rSWeS - v v An Op en I JLetter ADD reciation BY- MRS, B. ' ALLEN OF 85 MIDDLE STREET Hrt?rirf Af&vRf mrrr"- mf v'Mjsr- 'mm rfESS tharl i bremonths ago i,a total Strang- ' a ju i g er in uusqwfl.japepeq up ims store ior . uj f- g women.V old established merchants . ???saJ wen known arid respected by all, cater -to 'your trade, and most of the time give you real , vaiue ior your moaey. 1 Under these circumstances I could not see my ' way clear to succeed. Yet, I dared, for, I had a definite plan in mjnd. My plan was to give you real value for less motley. Have the other merchants overcharged you!) Oh, no. They did not . overcharge you, They., just m;ule a legitimate profit, Have I lost on my sales, Certainly not. " I also made a legimate pro fit. But 1 could afford to. sell the same goods for a good deal less while the others could not. The secret of my business is that 1 have a resi dent buyer in New York, who picks up all kinds of bargains, which, if bought regular, would cost me at least thirty per cent. more. Somebody, richer than myself, being overstocked with goods, is los ing on it. But you and I profit by that. WAS 1 SUCCESSFUL ? Thank God, 1 was. I have done an exception ally good business. It surpassed all my expecta tionsjj and now on the close of the season, I feel I ought to express my deep and sincere gratitude to you for your patronage and confidence. I hope that all those who have done business with me will continue their patronage, and recom mend me to their friends. Sincerely and faithfully yours, Mrs. B. Allen PHONE 752. LADIES' OUTFITTER. A SUIT OPPORTUNITY YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS 1 I VlP;..ra;,V CATKIN HOTEL COMPLETED. ' The little town of Stonewall in Pam lico county now has. one of th nicest mall hotel, iq this section. It is owned And managed by. Asa Catlin and was erected at a cost af t;veral thousand dollars.': Tbe-v building"; . is equipped with -'all ' mcdera improvements-! in cluding running water, hot and cold, cteam heett, private baths, etcJ - The house' ha recently beenVompleted aud was opened to the public on Christmas Day, Mr, patlin, the proprietor, is welf kpown'and'hia house will dpubtless enjoy a large patronage. "-THE PASTOR SPRINTED. He Mad a Good Run in Record Tinn With Plenty of Reason, One of tlin truditioiitil storlu! of the town of Fairfield, Corti).. recounts a wild duli from, the yujpit made by ,tt (worthy . nJd, pejoved pastor of the Episcopal nock Dr. Laljjtree, 1 -wa li n a finnHair ttikfii t-finn n linn. uo me parson magna urn seritmn., a hr proceeded- hi gesture became yery ,aarettc.- . He 't)uht Wa right hand dova w4th grtoroa, Thea tM une4 pate, cieared th.jplirtt etaU. at bound, dashed .ouf of. f be chnrch door fnd jrLii. toward, the pond a short dia- .. The congregaUoDvtoNowed In bewil- deie4 pursoU jind as thelr venerable rajrto withering roba rask Into.' the ,yitet obUI It came to hl neck. Then, turning round, he faced hl astoniBhed eadlence and ald: -. v ."Dearly beloved brethren, I am not cracy. aa no doubt uiauy uf you tnluk but .vestcrdny at the diug stnr I bought a, bottle of ultric acid and -carelessly leff It in my pocket today. ".My last gesture broke the botUe. kj;p w the suffcrlnB the acid would cause when it penetrated my clotniiiK and rushed for the water to save myself pain." He drew .several pieces of plans from bis pocket iu witness of the tale. Then he dismissed the company and hurried home. . . ... v.- j V" v Mkll VVi.' lLkJ VJ J l ' Mjss May Vosu of McComb, III,, is visiting a), the home of Mr. and Mrs- i W. II. Catop of Dover was among the visitors to. the fcity yesterday. J. B. Ajlaiiion- of Cyboro; bpnt yesterday in thetity attending to some ouainess matters. : J. S. Robinson of Cov City wasjar iiiunjs inq usiucs! yisuors in me ty yeaterday. . - i 1 ". 1 Mr. and Mrs. George N. Jwes lilt last evening for a viai! .with ri-l.Ulvvk at Charlotte, J. H. Hassi.'!! went up to IJo-Kr'es-teJ"Jay morning 10 attend to s,omc business iiiaitf'rs. Mr. and Mrs: JanieV Simmons' 8f Polloktiville: returned ; hptott -ystej'day aftel-.a visit here wi.h relaftvei. tK&x from a yupt .with her sisjetf. Mrs. J. K. Hollowelir at - Beauforlr . Dr. ant Mrs. G. A. atari returned yesterday com a visjt wftfi relatives in Pamlico county. . '? , ' ' ' Mrs. Kate Spencer left yesterday for a- yisit with' Relatives at 'Kinbton. i' Miss - Bessie Thompson " -tef t "..list evening .for Kinston where," ihe. -Tifi spend several' tfay' with fa6jid,s..' ; Mis' Mary Creech left last evening for a visit with relatives at La Grange. Miss Eula Ewell returned last even ing from Cove City where she spent Christmas with relatives: Master Joseph Chamberlain of Ra leigh is the guest of his uncle, Rev. J. N. H. Sunimerell. Mr. and .Mrs. J. I. Sunimerell of Wilson, who have been viiiinv; Rev. and Mrs. J. . H. Sunimerell, returned home vesierdav V'. I'ercbce ol Pamlico county spent yesterday in the i it attending to business matters. Mrs. Mollic Morton and daughters, Misses Sallic and Reba, of Beaufort, are visiting friends in the city. Misses Margaret Davis and Fannie Pollock and Mr. Drew Pollock who have been visiting Miss Mam'e Sail ford returned last evening to theit home at Kinston Mrs. J. W. Goodson and son Charles ol Kinston, who have been visiting Mrs. Goodson's brother, A. I.. Griffin, returned home last evening. William Powell of Rocky Mount, who has been visiting relatives in the cty, returned home last evening. Mtss Etta Nunh left last evening for Wilson Mrg. C. M. Davenport of Creswell arrived in the city last evening and ii visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sallinger. Miss Gertrude Hill left last evenihg for a visit with relatives at Kinston, Stacy Wade, who is connected' with the Srate Insurance Department, pas'' cd through the c'fy last evening en route to his home at Morehead City. Capt. J. B. Davis, one of the' Not folk Southern Railway Company's popular conductors, passed through the city last evening with his family enroute to Morehead City to spend the te mainder of the holidays. c I ( $M$srmi Loose ' it": :m - " T fc4 : .Binders 1 : combined. J', 6 Loose Leaf Devices" Contains more V We illustrate two "Winners" in Suits, the price and quali ty is here, absolute-; ly all wool serge, the famous Parlfif .triHIft double warp fabri Choice of two m6d- els, straight front or medium cutlaaway.1 Colors, black, naVjr , bVownrj Quality gar- .ments, hand turned edges, built on shrunk canvas, pat- efited shoulder pads, rubber j,shislcs,' lead '-weights for-v y s v v 2 ..,v; FREE-FOR ALL-FIGHT. As a result of a fret-: formal I nRht(lSt'' Dover on. Christ mas Day in whic"h ifn axe' and a carving knife played a' pro minent part, Wesley Davis and Will Collins, colored, are now confined it the Craven county jail awaiting the next term pf Superior ' Court, Both men were badly cut up and 'the ser vices of a physician were required to repair the damages. ' POUND THE SEXTON. - Members of the Sunday school of the first Baptist church yesterday gave a pounding to Sexton Robert Styron, who has charge of the church property and who, the .; members state, is cert talnjy tho mop Cap "te,Vnian. ifoy the place a church' ever liJl . Appreclatfpn of Ith spled' worfe- wjicTj MriSlyron does was evidenced in- define hamper of provisioned , , Jt v ;s ,L , L- r WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS. Th following ;wedding - announce; ment has been received by friends 1n this ttty: - , A ; " r - -'Mri. WllKam Pell Fife '" an ounces the marriage ot her daughter ElmerAitcheson'-'j-, ' ' r ACarlcton Henrjf Jfewby , , n Tuesday,' jDecember tweny-fourth nineteen hundred aadwelve, .r ; Thomasville, North C .s . $ n i: .TOYS, COlftG CI -This is the last day tha,t McSorley's ToV Store in the James Hotel-building on Middle street will be open this sea son. All toyB must be sold regardless of cost. So they will be marked down to cost and below. No doubt in some cases Santa Claus failed to 'bring just what the little ones wanted.' If so, now is your chance to make their little hearts happy. Come to McSorley's today and take advantage of the very low ' . prices which will prevad rieasc don't forget that the store wi.l le closed after today. C. J;'Mc Sor I ) - . " . - . (Adv.) One on the Spy. Rev. Evmd Jones of CnrnnrvoD wote his reminiscences for a Weinl ps.per. One of the best Is that of n yssrthy church member who was huh "ported of not contributing as Provl 4tmoe bad prospered him and was proaened upon the subject by a coura aoaa brother. - "It was noticed." he said, "that yoo placed two halfpennies In the collee -tJon box." "Did jou And half a sot e reign In the Jwxalaor . ' "Yvd," replied the censor. . Dld you Ond two half soTerelgns there r "No.; was the reply. "Well." replied tbe suspect, "if you must know It, 1 put that half sovereign between the two halfpennies, and I advise you In future to ask your spit to use spectacles when they pry tutu thelt fellow worshipers' affairs." '' A Rain Preventr.' About -flfty years ago'au 'Invention waS SDDOUueed which would be in claimed with joy Just tiow. A German Helvetlus Ottd. stated that be bad dls covered -a means- of preventing rnin He1 butlt a platform on which were placed some huge bellows worked by steam at a very high pressure. Tbew were - supposed to blow away. .any clouds gathered above. Otto main tained .that : these "pluvlfuges" is tribtffed tbitiughotit a town would eu ah - the' authorities 'to' IpsUre ' dry iwVather for so long s they thought Ot"1 Tbe InVentor- bore a high reputii tibo" In the sclentlflc'' world, and his pluvifuge attracted attention. But it never proved practicable, and after n few months' experiment Otto gave up trying to fight the weather. . 111 time ana moor saving devices than all other i tet.!'' V 1 1 i iiis prpyethis as-" isertion to you. -., I. 6 6 E. J. Land Printing Co. 45 POLLOCK ST. NEW BERN, N. C. d HXKr XK 0C A Test of Big Hsartadness. The Countess von Voms recorded this daman little story of tbe charming Crown . Princess Louise.' Frederick William II. presented her with tbe ne-w summer residence of Oranlenburg (which be had had newly decorated for ben on her first birthday as crown princess. At the end of . tie day he asked her If she still had a-. wish ud grmtiaed., The only thing left forW to wish for. said Louise, -was a hand ful of gold for the poor.' 'T3ow big?" asked ihefclug. As large as the heart of, my geoerons .papa." was , her an swer, and she had no reason to be dis ss Us8ed with the result This princess. wna ,was so much, wved when onees r consort.- was one, of he - two lovely dxngDtcra of Prince Cha rles of MeeH lenbiirg. "A Mystic on the Prussian Throw.' , fr f ; Anatomists fancifully call , the - big tendon of the heel "tendon Achillea,'' ,ff- - Cfwelc hero. ' The mytbologh' that Ws mother,. Thet!. , t'-o teefc dipped him i t him lnrnlnera I a wound that tit t lind not I i Immersed. Boys Clothes The Snellenburg Co., thiough an error of theirs doubled our order. Having more suits than we needed we are go ing to start SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28th to cut prices on these suits ONE HALF This gives you an opportunity to let your boy wear a Snellenburg Suit at a price you will never again be offered We Mean One-half! A. T. WILLIS HA "THE SHOP THAT'S DIFFERENT" ft. V 1 1 GRUMBLING. ' GrumLIing n a potent cause of J! ' rieal.b. It keeps the sensitive nerves vibrating wkh 3iscord;mt emotions i and not only hurts the grumbler, ' but every one who hears .it. It x- "'i --rrs lie ' slcrn of the f ' r f r ft ii' i k of any mal-i- . t I ' to I 3 Tf V.'.'.T.t. AiiaritioV'Gohst Line -Th t Stindari Railroad of fa Southamtfies&tjNa" " uon,'a Garden Spot throuthefat,eg of yirsin-K yj "iaorth CrUnn, Som.h, Carolina, Georgia, '1 i'S ifrJOUREAMOUSt; TRAINS:;, ' ;, 5 '"Ner'Yc ' "nd Florida SrelJal8,h "fiahuy to Acril.) 'Tio. ' West Jndian Limited,", Palmetto Limited,? ' , "Coask Liae HonJa ; Mail. w Dining carsa la carte service. All year round throu gh car service from New York : to - both Port : Yampa and Knights Key, connecting with steamships to and from Havana. " For beautifully illustrated booklets and copy of 'Purple Folder' address , - (f 1 ' r. J s , - V, W, J. C?sAlG, Gen.' Traffic Manager, T.' C. VIIITE,, General Passener Agent, Wlminon N, C ; v. Jc:::-;:al i '4 I .'; v

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