Ji 1 ; THE VALUE JOF ri - .-v v. -r- 7 No amount is toe ..t'-i.':-. 'the wock 'of laying a j" pendence and wealth TLe Feoples Bank of deposits in It? Savings pnf coat interest, Small amaunts'refniarly deported eoon ; grow,'; iryo,subi-taatial sums,. interest money -doubles j i liljih! 5 IT'S A tlTTXE " OUT , OF THEREGULAR ORDER OF THINGS PERHAPS, BUT WE HAVE . "... r ' kg;-&wi Paints and Arastsi)StMls at our Hardware Store, the best with th' to the low-v OAS KILL Hi 73-75-77 Middle St. & All Cars Stbp When you have new CLO these qi Where will liind the best "Where will I find the nev Where" will I in4 the - low TRY US AND, SAM Cor Middle and South Front Sin .$DcxehwocxsehMeM3 JJQYQU Good Glasses, the only kind us to self, are a . delight and comfort., .4 .YOUR WANTS CARED FOR ' f In this -gcrcy in everything per-j traicmR ro iauK.iNt.fc, khal, t' ESTATE and SURETY BONDS Inl' . : vljl , i..;.'- v a business-like and satisfactory rnanner. . " ' ' l Life, Accident-llealth, Fire, Burg . ' lary, Plate Glass, Automobile, Live .Stpckr;Tornado apd Tourist B8 " 4age written in reliable companies. - s,' Ani now offering -choice building j Jloa'for SAJjts . iy- " . ' r I Mii-A-an-v 1 -'" This is i ust the property vu wan! for-a home on easy terms, to saveent; opori an investment to i A- u bnpg IJUto Iz per cerit-and more, on arentea house; of;ror aniinvestment tot realize, on increased r ( ' L,'. I -property; :valdes coming now: Remember the advance in property values in-Tust rone square of mii ' V; , V t ;; 'This .is a property completely developed o waitirig-rits ready;ndwTt6 advance; "The number 0I1 -jV ; -.'if ! '-4' 'V . - i " i ; . a 'a.x. .Moil:,.-, r-.,;:; j'v 4'VV?4? 4, r-"' -Sr- 1 : Vlts are limited, v but every, one is desirable. You should select yours early. J r. :a rC ;t7 vl , ; t; : ' r ; L-cpa jk; AsmalVMyment viW HIGH OUAlrr-Y AND I i LOW PRICE f ;: ; is the -method : by .whjlch.- we have , won our tide' in meats. ?.We ha Ve . always' been the most careful buy ers of beef, mutton, lambs, etc. and YE DO NOT PERMIT L ' any except . first .quality . Jncat '' to enter - this butcher ' Rhop. a Of the freshness -of our stock, - there is' no question. '; We relie-e we are the '. ivk-al butchers, , " , v A. CASTET ' 1' Vomc of Letter .".Teats for T , v. , - rhon : I i slMALL SAVINGS small with which to start ; louncjatioB fo future indey 1 " , - , - ' v't ' - Ne Bcra weleomea-junall , ' Department and payji 4 At 4 per cent . coraoouitdx'' in' seventeen years. . ''Hiii'l : arM its the best line In town ",..t gZ!Z 'i MlllHlllN'i ! 1 111- ' . " f i" THAT rStJNDAY AD. Showing-every advantage that RIVERSIDE Eitension has. These lots are " - -iriVm'i i,'Vii&iti-"i''f " i, ', . -.',V" .'PMT BROTHERS, the Famous "Twin Auctioneers,9 Lots at the rate cellent ::lCo:i:tt, rr : 7''..V "j . ' tV. CO I i i E TUADC ' People jKo imv'iiie tKt - t?iV are using l'u nuxtute iif Mocha nd Java" coI7ee...vilI read with interest what th Providence Journal has to say on the', jaesent- toftoe trade, whichv (ol tows' Tr J' , ' . ' i 4 .'. y Venezuela reports prospertity due tq the ' favor being shawa her " coffee. Since the Java adMocha myths were dissipated by 4egUlation which profiibitsyoujr hy heaIingyour lngs and xnisbrdndrng-w. ar Reconciled to acf-' throat. 'k If . a doeiat give entire satis xreptingfmtr JfTee. as -coming, trdm. fafan youi.m9D"wui bel refunded plantations in W hemisphere, whence price one'doUar or' six bottles-for practically '1)C it. has alvays coai w dollar. ,. By "name, the, VeneTuela product ivJitTj. - -w : v ' i' " - - ---t'e nwn 'aid 'indeed pn!y a. amUll "l Wieve.,' BeaEihuWoo: '(the quaat.ty of he.;thoutand of ton., of th,nS ieTor cough, whooping coffee edtaau'tnrd jVtte Luted 'State. couKh an.d build 'ifp the systems of hae ks source there. "For VenezueU. weak' P""? childreo I ever iaw. My however," fhta. chief article of export ' ttle 8"1.- her life . had been very spells national -wealth. The-Veneiuelan klY o Appetite,- and - would get coffee planter derive benefit froniHhe a ny ttle xpopiire.. Three high prices and stable market induced Y h .whopping cough, by the Brazilian valorization scheme, j I gave .her . Bear's Emulsion 'and Of onevhundrf. mjljjoq 'do.lart.orth found that it not oply cured the whoop of 'coffee"' brpught flto the United log oogb bt ItCfajs. iuVprlBing 'jjto fkt State last year Venezuela supplied how jt built up her system. 'he' ; began me thaa five million' dollars' worth jto flcshen up, color was better, she" ate and. aj much i ga;n . was taken by Etiropei Germany being the best .cms- -tomer on,, the jcontment. i 'If la intereFtiOj reflect, on what T'W"! -""x,ratios failed.. Cash. of Venezuela, were the appetite for coffee t become jaded, There s .no presen immir.enre of. such.i calamity. Yet tie appetite is aitiflcial. Coffee usually 1 a lulitwy, if a cheap ne: if rately a necessity, it b an pensive one. The taste for jt has teen, Culti vated so remarkably that coffee conies . . .1 under tne ciasaincation o! staples v it is a stimulant, yt, fresh from good night s sleep, we talp coffee: lhen we take it to keep us awake at right. SOLIHF RN RAILWAY CO. Ncn. Train Service Between Raleigh , and , Cloldsboro. Effective Sunday January I'Jih, train.., Nos. 108 and 131 now being opeiai.d between Greensboro and kleigl-, will be extended and'operaled through b" tween Gretniloro and Co'clsboro. "'JSo: JQ now arriung 'Raleigh 10.10 A M. ,and w I' continue through to Goidaboro .arriving there 12:40 P M. Train No, 131 now leaves Kateigh at;f Craven, State of North Carol na. 1M P7 M. for Grecnoboro. This train , will leave Goldsbor'o at 5:05. P. M., eaving Raleigh at 7:00 P. nr. as here- !,tofdre. '....'' ' ' p jhe extension of these trains will naw afford thl traveling publif one ladditto'naF 4 throug-h-' traiij bblnveea iGreensborci and Gajdslioro, v y J. O. JONES. Trawiin Passenger Agent, J; A. If ?. Raleigh,. N. C. j M . IMICIS1II TV Ul SV i. ity Lrade." ( Apply V to DeSoto Novelty Supply Co., 187 Pollock street, New lent, jti. C. . ,- I010. FOUR GREAT REASONS WHY. I-Yii 'should make sure of getting a Opy e next Sunday's New York World iy utuciuik iruiu your iicsueaier. in adva'nii't'! . With everv mnv Wiil wir-lft.'r a ; io-page Jke . 'Book; 2d, a 24-page' Iagazn- 3d, a coupofl good forthree j )amog pictures printed in colors on ' .ntj'qttality paper, all ready for framing, j nd, 4th, the words and music of the -nie snne. hit ,"All Acree On a pkttv ! yrU,;T'Ehe Siiiday SWorld'st1 pre-'em- jnence- ls shown 'by'f hefac thai its ' irculation in New York City is fres,tegi ban .that ol the Sunday .New York ilterald.'Times. 'Sun, T.ibune and Press jccTrnbined, . ; v.t ; f Adv.J.t of 0:1c a ; J;;;:, willive you a zraln. There will . f : r ' - ' -" I iii . ... 1 1 - - With all its honui' and ravages, donsumptjoo is nevertheless a curable cisei6e. It hi, noti hereditary, it is 1 " jl ' . 1. -. 1 t j i nut ucjrvup iuc- junucncc o nicuicttl science. But do nots wait too long. Start doing omethiug-for your self whtea yon get that dry lingering cough, 0,.-.'- ..!:' i..;n j t i almost fayt hi ng nd is today as healthy a child as I have. I myself have found that it ould laiKa. .- ueo. CasB. by Bradham Drug C. (Adv.) .yr-'r Sold by Bradham Drug C- (Adv.) R60MS WANTED By smalt Jam ily.-Will rent halt house ttavlfoble, or small "houseT Address Barb?r?86v Mid dle St. ;." city: , r' FOR RENT--No. 71 Craven street. , Suii able for shop or office. C E, Slover MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that '-yiain n-ortVr; d-jd made by Allen Smith i j VV. G. llouse, on he 3()th day of August, 190o, re-ronU-d in the ofi'i 'e of the Regisle' of Dirds (f -f "ra 11 ( in 11 1 y in Book 1M P.:e 120, the mid'Tsim d inortgagio .ell for ca-'h to the hii-het bldi'er. ;it the tour' house door, at the hour of 12 o'clock M., on 'he 24th day of February. 1913. the follow-in? rea estate, lyim? and beini; in the County known and designated as fellows y . t to win Adjoining the -landi 01 Waiker. Willin White ar-d others, and boupded as follows-: Beginning at a stake on the linedch and runs S. 63 E. 69 2-3 yafdsVXhen N. 24 E. 69 2-3 yards, then N43 W, 6 2 3, then S. 24 W. 69 2-1 yards to the L-eginning, centaining one acre more br leas, with "dwelling house on same' also entire, household and kirchin furniture ' - W. G ROUSE, Mortgagee.' Th-tfthe 20th day of Januaiy, 1913. w. OUR OWN Mentholated Cough Balsam 9 C ned with active princi ples of Cod Liver Oiljand Hy pophosphites. .A valuable cough remedy aad- construc--tlva i tnic, an . , oate. Price 39c, On salt only at; , dAVS:PHARr.lACY :.:cs Given Avsry FrBB. See Fdiller's Windows. : TRUST CGMPAMY 7 A;BANKFOR ALL ' The thorough service, jpositive safety and. conve nient locatioa of this bank make ir an institution , that people; til all classes an use as depositary for - iheir savings or oiher funia. A pijee where people of iiioler.iti means may receive the snnie gooi treatment as docs the man of wVafth. ..W'c -invito the accounts of working men, clerks farmers, wo men an'l other people who save inonev, anj wish to have it kepiv si-fcly and securely. PER CENT PAID ON iio- A t M '-V A New xear !z: . -fl- -'. '. '' ' ' '" M. E WHITEHURST & CO. ESTABLISHED 1887 67 Pollock Street. Tolsnn riimhrr Pfljc. Yards 'and Factory, 129 E. Front vwfiwcgi w-Oww w-Ow0-CHwwi Subscribe For sHlJsf .V.-r,- . r-'. , . - r'S J -t Hi :. .! - Tnr -: v, il! V' " ui- .3'. h-jv SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. w - - Resolution. Resolve; To make your home more attracflve during 1913 than efer before. The dinidg room is a home's sockij center, make it bright, cht ry and inviting. Adorn your t.ible with Bassett Cliin.t, the graceful shapes, pleas in det (1, lti iiis, ind snowy white l,;e. of this splendid wn're, add beauty f- the t.d.Ie ;md delight to the meal You will Si- (.ratified a; its mn;n r.:te t .,st and it- splen did weari tia!ities. OPEN STOCK, tint can be matched rcadilyfor years to ijjme. Phoe 228 TIlfIS WAY PLEASE 1 If you are lookjng for a yjeans A of moking your home handsom" Y er. Just to mention one way of "A using our mill work for the pur- ? pose. Our grill and fret work, Xfc our hardwood pillars, our posts and railings will make a hand' some arch between your front and back parh-r. Come see how else we can aid you. ft Man'to Ctu St. New Bern N. C. The Journal - j St, v "ciassr also be an 1'