If. VOL. LXII.No. 73 Th Wtber NEW BERN; N, C, FRIDAY MORING DEGEMBER"27f 1012 . ; THREE. CENTS PER COPY. OimiSTMAS WITH FOOTBALL LADS Face to Face With. Miss Liberty , ' And as Seen FrbnV an Airship t. SANELY OBSERVED 'T HOTEL GUESllSEE1' MERRyCHRJSBiAS CHRISTMAS WAS SUN DAY SCHOOLS Oil SHOW X '(: , i. ; Delightful Enter taiifments Inspired PRESENTS . ARt DIStAlBCTEb ! ' Jnterettioft f -Projranw Songs . ' n4 Recitations Also " ' Rendered, , , - Tne Christmas entertainment of, ht f&dlj khool 'of thc' rirst Baptist , J . t ckurtfc 1t,iglt ws )rgly Attended v : 4 ae pairs 01 ine sort ever given at ' i Th,Siindsy; school room jpresenUd ., a pKrturejHe,cen witJv decorations ; ? d innlti-coiored Jignts, mos and metal , J liifVinil, Instead 'of the t6nentional f r c Cjifistnias Trte there "was a Christmas I 'jfj in -with an old-iashioned" sweep ; - -"'taarched up- wheirpalted, the gpwep . r: t swung low and amended bringing; up a i S: k. biurki't full of presents for the waiting ' ' ;'' jones. 1-rom the will the class members , i passed on to heaps of apples, orans - ' and boxes of rhocolates from which - v they helped themselves. " Prior to the distribution of presents ' "'n enjoyable program was rendered as , ' - jfollows: 'v.. ... Prayer, Dr. Carter. . Address, Dr. Carter . .. ' Soug by choir, "Joy to the Worid." ; '.' : '-fi '' Recitation, Christmas Greeting, ' - . i . : Lucilc Meredith. Vw5ong; "Six Little Stars", by six small ..V . girt. , dwM-jSiM-j, ''Beautiful Star", by choir. . ' v' Reehtion, by Isabel Smith. .v, . , sRectUtioui, by Roberta Matthes. )uartet, "Star of. Bethlehem" ' ,Rcitation, by JLuby Bryan. -i j; jKecitation - .ny rwatnieen nooinson . " ong, by choir, iiai! Him King and ;u.ord.' ;i The v exercises concluded wth a - jpburch social at Vhlch; coffee,. chpcxat. ' Vud wafers- werc-!(ryer'The interest ing exercises were directed by S. M. Brinson, stipenntendent of the. school. 0:. At Centenary. -The Pright Jewel Society of Cent- nary Methodist church,-an organi- jation made up for the most part of "little folks, gave a .very enjoyable ntertainment in the Sunday school -.room last (night There were, songs, . recitations and drills all of which were v ound very entertain! ng by the audience. -'J he following was. the program: - Prayer, Mr. Hurley. , . - Remarks, Mrs. Jlendren. "Christmas treading, 'Miss Wallace. ... Afarching song, children, iiecitation, "Christmas", Laura Ro 'f .f; berts,- Elizabetu Roberts, Rob- bert. Haywood. Boys and Girls. -ittle Jewels. Seven gu-ls. . - Solo, ' Mr. Bfsbop. Collection.!: 1 ' . ' Song, .'Suffer the Children". Offering , .Jleoitaiion, JiariucC Dill. Beuediciion. V! 'At. the ; conclusion of the program 1 1he members' of the organization and ' AIM- , IIIV MM-TV f VI Its. Wi Himnv," , a ndeneyf pnit"'t7'fhrf rbascm.oy ' kere refashminV eretservea v XA.I1 Saints' Chapel The . Christina ' exercises at All "Sajnts1'-trhapel,.: the .Mission of Christ , ( Episcopal jhurch, were held yesterday ' afternoon at 5 o'clock and was largely ift tended,: both l?y the pupils of the Continued on page four ' BfO XMAS PROGRAM AT THE Three feature vaudeville attractions - as follows - . f f -tt.- Golden and DeMar "The Lady e Boob." t T i ' v Morris and Collin. The, Corned ,a.. .'Morris and Collins;. .Th.'v" . A. ueclian and the singer, 4nl-"Matri- ire mal talk." $ ; - .Ird. Feruum and Dtrmar, the p'rima : donnas. and the, bus.' jiouei furniture Lreakcrs. , - 1 I'icture program. i: '''Heredity? A J!iograpu Indian picture,. shpwing where the fall of the blood Is answered. - This j'irture is up to the Biograph standard. , "Juan and J m nit. a" A Mexican love iory. "The Sacking of , Rome"A liipto.-ical drama dealiug with the trou J Irs of 157.A. D., intensely interest in r i- lit. A mammoth show today. J'. tins week' 1st floor Sc to all. 1 .-y 15c. to all. Matinee 10c. to a!!. Matinee starts at '3:45. Show at iv ;ht commences at 7:30 o'clock. iRedtHtion, '.Recitation, Traveling Men, Ff From Home, Get Special Atten(6tt From , Bonlftcea.V . APPETIZING MENUS I-g THtM Party of Fifteen Assbled m "Caston and Hid Cntimas Trvling men no iojikXt mjrc ticable .to ec homt ir-VC'iristniM were ' not neglertcd by -tiliopltable una wsfto finarira nic swap pruiuca for rhf table-af the GastonWiimes and. t some via.tds. inrludtttg'iielaboratc ai'rav of both rubiantiaU SR dlintie- In the hiiels wvll a'jYic various restaurants of t.i. city ' vnni rletail of the Christmas me.d was;-JJp'ked after and the fl'-santly pfi'p&Wv dinners broiigh iiiinv cxiresidipliyapprecia turn from those whi m fvrin Aided imift dine awav Irom tumily :in-le. M.in-igcr ( Vrv el thp a'lon hol-.l P'esenteO each dinner ueyi W'lh a nandiom-.-lv arranged dinrtt card in the lorm of a booklet, he voVer l-ein a ivpical Christ ma destjw.t.The diners SA-lect"-! their ( hnstmsV ref4st fron. the intKsed lit. In iJiOlfin to the other guest" it the Cddo-therc was i parrv ol i-ighte. n iraydiiJiiT men ho tiad mac preparanoquaw spnuinrf th Hay hen: and they ? a CSnstnisis tree in the hotel parlor. That the oiTa'on was a thi!righlV enjoyabl one to them was plainfyYevi'lencfd by their jovialty and irihy ' "MptVasions of thanks ro Matmper hcrry lor tne fxr'llent service an'v,;9deration yhnwa lhem hv. the hotel sVtte.ldants. At thf Barnes Jiotel aitKMw b Gem Hotel thfr re wtre a Wge numl.er of, Bues(k4iad tlw m.nu wr 'varied and extensive and the dSnheW t4flr?uhJjf enjoyed by- each- gfcsti ':?ritejmeww of rhe'Caston rfotJl'nd-th'xamas Hotel follow: ' '.'- The Gaston. - i Oysrers, On Ha)(Shcll Heart ol Celery J?lreen Oliv-s -' SOL'P&v Mov k Turtle a, la, Angla rt ' Clear Green Turtle Aux Ouenclls Mang. es - 'V MiXePu-kles I lSH Broiled Sea Trout, Vcnrtie'nne It utter T'onwics, IX.iSerttt Choteau A Boiled Philalclphu Cap Fruit Punch a, la,- ( .aston Braised milhfitld Ham .1'..- lampagne Saui:c Croquetts lJt.- Veau, fetti . .. Aoricot Turuov:r,t?fden Snuo? Km; Roast Prime Cut of NeVork Beef -r i-Roasi Princess Ann Tuikv Chestnut Cranbery.?Sfuie Corn Br 4 W t r. ---f y , oit'Jiejif fotates iJpfm 'H, T "'Sfedme-' Crohwa"Rice Spinach a la Anglais At7yte !Ba CKicken Salad, fVfayennaise J Wekhs GrapeJ'Jai'.'e , - Pistachio l,c Cteam'yFrHit C!ake ' ' Xnf'' ngliih Plum'-Ptiddu'r2ir6r Hftiialf Pumpkfn Cutard fie V ; ,-'-.r-.-a-VV' Lemon MaVan;Ue Pie " 4 After1 Dinner MWa , Ameri-un Roquefort p u C h English Breabiast T4a 'A- ( afe uir' Rxiins )Ur&gntt a ! i v.'iLN ut s Hotel James v Plain B'-dtiort Beef fea i;yCortsomme Chrffptw.-J " Cr.anvlllenande Chow Chow J. Heart of Lettuce ; Sweet PiclKs , y , Baked Fresh Cod a la (jnnvise, : - - ' 'r, v : Pom it) i' s i i a bant Ro.ist Prime Rih cf Be ; i.u J'js Roast Long Island v.o nn "' , Apple San- '' ' Roast Prince . Am Turkey, Ciem hntcia on innstnis' riay ror rach nl U.ce places the Kljf , literal)' groaned K'atwfh. the w(of whole ' $ If, ' u v r Vi J5"-!" ) ,t-f' ". ' 'III r t , y-,; r . ,Uv;t , ;-f. --p ''4vv A-v ..It;Vi' k ' S", .' ! 1 VjVt.'' i-t,!S f . A PstM by ' iiMTkaua' : .TTNTBODUCINO. If too please, lUaa 1, ..Kw:Torfr-harbor. prtk?talMv: 1st jrnawtf fr Aloft cloM in freit f ntit b Tathet J .Mnlti Tk'llH(i ctaM m' Hi ntra rftr1n thla pieTf 10 aonlin SQUHuei. ma .iisiiiiS'.isiny;! uw uwof Maw bid tier: a; warm -adlfeu m NintoM beacon Und n Inspiring hop for alt oa STUDIED VERDI Very Delightful Meetlkig of Music Cltb ia Held. I One of the most delightful social meetings of the Music Department of the Woman's Club was held yester day afternoon with Miss Nina Eannight. Twenty-four members were present and enjoyed an afternoon with Verdi, and some of his most splendid com positions. As an introduction 'to the program Mrs. J. P. C. Uavn read a carefully prepared paper on Verdi and his operas. . . Mrs. John Abcrly with' her rich contralto voice sang Ave Maria from Otello; Ernani, Fly With Me and sung by Mrs. Carraway was enjoved much: Home to Our Mountains from II Trovatore was sweetly rendered by Mrs. Herbert Luptoo and Miss Bas- night. - Miserere ' was fatltlesslv ex- exuted on the piano bv Mrs. Jas B. Blades. .- i : - . Several selections from II 1 rovatore were rendered by the club, members in unison. ;T , At theonclupion Oi i r.,..,,ilm. delicious salad Ourser at wei ocf "by Mrs. 'WAM.tPMnianiTjfHrfses Eula Cole and Harriet te Dill DEATH OF.J. B. -CROCKETT. J.vB., Crockett of Hampton, rVa4 lather of Mrs. W, K. Styron and W. Crockett of this cfty died yesrerday at t he" home of his daughter,.- Mrs; J, F.: feowe in Hampton, Va. MrCroc- kett-had often visited here and news of his death will be beard with, regret. ' s Cranberry Sw.uce.v , v 'eal Vt'iih Dressins;, Brow.n Sauce r Chicken Croquelts Petty Pois 4 H . 1 r " -i v ' I ' Pot.ito Salad German Style v ' f , I , Cibiiifcr-Pudding Brandy'1 Sauce - j- Prune Pie ; : Peach. Meringue Pie 'Apple Pie Orange Ice Cream Macaroons v Assorted t'aki Mince Cernucopia Eckim and Americin rheete -' Sal tine Crckem Assorted Nu-s and Raisins bmanss . Grangers -Applet Milk IJkcftr iTM1X. fc.Ai ! ' Dlaaaant task.' 8m .hw tn faltkAsl. I tans rr to Dm nMtest UnmtB. laaandjwa, . . , . ... t DR. MERFELD IN RALEIGH Delivers Lecture to Congregation of Capital. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Merfcld of this c ity arc spending the Christmas holi days a. Raleigh. Ltt Sunday Dr. Mer- feld delivered a lecture ta the Jewish citizens of that city and the New and Observer' has ihe following to say abut thelcture: Rev..H. A. Merfcld r.f New Bern delivered a lecture Sunday to the Jew ish congregation ot this city, the ser vices being held in the room used for the Sunday school. Mr. MerleJd took his text from the fourteenth verse of the Iifteenth chap ter of Exodus, "Speak unto the chil dren of h-rael that thev: go forward." His .subject was "Let Well Enough Alone." He told of the time when Moses found .himself -in a most perplexing situation,' when pursued sby. Pharaoh he came. to. the raging waters of the Red Sea; how he, preferring to go for ward thatt,.to .MbTO'I enougtwdpncJ I . .. ' I ' m - 1.- m I "i- ' . . r - I 4'&. .pnci wAKses prooawy spent IntMlentr'tricattaition, r the preacher said. f'With the strenght. that 'comes from , prayerv .with - the 40wer 1 tht came ro( hiiu as he stood with, out stretched arms appealing for the help ot Him ' who controls all forces, - a nd whose " stars in . their 1 courses , are-, al ways, with the, right; Moses returned to his people and said to thera:' . 'Go forward! . Brav the wave f: difficul ty make a path throuht the floods and' reach ' the - yonder ..shore!' A This nay be but a figment of the imagina tion; it may be enlyhe tribute of the nerT ' worstupper; it mv ! ,,st .a 1 ' ,I hive -r al fact y t .to. oljr i.. i . : it be true or ;r y be jptures a; . but, .ether it s people on, dry U2-a,, did ti land t or not, Moses s rh -through -the ; I reached , the youuer 1 shore while their pursuers were over thrown". ."Some time other we' are con frontied by Red Sea,s of difficulty, "or oppressed -by tyrannical enemies in the rear, while the way out is found by following the behest, "Go forward! March onward!' . F. B. Elliot, cotton buyer for J. E. Latham & Co. of Greensboro, has moved las family here from Polloks vil'e and will make this city liis home. IK' is living at 127 Frond street.' No Unnecessary Noises, No Trage dies, Near Tragedies, or Roydin. pit oM of iax for all Absence of Large fire Crackers With Their Accompanying Horrors Noticeable. Christmas of 191 in New .Bern can ui trutntuness be recorded as y which was fittingly observed. here .was,' no unnecessary noise, no agedie, near tragedies! or rowdyism-, I During the early part of the day aH ere busy with the gifts, examining' and sending, th children were ing out the things which St. Nicholaj had left as he hurried on his journey from home to home and everywhere there wa joy. Particularly noticeable was the ab sence of very large firecrackeis, the variety that unually rausecarnage anH death and leave horror in their wake.. Cap pistols and sky rockets were ijuitc un-nerous liut so far as is known ("lere were no accident caused ly these The ioor w-re not forgotten and man) whom the vicisitude- ol life have lett stranded on the shoais oi poverty were made hippy by the tnouhtf ulhess of kind hearted friends If anyone went hungry in New Bern on Crhistmas day it was their own fault,'.. Benevolence rulrd supreme and tile spirit ...of the Christ child prevailed throughout the city. MAYSVILLE MILL ORGANIZES E. L. Mattocka Preeident and J. C. Bauntan Manatiatf Director. The Maysville Cotton Mill Com pany of Maysville has effected an or ganization by the election of the fol lowing officers: E. L. Mattocks, presi dent, A.-,X. Collins, first vice-preisdept E. McCut,cheon ,sevond-vice presi dent, R. L. .Jenkins, treasurer, Jesse G.' Brown secretary, J. C. Bauman, managing director. It is expected to begin working on the plana for the building in the course of the next two or three weeks. The mill will have a building plant coast ing in the neighborhood of $50,000. The. brick will be made on the pre mises. The promoters of the enterprise are enthusiastic over the success ol their efforts in getting the stock sub scribed and the community as a whole is aroused -to a sense of the benefit which a plant employing a large number of people will involve. Miss Bessie Hill, who is teaching at Hear Creek, is here spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Annie Dortch Hill. A Christmas tree for the Sunday school of the Methodist church was given in the school building Wednesday (-night and . proved a very enjoyable affair. SELLS MANY AUTOS Nw Bern Oompanr Placed Ordetfln r-?tne HymannSupply- Company yes terday unloaded two 1913 model- Cadil lac, automobiles, a touring, model foff 8- W. Lewis of FarmviHe.and a tor pedo model for . H. H, Grajnger of Kinston. :" Mr. Hyman states that in October, his company contracted for sixty 1913 Cadillac cars, and id a. lew days sold forty of these cars to sub- agencies leaving them only twenty cars to sell ia this immediate territory. ' Durlng he winter months the sale of f cars ia limited " yet the i Hyman om v '-'iiorders t for? the, s e'nl iriL ) ! which 4psove; jtl. j Co pbr -ia) -wf ...-wn caift ia th Represeotati'ves iof tf corp. .a oAgiaa jojsfio -toese cats to f one interested before, they are ' :.. .red to the owners,. Mr.? rry- man says' the demand has been so great that he has not been able to keep a ear for demonstration purposes V f h i.:;.y"; " r-.'-i.----" -' , - BUS FOR THE JAMES.T'' The large two-horse bus - recently ordered by .the , management 'of . the ames Hotel arrived in the city 'yester day and was placed in . commission at once. v the new vehicle is com modious .and affords the passengers every "comiort. it win unjaouDteaiy prove a very valuable adjunct to the tel's facilities.. It is very attractive n appearance. , Ar- AS RESULTS LOCALS' ARE SORE Washlngtonlans Wired Late fa Afternoon They Had Been - - -daii Murderer. , With several bumiied local football enthusiasts confidently xpecjing to attend he game between the New Bern and 'Washington teams on the afternoon of Christmas day and which .was to . bay 6ee, plaved at Ghent park, the siting team failed to put in it appearaoee and necessarily the game was called otL . The Was h,U)gton Bos should have arrived in tde Ury on the early morning train and a delegation from the local team was on band to meet 'hem. Every preparation had been made for iher entertainment while in the eitv. Special rates had been secured at the james Hotel and their expenses '.i and lrom the city were o have been paid. W hen the train pulled in to ilu Union passenper station there wis not the least sign oj the "gridiron giants" and a careful search fik-d to reveal even the remotest information a to their possible whereabouts. Lyle Smith, captain of the local team .waited patiently for some ex planation from the Washington tea.m and late in the afternoon received a telegram from the manager in which he stated that there had been a tiiurder committed in that town on the previous nignt aqfj jhv the majority of the players had kPCOt the night in a search for the murdsrer apd were not in u condition to play ball. The local team had been to consider able expanse in preparing for thi game, advertising, putting the hid in condition, etc. and naturally its members ielt that he Washington boys bad treated them in an inconsider ate manner. SHOOT WELL ATTENDED Ten Turkeys Awarded, One Man Capturing Three. The turkey shoot held out at Ghent park on the afternoon of Christmas Day proved to be one of the biggest cVents of the occasion. A large num ber of sportsmen had made prepara-' tions for participating in this event and were on hand with their guns at the hour set for the beginning of the hoot. Guns up to number twelve gauge were used and tne range was. sixty yards. Some of the shooters fail ed to hit even the board to which the target was affixed while others put shot right in the bullseye. Ten turkeys were awarded, the winners being H. C. Futrcll, A. Castct, J. F. Smith, Ed. Brock, L. L. Banks, A. L. Bryan, Hendrix and Boon, Groves. Jjhc last- named gentleman won three of the birds. There will be another shoot at the same place on News Year's Day. The shooting. will begin at ..nopn, a,n.d. ' used . i ne; range win tie nuy yaras SURPRISE WEDDING TAKES PLACE. A wedding that came as a surprise to the many friends of the. contracting parties took place in this city at 3 clock Wednesday, afternoon when Miss . Emm - rMcCeeley,.' the attrac tive daughter of Mr. .ahd, Mrs. C. Mc- Cosleyv became the bride of Samuel Elliott Pjttmanf son : pf Mr. and Mrs. A.v E. Pjttroaa,Revw J; ... B. Phillips, Por of tb; Tabernacle Baptist church datlncHMFr Pktman. is employed; ' 'the"navytyar4?,at Portsmduthi Va.,, and; he nc 'h br1de"k4k.'o' the.ter- noon train fpfha place where they ' will make" their iiome. in the future. V";' ; 1''" i'i'.H--'-- - ERTlSEMENTS , Washington Team Failed to live For Scheduled Event 4 1 Ghent Park. fcaaki'lf'--HjirwaVr-iCo: 4 : ;' VK. WmardF-ircWood'- .-I'alll :idndii.!i 5 j;AT.'Wiflis p.Boysclothes,;?jVS , s; J. J M.- Mitchell. ;A. Ca-Asuitrop',;' ' port unity you cannot afford W-mUsii ' ;'-;Mrs.: B,; Allen Att open; letter MSfi ) appreciat : New Bern Banking . ion. : :. . f :, j-.-'&iSvv&KZ..::-? ' f i and; Trust Co.- v; . V ; T our. baiik" account Out of town customers.? People's Bank Your '..banV account" durintr 1913. ' ' National Bank Certified statemedt . -of chartered accountants. : C v; 1 , 4