! cl i. t ". Ia the rreat f sil l! . medicines.- Its t owerful j i ".lying "and jstrengtbe.ng influence at once a; parent i i an imprc -d appetite, r Rood ui yeaiiou end a f -ng.of Ucng;h i X energy w the ttdy. iWhett tu.e systeuf has brea. put ia order the yellow catt inthetkia- raduax! diaj pears and ht completion becomes clear and healthy, r jl i ' " . Hu ir'iuiai,' mint, uni mnnmi.it -' i ,. imlM wltt b B a Um,' HTHnanln.Mlt.nfflM. It Vf aisil. peatptid. biiDinoai Llr BffvUcor L put spAiM 1m Utr. ivl liteM ptmhu : J, H. ZCILIN CO.. Breakfast in Comfort 5 Many times the full en jay me nt of one's break- i fast is lost because the" dfnlng room is cold and creepy, the regular heating plant not having had time to recover from the banking re ceived the night before. The Vulcan Odorless Gas Heater ' Light the heater 10 to 15 minutes before break fast time and all of. the chill and creepy feeling will be removed. It will make the dining room comfortable in the 'coldest weather. (Sold by the New Berxi GAS CO. E Beginning M 6 n- day Dec. I 6 we will sell all choice'cuts of beef and choice cuts f pork at 15 cents the1 pound, all choice cuts of veal at 18 cents, scutate 1 5c two p unci for v25c, - all pork sausase 1 13c, geese,' turkeys and chickens at lowest marKer pncesa mese rnces are for CAori : Phone 217 . COAST' USE 1.1 W.:' fine Malaga grapes i' - ' 20 cents per lb PRUNES, LARGE , 2 - iui ..' icino. . , 1 i CHANGES FLORIDA' 35 v anu cems. . . ; V, s. FRSII EGGS. V L'S. GE'.:iI 8 'COCFffl 24 Klillc St Phtone 25, - ; ( I ffiNT Cnbscribe For Pno.. T. LOWS). UOi s- V North Carol! na- Superior Court, February Term, 1913. Craven County. i c T. P. Aahford and , ? Pujih A Brook Co., a corporation, , plaintiffs, ya. H. C.Schrader Co., a corporation, defendant. Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachments. The defendant above-named will take notice t,hat a sum mom in the above-entitled action was issued against said defendant on the, 18th day of Decemtier, 191, by W. B. Flauner, Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county, N. C, and that the said action has been commenced by the said plaintiff for the purpose of recoverj ing of the said defendant the sum of three hundred and ninety dollars due by said defendant to said plaintiffs by breach of cntiart on the part cf the said defendant to sell rrtain oranges to said plaintiff Ashford; and the said defendant will further take notice th.it it is reiuired to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the fourth Monday before the first Monday in March, -it being the 3rd day of Frebuary, 1913, at the court house of said county in New Bern, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiiT will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. The said defendant will alo take notice that a warrant of attach ment was issued bv said Clerk on the ISth day of December, 191, against the property ot said defendant, which warrant i returnable before the J idye of the Superior Court at the time and (.lace above named for the return of the siiramons, This 18th dav of December, 11. W. B.l"anner, ClerkS upcrior Court. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. J Having thi day qualified as ailminis trator of the last will and testament of Kli Btrrov, deceased, all persons holding claims at;aint said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified to the undersigned or Y. D. Mclver. attorney, on or before the l?th day of December, 1913, or this notice willvbe pleaded in bar of their recovery' All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settle ment. This 17th day of December, lli. V. H. PET Kk SON, Administrator, C. T. A. W. D. Mclver, Attorney. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Direct Line to AH Points North, South, East and West Very Low Round Trip Rates to All Prin cipal Resort a. Through Prlnian to Atlanta leavef Raleigh 4:05 p. ni. .arrives Atlanta 6:35 p. ni., making close connection lor and arriving Montgomery following day after Laving Raleigh at II a. m Mobile 4:12 p m.; New Orleans- 8:30 p. m..; Birmingham 12:15 .noon;-Mem phis 8:05 p.-m .; Kansas City 14:20 a ni. second day, and connecting for all their points. This car also, makes close connection at Salisbury for St LoU and other western points., Though Pullman to Washington leave Raleigh 6:50 a' m. ;- arrives at Washing ton 8.5i m,; Baltimore,10:02 ai m.; Philadelphia 12:23 noon; New York 2:31 p. in.,- This car makes close connection at W ashingtoo for ' Pittsburg, Chicago and all point north and west, and at Greensboro tor. through ( tourist sleep- er for California points and for all Flori da poinw. m'-'' .-i1:- s- .1 Through -parlor r ear for AsheviUe etves-OoIdsboro at e:4o e.rm.; Raleigh 8:35 a. m., arrives AsheviUe at 7:40 p. m.f making close connection -with the Carolina Special and arriving Cincin nati 10 a. m. following lay after leaying, Raleigh, : with close connection for ajl points north and holrthwest. ; 1 , Pullman- tor Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a. in. arriving Greens boro 6:30 a. m., making close connection at : Greensboro for " all points north, south, -east; andy west This car is handled on tram No. Ill leaving Golds boro at 10:45 p. m. , J, H. F. GARY, G.P..A; v 1 Washington, D. C. ' 1 . J. O. JQNES, T. P."A., i . ' . Raleigh, N.'C. The Jonriull . i r..- - i i i kiia tie current ltl j c-r fovi u.l xJ out xhetlier but household ottieers served him with honesty and eeonomy. Ia r Forelgu Bemlnlacences" Bichard Lord , Hoi land ay that thla was only on41lUa tration of tte emperor'a thrif and s hrewdneaa. .-,.-, ' -X , V.Vr-'. Wu i. " When the Tulllerlea was being repair ed Napoleon ' suspected that the 1 ud bolsterera cbargea were, higher than they anould be So hi asked one of bts minuter, who was wth bim,' bow much the Itory gg at the end of the bell rope eufrbt to coat ' . " - . y 'I do not know ".was the answer, r , "It eball tMf wHCeaalned.' said Na poleon. Thereupuu be cut off the ivory handle, called for a valet bade bim dreaa bimuelf iu 'plate clothes. Inquire the price of such articles at several sbopa in Taria and . order a doeea as If for himself. . ' ; f . , : The valet bought them for two-thirds of the price that the emperor had bad to pay. Napoleon, inferring that the same overcharge bad been made lu the other, articles. . deducted a, third from, the entire account and Informed b. tradesman that It was done at bin own express command because on lu vestlgatJon be bad found the charge fo(jb Morbttao, A DREAM And a crime. Ths Story of a'dlnmbsr Vision' That Comes From Cloaro. Cicero furnishes us with a tale ot two Arcadluus, wbo, traveling togeth er. arrived at Mugara. a city of Greece, between Athens and Corinth, where one of them lodged In a friend's house and the other at nn inn. After supier the person who lodged at the private house went' to bed aud. falling asleep, dreamed that his friend at the inn appeared to bim and. beg ged his assistance, because the inn keeper was going to kill him. The mau Immediately got out of bed. much frightened at the dream; but re covering hihiself nnd falling asleep again, his friend appeared to him a Hf-cond time and desired that as he would not nssUt him in time, he would at least cure uot to let bis death go ui ) u n Ik lied that the Innkeeper, having murdered bim. had thrown his body lu a cart and covered it with rubbish He therefore beKged that he would be nt the city gnte In tbe morning before the cart was out. Struck with thih new drenm. he went early to the gate, suw the cart and asked the driver what was in It Tile dilwr immediately tied. The dead tnxlv was taken out of the cart and the luukceper apprehended and eze cuted. No Secrst Telegraph System. Many eisoiis are of the opinion that the wireless system of communication Is particularly' subject to tapping; but. according to the Scientific American. no telegraph system Is absolutely so creL Any one familiar with the Morse code c.HU read ordinary messages enter ing auy telegraph office. At Poldhu. on a telephone connected to a long horizontal wire, tbe message passing on a government telegraph line a ffuar ter of a mile away can be distinctly read. It has been shown that It is possible to pick up at. a distance, on another circuit conversation which may be passing through a telephone or telegraph wire. On one occasion ,nu investigator was' able to Interfere from a distance with the working of the or dinary telephones' in Liverpool. Why Rain Clouds Are Black. The color of a cloud depends on the manner In which the sunlight falls upon It nnd the position of .the observ er. It will be noticed, that high clouds are always white or light to color, and this Is because the light by which they are seen Is reflected from the under- stirfaoe by tbe numberless drops of moisture which go to form the cloud Heavy rain clouds. -on the other bund are found much nearer the earth, unit so the light fnlls on. them more direct ly from, si hove, giving a slver lining ti the cloud, though the undersurface up pears black owing to tbe complete re flection and absorption of the light by the upper layers. . Seen from above bv an observer In a balloon,' tbe blackest jain clouds appear of the most dux snugly brilliant white. :' '.'-i . - v - -r r: " ' ' ' . ' V- : '. Daath by Boiling. ' : " In old England, before tbe in w was passed wblcb prohibited "cruel and un usual forms pf punishment" murder - sr-a went often eonrtpmnprt to dpnMi hi- boiling. y. In. such eases the ictlms wer chained .In large kettles of cold watery which were r gradually ,w!a ted until it caused, the flesh to drop from tbe bones., The last EngllKb' victim ot the "boiling death' was one Rouse, a cook, who, it was alleged.' had killed seventeen persons. rf . t 4 vfe.r;'.'.ifcA, Bad: Egft. f-. -,'tN' , -Owens Is trying to strike every one beV meets f of a -loan. , He's bad egg. that fellow1.' '.-,, v ,e VWhy do eurcall him that?" , "When .he's broke be makes the fitct deneedly - conspicuous." Boston Tran script . ; No Deception. t . Toff Ton told toe that hoiye was free from faults. Why. It's" blind Dealer Blind? Well. ' that's not n fault That's a cruel rrdsfortune.-San Francisco Chronicle. '-..,. ,; - :,, .Those edgen soonest turn that are most keen. A sober moderation stand sure. , No violent extremes endure. Aleyn. v . . ..i tf i.t t.. .. 1-J ti rJ t, ' wLoit ' Cctifceii xJ juJjaient pre wei;Lt ani forte to tLeir epioions, lifJj praise" the woaderf al correctite mi curative properties cf Guim Wkii'i Stomach ani Urer Ti- lett., TLronchoat die miaj tttftt ; of wooub's Of e, f real rDtoaeV I throofili the ordeeJs el oth ... U hood to the declinmf yeRn, there t if bo ufer or more reb'iLle oiedk iciae. CtaaiberUia's Tahiets ar soltl eteiywkere at 25c e box. The Christmas tree always yields a good crop. For that Dull Feeling After Eating. I have used Chamberlains Tablets for some time, and can testify that they have done me more good than any tablets I have ever used. My trouble was a heavy, dull feeling after eating. David Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen the stomach and is prove the digestion. They also regulate the liver and bowels. They are far superior to pills but cost no more. For sale by all dealers. (Adv) A riflle in the hands of a child is a darfgerous thing. CASTOR I A Jot Infants and Children. The Kind YouNais Always Bought Bears the Signatmre of In the Peace Conference Turkey seems to want ill of the while meat. For Excema, Tetter and Salt Rheum. The intense itching characteristic of these ailments is a I most i instantly allayed by Chambci Iain's Savle. Many severe cases have been cured by it. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Drum- and horns are saler gifts from Santa Chan laus tri les. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A The Brooklyn man' who stole an airship ought to be sent up for some time. We wish to call your attention to the fact that most infectious diseases as whooping cough, tliplheria and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting these diseases. This remdey is famous for its cures of cold. It contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given to a child with implicit confidence. Sold by all dealers. (Adv.) The fruit cake is alway a good hold-over. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTO R I A , The mail-carriers are glad that it is all over.' fVou-will find that druggists every where speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. They know from long experience in the tale of it that in cases of coughs and colds- it can always be depended, upon, and -that it is pleasant and safe to take. For saie by all dealers. , - , (Adv.) y. Credulity; he believing- a : woman's hgurebelongs to her' ., Children Cry - V-F0R' FLETCHER S C ASiTO R I A i"' The Lord made man inthe beginning but the tailors finished htm. ' V : A' BesMoines, man had an attack of muscular rheumatism in his shoulder. A friend advised him to go to Hot Springs. iThat v meant, aa expense of J150.fi0 or .; more. He sought for a quicker and cheaper way. to sure it and found, it in-' Chamberlain Lini ment. Three .days - after the. first application of this liniment he was well. For salo by all dealers. (Adv.) XJLtJ. Butter If girls would choose husbnndf ao rarefully as they do their clothes, there would ,be fewer divorces and more old bachelors in the world. When you have a bilious attack give Chamberlains' Tablets a trial. They are excellent. For sale by all deal ers. (Adv.) No matter how good a figure a woman may have, she never over looks an opportunity to change some of the outlines. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A A worn in always sccin in lliink a man can make over his silk hat as easily as she can make a new hemic! otit of the one she ore last yen. If you are troubled wiih chronic constipation, the mild ami gentle effect of Chamberlain's Tablets inakt s them especially suited to your case, l or sale by all dealers. (Ad.) I!y the way, did you ever hear a man admit that his life- would have been mine if his .wfc had refused t o ma rr y b i n' . MOVE ON NOW! says .1 policeman to a street crowd, and v hacks heads if it don't. "Move on now," says the big, harsh mineral pillc to bowel congestion and suffering fol lows. Dr. King's New Life Pills don't bulldo'e the bowels. They gently persuade them to right action, and health follows. 25c. at all druggists. (Adv.) About the only time a woman has nothing to say is when she has a chance to nraise one of her rivals. MAN COUGHS AND BREAKS RIBS After a fiigfilfiil coughing spell a man in Necnah, Wis., felt terrible pains in his side and his doctor found two ribs had ' been broken. What agony Dr. King's New Discovery would have saved him. A few teaspoonfuls ends a late cough, while persistent use routs obstinate coughs, evpels stubborn eclds or heals weak, sore luncs. "H feel sure its a Godsend to humanity," writes Mrs. Kftic Morton, Columbia Mo. "for 1 believe I would hate con sumption to-day had i not used this great remedy." Its guaranteed to satisfy, and o,i can get a free tri..l bottle or .ft)-cent or SJ.0J siz;' at all dru-.'.sts. (Adv.1 We feci sorry for the man who has a nagging wife t fuss over the ashes from, his pipe dreams. ; ENDS HUNT FOR RICH GIRL. Often the hunt for a rich wife ends when the man meets a woman that uses Ele'rtirc Bitters. Her strong nerves tell in a bright brain and even temper. Her peach-bloom complxtion and ruby lips result from her pure blood: her bright eyes from restful sleep; her Clastic step from firm .free muscles, all telling of the health and strength Electric Bitters give a woman, and the freedom 1 1 uin indigestion, backache, headache.- s aint ing'. and dizzy spells they promote-..; ' Every where they are woman's favorite'-remedy.1' If weak or. ailing try them. '50c at all druggists, A man may worship the woman beautiful, but. 1 he usually marries tne, womanvautituu x f-VH ;,, ,r , !,,,, -,,1,,." .MAKES TUB NATION CASp: j 11 .The awful list of injuries on a Fourth of - July. staggers humanity. Set over against it, however, is - the .wonderul healing by Bucklen's Arnica Safve, of thousands who suffered from. 'burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds.. 6r explo sions, Its the quick healer of boils ,ul- cers, ezrema, sore Hp or pileis' VS, cts at all di ufcists.,' , ., V '(Adv.) r. Governor Wilsdn seems.to.be about the-only man who is' not busy mak ing up the Cabinet. -.'-.' I H. C. AKHSTRDNS . ... . i. io&s. of over he i s ire some factwiat may ia tereit you.is-i Three hundred and sixty x of each lOOOaccident happen whUe at HOME, on he STREET or while taking part in GAMES and RECREATION. V. BUT wherever . they happen. ALL will be paid benefits under; our Accident Policies. j They are so cheap, sat reliable v ana so complete in the protection given,' that it is cheaper to carry one than to TAKE CHANCES. REMEMBER, one pe son in every seven is injured every year. . . BAIN & STY RON Broad and Middle Streets New Bern, N. C. Hotel Raymond 42 East 28th S reet (At Subway Station) New York City , ' EUROPEAN PLAN ll.HPer Day unlllp AMERICAN PLN $2.50 Per Day anHp Apirtments accommodation.) 3 or mt re persons from $4.00 to $5.00 per day. Spt ial rates by tbe week or month. Inspection i n vil ttl- IVfcri nee ex changed. A (iiict l.ni.ily hotel, reeom nit idetl to latlies visiting cw York ("i v alone. I'pon it-i.'e-i by letter r Telephone 256.: ..ili.t.u Stjuare, a mi senger will meet xou at M (tion MA K I-. ,V ( .1JV K! I.. i PROFtSSIONAL CARD c : H. W. SIMPSON FUNFRAL DIRECTOR ' AND EMBALMLR Day Phone 167, Night Phone829 D. G. SMAW. AST. V M Simmons, A. I). Want, SIMMONS AND WARD A rrOKNEYS ANI C(lNKKlilX)Ra. A': lH itw ar.as. i. r, y Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Crareni iujiiii, rfuiicB, jj;iiuii, lyuoiw w jmiv . eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Bt preme and Federal Courts, and wham : ever services are desired. ' . ' R. A. NVNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Cravsn, Cartert, Pamlico Jones and Onsle and in. the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Offics No. 60 Crivsn Slrttt. fiUphont No. 97. Naw Bern, N. C ROSES Hqvc A rriyea Thoe two superb roses, the most admired of any that we have, are here. I have a few yet unsold. Act quickly. - I J.W. WATSON Phone 353. s , t NOTICE To taz-naverA of Rrldoefnn. Your taxes- are due and past due and -must be paid or I shall be comV pelted to add costs pa the first da jM ' UK m' Wl W. iM. 71.... .f.f. '., .-,1. " " W. A." THDMAS.it ' City Tax .Collector, of BrldgetonV ; - k , i ' PROPOSALS INVITED, - . V .ThvUtyrfr'..24W.-3erir..Beaires 'pro-r posala for the ' construction of a fire prbof building for the wafer and light". plant. -Plans and. specifications for . the proposed bttildina are to. bo furnish-. ed : by .Tcontractors ' siibmittingii ; bid. Bids to be .opened at the regular mect- ing of the Boaj'd of "AldernieuJan. 7, 1913. . ' 4 0c , Right reserved to reject iny dr all : bids or to' accent 'any-bid. Bids o bo filed with City Cleric. o Suctessfjii bid- dr w ill be required to execute suitably bdnd. 4 H lt)t This 7th day,6f Dec. 1012. . ' . "F., T. PATTERSON, ; ' V ' v' City'Hwk.

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