass., Dec. il That he will soon be able to talk from his ex perimental station at Gloaeiter to W.uh ington by wireless telephone, is the be leif of Rihn Has Hammond, Jr., Mr. Hammond, who is the son of the null ing engineer, has been experimenting several years with wireless tclephon. He believes that ultimately telephon ing without wires will take the place of the present system. "Withing a few months," he said, ' I shall no doubt be talking daily with the government experimental slatior in Washington. "lomv mind wireless teleohonv of fers a wider and more pr.i Inal held of endeavor than v..eless telegraphy but in tins connection I wish fo soun a note of warning. I he public shoul be somewhat charv of accepting as a established fact the commercial statu of wirelesa telephony. The whole s.sub tect !s in an experimental stage yet and it will be many years in al probability before wireless takes the place of the present system. "The General Electric Company is making an apparatus for me at the present time' which I propose to use in connection with certain inventions of my own, and I shall be very much dis appointed if we do not succeed in talk ing with Washington when it is in stalled. The particular system wireless telephony which we are using here at Gloucester was the discovery of Dr. Leon Chaffee." GREAT SERVICE PLANNED All Churches To Unite In Launch Inft Big Laymen's Meet. A gfreat union service in the interest of the approaching Laymen's Con vention to be held in this citv in Feb ruary will take place at Centenary Methodist Church Sunday night. While women will be invited and expected to be prevent the men will have setts to themselves, the women being present more as spectators than as companions of the men. There will be a brief address by a layman from every Protestant church in the city nd the service is expected to develop great interest in the Feb ruary meeting. '. It will be the fiist "big gon" in the preparations for the convention. Practically all the Protestant churches will unite so thai an extra ordinary large congregation is expected. BROTHER OF MRS. ALPHECS DISOSWAY DIES . , . 1 Dr." d Mrs. Alpheas Disosway of Plyriiouth had started here last night to. upend Chrjstjnaa with Dr. Disosway' parents, "Mr.-aad M"-' Mark Disosway. Before lea vng,: however, Mrs: Disos way received a telegram from Hartford, Conor, announcing the sudden death of her brother, Mr. ' Wallace. She at once left for Hartford to attend her brother Vi funeral, ' while Dr.- Disosway continued his ri to this city, , AT THE EXPRESS OFFICE, v Z V. Taylor, manager of the Jocal office, of tht Southern Express Company, states that the oflice will be open today as usual and that the wagons will de liV er' paclrages . all during" the- day.. Persons intend leaving home fort the ,day age 8' the o.. ho are expect! ng--pao' atake arrangements ? with 1 j hold the 'same! Wii f,tr morrow, i Christm as With prisoners. The prisoners now confined- in the Craven county jail and those who are members of the chain gang will not be forgotten today. Sheriff R. B. Lane has made preparation to serve them with an unusually good dinner and they will also receive gifts from their, ret ives and friends. The inmates of - jail have been looking forward to ii tmas Day with much anticipa- ii an.t everything po.ible will be . to r..! p t!,ei ' '.v the anniver r f I'd 'i ' C ., i t.' The chain ' v ' ' '.tto the jail WIRELESS SENATEVETERANS JO Senate "Insurgents" Will Hardly Be Able To L'nhorse Strong Southerners. .MAY GAIN MINOR POINTS Older Men Know Game lletter and Have Advantage of lieing Intrenched. Washington, I )ec. -- As was e-iKcle-l, the youncer eleinent in i'ie S-.nale is niakini; its plans fur a hard fiaht to overthrow the "oil onkr" in the reorganization which i-, I" lake place when the new administration begins. This element is vehement in its expressions of dissatisfaction with the system of seniority which im-s so much prestige to the veterans in the Senate service, some ol whom the newer men decclar'' to be out of sympathy with the spirit of the tunes and ot the present dav Democracy which trnmi phed at the Baltimore convention. I he '"insurgent inovciient will ; directed especially against I he oe- linuance ol enalor I honias . .V.n tin, of irinia, in ihe tiosilion ol leaileisslup of the Demo'rilie aii(us including the c hairmanship of t lie 'Vmcjcratie steering onimi' tec-. It will also brinfi its batteneii to bear against the rise of Senator Simmons, of North Carolina, to the chairman ship of the finance committee, wlurh will have charge of the shaping of tariff legislation at that end of (he Capitol. Unlesu President Wilson himself takes a hand ' in the fight against Senators Martin and Simmons, there appears to be no reason to change the opinion already expressed in this cor respondence that the "insurgents" will be unsuccessful in their attempt to unhorse the two powerful Southerners, though there is no doubt that imoor tant concessions and adjustments will lie made to conciliate the newer ele ment. When the veterans have won i he main point, clinching then hold upon the first honors, thev may .yield various other positions to which their prestige entitles them, hor instance. Senators like Martin, Simmons, Tillman, Haron and Culberson now hold the ranking- Democratic membership on several mportant committees. Neither of them, of course, will bechairman of more than one of these committees. but the custom is to leave, a Senator in the second place on any conuiuttee for whose membership he may have been in line if he elects to take the chairmanship of some oiher committee. The veterans will be willing to re linquish some of the secondary honors to win their fight for first ones. Senior ity in the main has alwavs won in the Senate. The older men know the game better, have the advantage of being entre.ncbcd.nd are able to deal temptingly with ambitious Senators who-stand "betwixt an-! between" the old and the new in length of servx-c. JlffiSTTO RETURNS, After. awjeefcrof splendid bport,, in cluding-duck shooting ., deer stalking and casting for bass, a party of five gentlemen from the western part of the State passed through the city yester day enroute to their homes from Have- lock where they have been for the past ten days. In the party were W. F. Clegg and Capt.- C. W. Fowler of Greens boro, E. W, Koontz of Charlotte and W.- D. Myers and M. A. Teeter of Salisbury, These gentlemen, all noted for their skill with both gun and rod, reported. a j bag -of 1 siscjy-four ducks, seventy finer bass -and a deer. They 'started three deers during their .visit out two eluded both dog and gun. Mrs'.'-T.: A.- .Cranthain ' and children 1 leftyesterday ifor -Washington, . N- Q; tor a,i5-it .with relatives, V , V, ' rv mi kpw AnvvRTi&Flu If Kits' fi' ' ' ' M; E. Whitehursfcfi, (V.W'wV'v j.f I..?xterri5krv tnanit yu New Bern Banking and Trusty Co. ' --1I Positive proof of safety. T A: T. ' Willis Co. We? wish you merry Chrirtniai. ' " i ' ', H. C. Ar.mst rong-Merry Christmas ev ry body. . , x . S. Coolin A Son Wishing yea "a merrv Chi 1st mas. , ,.-, -v... 1 reel. Sc ot t 1 hanks for pa'ronage. v. (.' I'oyd I he si ason's greet ings.' A Castot Our best wishes. RETAN POWER