Jw r v i JBos and Girs' Bicycles! v ' J i ',' . I have a few more " g; make selection or you FOOT BALLS, POCKET KNIVES; AIR RIFLES, FIRE WORKS, ETC. . ; : CLAUSS' Razors, Scissors and Shears. The kind with an unlimited guarantee. ' WILLIAM T. HILL "The Sporting Goods Man;" 91 Middle Street. Phone 2 $3 Stop at the Athens Cafe FOR A4C.y :OF REAL-JA-50FFEE. ' ''- For a light lunch or a square meal come to the ATHENS. Ev erything is rich and pure. We ro- vim lamuies wild cmiuien aim $iyJ?ecial attention to ladies with children. 0PEN EARLY AND LATE ATHENS CAFE, NEXT TO ATHENS THEATRE. REFTELIS BROS., Proprietor John 1. Smith's Horse Shoe Shop 'Phone 74G Church Alley. If your tems are shod right they can keep on their feet. Otherwise they are always stumbling and falling. Which is the cheapest to have him shod right or keep your vehicles in a repair shop? THE BEST OYSTERS ON THf BASKET Our experience does not extend back for 35 years as shuckers but we'are selling THE BEST OYS TERS ever brought to New Bern at 25 cents a quart dry measure at our fish house. Re member we don't sell oyster juice or essence of liquor, we mean dry measure. Respectfully, m Ul! Phone 17. If you have rooms for rent' or hare lost or found an article, or want to buy or sell something, use the Journal want ad column on page three. 4 J V, 1 1 1 ''llVt ---as.- WVi - "" i ! left, Call , at once ' and s may1 be disappointed; , I wish to thank for their patronage during the past ;ar uance of the same during 1913. I wish each and all a menrjy Christmas and a hap py New Year. FRED SCOTT. NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS. I am now situated at the old Robinson Stables and ready to serve the trade, when your car needs washing, brass shined and oiled up- We make your car re mind you of the day you first bought it. We will give you a monthly club rate. Give me a trial. We also have large stor age room. ..WUUgive your car our whole attention, see ' NAtKAN EDWARDS. NOTICE. Pursuant to thepower of ale con tained in that certain -mortgage deed executed by Thomas 'Ojirk' knd Ma tilda Clark his Nwifc- toS. W., Willis, beraing 'date of November J9th,'j 1911, a nd recorded in the office, of : rgistW of heeds for Craven Corinty in o. '184 , Folio No.i310,'fhe undesigned will offer for sale a'jtf sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court fflousc door in New Bern, N.' C. on Tuesday the 31st day of December 1912. at the hour of 12 o'clock m. all of the fol lowing described real estate as conveyed ia said mortgage, to wit: A rcrtain tract of land in No. town ship, Craven County State of North Carlina, adjoining the lands of VV. A. Harrington, the Aason Hammond land and Laura Willis land and bounded as follows: by the above desirable i lands of V, A. Barrington, Aaron I llanimondand l.aura Willis: further de scribed as all the lanf of Judge fJerlon I ami wife containing four (4) acres more or less and for further reference to the deed of said Becton recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for said Craven County, in Book folio to This 30th day of November 1912. ' S. W. WILLIS, Mortgagee. One Simanths DONX PAY-MONEY : . ' FOR DARKNESS. - Put " a National Mazda lamp wherever you'"? have a carbon lamp and you will get three times as much light without spend ing a cent more for elec- tncity. Come to our store and see the proof. New Bern Electric Supply. Company, 45 Pollock St. Phone 297 ' " - , in1 . ' " i WE HAVE A LARGE SUPitY OF ... ) ' J- f ' . Omyges and Apples i t of the best quality, also Candy, Raisins and Nuts of all kinds. We will appreciate your or der for Christmas goods. We guarantee to please you. Give us a call. BROAD STREET GROCERY GO. Phone 146 and 156 Railroad LUNCH ROOM 11$ UNION STATION Is now open all night and day 365 days in the year. Call in at any time, day or night for something to eat and drink. Quick service and satisfaction guaranteed. Nothing b it the be of eatables itsea in our cafe. Give us a call. Tours to serve C. L TAYLOR, Prop. Do you want your suits thot -oughly cleaned and made to look as new Phone 443 and try our antiseptic process on your fall and winter Butt. We can reclaim many garments you cast aside as passe. Altering and repairing a specialty. We press while you wait. The Winie CLEANING AND DYING ESTAB LISHMENT. J. B. Henderson, prop. 10 Pasteur St., Opposite Union Station Phone 443 year . A-QbmahVv;: , c ;kxpenence . " Bi EDWIN BRINSUEY Jobn Burns, taxieub driver, was no3 . ulus behind the'ttteerluK wheel of nls Vehicle on 6ne of the principal Btreeta of New fork. It Was nearly midnight and u Sue sleet wan fulling about him. r But John Burns wait far more Inter ested in catching a nap than In looking upon the mnrvejou electric display. BOt soon he heard his cab door open and shut and a man 'a voice say: Wake up!" .lohu Burns turned and looked through the glass behind him upon the features of a very old man. The only part of bis apparel that was not cov ered by hia cloak was bis hat. which struck the cabman as something re markable. It was wuot is called bell crown, with a Urg4 curled brim and covered with a short fur. The chang ing electric displays lighted the wear ra face, Showing a countenance not Dnly old. but there was an evil twinkle .tatbeeye- ",Nort,hward," said the passenger. "pn what street?'' The Bloomlhgdale road." "Tbrnl-enft.? "JTb speaker pointed to Broadway. Cabb pat on the power na7 turning at . the comer, entered that paijt of Broadway lying; north of Forty-second street and now the live liest part of npper New Tork. After reaching a less crowded portion of the thoroughfare be asked the old gen tleman behind him Just where be should take htm and received orders to turn Into One Hundred and Fortieth street. From that time the passenger kept pointing out the way till be pull ed up before an old fashioned bouse situated among modern edifices. The "fare" opened the cab door and, sup porting himself with a staff, tottered up the walk to the front door. Froth this point John Burns In tell ing the story appears confused. He doesn't remember whether the house was lighted or in darkness. He can't say that he saw the old man go into the house. His Impression Is that there were no lights in the .windows and if bis fare went inside he must have gone Tight in through the closed door. The only tblng Jobn Burns re members distinctly Is that the wind blew aside the man's cloak, which reached . to his ankles and exposed a pair of legs no bigger than those of a skeleton. However this may be, the cabman, who. It has been Bald, was in need of rest soon began to doze in bis seat He was awakened by a bliize of light coming through the doorway of tbe bouse before wblcb he was stopping and saw distinctly two persons there. The one was bis passenger, tbe other a lady. The latter was dressed very much in the present mode of high waist panniers and clitiKiiiK skirts. The man who was bowinjr himself out flourished his bell crown h it. boned -very low and scraped excess ; vi-ly with his feet After a uuuiber of such capeiings, which made .lohu Burns wonder, he came down tbe walk, turn ing to throw a kiss to the lady who still stood In the doorway. Then the Illumination seemed to go out all of a sudden, and the passenger stepped into the cab, closed the door and said: NOTICE To tax-payers of Bridgeton: Your taxes are due and past due and must be paid or I shall be com pelled to add costs on the first day of February, 19M. W. A. THOMAS, City Tax Collector of Bridgcton. for t3b.e 0 izen wm. w .. f'Down the, Bloooiiugilale road- ij Having learned, that, tbe Bloomlng dale roadmeant Broadway, cabby ask ed no questions, but motored south ward. He received no order to leave tbe thoroughfare- or. to go to any. par ticular place; so be drove on past the Junction at Broadway and Thirty .bird street -and Madison and. Onion squares - and thence straight south ward through what is now lower Broadway. The life of the city grew less and less as be proceeded till It became tbe midnight of a great city. It livened up as tbey passed tbe City Hall park, adjoin ins which most of the -newspaper offices linger, but died out as they approached Trinity church, at tbe bead of Wall street Burns was directed to turn Into Rector street, bordering tbe churchyard on the south "Stop!" said the stranger. John Burns drew up to the curb. "I am under deep obligations to you." said the passenger in a tone that sounded to Jobn Burns very pompous. "You have taken me to call on my wife at her residence, and I am now going to pay a visit to a gentleman whom 1 was reluctantly obliged to punish for some annoying remarks be made about ne. Good evening." With a flourish of tbe bell crown hat in lien of a fare, tbe strange man seemed to flit up the side of a stone wall, through an Iron railing, and dis appeared beneath a monument located tut a few feet beyond the rail. Whether John Burns awoke from dream or was so astouisbed that t didnt know whether be was asleep r nwake he falls to ranks xit pnir As to what be did the next day to clear up tbe matter be Is explicit He motored up to the dwelling where tw ukd taken the stranger and askwl ul me passing w ho lived there. "Don't know." was the reply. "Thru -the .Itimel house Stie lived In Hit early part of the last enttiry find in;n rled Anron Burr In hi old age." "Who was Aaron Burr':" "Former vice president of the ('tilted States. He killed his political rlv;il in a duel " Krorn the .liimel hmi'-p John I'-m-ii-drove t" Trinity clnin h and. enteiiii" the churchyard, went to tin- moninoeii' overlooking Kecto;- street On tin stone Is cut : IN MKMOItY OK AI.KXANIIKl: HAM I I .TON An Ants' Sewing Circle. A party of German naturalists re cently returned froi Ceylon have re ported the existence of a species of ant that has been observed In the act of sewing two leaves together for the pur pose of' forming a nest. This report confirms the observations of the Eng lish naturalist Ridley, made in 1890 They saw a row of the insects pulling tbe edges of leaves together, then oth ers trimming and fitting the edges, and Anally the completion of the work by still other ants which fastened the edges with a silky thread yielded by larvae of the same species the workers carried in their mandibles. It Is said that the sewing ants pass tbe thread giving lar, ae like shuttles through holes In the edges of the leaves Bos ton Post. For the Bos Sake. A Bosevilie man stopped sm'';ii fo.' tile sake of his young son "If I smoke I shall set him a bad rumple." be iir gued and gave up tobacco with many sighs of regret. For three years lie tins done without tbe weed. The other night he found a box of iittie cigars i i the boy's coat pocket, a well smoked brier pipe in tbe youngster s r,Kl bov down cellar and n pack of cigarettes li the woodshed. Newark News. I (.consistency. "What is inconsistency ?" asked tin curious one. "Well." responded the wise one. ".it Is that, spirit which moves a woman whose sleeves stop at the elbow to scold her husband because he hasn't any cufifs on." Exchange. BPSMISBi.Sl j 44.00 '"''-'-''in'U' ZQ0 r f , S ' J?HONjE l.UU -M -' -v OT;r.tiie 5 carriers;. j.v , - v ANNUAL MEETING. ,;. , '. . The, annual meeting of the stock holders p( the National Bank of New Berne, for the, election of its directors and ' the transaction of such other ,' business as may come 'before them, will be held at their banking house, on the second Tuesday of January, being the 14th day of January, 1913. The pols will be opened at 12 o'clock and close it 1 p. in. G. H. ROBERTS, Dec. 12th, !9f2. Cashur BK THE EARLY BIRD. Next 'Monday hc first shipment of copies ol The W'oild Almanac and Efn o lopacdM for will be made '. n'-Ws-.-tands throughout lite t'niicd v-iijk-s. 'K make sure of c,Minj: one of i he firs- copies of this greatest of ail books v.-1 itady relcrepcc, or Irr from your atwsdeiicr in advance ThH yrai's World Almanac is ttic most complete and valuable book of it's kind cr piin'.ed, and should be found in every ho;n and office. Price 30 cents west of Pittsburg and Buffalo; 35 cents by mail. (Adv.) ATTJiyTQjDl8.. A series of the most affuriag trips aaVe been brought to ur ate(!iare those announced is a jspectalJii ttk pafcer ly the tlastjc got iW$9 Panama, Jamaica ; and .Cuba. wfjsfe personally-conducted tour, frojw Ky West ,on January 7, as a special attsac tion. Those who wish to see the trini ties of those countries and make a fip through Florida, including a trip ftw the famous "Over-Sea Railroad," beud call on or address F. M. Jolly, Trafic Agent, Atlantic Cost Line, Wilsawj-ti-n, who will personally conduct tlie party on the large new steamship "Kvangeline," which ,it is announced, v ill accommodate 700 i;.t LODGE OIRECTM ATHEATA LODGE No. 8, K. of P. Meets everv I iif-sday e. m., over Gat Co.'s office, Middle St.. A. M. Franklin, C C, J II. Smith, K. of K. and S. Visit ing brothers are assured of a chevalier's weloome CRAVEN LODGE No. 1, KNIfiHTS OF HARMONY Meets se ond and fowrth Wednesday nights M o'elo a in each manth at Knights of Harmony haJI, corner Broad aad Hancock sireit J. K. Willis, President; R. J. Dtsosway, Secretary; J. D. JAcCoy, Fina-icial Sec retary. SOUR BiiSTl WISHES Th at yourt Christmas may be as hap J I py and joyous I t as your paU ronage hast I been apprecfc ated. MARKET WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 1 A. M. A. CASTET, PHONE 239 -The Market of Good Meats for less money. 9 t raa T