J . t i 1 f i I Sty if 1 " 't YOUil ACCOUNT, DURING ',1913, ; t"t Tk choice of a tank through which to trans: '. -J f act your 6nancial affairs dtiripgi.919 is a, matter . which should receive Vareful cBWeifcn..VV--v'i'15lj''r ' We'. Invite yon toroak this institution your.. A ''' ' bankin home..urine it jT-:- ? . ' careful attention to your need&and unquestioi-: I I -y 4 security roryouf funds. . . ' ",; Bota checking ana savings 5 - f fffflIB ELLIS COAL AND WOOD YARD. Phone 47, Umon Point. v PI a- w- l Vk A WW T MfcAllUWb MfcAL I l CORN 13 Horse Feed n Cow Feel Wheat Bran ; White Mied n Rust Proof f o NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY 31 .... mmfmm I IE $22,000.00 Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hsts and Furnishings for Men, Women and Children will be sold at less than manufacturer's Cost LADLES COAT SUITS, CAPS AN6 SKIRTS. $16.0 Ladles' Coat Suits $ 9.75 14.5 Ladles' Coat Suits .65 .0 Ladies' Coat Suits 4j9 DOMESTICS 5c Yellow Homespun tc A Yellow Homespun Sc "'-J,,'. MENS LADIES AND CHILDREN'S -l t SHOES. fiJ ' " -5 Men' Shoea.... $3.59 .r i' . X i ' JVWmw xfjkmm w ........ .... -i.w 4.M Men's Shoes L 2.59 2.11 i.5 Men's Shoes. All Porlc :'VWn-;'fPTrPAI HEAT CUT ft aU Aime m-omot afld I ? jl account are rereiveo, i,,-- . - r i j - VOI CAN'T GKT.TpF IT iTyoo niwt' have coaJ and the only ""tiling to !(o is to get the best coat yoti can for 'your money, and after testing every other you will coine to the con cluaiioB that the coal that w furnish is tSie most satisfactory, tW best burning, producing more hrnt brcmrse il in clean anil high grade. id W T. i Y HOMINY M Cotton Seed Meal t ICotton Seed Hulls Wheat Short ATS i NOW GOING D MEN'S AND ROYS' CLOTHING. $18.08 Mens Suits, sale price $11.25 16.00 Mens Siiits, rsale prtce:.9.-M 14.00 Mens Suits, ale price . 750 12.00 Mens Suits, sale price .. 6.25 COMFORTS AND BLANKETS. $1.50 Bed Blankets $ .87 1.00 Bed Blankets .53 2.00 Bed TComforts.. 1.25 i MENS HATS. ' 93.50 Men's Wool Hsrt8...... $ 1.85 X00 -Men's Woo Hats...::.., 1.43 2.50 Men's Wool Hatsi... '. 1.35 Sausaee Pi Ilcfd'-t-i COD fAffl i ..e Nc 'J'- .t L . - j v l.t jcn tomorrow i.. g f i tie kiii;g term; 1 ne "pupus nave feen auowea several day to 'enjoy the . Chridtiua holidays and Superintendent : Craven requests every one . to b . preent on the opening day. . '.-' V-Th Norfolk Southern Railwf Co pany' freight' depot will be dosed to day.' So freight wilf be delivered until tomorrow morning. -r, ' ! '. :1 he regular meeting of the Epwonh League will be held in the I eague room at : (jentenary - Methodist church to night !t -;8; o'rtork. Tbi meeting will I e5 of . especial importance and every member, u urged to ne present. . . Ticket for the first annual ban onet of the Chamber of Commerce to be given at the Gaston Hotel Friday night are now on sale at Edward Chirk' cfgt ttttre. The pice )I these' tickets ft t'ne' dolkr each and it i hoped that every member of the Chamber will pur chase one. The Turkey shoot to be held at Ghent today will begin promptly at 11 o'clock and will continue until night. Contestant will be allowed to use aay gauge up to number ten and they may use any site load desired. The range will be fifty yards. -The local branch of the Coca Cola .Bottling Company is present ing its patrons with attractive and useful, souvenir .porketbooks and card cases. T he supply is limited anf they are being given only to users of that beverage. R. R. Eagle, civil engineer, left Monday for Washington wliere he will lay off t lit race track at Beairfort county's fair grounds. New Year's Day being holy dav of obligation in the C.uholic church, services will be hold at St. Paul's church at 10 o'clock. The first bunch of shad of the season were brought to the city yesterday afternoon rind sold to Albert Willis, a lix-al fish Jealcr. There were five of the shad and they were caught in a net a few nilcs down Neuue river.. MISS Nl'NN AT GREENVILLE. Miss F.tta Niicji spent Sunday at Greenville and that 'eninr ninde an intetesting talk the Christian thuich. The Greenville Kellector has the following to say of thcr i t "Miss Etta .Niifln, field -organiser of the Christian Women Board of Missions, made an interesting talk in the Christian church h-e Sunday niyht on the work of the board and how to enlarge its e1orts for the com ing year. The service was made all the more enjoyable by, the presence of the quartet of Atlantic Christian College, of WilfoH, who sang several beautiful selection MEAT MARKET CLOSED UR L'N S.N 1 TART . Meat and Milk Inspector, E. (i. Hargett yesterda.v closed the meat market of irgil iKryan, colored, on South Trout street- T!ie inspector said that Bryas's stock of meats ap peared to be very good 'but the place where they were -slaied Ifor sale was no 'unsanitary that he coitlil not allow it to remain open Ion-get. Or. Hargett is making a thorough inspection of markets, dairies and restaurants with the view of doting tip places which do not come up to tlie refiiirements as laid down in the city's health or dinances. We have 75 Ladies Suits and long Coats to close out at cost. Now is your time. J. J. Baxter. Subscribe to "Carolina arid' The Southern ?' Gross". SEND $1.00 TO THE NEW BERN CHAPTER imc. For a ChristrX ms Present Get scmething useful-so you will be longer .remembered v and : your friend benefitted.' W , ; : tUK JWb I Aici!.--A goo v riair Brush and Comb, it better- than the Usual kind found in ..'-'fancy-boxes," A nice bottle of Perfumery is always a pleasure to the recipient and marks good "taste and delieicy ' in the giver. For a matt, a box of nice- cigars, -not too many, for ;a lady, a box of Huy lcr'a Candyare. always in order. i. Bradham Drug Co. have a full stock of 'the best of all thesd -- and will sell at all-the-year-round prices. - Bradham Drm Co. Take Bear' EnmUioa in Time " ' Watch for ths Symptoms , of Diseased ; How to keep Irom getting consump tioi. . Keep ; the ; body suong and healthy Now " then;', hoW , ar" ypu going to keep the body !healthy',;ttot by. lobing, weight ever day: . not", by allowing that tickling in your throat to reamin, not by getting bronchitis or tonsilitis on every . little- eKpoiue; not by letting y(bur hildrea bavc the croup or whwsiicougtr an4 not, giv ing them something that will heal the throat and build up the system; not by going from day to day with a tired feeltnaao appetS. and pains about through the body. Keep the body Strong and healthy by taking Bear's Emulsion . It . has been thoroughly tested by people in youaown county. People that you know aaisjfc w the best thing they ever took for any ft the above ailments. It is sold to you on a positive guarantee that it will do a recommended ot money refunded. One dollar a bottle. Sold by Bradham Drug Company. (Adv.) OLYMPIA. Olympia, Dec. 13. The Disciple Baptists-- TlaJit hiir Union Meeting at the Broad Creek church last Saturday and Sunday. The meeting Was well attended and provei very profitable. Zip Hall of Polloksville is spend ing the holidays here. Mits Nina Hall of Polloksville is the guest of her sister Mrs. 1. P. Holton. M. and Mrs, Joseph Lewis of Wendell are visitin; Mrs. I ev.is' parents Mr. and Mrs. U. Ilulton. Misses Jes-iie and ( arrie YYhite hurst spent la;-: Saturday in New Bern isiiing relatives and friends. Mr. and .Mr.-.. Holton have ret urni-d from the All. unit Christian Col lege at Wilson. Mr., and Mrs. Mifflin Holton of Zehulon are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. (1 flcjU;n. Miss Sullie Holton lias, returned Irom the Atlantic Christian College at Wilson. MASONIC NOTICE. St. John's Comrtiandery, No. 10, Knights Templars, will hold a regular conclave tonight (Wednesday) at half past seven o'clock. I he Sir Knights are routreously retuested to be prt prompt, as business of importance demands attention, and will consume only a short time. By Order W. T. HILL, E. C. T. A. HENRY, K ex-order. SHAPESPEARE CI.I'B MEETS. Section B. of the Sha kespeare Club met in the club room yesterday after noon. The hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. C. D. Hradhani and Mrs. Stichard Duffy. A verv interestiig program was carried out. Readings from Midsummer Night's Dneatn were read and discussed upon the plot.- of the play followed. Dainty refreshments were served In-fore the close of the afternoon. The following . were present: Mrs. C. D. Bradnam, Mrs. Richard Duffy, Mrs. Cecil Cabbett, Mrs. Owpo Ciuion, Misses Dila Roberts, Mollie Heath, Laura Hughes and Eula Cox, of C.reen vile. THE MONUMENT FUND. During the past few days feveral Contributions have been made to lie De Gralfenried Colony Monument Fund. Several hundred dollars is yet trj be secured and the committee in charge of the work want to have this in. hand by Spring so that the work can begin. The Cooper Marble Works of Raleigh have prepared a drawing of a monument which, would be very appropriate and this will be placed on exhibit -here soon. Contributions may be ent to S. M. Bnnson, treasurer of the fund. WHY IS A HOUSE? - Houses are buiK to protect us from the eVunerts and to giveusan oppor tunity to rest in seclusion. We can thus keep from us unwelcome guests and diirtjurbers of various tyijes. " Let us, '-however, not exclude our two best friends, - continually knocking at ' oi: doors and windows our two greatest benefactors fresh air and sunshine.. ? - c hL h , ' ft should '.not 4e; overlookod that William "Loeb diJ' not -go" with the Guggenheim a a matter of senti- ' li - Capital PunishmsnC 1 "Mamma, did yoa lov to flirt wben joo were youngT", -ii--.'-v-K. v-..s . "I am afraid I did. dear." ' t "And 'were yoo ever punished for It, mamma?" . , . . s ' CruelIy.. aear, I married jrour. is ther." Parts lllre. . . , s . The hours we pass with happy pros pects Id view are more, pleasing thao a OUR MANAGEMENT;, V I. 0 All of 'the affairs of this, J tion of a conservative and pmdent board,' composed of , men. known for their financial experience and in . tegrity. ' ' v V OFFICERS Jas. B. Blades,' President: Wm. B, s. BIade Vice President: T 'A. Creen, Cashier; W. C. Rodney, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS. J. WTStewart, R. N. Duffy, T. D. Warrenj V, J. S. Basnight, C. E. Fpy, B. B. Hurst, K. E. Bennett, W. B. Blades. jTolson Lumber 9 offlc it! 1 x Y-'Hs and Factory, 129 H Front St,. 9 BEECH NUT BACON, SARATOGA CHIPS, SelfRising Flour, Fresh Fruit and Pound Cake. HACKBURN THE COOKING STOVES We are selling make the preparation of your meals an easy matter. They wilt give the required heat quickly and steadily. OAS KILL HARD W9F CO 73-75-77 Middle St. 'Phone 147. A New Year Resolution. t?w-r "s yCIH WA P .V.iSTOCKthat . W Illiy Vinatched readilyfor years to pome. ;i f ft 'niirniThrSimrio' 1(1. C. Willi EiiULOL K ill. ESTABLISHED 1887- 67 Pollock Street. .4 ,II.Cl bank -are' under' .the direci I.. H. Cutler, Jr. L. I. Moure, E. H. Meadows Joseph Gaskilt, J. S. Miller, J. V, Blades, J. B. Bladess, T. A. Green. MAKING WINDOW FRAMES used to be a slow and therefore , expensive process. Today nobo dy thinks of making them by' hand when they can buy them ready made of any size. Our line of mill work includes many things Ill-sides window frames. Y.'e can supply you equally well v. it hall i!ie trimmings of a house I on) the Irom port h to the back : -or. & Man'fg. Co. New Bern N. (' ' J L. $j M 1.r- ' k xxxxxxxxoxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxx.xxx:xxxxxx : Resolve ; To make your Jioma ffi more attractive Juring 193 than ;i , ever before. The dinidg oom , home's social center; make it 11 ' Adorn your table 'with' Bassett- xr China, the graceful shapes, jIeas-j, ' i ing decorations, and snowy white . -S'" glase of this splendid J1 ware, add j J beauty fq the table and delight, to ' " the Wal'; You wiir be "gratified . ; at its moderate cost and tts.splen- , Aid wearing qualities. K V- , fi.V rhone'22. r 5:!;:cnu s For. Tlie J. those crowned With, fruition. Gold smiths ' r-'. : -l-v .,.; -i .- t All errs sto r.t Frr i-