."' ' .s i - - , i ' ji. .'I t . ' vs, v ; "-J 4 J " i V ' ' J t" J . .1 . iT. - . ' , v s ' H 1 1 1 -'. . - ' . i, i : T I S 1! I Lae a few more make selection or you , . FQbT BALLS, POCKET KNIVES, MR RIFLES, I. .1 J FIRE .WORKS, ETC. v t . 6 it . ' - "CLAUSS 7 Razors, , kind with an unlimited guarantee." - V J Si ww w w w - w k'nm " rr i'fwii V- WlbLIAJVl 1. fllLL '-:. s -' TTieSMrttaSl 91 Middle Street j ixaaCTseaoooaagasfloemaoQ New Bern Electric Supply Co. J. J, TOLSON, Jr. Prop. ' ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES PHONE 297 NF.W BERN, N. C. "Wire for us, and we'll wire for you." Stop at ibe Athens Cafe FOR A CUP OF REAL JA VA COFFEE. For a light lunch or a square meal come to the ATHENS. Ev erything is rich and pure. We in vite families with children and pay special attention to ladies with children. OPEN EARLY AND LATE ATHENS CAFE, NEXT TO ATHENS THEATRE. REPTELIS BROS.. Proprietors If vou want the1 ibest onoe ana ruiDper 4?v Heel in the city and ' "want them put on so they will stay, send !-KV your horse to John I. Smith's Horse Shoe Shop vPhone746 Church Alley. , If you have rooms for rent' or Vv- 5' ave '08t or 'ound-an article, or - "CiK want to buy or sell something, use 'tht Journal want ad column on " -- page three. i II V V II left. Cj.I1 at ence an J may be disappointed. v , Scissors ana Shears.' I he f 3 Goods Man."v , 1. : Phone 253 LIGHT WIRING Is nescience as well as an art Wiring can be either botched or done artistically. WE DO WIRING aid wken our Job is finished it's above suspicion. You Set good in i stallatidn and keep down intur- ance by having us do your wiring. Subscribe to "Carolina and The Southern Gross". SEND $1.00 TO THE NEW BERN CHAPTER U.D.C. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM. By virtue of power df sale contained in that certain mortgage deed dated tha iSth day of January, 190, from Seymour Pelham and Cora Pelham, his wife to John S. Garrett, which said mortgage deed is recorded in book number 139, page 5i7, in the office of the Register ol Deed of Craven coun ty, the undersigned will, oa the 4th Way of February, 1913, at 1". o'clock M., at the Court House door in Craven County, offer for sale to the highest bid der f oi cash the following described land in Craven County: Beeins in Guion's line 69 poles from Guion' corner at the corner of lot No. 1 . ac cording to a survey made an the 10th day of January 1902, by H. A. Marshall and runs with Guion's line N. 40 E. KS poles, thenre parallel to the-C.iry line S. 0 E. S4.1V 1-i to the corner of lot N6. 't, thence parallel to Wood's line S. 40 W. U3 poles to the line of lot number 1, thence with the same N. i0 W to the beginning' containing 57.5 acres. ' - JOHN S. GARRETT, 'January; 3rd 1913. - Mortgagee. 4 II A - "AKD -. Building Ala r terial Yf 1 1 1 ' 1 1 'V ' "' "" "' " , Paints, Oils r . ,J, - "AND i. : Varnishes A 'American 3 'V Field) Fence WfHEAHTILcY THANK OUR CUSTOMERS for their patronage for the past yean. It has been the best in our histonyjand ,we wish'ypy. a happy and pros- perouVNew Year. We inviteiyour patronage for the New .Year and we guarantee to please you. BROAD STREET GROCERY CO. Phone 146 and 156 a Railroad LUNCH ROOM C. E) TAYLOR, Prop. Have ypu stopped to thjak that there is only one CAFE In Ne Bern that 1$ open all day -and night 365 days to the year, arid that we .give quick and polite service? Do you want your suits, thoi- ougbJy deaoed and made - -: r J to look as Bew.r . Phone 443 and try our antiseptic process on your fall and winter.. suit. -We can reclaim many garments yoa.cast aside a 'passe. Altering and repairing a specialty. ., . ( .'Wejress.wml you wait. The Winne CLEANING KtiO DYING . ESTAB- ' UiSHMENT: J. B. Hehders 10 Pasteur St, Opposite Union station , f m. t f Cves C.2 r.::I Lets U ta Jonesboro, Ark. '"I soffered a, ebra aleta break down 1$ health,' aoma time ago," -writes Mrs. JL McGUl, from this place, n was'Tery weak and ould not ' do any work.'; I . tried ' different remedies, bat they jUd'sme fno good. ' One day, I sot a bottle ot Cardut -. It Bid mcao much good, J aa surprised, and took aome xoavJr v'BefQre I took Cardril, I bad headache and backache, and acunetimes J would err for hours. No I am over all that, and can do all kinds .of housework.' I .think It la tha greatest . medicine on earth. ; -f ;'y ; '."i ;'. X ' la the past fifty years, thousands of ladies have written, like Mrs. McGW, to tell of; the .benefit received from CarduL. j": . f.Such testimony, from earnest women, surely Indicates the great value of this tonto remedy, for diseases peculiar to women.; Are you a sufferer? Year Cardul Is the medicine you need. ; ; We targe you to try. it . . ' H.B; WriUtO! Cttfln'AiMKry Dnt..purtU aoo Mcdlcla Co.. Chatunaoca, Teno., for Bpemak hvtructions, an 64-tas bask. ''Horn Twittnl l qoms," lent to pU)e nptr, pa snuhU . W0OD-i-WOOl-r-WOOD , Dry sawed pine wood $1.15 per load. Dry sawed oak wood $1.30 IKrr load. Sawed pine slabs 75 cents lr load. When we say load we mean one quarter cord. ELLIS COAL AND WOOD YARD Phone 47. a Many a girl who loves a man for his money ia too-modfht to mention it SOUTHERN RAILWAY Direct Line to AU Points North, South, East and West Very Low, Round Trip Rates to All Prin- s cipal Resorts. , Through Pullman to Atlanta leaves Raleigh 4:05 p. m. .arrives Atlanta 6:35 p. m., making close connection lor aad arriving Montgomery' following day after leaving Raleigh at It a. ni.; Mobile 4:12 p m.; New Orleans S:36 p. at.; Birmingham 12:15 noon; Mea- phis 8K)5 p. m.; Kansas City 11:20 k m. seaond day, and connectiag for aH t heir points. This car also1 makes close connection at Salisbury for St Louis and other western-points. Though Pullman to Washington leave Raleigh 6:50 a. m.; arrives at Washing- fon 8.53 a. ra, Baltimore 10:02 a. m.; Philadelphia 12:23 noon; New York 2:31 p. m. Thfs car makes close Connection at Washington ( for Pittsburg, Chicago and al points north 'and west, and at Greensboro for through tourist sleep er for California points and for all Fion as points. . J, .. Through parlor car for Ashcvllle leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a. ni.; Raleigh 8:35 a. m., arrives Asheville at 7:40 p. ni., making close connection with the Carolina Special and arriving Cincin nati 10 a. m. following day after leaving Raleigh, with xlose connection for all points north and. horth west. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a. m., arriving Greens boro 6:30 a. m., making close connection at 'Greensboro for all points north, south, east and west. This car - is handled on train No. 1 1 1 leaving Gold- H. F CARY, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. , i t ii t : i li t' f CO! Jr' . 1 t .J t'.ti3 L.' k.u.tUe9 dcvli- catt :d to tiie memory of great men. but no American1 enormity in this line quite equals that which wan perpetrated by J an English sculptor for the town tf Beading.? When the fellow townsmen vi a ceruuo crwrgo t aiwerui inai piact decided to honor his memory they aey ds Of Pat termlned upon a brehca statue mer, which should be not ' merely a portrait as to features, but a correct presentment of him as he appeared among , them every day.' - Accordingly, the stranger In Reading la startled by tha ' most unconventional - of statues, with every crease and wrinkle of the homely attire --of the- original T repro duced." To complete the effect the stat ue Is bareheaded, with silk bat and um brella In hand. Itis thought tharthis la the only instance to 'which the necessary but not entirely beautiful umbrella has been reproduced in bronzeKew ..York Sun. He Feetsd Her. :1t you were asked t get ready to start next Thursday oa a long Journey do you think you could do so?" asked her rich employer, who. was a wid ower. . ., rOb, Imacb wquld depend upon the kind ."of journey It was to be," spe repueo''" " ' " 1 mean a pleasant Journaya Jour ney that would last tor a aaoath or asore." . A ahould I have icompany on the Jeufneyf' ' i1 "Well, I hadn't thought of that No. I doot believe you. would. I should expect yon to go alone.'' ""Then I dont believe I1 could get ready," aha said turning to her type writer and making four mistakes In the' first Hue of the letter she had be fua-Chlcago Record-Herald. BUJois, throbbing Jheadacba meaoa .l .f. Bowel are dogged and liver t ',: " 't staftnaat., l, '', You're bilious, you nave a throbbing sensation in your head, a bad,fate la your mquth, your eyes .burnf-your skin is yellow, with dark rjngs under ypurr eyes; your Eps are parched. No won der you feel ugly, mean and iU-temperpd. Your system is full of Jile not properiy passed off, and what you need is a clean up inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself and those who love yOu, and don't resort to harsh physics that irritate and injure. ' Remember that most disorders of the stomach, liver and intestines can be quickly cured by morning with gentle, thorough. Cas carets they work while- yoUSleep. A 10 cent box from your druggist, will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and your head "clear fof ; tnpnths aChildren love to take Cascarets, be coruse they taste good and never 'gripe sicken. (Advertisement) The love letters of y wise man and a fool sound much alike. - It's dime ult to rattle a bore; in fact you ran seldom shake him. Some people iire too high toned to have common sense. FOR COLDS AND COUGHS. Jii! before retiriry put Savorfinc up both nostrils, breathe deeply and Swallow pit ce two or three limes sie of pea. I' .isv breal hint; is soon fol lowed bv a sense of comfort and rc-i I res hi s'eep Can be ued diiring the day as needed. (Adv.) -; LODGE DIRECTORY ATHENIA LODGE No. 8, K. of P. Meets every Tuesday 8 p. m., over Gas Co. a office, Middle St.. A. M. Franklin, C.C..J.H. Smith, K. of R.andS. Visit, ing brothers are assured of a chevalier's elcome. 3RAVEN LOJGE Ne. , RNIGH'BS )V HARMONY Meets second and fourth Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock ,io each month at Kaights of Harmooy (hall, corner Broad and Hancock stteet J.' K- Willis, President; R. J. Disorway, Secretary; Geo. Moiflton Financial Sec retary. t'?' ' i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 'Having this day qualified as adminis trator of the last will and testament of Ell Barrow, deceased, all persons holding claims against said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified to the undersigned or W. D. Mclver, attorney, on or before the 17th day of December, 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery AH- persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settle ment. VThis 17th day of December, 19U. W. H. PETERSON, ' Administrator, C. T. A. W, D. Mclver, Attorney. FOR CROUP. Make the air of ledroom moist by means of steam and rub Savodine nn lit'le sufferer's throat and chest. Thea cover with warm flannel cloth. (Adv.) 1 J 40 ,s 1 . r-.i.' . ".. 'sw V-A 7 1 J'!:l:fe,'