-J The blue6"arxx!ety '.cjiessanJ wamlr ;.$ of fiia i J c ! t-ess are sent by the nervei Lie fiyir.g messtr.gers t;.rouy:l.out bo r.4 Lmbs. Such feelings may or may not be accompanied by bactK.'.e or , headache oc bearing down. The local disorder and inflammation, if there it any, should be treated with Dr. Pierce's Lotion TabkU. Then the nervous system and the entire womanly make-up (eels the took eect of T7AVORITE PRESCRIPTION when taken systematically and for any period of time. It Is no) t a'tane-alL-but has given uniform satisfaction lor over forty years, being designed for tM mngU purpose of caring woman '..'Y Sold in liquid form or tablets by : "i druggists or send 50 one-eeat . stamp for a box of Dr. Pierce' -, . Favorite Prescription Tablet. -'. A M TV. D V DL Rnffatn. M.V. " PARENTS, READ THIS , 4 Everstop to think how homesick the boys and girls 7 off at school get? Whether you do or not,' it's a fact that they do as you will realize when) you recall your ..: own feelings in the past when at school, or for some ; other reason y ou were away from home for a long ' while. Then it is that a letter from home seems most : welcome. . , . A visit frdm The DAILY JOURNAL would be like ' letter from home and would be most welcome to the . dear ones in a distant town. Send us name and ad-;- dress and let us start these daily letters up without . further delay. It will be indeed a welcome surprise. THE JOURNAL, T r t TO PANAMA-JAMAICA-CUBA mm OVER-SEA RAILROAD eSSs m: IS OFFERED AT A SiMSLL ,1 The cruise will be on the New .. Steamship EVANGELINE of the 4 P. & 0. S. S. CO. Length 364 fleet, with 262 Staterooms b SAILING FROM KEY WEST j JANUARY 7, 1913. fijOther sailings Jan. 21, Feb. 4 and 18, March 4 and 18, April land 15. F. M. JOLLY. $0 , It will only cost a if&f postal card worth ONE . NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE OF asi'A.lMT W BROWNSVILLE. By virtue of power .of sale contained ifl that; certain mortgage deed dated Texas, California and all Western points ;! the" lst day of November, 1910, from also connects at Greensboro with Seward Brooks and Edney Brook, his through train for all Western and ;yife,'VtOrf Milly Hall, whichsaid, mort- Eastern points, " : S -T '"-K age' is recorded in book of JDceds, i . TRAIN No. 13lA-Leayes Gofdstyro number ,;;; 184, page 196, iii the 5:05 pV m. for "Raleigh," Durham", tnd Register- of Deeds of Cra- Greensboro. Makes direct connection ; ven' County, the undersigned will, at Greensboro with solid Pnllman Sleep oa the 4th day of February, 1913, at ing Car, train for Washington, Baltimore tt o'clock J I, -at he court house door Philadelphia,. New York and all Eastern ' in 'frav erf" County, offer at pullic tale 'and Northern points. Connects also at to the highest bidder for cash -the fol- Greensboro with, through ; Tourist lowing; described lot of land in Craven Sleeping" Car for to Angeles and Sah County and number seven ' township; On tpe nitrh side of Scott s Creek and on the nprth side Trent river, and be ing lot number A in the plan of that part of '.Craven County," North Caro lina, commonaly known , at' ' Brownsville,- the said plan being recorded in book," number 14iy ''folio ;395,' in the,; frice;(';;'pf ;';tlie Register d Deeds 4 1 Craven r; County;,, s and , being :.he, ' sanuf lot ' conveyed j to : the ud Edward Brooks by John S. Car- at mortgagee , which ' deed is . dated j.Ut day cf November-, 1919-'' -S; '? , '. MILLS HALL, ' nuary 3rd, 1913. A i Mortgagee SOUTHERN RAlLWAV Tremier Carrier ol the South fi. B.' The fol'owing "ichedule figure! published only as infornmtiort and not fpiaranteed. 'vV-y-''j'.:',,,i'V : i; A! N No. 21Lave, Goldsboro ;i. m. fur Raleigh, Durham, Greens , Anheville Mit Waynesville. train to Ashevill, handles ;ir to Wuynesville. Kakes con . at Greensboro for all points mi Eaut, and at Asheville with i f pedal for Cincinnati, Chicago v '"stern points. -(. .:; ',.'', IN No. 139 Leaves Gojdsboro . Hi. (of Raleigh Durham ,nd 'o. Handles through r Pull- 1 . ... pewuww 45 POLLOCK ST. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED T AND FLORIDA COMPARATIVELY For full information, the ap proximate cost of the trip from any point desired, and for sche dules and reservations on trains and on the ship, address the un dersigned, who will accompany the party. ION, N. C. CENT To get tjie particulars man Sleeping Car from Raleigh to Atlanta, arrives Atlanta '5:25 a. m making connection for' New Orleans, Francisco; V; Hi ' 'TRAIN No. 1 1 1-M-eavos Coldsbore 10:45 p- m, ; for 'Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro, f- Handles, Pullman Sleep ing Car Raleigh; to Wihstanalem. M akes . con nect ion at C reensbbro With througH train for' Atlanta and tfe w Or leans, also makes connection for : Ashe ville, Chattanooga, St. Louis, Memphis, utrminguam and all Western nointa. v ; For detailed ; information, also for hformatioh ' concerning .' special -round trip rates account varions special occas ions, Pullman deeping car reservations. ask any .Southern Railway Agent or Communicate with the undersigned. .V ' f , ; V Traveling Passenger Agent, ' V Raleigh,. U. C,i-: 'M V: H, F. CAMtJ-:t:' 'iV-Ai General ..Passenger 'Agent. ' Y V'V''',i'-'" Washington, ,D. C. :, . " hv 4 1 t r- E.:"H;COAPMAN:;',- ':l Vice-President' and Ceneral Manager, Washingtorti D. C ; ! ,.. H. HARDWICK, V; I ' .; ;: . Kassengcr Traffic Manager, " "; Washington; D. C -; f. . , ' ' i Ohildron Cry rci rur-'v: CAGT r: . l i I ....i. .t 1 i.ni. j.'i.ti L-.-r x:.-.'.:.vr lote'r a tie to.i lid tsottsoiLS tarts froui the oven. "M&inma," ta "wont yon play you are my grandma?" "Certainly," answered the mother. , Edith went cot on the porch aud than quietly returned. r ' . " C ' "Grandma." she iald : begnlHngly. ."may 1 hare a tartr ' .' "No, dean they ara for Bopper.. " "But dont yon know you satd yoo'd play being my gnndma, and gran dm as alwaya glva little girte what they wantr -. ; c;i ';v r- ; v. . She got" the Urt Woman's Bom Companion. svi-l: l&'$y. The pay that Thorpe got for playing baseball in Fayetteyille, NtC.t" in 1909, ought not justly to put him in the professional baseball claWS :'"S .-' ; QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA George W' Koous, Lawton, Mich., says: "Dr. Detcheon's Relief for Rheu matism hag given my wife wonderf ul benefit for rheumatism. She xould not lift handT or foot, a nd had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and ; improved 'rapidly. On Monday she'' could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self and walked out, for breakfast."? Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv.) Col. Goethals promise ' that there will be -a ship through' the Panama Canal before the year is out. REASON ENTHRONED. Because meats are so tasty they are consumed in great excess. This leads to stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. Revise your diet, let reason and not a pampered appetite control, then take a few doses ' of Chamberlain's Tablets; and you. will soon be well again. Try .it. For sale by all dealers. "' (Adv.) Society is a fence 'that shuts some people in and others out. :. , FOR THAT TERRIBLE ITCHING. i Eezema, tetter and salt rheum keep their victims in perpetual torment. The application of Chamberlain's Salve will instantly allay ths itching ,and many cases have been cured by its use. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) No man can understand why women let tears flow at weddings. This is the season of the year when mothers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by tlieir children, and have , abundant reason for it as every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the- vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamberlain's Coufeh Remedy is famous for its cures, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Of course your' way of, earning a'' liv- lrtg is the hardest way there is.- Do you kuewvthat more real danger lurks in a common- cold than in-any other of the minor ; ailments? ' The safe way is to take - Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable preparation, and nd yourself of , the (old as quickly as -possible. .' This remedy is for sale by all dealers. (Adv.) There's atwavs a chance for a man to become famous: if he' isn't a dead 6(le. i ,v FOR FLETCHER'S t ClASTORI A Many a ' gir) wno starts put to' make a Mme for, herself can' make a loaf ojt bread.. : i- :vi,".' p. i There; is ; no better medicine"; male for , colds j tha Chamberlain's" Cough Remedy. t It lacta on nature s' pfart, re lieves, the lungs, f opens the secretionsj aias czpectqraung; ana .restores the system .'to a .healthy conditions 'For sale ;byU -dleriip-qAdv.) i; If, man U aljvays making - new friends it ' generally a sign that Kis old ones are onto blio..7;X'A,':V ': h;', ' Here is a message of hope nd' good cheer, from Mrs. C'J; Martin. Boone Mill, V., who is the mother of eighteen children. Mrs-' Martin was cured of stomach trouble and constipation' by Chamberlain's Tablet after five years of. suffering, and now recommends these tablet to the public. V Sold by all .dealers, v- T)?- '( ' ' , (Adv.) Lighting may not hit twice in the same pace, but it's different with the chrniql borrower. ' ' For a apmin'you will find Cliamlx-r tain s i.minient excellent. It n:i,iyn the pain, removes t lie nyrcnetg, and soon restores the parts to a limit hv oiniliion. 25 ami 50 relit loll!. for) !e l y it!l (!i -.-ill -n. ( J ,. T7enea cf tie L'.l J type.T wo.r.;a cf tzjerior eiacilaa and ' rtTLatnt, whose - (Licenuaenl f inJ jainect pre we;;Lt antl , forte to tieir opinions, Lijhlj ' praiie tie wosderf at cerrectiTe '. mi cnnfiTe prepertiei of dan . lerkm'i Stssu-ch mi Ljhrer Jab- leU. Tkroujlio tie eutj stage ; ol tronun'f tfet frta girlhoo-, j tironji tli ordeals of j mother- hood' to the decRnifij fears, there ; is bo safer or mort reliable med idne. ChajnberlainV Tablets art soldi ererrwhere at 25c t boL 'Congressmen, will' soon be buhy with the. free seed distribution. MOTHERS CAN SAFELY BUY. Dr. Kiug's New Discovery and give it to the little ones when ailing an-i suffering with colds, coughs, throat or lung trou bles, tastes niee, harmless, once used always used. Mrs. Bruce Crawford, Niagara, Mo. writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery changed our boy from a pale weak sick' boy to the picture of health." Always helps. Buy it at all dealers , (Adv. Some people try to make loud talk go for argument. ARE YOU A COLD SUFFERER? Take Dr'.s'King's New. Discovery, The Beat Cough, Cold, Throat and Lung medicine made. . Money refunded if it fails to cure vou. Do not hesitate take it at our risk. First dose helps. R. WelU, Floydada, Texas, writes: Dr. King's New Discovery cured my terrible cpugh and cold. I gained 15 pounds." Buy it at all dealers (Adv.) They might import a few of .the London suffragettes and have a real lively inaugural parade. DR. KINGS NEW DISCOVERY Sootues irritated throat and lungs, stops chronic and hacking coXmgh, re lieves tickling throat, tastes nice. Take no other; once used, always used. Buy it at al! dealers. (Adv.) Those Young Turks will find out a little later that the old Turks knew something after all. NO NEED TO STOP, WORK When the doctor orders you to stop work is staggers you. .1 can't you say. You know you are weak, run down and failing in health day by day, but you must work as, long as you can stand. What you need is Electric Bitters to give toat, Rtrength and vigor to your system, to prevent break down and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or filing when Electric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. .Thou sands bless "them for 1 their glor'ous health and strength.. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50 c. at all dealers. t, , (Adv.) Mr. Taft has had as good a time as as any other president ever had-even if he di not serve as long. ' SURpiRlSE YOUR FRI ENDS'"-: s?For four - weeks ' regularly use Dr, Kiiigs' New Life" Pflls. t They stimulate the .liver, improve digestion, remove 9louu. impurities, ..pimpies anu erup tions . disappear from your face; and body "and; you feel Better." Begin, at once, v Buy at , all dealers. ' ' ( (Adv. v-J A: Richmond has. appealed to theState Corporation . commission tor, 1 mprpvf- mont in its telephone ' service, new look out for wire-pulling.' 1 tiWpW$st$ roja ury CASTORIA : - It has been! said that "one suffers from a severe attack of La Grippe six months '.after getting . well"; Nasal catarrh, headache and neui algia, some time hang around for quite a while. Not so with one who uses SavodJne freely during the active and convales cent stage of - the disease. (Adv) -',; ".,- FOR ASTTTMA. i - The successful treatment for - fell cai,e is indeed hard to name. Those who are subject to frequent and sev ere uuks of asthma should, be. core fill as to the selection of tin ir diet an:l the regulation ' of their Loweh. A c!i;iii:-,f ef ttim;ie is often 1' '; ' -I nn-J t' " o- ' , '. r " f -l 1 V f ' ' ' AH A3 KkuU Wo kw U far rwr CAS STOVE, DROP LIGHT. V . CAS IRON bjU Wo Crry - if VWcair BrandGaslTiibing TUIjCAN ia without a f V on the market, to-day. i, v; material, yerjr flexible. , Ihe rubber end are specially ' constructed and will not crack. ; ; A Word About Cheap Tubing DONT use it even though it may cost less. In the end it jwifl cost you more. - Cheap tubing ia cheap'' ;.-.'?' because it is made of cheap stocky It leaks from the very start; 'perhaps only a little, but enough to annoy y 00 with a smell of leaking gas. The ends split after short use. The tube becomes hard and cracks, then it must be thrown away, necessitating the purchase of another length. ONE LENGTH OF VULCAN TUBING WILL OUTLAST THREE LENGTHS OF CHEAP TUBING FOR SALE AT OUR OFFICE MsH Or Telephone Orders FilW New Bern Gas Company $9.00 COLUMBW iND RETURN FIFTH NATIONAL CORN EXPO SITION. Jan. 27th Feb. Sth., Inc. Plrst Exposition Held in Dixie THEORY plus PRACTICAL EX PERIENCE equals RESULTS. Clearly demonstrated through com petitive exhibits by corn raising ex perts from various States, as well as United States Government Exhibit. Throoughiy educational and ex ceedingly interesting, as well as of vital importance to the South's future Farmers. A corn education in one day a valuable asset foi young and old. On account of this occasion the ATLANTIC. COAST LINE RAIL ROAD offers the above attractive round trip rate. Dates of sale: Jan. 23-25 and 27th. Feb. 3-5 and 6th. Return Limit: To reach original start ing point not later than midnight of Feb. 12th, 1913. T. C, WHITE, General Pass. Afgt. W. J. GRAIC, Passenger Traf. Mgr. Children Cry KOR' FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A - t NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY IN POL LOKSVILLE, N. C. Pursuant to the power of sale given, me in a certain mortgage deed executed by J, W. Shepard, and wife on the 29th day of Sept., 1909, the same being re corded in the office of kegister of Deeds for Jones county, in book number 55, page 140, to which reference is hereby made, default having been made in the payment on the bond secured by same, I will sell tor. cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Jones coun ty IX O'CLOCK M. ON THE- J2TH DAY OF MARCH, I9l3,the following described parcels or, lots1' of land,' Jying and being in the town of Polloksville and described as follows to-wit: FIRST LOT. ' i Beginning at Charles Whitty's northeast corner on west side 6f Main street running thence north wardly with Main street 28 feet to the oiithett .corner of, lot number 2, thence westwardly 216 feet Jo the line of the Barrus heirs then tvith their line southwardly ', ' 28 v feet to Chas. Whit ty'a 'northwest corner, thence ith said WhittyV "ine eastwardly to the begin r ihg,l;'; ki. : &y'y'"'( 'M v .: X ; j LOT No. J. Beginning at the so'ith east corner bt the lot known ( ( as the late Susan Koonce Jot. running thence westwardly with said line 216 feet Jo the line of the Barrus heirs thenef 'with said line aoutharardly ;90 feet' to 'the northwest corner f lot ; number, .one thenceeast wardly'.' 216 "feet Jto', Main street at the northeast corner of lot number one; thence northwardly' with Main street 90 fet' to the. beginqing. ; This 28th .day of January; 1913. ,'1v i -liVi,i4''Tr H.BElW Mortgagee. . i- NOTICE 1 Haying this day qualified as Admin istratrix of the estate of tluabeth S'. Bucklin, deceased, this is to notify all persons havinf claim against said ei tate to present them duly verified 6n or before, the 28th day of January, 190l4f or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. ' ' . riiis27tli d.iyof Jan., 1913. ' ! ". rXlAI'TlTII A. MARSHALL, - ; ..... . W Szes J. ' Any Length for ur etW mmn the Wefl-KnoWn " doubt the Terv beat can It is tnade of new high-prico SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO- New Train Service Between Ralcig , aud Goldsboro. Effective Sunday January 19th, trains Nos. 108 and 121 now being operated between Greensboro and Raleigh will be extended and operated through be tween Greensboro and Goldsboro. No. 108 now arriving Raleigh lO.'Kv A. M and wil' continue through to. Goldsboro .arriving there 12:40 P. M Train No. 131 flow leaves Raleigh at 7:00 P. M. for Greensboro. This train will leave Goldsboro nt 5:05 P. M.. leaving Raleigh at 7 :00 P. m. as here tofore. tThe extension of these trains wil now afford the travel;ng public one additional through train between Greensboro and Goldsboro. J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Rnleigh, N. C- PAY YOUR TAXES. ' Pay your city taxes now and you will not be annoyed with duns. 1 have Mr. A. J. Gaskins employ ed to assist me in collecting city tax es. He has full power to receive and receipt for ariy city tax paid him. Please do not out off paying the city tax. You will' be djnned continual ly until your rity tax is paid. License tax for quarter Jan. 1st. 1913, to April 1st, 1913, is due. Garnishees, warrants arei levies are now in order. Respectfully, J J. TOLON, City 1. ix Ct Hector. NORTH CAROLINA, CRAVEN COUNTY. NOTICE OF SALE OF THE PRO PERTY OF THE SOUTH SIDE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC. Pursuant to the Judgment of the Superior Court of Craven County, lNo'-ember Term, 191, in the pro ceedings of Hyman Supply Company vs. Southside Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, I -will ! offer, for sale at Public Auction to the highest'bidder for cash on Monday, the 10th day of Fedruary, 1913, at U o'clock M. at the Union Point Lumber Company's mill on East Front Street,.New Bern, N. C, all the' machinery, stock, - material on hand and all the properties and rights of the said Company.i.H;" ; Edmund H. Gorham, - ,' '' ,.''-;-.',',. Receiver. '''"'-; NOTICE ur .:-. bf in To tai-payeff of Brldgetoai '; -.. Your; taxes are due and past dua .. - and must be paid or I shall becom- pelled to add costs on the first slay , n e4.robroatyMMI3.ifi:'V v::-:i;i'1'.W;'A:THOMAS,viv;v--f'.' City Tax Collector of BTldfeton ; .-s.:v . i'?-r''-; ';,''..-'if v : r YWyJOK SALE. ''',On 'Herring - Safe,-': ft. 1 Inch.'V-!.;'''1. high.: i ft, 9 1 i.in.'.wide,i'a,fi.' 4.-1,3-1-' in. deep:, also ' one T 150: horsepowe 'A-.'-;'!' . For rent or saw one farm situated t - on tnr soutn siae oi neuse iuver, siit miles' belonf New Bern, ioiKaiHlng itt acres) more or' less', kridwto artfio' Singleton Farm about one : hundrep acres of which is cleared land.. ' Also one farm situated on the1 southalde of;' Neustv River containing 40 acres more or less i 1 'a miles below New,Bern' Mostly . cleared land. . ' -' for Rtle one 6 inch suction pump..' Will t' iO',v 500 g-ttloim minute. . - TI "I V-'.:hh. ' ', '. ':U".r. ' .: V.,,iVi i