; ( .V. .- V ; IIS 1 I In recent months we have installed thousands of dollars worth of new machinery, putting us in better shape than ever before for filling your orders. We are now arcoared not only. j work, but do ii 111 1 0 Monarch Cottrell Cylinder Press This is the press on whjch the Daily and Semi Weeklyjournal are printed It is a new and thorough ly up-to-date machine. . ... ft CI New Series Chandler & Price Job Press The cut below also shows a brand new machine the largest job press we could buy. It will print a small size newspaper. 1 pi o X J -'f V' U .Whether' you. need Jth'Vordinaiy llnesbf commercial printing; or have a ? ! , v" ; newspaper or magazine you want printedit will !be i-to your Interest; a ! ! t r I " ! V rt v ' ' " to "see us before pladnWr order, V v v. fj . "v . ; : THE PRICES WILL BE MADE, ASJLOW AS POSSIBLE COKSISTENT: ! i S 'V ' ' ?S t Willi 1 11 VUAL1 1 X, Ul VVU1C1L " ,.VV-" v J ' 45 POLLOCK. STREET quickly and in yxaaoaboQQoeiaaoaQBaaocxx These two illustrations show the Lanston Mono type Machine, the same being composed of a key bord and caster.TheMono type casting machine is a complete automatic type foundry, producing type, borders and spacing ma terial 'of any size at a speed that makes it cheap er to cast new than to dis tribute. It will turn a pound of metal into type of the highest quality in less than two minutes. With this machine we are especially well prepared to provide a variety of type for our patrons. it : the Tbest jd6 y woocwaetooaeaeaciaaaeeagoe 'if Publishers c " V . - V ' . m to do high class targe quahtiesi r Omaha Folder. This is one of the latest makes of folder. It is at tached to the press and is a labor saver as most folders are detached and require an extra man to operate them. 1 Another new job press, but smaller size than' the Other one shownf It is a New ' j Series ChaodJer & Price, conceded t6 be ii press. ' ' t. 'J ) 5 NEW BErJ4, IJ. C. Thn Brk If In PiMM and. Flt4 ThMi.n Liquid Air" , '"i-Jj , A trosen -aoap bubbte Uroken two and floyng Jike an. Jrfdeacent, parent .egpbell on th orfac ar vessel of liquid air was p ot tbe marvels eiblblted by Professor J)eWar la a lecture bfefore the Itojal tnatltut ot 3reat Britain. ' ' f llecture waa upon, ihe eubject I atmosphere and the curious effects of Intense cold, the liquid air And soap bubble being adjuncts Introduced to fa cilitate some explanations. A few spoonfuls of liquid air were poured Into a vessel, and the Intense cold caused by evaporation. Immediate ly brought on a njinature snowstorm in tno atmosphere directly above the vessel. A sot;, bobble was then placed to the freezing stratum. Almost in stantly there was a change in the color of the transparent globe, the bubble becoming much darker; the move ments of the rainbows film grew slovv er; It contracted somewhat In size, and a little later it froze. A slight but dexterous movement of the rod upon which the bubble was suspended broke the latter into two pieces, which fell upon Ibe liquid air And there floated for an hour, gradual ly accumulating a tiny snowdrift from the almost imperceptible precipitation constantly going oo la the freezing Atmosphere above. . STEVENSON'S GRAVE. Its Romantic 8iU, In Samoa, Atop tha Forest Clad Vaila. No English novellut rests in a more eccentric spot than that chosen by Robert Louis Stevenson, who is buried on the summit of the forest clad Valla. In the Island of Samoa, that genial spot In the south Pacific that the gift ed writer loved so well. The day after his death at Vailimn. in 1804, his remains were carried to the top of this precipitous and pic turesque peak by sixty sturdy Sn nionns. who bud loved and now inouni ed their deiul chief, Tusitula. A party of forty had previously cui a pathway through the thick, tangled wood with knives and axes, while an other party had prepared the grave. With infinite care and trouble they bore him shoulder high over the rough ground to his last long home, nno" there, under the starry sky, they left him to sleep forever, with the Pacific at bis feet. On either aide of bis tombstone is a bronze plate. One bears the words "The Tomb of Tusitula," while the other Is inscribed with his own re quiem, beginning: Under the wide and starry sky Dig the crave and let me lie. . Ths Parrot Fish. There are water parrots as well as land parrots. The parrot fish como fMmthatmnlM om hHlllftnHv ralnrari land have beaks something like those of the parrot, for use in breaking off the coral shell in order to get at the living polyp. Not all of them, how ever, live on animal food, some species being herbivorous. One species Is found In the Mediterranean sea. where it has been known for thousands of years. The Greeks and Romans re garded It. for a time as the first of fishes, and Pliny tells us how it was Introduced Into the Italian sea in the course of the reign oflaudius. It was known as the "scarTEr by the an cients, who told some wonderful sto ries about its love, its wisdom and Its rumination. Some having a length of sixteen Inches have been captured alive. Doncaster Race. Doncaster la one of the four places the other three being Chester, Epson and Lincoln that claim to be the cra dle of the British turf, in May. lflOO. the minutes of the corporation record $hat "Hugh Wyrrall hath caused a itoope." or post, "to be sett ou Don faster More at the. west end of the Lorse-race." which waa ordered to be "Cutt down.' Av few years later "for the preventinge of sutes. quarrells. murders and bloodsheds" It was agreed "that the race on Doncaster More be discontinued." Eventually the corporation. . with the true i'orkshire combined love of f brass'' and sport took the horse uclng under its pa trlarchal .care aDd turned the meeting into a sou ix-e of profit London Stand ard. Tha French. . The French were first mentioned as the: Franks, a tribe of warlike tier tnana la the northwestern part of the region now known aa Prussia. . They came Into, notice about 240 A. D. and with other German tribes invaded -the Roman empire In the fifth century and settled' In' the' country now known' as France; a The Word Frank, or Frank man, mean 'freeman. 1 r After their eonqneet ot Gauf. they named jthecoao try Frnnkenrtck, or Prank's kingdom., Patting Him Inurfd... 'rrvWat "makes Bllggioa -cotopet his boy' to practice standing 'bareheaded la Inclement weather? , - tie nas an laea .ine- ooy win ,.De president of the -United State - some da aM1 wants to' have him "Veil 're- hearaed for inaoyuratlon-',w-Waahlng ton star., v .-,f.' 4-st- , 1, t u . 11 1 , Jn . .. .. 1 r - Mr.t Gnnggs I want you to nnder- stand, Mrs, Gnaggs. that I am no fool. Mrs, Unairgs For once I agree with you. A fool and his money are soon parted, and t have never been able to ret a dollar out of yon. Philadelphia Record. ' He cenniirea God who Qiarrels. with " e imnerfectloni of nin. HurtA. . . .' .1 . , .1 . .. ., , -at 4 IVI tWrnentf ui iljluMt.type, wftiiek $ iBperior f dacatloi 409 refinenaefir yioii 'tUnmttll and judgment itc weight and fore to Uieir opinion, kigbly praise . tb -wonderful corftctire and curative properties of C!u berlaia' Stomach and Liver Tab-' lets. Throofhout the mznj ttatj3 of woman's life, from gVIhoGd, i through the ordeals of mother- j hood to the declining yean, there is do safer or more reliable raeu-' icine. Qiam&erlain's Tablets are j sold everywhere at 25c a box. An enforrcment of New York's hiw aR.iinst common scolds would niakt it hard 011 Mayor Caynor. Here is a remedy that willcurt- your cold. Why waste lime and money e perimenting when you can get a pre paration that l.-as won a world-wide reputation by its cureb of this disease and ran always be depended upon? It is known everywhere as t hamber Iain's Cough Kemedy, and is a inediiine of real merit. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Tlh:il for-.t in California will make most of the season's hiiinni'-r lu.i'tli resort tircukiis look k . FEVER SOKES. Fev.T sores anil old (Ihomc -mtv shuMld not lie In d , in n, , ln:i slio'ild lie kept in !i;iltliy eoiidit ion. I his can be done li a jil ing ( li.. in U i Iain's Sal e. 'I h:s al e li.i . no - iijm rioi lor this iHiino-c is al-o iro-t e eelleiit for eli.tiped liand-, -in ni.j,!i-, burns anil disea-is ol tin koi. I n -a'e by all dealer-. (A.K J No doubt time raid- lor the lai i lt at llarvird have :lie entile appnival of the students. MOVE ON NOW! says a policeman to a street crowd, and whacks heads if it don't. "Move on now,"" says the big, harsh mineral pills to bowel congestion and suffering fol lows. Dr. King's New Life Pills don't bulldoze the bowels. They gently persuade them to right action, and health follows. 25c. atall druggists. (Adv.) The beneficent reforms of I'Jl.i will we sincerely hv:e, include a few more tipless hotels. STOMACH TROUBLE CURED. , If you have. any trouble with your stomach you should lakeChanibcrlain'o Tablets. Mr. J. P. Klote of Edina, Mo., says: "1 yavc usedajg'eat many different medicines for stomach trou We, but find Chamberlain's Tablets more beneficial than any oilier remedy I ever used." For sale by all dealers. (Advertisement ) We'd like to bet that the man to whom J. P. Morgan loaned that million paid it boa- k with intercut. Mrs. A. K. Tabor, of Crider, Mo., had been troubled wiih sick headache' lor about five years, when she began tak ing Chamberlain's Tablets. She has taken two bottles, of llietn and they have cvred her. - Sick headache is caused by a disordered stomach for which these tablets are especially in tended. Try them , get well and stay well, Sold by alljd.'alers. (Adv.) A large proportion of the Christmas toy "made in Germany" have already been smashed in the United States. Children Cry JO ft' FLETCHER'S i 5 1 4 CASTORIA is No,!widower ever waited lonr enbocn to satisfy his first wife's relatives. 4 L FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA f , Wheav you see a man getting up long before, his usual hour, he isn't going to work early,, he's got to clean his pipe, and it will make hurt late at tha office. MAKES. THE NATION fcASP. 5 r V; The awful list of iniurie on a Fourth 61 July staggera humanity. Set ever against ft,- however is' the wopderf ul healing by Bucklen Armoa Salve,: of thouBamds who suffered from ' burns, Cuts, bruises, bullet wounds' or explo sions. Its the quick healer of boils .ul cers, e7rei, sore lips or piles. 25 cts at all ... as." : (Adv.) WTO H5IU - : i t DOMESTIC LUMP ANfl -?i l fqcahqntas mm mi YARD FOOT CRAVEN STREET PHONE 34 Hotel Raymond 42 East 28th Street (At Subway Station) New York City EUROPEAN PLAN $i.5Per Day and Hp AMERICAN PLAN $2.50 Per Day an4. Up Apartments accommodation 3 or more persons from $4.00 to $5. 0 per day. S ial rates by the week or Qionth. lnsetion inxiied. Keference ex changed. A (iiiet family hotel, recom mended to l.nlii s isiiing New Yerk City alone. I'pon reijuest by letter or Tcli-ii.one J.so.S Madison Square, a mi ssi ngei uill meet on at station. MARK A. ( ADWELL. I PROFESSIONAL CARDS : H. W. SIMPSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMtR Day Phone 167, Night Phone 829 D. G. SMAW. AST. P. M Simmons, A. D. Ward, SIMMONS UNO WARD ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS. k' LAW MIW IIETI, 9 0, Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Buildinfr Practice in the counties of Crawen,. Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in tha Su preme and Federal Courts, and wher ever services are desired. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven,' Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Feder Courts. Offic No. 50 Craven Strtaf. TUphons No. 97, New Barn, HpC, NOTICE Or MORTGAGE SALE OF A LOT IN BROWNSVILLE.. By virtue of jover of sale contained in that certain inornate deed dated the zlst day ol November, 1Q!0, from Edward Brooks and Kdney Brook, hi wile, to Mills Hall, which Mid piort gage is recorded in lui.ik of Deeds, number 184, pase 196, in thft Register of Deed of Cra yen County, the undersigned will, on the 4th day of February, 1913, at L; o'clock M, at the court house doot in Craven County, offer at public al to the highest bidder for cash the fob HDLL ISTER towing described lot of land, in Craves ' County and number seven township; On the nitrh side of Scott's Creek ansT ' on., the nprthide. reat river, an be 1 Jug -lot n'unVber 18 in the plan of that ' part of Craven County, North. CaroT Iiaa, cpmmonaly known as BrjwnJ' t , yiHe, fh said phn being recorded i book number 14x, folio 395, iiitlil! .r-,1-office of t-.. the,' Register ' cf 'JQaad , -of';Ctavt; '-County'; aaJ-'-f'beinit' ' the same lot conveyed; toi.r th l"w " said Ed ward B rooks by Joha S. Gr,' rett mortgagee, -which deed is' dateal . " 1st day W NoVemberr"191. 'J? v ', r - Wills, hall,1 . ? , January 3rd, 193, ' -Mortgagee v . t if "NOtlCE V V ! tax-payers" of Brldgetei ' - Vour taxes ara due and past due and must be paid or I shall be com pelled to add coats on tb first day of Februarys 1918. ? ,.f ry W. A. THOMAS, '' CitTax Collector of ErUeton. ' s if

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