J ; every cy-14 lac . J londay At 45 Pollock Street PHONE SO i PROPRIETOR i Jf,C r ; ,1 (1 5. u-f-t do- .'S to t-e a j nai.. jyte JdiM of I he, Lw. I send oil tothe getting place and get a in J eTlio'Tiiarkes absSdese of. reorganizing commercial organisations.'. ic- tomes, cft'aniaiea ;the men of the town into . J. LA.KD PRINTING COJsPAHy-4 working teams, ;'baitfuets- them or sees - that they banquet themselves, ets 4, them exqited and aroused, sends t bent; out ; nv a "whirlwind campaign for fundi ami in-a little' while" pledges for. thousands' of 'dollars,' hi h most ,f tnem worm ouur lor eouar,jun- ixxw raised and the 'trick of setting apiori- bund commericai organization to "work again nas been turned, v , The plan is exactly the. same. a that followed in raising a big fund with wbkh to erect a Y, M. G. .A. building and which has been used so often and with such conspicuous . usuccess. , It has just been used in Greensboro" and a campaign is now beginning in, Raleigh'. SUBSCRIPTION RATES K ;, f ., ., , -- -J.00 .; .'vV '.: .40 i a Yearl ' jC MonjhsI... l iiree Months. One Month. Entered aj the Post office, New- Bern, as second class matter. . Advertising rates, furnished upon ap j'.ication to Jhis ofnee. Rah for' the all-star corn growersJ They are .'the most promisingtars the " country' affords. ... .'-.We welcome the early edition of the Wilmington Dispatch which reaches . its a few hours after it leaves the press, We expect to find its daily visits more interesting than Winter is in hiding some where and ill found to come, vet, Bay, Willi. .Moore." chief of the Weather- Bureau J . ;Th . ehief" 5 pretty Me in V his pre diction. If it doesn't come this year 1 it will next. vWHn a clash of mthority Jjetwien ; tho-, Secret aVy of the Treasury and I' United. States District Judge-Boyd, the ' "Old Kick" whiskey cae is getting inoie , and- "more int renting Will Secretary MacVcaeh oe ''had tip" for contempt !, of. court? KINSTON INTERESTED War pel ween lurk-y and Ine .flllie; . e .flted to begin again this, week ..vfl.; lintl. tA,,c -it-t. nroKvr -..!' n t 1 V-. . -end"' of their tether, it is likely tlu.t the war will die a natusal death very ''joon any way. But exhausted nations i,'ty a death grapple form t he most dis '.stressing of all war pictures. Gives Assurance It Will Be Well Represented at Convention. .? ( S." M.T Brinson and' William. Dunn, jr4 ave returned from Kinstdn' where On . Sunday night they addressed a union meeting at th- Baptist church in the interest of the coawatsM of the Laymen's Missionary: Movement , to be heW in thisf ity Thpajday aad Fri day, Feb. 6 an"?. They reported that they and the cause they-.represented were given iTdiaJ welcome ia Kio-ston.- Thef meeting waf -largely-at tended and assurances were giyen that Kinston would be. well -represented- at the convention. Y. T. Ormond, a'n attorney of Kinston, presided over the meeting and"- in introducing the ' visit, ing speakers' made a strong appeal in behalf of the convention. - - RURAL EGYPT. ..'With high pressure over the Middle Atlantic ajid low pressure in Alaska ' and the Northwest, such as has been -general for the last two months, we fan nave notning nut warm, weatner, i eay Dr. 3arry C. Frankenfield.'thief tweather forecaster of the United States. 'Juiit'what degree of comfort this pro- , nounrement will bring to .he coal and wqjgni. ciurning we an Ao say. -) j4L -: l-: "' I The indications are that hefqre the tnmg is over witiKtnere wiiiue a gooa deal of feeling stirred up over the - matter -of , who shall be New Bern's postmaster under the Wilson adminis-.j trafinnw WV venture to RiifrirpRl- thi -wisdom of calling a primary for the settlement - of this question. We see that (Our1 neighboring town of Wash ington is going to let the people name he : postmaster. Its example might be followed with profit by New Bern. f Congressman Webb wants the gov ernment to stop paying for room rent, heat ' and light for army officers who are; detached from their troops. We do not-'recall how Mr. Webb stood on the proposition to eliminate what has come to be known as the '"mileage steai'.'t'.by which Congressmen collect from 'the, government considerably, more than they pay out for-their rail road .fares But it is to be hoped that he is consistent in his economy. -., 'Beginning -Sunday Goldsboro .and points between there" and Kaleigh got .another, train to Raleigh, giving four trains a day each way. This train goes, through. , to .Greensboro but the Raleigh-Greensboro end ha been In operation for some-time. ; It is agree able' (o&ee the portion of the Southern's terit-pxy Eastward of Raliegh given the same' service as that to the, West. People",' living , along the Greensboro-C-ohtsbor 'branch of (the Southern cannot' complain of the service given by i the Sdftheh,. at least so far as frequency of 'trains Is concerned- t HARD LIVES IN CITIES.. , , Condltbat of .living; must' ,be fierce indeed for working people in New York where t on j' Saturday striking 'needlewomen- conceived it to-be-necessary for the canning of their pojntto engage in a pitched battle' with po'ice , -us ng .-s their weapons hatpins and umbrellas; Ihere is an almott universal drift 'of , ople to the large cities," and once .ple get'ther iy, not evei is much more'delightfttl and whole e and much less .fierce a strugg'e - i he- smaller -places'. iV by at earthquake, ut JA ,.'..;0, II. ROELRTS, Cashier W. W. fcRIFFlN. Asst. Cashier JNO. JJUNN, Vice-President The National Bank of ::f:;rNevBeriie Has the. "FaciKties, t Resources arid ; f 2 ; ft '";.- s.-i.ili J vi . fr r J business properly and to serve you aegtAl'5M V . , . ' ;; ' , . ; ' - DEPOSITS JANUARY 1912 ' $450,000 $' DEPOSIT JANUARY 19U $380,000 i, , DIRECTORS: i Jasi A.' Bryan A.D.Ward , John Dqnn J A. Jones (: E. K,TJfchop T.G.Hyman. ; E. B. Hackburn G. H. Roberts , ' Capita) llOObob ' Surps and Vrofjts $105,000 ' . Resoercet $850,000 - ' pfJbprfF Fr Pent PER CENT JNTEREST, COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY ON" f SAVINGS AND TIME DEPOSITS. . .. ft t--7 We find that we nave lhntiRnf!t nf rrfnl? r nrnrrfi f 5f - vrmicr gooas suu on nana arm have decided to continue our sal 4 trtktbese winter goods are aoldand in ofder tb m?v,e Ien,5ui?,c 8eionr entire stock ot Clothing Overcoats, Pants,' Ladles Suits arid Cloaks at 1-3 ottV " , '.: - 'vi,1 - .; 'ifi j ' lQ I . We have a good stock f -Dress Goods, Mens and La- difc( U-iderwetr, Blankets, Quilts. Rags, Shoes, Dry Goods, Hosiery. Notions, etc. that will remain on sile. 1 We will give special low prices on Shoes. 48 pairs of 1 1 $5 00 Stacy Adaraa Sfioes $2 50r 94 pair Ladies Queen I h'gb grade shoes, wortb I 2 $2.00; ?:50, '$3.pa and$ 50, to go at $1 29. Do't speed jjour nionpy till you have seen our prices J J, BAXTER GIRL rims s EYE LEAPS OUT One of Its Quaintest Spectacles Is a Native Wedding. ' However modernised Cairo Is or will become, says a writer Hi the Wide World Magazine, njral Egrjit remains the same today as It ha been for countless generations. One of tba quaintest sights out In the country a native wedding. I was fortunate In. seeing two of them, one from a tnujn and the other while walking near th Tillage of Hellopolla, which la tba site of the ancient city of On, mentioned In tba Bible.' ' . y . The bride and bridegroom wen com pletely screened from the public gaw by a canopied arrangement on tlx back of a camel. It looked like an Im mens ottomaa adorncfl with a covet fllumlnated Iiy orii4jttr;,Tbte camel wa followed hy,tha .bridal par tr, all women: Wfed bo long traM X'li nt Minala.' Moll oanuJ 'ihnAif W!JOUrna' w. v, wwwh . i ... .yywi wii nv 'women.'' - s t The great, clumsy creatures (the cam els, not the women) 'wer almost an veloped ln lmmens rogs, on fha tp of which apparently a faataer bed bad been deposltedand on this the wotopl squatted,, fflfing tent, eferj te nf ments to a iprongedhilHlwhfcJb I gathered. was Intended tyt k jfeejiw song. Altogether, the incongruity Aot the spectacle was exceedingly comical , INGENIOUS, PRISONERS, They Won a Pardon Fer Tlr Daring Attempt te Eseapa. ; " ' Among the priaopea to ' the Freneji convict settlement of New Caledonia were two marine engineers .who not long ago, received a pardon strange as" it may seem for making a daring and Ingenious attempt to escape. . Living together in the ' same hut these men were engaged for years In digging a secret tunnel from their but to the beach. At the end of the tunnel they hollowed ont-a chnmber'ln which. with pieces of driftwood and little bits of steel and iron ' smuggled Into the hut they fashioned a boat, the metal being at first used to. make tools and afterward to form bolts and rivets. Then with Infinite pains tbey built an engine to propel the boat, and after laboring mightily for seven years, they completed their task, - 7 ' ' Everything, was ready except, the provisioning of the vessel, when they were betrayed by a fellow convict to whom they had confided their plan. But so Impressed was the French com mandant by ' their marvelous energy, skill - and, patience that he managed after year to obtain a pardon. for tnem-Pearson's Weekly. - i v , v A MAN FOR E FRY JOIB. -. ' r i re's a man for every wsnfe ' 6ne latest wants to be filled is that . ing interest in mor.6 or lpss cold i -i ITective 'commercial orrnii'a'- lror a long time it a the i-o to. let such a.body die the death n r lie resurrected ngain,' or rflllv I forces and real's .'tateitbef r- State f Ohiq, city ot Toledo,'" m.'- v I" u Megs bounty, , l Frank Js-theUearniakeS oath that he is senior partner, of - the firm pf F; J. Che Bey ' & Co? doing busines in " the Uty of I oledo, County and Mate afore said, -and that said firm 'will pay; the un of ONfc-HU?DRED.6oiLAR$ for each , arif ve'ry case of Catarrh that cannot ;..be cured by'the ' use.-of HAL.TARRIJ CURE.' C'V-. ,v - FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and; subscrbed In- my presencef lhis 6th day of Dec ember, A. D. (Seal) : '.A. W. GLEASON, ''- .'' Notary Public. ,t rfall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter--nally and acts directly uppn the blood and : mucuos surfaces of the system. Send for -festimoniaN, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO-, Toledo, O. ' 'Sold by all DrupcistSiSc. Take Hall's Fan ' Vt" for const i pyiion... ' '. - (Adv.) i It Was of Glass and When Owner Jumped For Joy Artificial Orb Was Shed. New York, January 1&. When Judge William Hughes in Patterson, N. J., awarded &M.i to Miss Kose retir, ot Passaic, for the loss of an eve in the Botany Worsted Mills she leaped in glee. When her feet struck the floor again the jar knocked out the glass eye that had replaced the one destroyed in tjie mill. A bystander picked up the arti ficial orb and Rose went away to have k placed in her head. The girl lost her eye three days after she had begun wcrk in the -mills A shuttle flew from the machine she was operating and the sharp end struck her Squarely in the fact. ;: r ' ,. J "THE ROSARY'' VERY POPULAR. H In saying Sunday that "The Rosary" which f to bfsseen here Saturday had played' in i ;.gagement here before the was mistaken, being misled y seeing it was playing return dates Lat - several, other places in the State and assuming that .tne date lor INew Bern was also a return date., As a roatteriDWact, the return dates which i :j, i i ..ii . . a Ml t 17 1 . 1 piajrcu uic ail scvuiiu uatca for this season,' the play fovln'g such a winner ithat managers, are unwilling f another season for its re- SPiCiiAL: Ladies sU, 20 year hunting case $7.50 while they last. Elgin or Waltham at $12.50 while they last, An absolute ly honest deal here. Elks Temple DEPARTMENT fiTAnc Msi rw rn YOU CAN'T GET OUT OF IT you must have coal and the only tiling to do is 10 get the l.est t-o;..l you l lor your iiioik y , .11; -ry other yon w ill coi '"ii: ; hat tin- coal 1 1 tll( IlK.-.l -.III-! I ,.fl, 1 1 He 1 111 111'-il- li il i-i clean ami hiyh ELLIS COAL ASi) WOOD YARD. Phone 47, Union Point 10. BAXTER Subscribe For The Journal to waif turn. $ETS BAD FALL. ' . John Slkllingsi, an employe -of the John L,. Roper Lumber Copipaoyaus tilnbd painful ..injuries Sunday after- Lnoq when he. fell to the- pavement at the corner of Hancock arid Johnson streets e'rvi inflicted a flesh wound. on his he- d. There were- a- number of , persor.5 wlio witfitsj4 the accident and to-.them it apt eared that the titan was seriously in',-. ro-l. A physician " was sum moned' nffSjTft er receiving medical attention the .rtian was carried to his home ,"i.rj"!r- i ' 4 per ct. PAID orTSavings Compounded 0iiarterly - Makes Next Christmas I a Merrr ond For Yourself .r;.r - "t i . . - .. i . " ! '" 1 k - i 'St-".1 i ;.. i- CITIZENS SAVINGS and Family OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS ;il7 to 9 P. M. On the Corner Opposite the Post Office ANK AND TRUST COMPA Four Per Cent CHRISTMAS SAVINGS , SOCIETY I lb' V Join our Christmas Sayings Society whiph starts the first week in February, 1913 and. we will show you how easy ft is to save Mbfiey For , Christmas ENTERTAIN FOR DAUGHTER - Mr; and Mrs Barry Give Reception ' . Ftor Daughter, Mrs. Strong. -- , (Special td the Joofnal) N '-' -Pollok6ville,."Jaa.,ji8.'r-Mr. and Mr. B.'B. Barry, entertained a few of their friends last evening at ti eir beautifut. Here's 3. Method of Saving which will make you accumulate a Rank accounts country home near, this place in honor - Vi, ' nnc, AfV , 1nm'l,0 UtkA rUic .nt Of the borne COirfiriir Of hch- daughter w "W1.""1 yaw ouw jy m,. nwaj uic vunauuas aWM .lUUB Ada and her husband, FreI. S Strong, a gift; 'The plan is as follows? ; They werenmarried at Sanford, N, C. ; ' A 7, ' i , a Jjf t- I Jf V on Thursdavj'muray 16,, They: will Forrn 1 . " You begtjj with 1 cnt the fir$t weekT, 2 cenfc spend a week or tea days with Mr.', -. ' , . week. and so on for 5 weeks, and : spIo'wMr;sanggedVV:A;, t!' Pass- hPokr irest at 4 per cent. social cvent'sof jhe season. '-The rarlor,v , 1 Sil J' I c ' and dining room were "'beautifully ''- . , , $20.70 decorated with .evergreens and a de- fa 3 'the Second week tjtheTtnlffSf 2' weeks before Christmas we will1 rnail tyoi a i ;T''"' in wtn z cents ine nrsr, wees, cents. ine seeona ,weeKo cents tne. Xljirdi ;: -is: -andsoonr:and 2 weeks before Christrnaswe; will mail you a pass book: for. '( pt with'interestper.-ceVro . . ...i w -v ,:. . "..a.. r iriin ' s w iiii suimii iirii ri p.u s iih nrwi whhu s b -nn w t- wua in in lay it . 1 rnai rni ays mwv 'wn-iu . . t ;jr a lightlul three coiTrsfefuumcr was served,' "' f 6'" v t v - " ' j Tr'- . X" . " . ! - , -V. ' t '3 The tables was presided over by MsaV'' J., an4 so on, and 2 weeks before ChristmasVe'will rnaiLyou a pass, book fot $51.75 - SHHudson? y&UMm3? 't "with interest at '4 cent. ' M f'A; - ti Nick Leary and Mr B.' B. Barry ,1 ' " tft mterest at 4 peranp. .. . ... U--V,ilVr-,H I'1 ' . .,;-.;avYou May Reverse the Order of- Payments rifou Wish tato S-closed? A. t 'V' ' ul i .7 ' a? -s. 4.1, Ix., ' j j'-lr.": r V..;. ffi ... ; r rui nistaiitc, lit uic-i vcitt pay uicnu uu up,, uic payiuciiu ai v wiui --it; iiiu-ciiu mull, .j, !'(!: a. mt ': f .ftjc 11 you .ucsiic w uu au, yuu, uidy ami l wiut uu. uic uibi wcciw auu pay v at.-f less Jcveijcj w.ji-'Vi.-i'fTi; a. m, ; -1 1. .l iintH flio lait- tirppt'c nairnrpnt -txrlll ViA' Tr t Vnii frTav rim ffiA cam A iiV ttift rtthd'f fnrme,''f,i';-'i-5-5if: 1 WHEN THE MAtL Maif closes at this For Beaufortj 8:30 , For Goldsboro, 8:30 For' Norfolk 8j30 a. ffij For Wilmington 9:10 a. m. For Orienil;v 9:10 a. m. - , For Bi-idgeton, 10:00 a. nj For Raleigh' 1:05 p. m. . For Beaufort,4:S0 p. m. For ColMioro, 4:50 p. m., For Goldsboro, 4:50 p ,ni. Fqr On'erifal 4:55. p .m. Nife'.t I , iim 0 f n. i i. J EvnnvroDY is velcc:.:: to join. We will babJ to explain fully." Cdl at our bank, 'x . - . ' i ft 4 J