i-43 -AMgetdjIePrepsraaflnErAt tingtUeSiflHctoaodBoistf ness and RestTontains ncte OrauniXoqilune norKiueral. NOT NARCOTIC. m JlxJamt JktdkSA- fHm Sttmm CMWtm- AnerfedBramtv forCOmflPft Hon , sour oioiu-iijjuii WonasJConvulswnsxewn ness aid LossQF Sugg racSimfe Signarw of The Centaur Compahj; NEW YORK. Guaranteed under tlu; ftocD Exact Copy of Wrapper. . -i .i..- a. ,.. -'-aiiiiiiiinKftri i-Wi -mr wtf On the Safe Side. Bchroeder ito bis noighlior. a widow er! Why did you semi jour housekeep er away, siuce sin- was such a good h? The Widower-She made such plendid puddings 1 was afraid I kuukl marry her. Kliegeude Blatter. Just Received carload Kentucky mules and horses. All spies made under guarantee. . W. HOLTON, BR! DC ETON, N. C. j . . -3 J -3 L 2 2 ; j . Kalamazoo I $ ls (3sw Loose Leaf Devices o 9 t -ifvfevl'ii Contains more t (w,fffiift?A tune and. labor- J h(?Vv,pX 'i saving devices ' VI li.-A i B . 1 11 .1 I I $ 1 I YJ W pan an otner 2 - t miC I Loose I I s ' . X ; , - ! ' Leaf I Joinders I tt". J j y combined. Let ,J ; v ? 0''A usProve tnlsas" $ $ I s Wf sertion to you. ? c'C -9' - -1 v, V 5 Hix;,-':-;X I B. x 2 j 45POLLQCK ST. TbilintlYoTiriQ Bears the Signature, In Use For Over Thirty Years THE CCNTAUn COMPANY. Nt'J VOH r 'TT. Ostrich Feathers. An ostrich Cent her. if held upright, will le seen to be perfectly equal on both sides, the stem dividing It exactly io the tenter. In other feathers the stems are found to be more or less ou one side. - ; M - - A Bill V llillllll I . . I - i"vn.WsV- i r. iv l'v . m . ' a y . it" - '1. " . . . , .' i '-.... Til r 31, 1912. . .--, ETC,' .td by Coast Line i:t-t 1 Market ). ? Chtck.cc Gtown,,, yah'r.... ,..61-80 CMwi.ec.-- K-if-growa palruT 35-50 Geo, per; jrir.i;Cr'.-U5.$MJ' Ducka, pep pair. u70-i tt. per dpi.,';;, , ' , ,., Hama, country, smoked, lb- Baeawax lb. , Wool... . ,,; .18 .ii 16 to 1 ...16 to IT WooU Hot dressed, lb 10-10 1-2 Beef, dressed, lb 8-9 Hides G. S.. lb. 9 j Green, lb 8 Dry Flint, lb 12-14 Dry Salt, lb 10-12 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (Quotations by New Bern Produce Company). Irish potatoes new crop Sweet potatoes, bushel... Rutabagas, hundred Collards head, Turnips bunch, $2.50 .50 $1.00 .02 .03 Cabbage, barrel $ 1.00 to $1.25 Spinach, basket, .50 COTTON (Quotations furnished by G. W. Tay lor & Son.) New York. Open Hiyh Jan. 12.73 12.77 May. 12.63 12.6o Dec 12.70 12.7! Sp; ts 13 20, marke t steady LIVERPOOL. ( )peniug. I.ill. .IMll Kill. bxl N'.ir. ;uid Apr. ( .!' S, , .111,1 ( )( i, (, 111 ' New Bern Good Middling 12 3 i Si net M if tilling 1 S S Middling 12 1---u!, 21) lule.- low l.'.TH l-.'.O l'.:n Close 12.74 1..61 12.73 i: l.i il l lleil. Buttons Barred "Our col lertiuii t i ii . in.v ren." siiid the rector, "is ft dear luelli !' ihe i loih lug fund. At the s;ime time, may 1 earnestly impress upon you tin.,, though the collection Is for the cloth ing fund, it Is not necessary to con tribute buttons?" Ths Hero. First Critic I uiiderstxnd toh saw Scrlbler's new comedy Inst night. Who played the hero? Second Critic I did. I sat through the whole thiug. Philadelphla Record. Neither walls, theaters, porches nor senseless eqtilpsige make stales, but men' who are able to rely upon them selves. A rust ides. MORTfiAGE SAI.l I niMi.ini lo the piiwei i l I .lined in I li.d i i r l..in nun I e. i 1 iih il I v K. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 r .! I 1 ljlln n-ii:.. ( . 1 1 110I. ml. 1 . i wiie. 1.1 ( II 1 'i .11 in-., date nl I li t . T .--1 i 1 'i .1 ; 1 1 eri.i ded ill I lit- 1 I -lie mi i.llH 1 11I Kri-li'l ni 1 Y il- li '" coil nl . 1 11 1 il ( .ii ilin.i, 111 1 ' I'M I llll.i : - ! . I In 11:1 li I l.i oiler for ,-.ili .mil -ill lo i! I'M 1, i d-. in ( i in II . i i 1 1 will highest t 'lOllfC Monday . ..t M.e - 'lowing I late in ai. el of on the id west r.'W -it Nei.-e bidder, for i.e !i . :i lli ' : ior in :iil r.in''i i uuni :. 1 lie !i l d.i - I 1 ( In 11. 'i ' ' ' hour oi 1 ii'i I. 1 1; M.. I (lex rilii-d pinpiiiv. I 11 : - A oil' iliinl 1: :n'ii.K d i mil 10 I liiil cel l aiti 1 1 .11 1 1 'I 1. mil I', ing and 1a ini; .-.it :.il( I south side ol Nensc liver .si side of Kind's ''reek. In-;.i: a .slal;e on I In smii li sitl, . ; ncr, running tueiue i. o.. to liatbary Dove corner; ileiue ,. 70 . 35 poles to her other coi iur, i hence N. zl) I". to Cherrv's l'ranh; thence with said Branch until ii strikes a i nc in junction; thence vii!i si.ul liue N. 20 K. to Netisc river, ; hence with said branrh until il s'rikes a line in junction; thence with said :ier to the beginning containing l:l:y aires, .more or less. This .30th day of December, 19 U. C. II. BYNI M, R. O'HARA, .Mortgagee. Attornev. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtu Of- power of sale contained in that, certain mortgage deed dated April 16 1907, and made and executed by Sam Cox and Mamie E. Cox to the , undersigned, which said mortgage deed j is recorded in book of deeds No. 166 page i76 in the office of Register of Deeds of Craven county: the under signed mortgagee, will on the 0th, day of January, 1913 at 1 o'clock m. at the Court House door in Craven (county, offer for sate to the highest bidder .for cash, the -following land in Craven county. , All that' piece or parcel of land be- f ginning-at.-.ifli irort xtob in the-N. E. 1 corner, of the JM unroe Rouh'tree lipid running eastwardly to Af.W. Carman' line, then with said Carman's line to Mill Branch. . Then . . up - said Mill Branch to nn Oak Corner, then south- Iwardly to the - beginning, .containing 15 arres, ' 1 v, " ' r This being -the allotment set1 apart (o said Mamie . Cox in a division of I the M unroe Rountree Lands. . r This 18th day of Dec., 191i. f J. A. JONES, Mortgagee. ; 1 l... v - r, r i r i t Taei-1 uU TLt Juutm4 RrtaJes it could furnish stronger t-ri dence of the efficiency of any remedy tfca the test f time'? Thousands of fiuia nave, brought lastisr result. undoubtedly the ment ; rf ,this rem-edyV--y Years ago your - friends and neighbors testified to the -relief they, had derived from the ua& o( poan's Kidney Pills and no cdnfirm hose testimonials. They say time has com pleted the test. F. P. Avery, 190 Middle St., New Bern, N. C, says: "I have no reson to change my high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills which 1 expressed through 'the local newspapers some years ago. I begun using this remedy, procured 'at ,ne Hradham Drug Co., when I was suffering from kidney complaint and backache and it cured me." "When Your Back is Lame Re member the Name." Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mr. Avery had the remedy backed by home tesitimooy. 50c all stores. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. (Adv.) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF JONES. PURSUANT TO AND BY VIR- i TUK of the power of sale contained in i hat certain mortgage deed duly ex.iut.il by Major J. Ward and wife llaiiuali Ward to A. C. l oscue, bearing date the 5ih day of February 19((7 and rci orded in tl:e Registry of Jones Count in Book 51 page 551,- dc fault Laving been made in the payment of tin- indebtedness secured by said mortgage deed, 'the undersigned inoit gagee will sell at public outcry, to the hingest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the Town of Trenton, Jones County and State of North Carolina on, SATURDAY 11th DAY OK JAN. 1913 AT 12 O'CLOCK M. A TRACT OF PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, to-wit: "Lying and being in White Oak Township and being a tract of land known as the Q. C. Cannon or Mondjne land; and same as sold to-Chas. Barker by J. A. Smith and conveyed to said Major J. Ward by said Chas. Barker containing 60 acres more or less Adjoining the lands known as the Long Point plantation and others ana) lying on the North side the main road lead ing from Maysville to Bogue Sound." FURTHER INFORMATION in regard to the above described land will be furnished by the undersigned upon request. This the Hth day of Dec. 1912. A. C. IdSCUE, Ji ll. I S K. WARREN, Mortgagee. At I orni y. PENNSYLVANIA AMTHRACITE (WHITE ASH) OQMESriC LIP AND YARD FOOT CRAVEN STREET & PHONE 34 FOR CHRISTMAS Hudnut's Violet Water and oth er Perfumes. Brushes, Purses, Fountain Pens, Pipes, Cigars &c. Fresh supply Whitman's Fine Candies and Belle Mead Sweets at , 153;Sou.Fronf Sywt. . Firewood of kinds" "lorisaie, cut m any o' 4 I , length. i HOLLISTER CDX WILLAFto'S Wood "YM v t V. WIZARD, r-s -i a v. . y . lEPJERJENCfD di-comppsitoe and fmake-up man wanted. State salary: wcted.;-. Address J. land Printing; tfcaNiw Bejni K C r. .LOST on- Dee. i4, between Blades Mill. Biidvetoa and Nw Rfrn People,' ..Bank , purse containing' five l five dollar bijls and spme. change Re ward if: retained to L. H. Waters, Bridgeton, N. C. 6t. FOR RENT An eight room dwelling, No 14 Mctcalf street. All modern conveniences. Apply 10 S. W. Willis, No. 43 Middle street, 'Puone No. 77. SPRAY Your Fruit Tree. "Lion" Brand" Lime and Sulphur solution. The finest remedy for Sau Jose Scale the pest that is killing thousands of valuable fruit trees. All kinds of spray ers etc. for sale by J. C. Whitly & Co. Phone 9h. LOST silver mesh bag, containing lavalier and sum of moiicv. Reward for returu to Journal office. ,'t. I HAVE a few boxes .( t'lown l.mr Raisins left which tan be bought at SI. 35 the box. II K Roy.d WHY NO r t v (an 1.1 ii,' Hi, n in o lis ..ml . - Kal.'i are nice and juicy. I'ln ordei lor Ireh bread .n.d kinds oi takes ,;l-e Phone 731. 31 I 'i in- ; i . e FOR RENT ply to W. M. 1(11 Bio. el sln-et 1 10 Poll,,, !. Ap t ni t FOR SALE House and lot on I lie corner of Craven and New Streets. Apply to Samuel Pars-iris. oi CHRISTMAS at Home Bakery. You will want good cakes and pies for Christmas. Let us furnish you pound cakes, Chocolate, Fruit or Cocoa nut cakes like your mother used to make. Hour, Jittle iced, pound cakes are the bing. Our pies of all kinds are it. Ail are made after home receipts. Phone order early Christmas eve. Phone 46i. PUTTIE LEGGINGS. Hardware Co. J. S. ktasnight FOR SALE house and Address P. O. Box 230. 1 1 3 Craven Kit. JEWEL Oak Heater, Hardware Co. C. T. LANDES, rebuild,-! and pianos anil pipe organs. Add Middle street or phone ii rier of is; FOR RENT Dwell llOUM-, 1SS 1 1-0 Middle St Apply lo Pollock St. lost r,sn n al i er I 'e Mis. ('Italics Dulfv JUST received, a large lot of chickens. fresh pork, pork sausages fresh or smok ed. Give us an order for your Christ mas turkey, (oast Line Meat Mar ket, 'Phone No. 217, Broad street. GIVE YOUR BOSS a Buck's Range for a Christmas present. J. S. Bas night Hdw. Co. FOR SALE Old newspapers can be secured at the Journal office for ten cents per hundred. Purchase a sup ply for future use before they are all sold. FOR RENT Store on Pollock St., now, occupied by J. M. Mitchell & Co. For further information apply to Mrs. C, W. BLanchard, Kinston, N,. C. WE MAKE a specialty of Chickens, Eggs, Turkeys, and Ducks and have the best and largest pt ever offered. Also - anything , iq the grocery line. Phope 742, your nesrt order. Crescent yrocery to , is crescent street. FURNISHED ROOMS including bath for rent at 15 Union St. ' N FOR SALE oue Dead rise boat with house, 'seven and one halt feet beam, thirty-two feet long.- Twelve horse power' Palmer engine For sale cheap. TP. Ashfohd, New Bern. N. C. JEWEL AIR TIGHT cast top and bottom, highly nickled heaters. J. S. Basnight Hdw, Co.V ' ,r ' w ' . ! " ONrAj)yERTISING PA, f 'ul I" th' Min f the best po pla lit New Bern la- th morning' houMeBjBun that knmftdlattr j prsyede tluiatutppinf rush. ; n a word; It reche th fcuyinf cUss at; th ."Myckoloftlcal -That's why Journal adverts! ng paya- POR SALE, shafting, hangers and pulleys used in old Journal office. E.J. Land Printing Co. THE WAY to save money is to get ycur water pipes protected before cold weather with a Glauber stop and waste cutoff. We guarantee all work. Phone 717. 137 Middle st. Standard Plurnb ng & Heating Co. JONES' BARBER SHOP No. 6 Pastuer St., Opp. Union station. The Shop that's Convenient. Hair cutting any style. Shaving, Shampooing, singing and Massageing. Special at tention to tender laces. Snildern hair cutting a specialty. 24 years experi ence Best of service. Yours to please. A. Jones, Prop. L G. Daniels DLAI.I Horses ?, Mules 66 TO 68 SOUTH FRONT STREFT, NEW BEEN. N- C. BAYBORO, N. C. C 13 . Made from pure distilled filtered water. NB W BERN ICE CO. 19 21'23 Griffith Ht. I'hone '33 SPECIAL. Why not pan til,- lnigg lai i ai a b.i. -,;'. an home , that i i ,i, :ie- at , I- I V hel i i ml list ry i furnish i lie same lor the I I: pi ii e I hat bugg aloii; t In ham --. t lie leal he, t ii p. II - nil do i.ei . neetl ii gue us $45.00 for i'Uggl . a hei I- at $7 00 per set. - ,.. pi,., i, i1 Some l..:gg v. Fill WAIIRS 78 BROAD ST. It t GGY WORKS. NEW 151 UN, N. C. GREATLY REDUCED RAILS Between Points on Norfolk Southern Railroad and Raleigh, Charlotte and Southern Railway. Round trip tickets will be lld December 13, 14, 17, (and 18 f.t,tu Raleigh onlyi 10, 10, 21, 22, 23, 24 25,'J 31 and Jan. 1st. Limited to ntiirii until midnight of January 6th. The holiday excursion fares apply bwrteen points on the Norfolk Southern Rail road and Raleigh, Charlotte and South ern Railway, as weH as to or from points on connecting lines. For further particulars, apply to any ticket agent of W. W. Crexton, General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. LOW EXCURSION RATES via ATLANTIC COAST LINE account CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS ' Reduced rate Round Trip tickets will he on sale at all stations on the Atlantic Coast Line to all points South of the Ohio and Potomac and East af the Mississippi Rivers, including Wash ington, D. C, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Evansville, Indiana, for all trains or! December 13,14,17, 19, 20, 2 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, and January 1 limited" returning, to reach original starting point not later than Midnight of January 6,-1913. - - -:. - For further particulars, schedules, rates, reservations,- etc. - Apply - to " Atlantic Coast Line Ticket Agents, or. address, s-.. '.::'... . T. C WHITE, : :. -General Passenger .Agent " V W. J. CRAIG, . , t Passenger Traffic Manager, v' -x-f't'v " Wilmington, N. C"'-' ' j J i f ' 'V' ' 1 mi ( " 'iij't t i -I r