- V . V t - . - t. . , - -. - -. . . - mm VOL. LXIL No. 112 ; NEW BERN, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11 f 1913 THREE CENTS PER C0PY.7?. vi ' -j . " ' ' ': . . CA - ' v.-.- sl- fc-i 1 .' j 1 '1 f I P i k. If ;4 A 'i. 1 H HLL INVITED TO ATTEND J' Great Cturti. House Campaign of Chamber cf Commerce Start. .V . IfERT ONE URGED TO COME Another Meeting at Same Plac - frlday Night To Henf ... Cqmpalgn Reports; I Hare you isecn the man ; with : a ?Gct One" but on ? If you arenot waaber of the Chamber of Commerce, fcc soo will be hot on your trail. If 3H are not a member of the Chamber Commerce,, you ought to beEyer'y -ciiiroai in New Bern will be, a member jI the organization that is "boosting" the city. ' .,. ',,. ' ' , t!.v Toxaght at the Court House at 8 o'clock the campaign yi I be launched bp a big smoker. Every citizen in Jfcr Bern is urged to be, on hand "Tfce ctmpaign has -been outlined simi Jar to some that have been so success fm. in out .great cities.. The City Beau ttlii Qu a band twjmen in ensely iarted in tht deve op ent of New JJcnt vhose interest, unlike that of .a great many men, does not stop with .ieinj interested, but who are willing vte thaw their interest by devoting jSb and fcard work to the proposition wUch they claim to be interested ificiaz to serve a free luncheon, to present i ember of the v ham bet 4& Craanerce and all those who join Staling the campaign, in the vacant -store under the James otel, on Wed ucday and Thursday nights. Ai if&at luncheons reports will, be made tif tic members who are soliciting want Bembers. Don't fail to attend ,tiK luncheons., The ladies, have made ocat orenaradons for serving and rSHwely every member of the Chambei C Commerce will avail himself of this we opportunity. Friday-night at 8 o'clock the cam jign trill come to a close with a great m&tiag at the Court House, when the 'rai report of the campaign will be . . The Secretary will read his smam-l report, and the eltction for Doctors for the ensuing -T'ear will ate place. The election wi'l be by liallol, and every member of the Cham fce rf Commerce will have the oppor Cwsity dl voting for fifteen members mI riie Chamber of Commercu for Directors. Dou't fcrget to be on hand at the lij smoker tonight at 8 o'clock. MARSH ON FIRE. Late Sunday afternoon hundreds of Xycv Bcra citizens were startled by; t3CM a dense co'urpn of cmokc arising firon a point which was, presumably a the vicinity of "Long Wharf." Mazy hurried to that point expecting to tee one or more buildings cnvi&Joped SUDKER jm names, out tney i v;1faBpnt5d. i A mf3l fl Cy;V ;'1rent ,; river';' cont " '' .'5sita.kio d hd g ass Is a flames, but they were very taucfo iSf 3h TOfcc. distance conta mt-.ff ttfvcral li AOS cau. uctti '.n.i' im tie aibd it was this that caused the ?'; PRCGVAM AT THE ATHENS ' r . TODAY. ; , . 'i ;; .Tbevgreatc A iTnTifclt.ln the way of -wandeville can be eccQ today matinee and tight The Lamont Dao, comedy axing talking and dancing--featuring ' lSkmncy (in his hairjjin. jlanceJ'C'' A 4dea4 rran ' would come near laughing l"At Napoleon's C6tnmand :':j Tins ii a spectacular , war" fiim, in tw. reels ?00Q cet, portraying tjic gptMi. emperor lapbljon the. raid i if he court and upon the batt o field, ' aind is ' hjstorically cHjrrect in every . -;.v , ', V -i : i 1 Vnien Edith Flayed judje' and! '' iv-V'ry"-.;:.,'. 't TiSi the pathetic story of a so-callsd S scsrraan'sllifei by s the ' S:lig ; Cot Al siext 'week Chas.Gramlich,, ttd jJetraied Dutch comcdiou .' aal sabtoil nusical comtdy company ion- jMstfog, of 1 1 : perf or inprsrr3( ladi s-t jnro preseriung , the,,, fgllowin: ; 'ato "The JlclIikcH Giii'!) 'Run. 5'e,Jutlge,,,.-;.T e Isle o 1'in- m f, -The Oohicn, Horse Sht", a '..'.'.:-;"-0 ' Nights , Stanch", ,VV'nH. " . rAm jiaOiaa 'Rojnaatc'V' ' Owing i i !.r ' sWtjii.h thuicttabolids we cun lav? k, jnly ctse" hiw Bt'tifh . 'lti! 1 tin : , tto(nt . od r bast ycU , . Kvury lydv ; AllCJMling lb tln4 Wu.'rcidiy rIfchl U b presented -ltu a souvenir. IISOJI KEEPS 11 mm SET Those Who Expected Him to Burst Forth With Fall-Fledaed.T' vi'. ' w Program Dissappoiated. ' 5;. HE CONFIDES NOTHING AT ALL Result Is ' Daily. Conference and ' Dally Questionings .In . . ' Capital City. V i y " I; 2 Washington, . Feb. 10. When Gov Woodrow Wilson ; wa'a elected Presi dent,', ihree montlis ' egO.1 he - was ex pected by 'his "party1 .leaders- here in stapily; to, burst .forth . with a definite program as to his futureplans and a full-hedged list of .Cabinet, officers. Instead of this, however, he has kept his own counsel. He has confided noth ing definite to anybody who has been wiHirg to talk about it and has let it be understood in a variety -of emphatic ways that he' will pick" his Cabinet in his own season and pick these advisers after his own investigation. This uncommunicativeneps has. re sulted in an amusing situation, in Washington. - This uncertainty as to the feeiings of the next administration has left countless would-be . advisers "up in the air". It has caused much Cuming end fussing on the part of those Democrats ' who would most willingly permit th.emselves to be taken into the confidence of the new Execu tive. - On both sides of t' e Capital there are ' daily conferences ar d daily' ques tionings. Little groups of politicians ather around4unch tables or in cloak rooms and ask each other if ay body ' There is the same mournful shaking of heads one day as another. Cceasionally some statesman wiB confess that he has heard a bit of gossip from the neighborhood of Trenton, but he will not urge it as worthserious con sid.arion He generally prefaces hi? sotry; with, the remark that he cannot vouch for liis information. When by chance some Democrat akes a pilgrimage to Trenton and returns to Washington he is immediate ly surrounded by anxious colleague?. He" is- scarclied ,for some authoritative news'' from headquarters; fie is stood up and ordered to deliver; ho is be- seiged. Me hnally yet Ins broath in time and adm'ts that he knows nothing at all He iterates an(! rjiteraies what he told to th4 President fJect, but he is enable to reniembsr anything that Governor ilson told him., " Ana, .too, a is arprisin. j jut .now rcany Lcmowat-i. there arc, who have nor bi?cn mv ted to J rcnton. .. Many of them re the most iiljnn' of'c selors. They are eager to .feclare thwr loyally to he ; next adimnfetratioh and want the new Executive o knew from l heir own lips just how progres aire' 'they arci:-.yV I- Jr: Hut there are lew men.-wno are fhoge;ii, ''.rdgvdiess of the' nim1ier;, wbd ar .ready, to be Calledi. Many. Dem crattci Conressaien .have found - eV cuscs to goVtoTfenloni1i;;They hayt' not 1 been Cjnvited, vbuV. have a written ahead and asked for jut i ha'f an hour or just'llO "minute's fit? the valjab e time pi ,tne governor,-;, i ncy on y con f ss to their intimate friends' that they invited thcmsclv.s to the conferenct "All ' thia"? Uneasiness "arta from the fact of course, th:t Governor WU son is not-ndy,io pick' the people',po whom he is to lean most heavily in the ,' next four ; years He wants 'to weigh cii cf ully; the qualifications ol 'he mjnvwhd are n ged upon him for Cabinet berths and he wants to see juct whois who in dongress be'ore he seJeCU his advisers there.' v I.sarn flfiT Thru Thlnd:' Vp to this' time the only definite news' that has 'tome from Trenton lv .Tliat. JosSph 'P. "Tumulty-is to:be the .next Secretary to the PreMdfnt . '- That ' Gpferndr tV'i son will keep hands eff the reorganization of the nextriousc. and Senate in tlie fight belwetn prormive .'and consct-va Ives,''; 1-;' -,!'' ' . That he ha cnt word to .Washing iotk that. he wi'l not disturb, Rcpub'ira officcho'dcr6 !iose , n-rms expire i his rriinini'iniiion, but will lit., them finish tiit-h- tifnc. , Sf.ime cf tlid .things that- have not Ut eri teamed arc: U , '' , , i fd tit. in the' roxt Cabinet? Who w to hvo ths distribution' r. I'ntioni'rf iiVtl'.e variou!' State de'ga in ttier or not rresiucnt Wi bo Oican ,. what ,t tie- Hublic --Understood 1(1 E PARADE Commanded By Dawn MUt Mount- ;ed Troops Will Hate Part j0 ., In Great Pagent. : ' TO V WEAR TRIBAL COSTUM ES Will Lire In Their Own Tepee 1 While In Attendance Upon : ' : , ;.i1nitugura'tion. !'', - , ...... Washington,--Feb. 10-' Dawn Mist, daughter of Chief Three. Beu-s of the Glacier , National,' Park Indians, will command a trooop of mounted Indian maidens in , the" rava'ry division of the . woman's ' suffrage pageant here on March 3. This is said to be the first time Indian women have taken any parr in 'the nation-wide mcve- tr ent f or extending the franchise to women. ' v In Dawn Mist's troop will be ten maidens' all i selected fas being the mdst refifesehtatiVe'of their tribal cere- moniaf costu me and be mounted on Indian ponies, richly caparisoned with elaborate Indian bead work. Dawn' Mist' Succeeded in obtaining the co-operation 'Of Louis ,' W. Hill, son of Jamqs" J.; Hill, who has agreed to provide transportation for the young women. vvnue - in wasningron ine Indian girls will live in their own tepees' on" a camp ground provided for them, " t . ' The cavalry division -of the pageant is taking, large proportions. It is be lieved at suffrage headquarters that nearly 200 mounted women will be dis tributed, throughout the precession., l ne sunragists nave at iasi iuuna a fr r A? i , t. t a' bird that can be usedas an emblem in their pageant. "The red phalarope, an Arctic bird, which lays its eggs and leaves them, for the male to hatch, is the bird. The red phalarope is pecu' ltarly' fitted for the big celebration on Pennsylvania "avenue. If the weather man is right in his' prediction, the third of March will .be too cold for other birds than those that conie from. Arctic regions... ELKS' NOTICE. There wilt be a regualr meetiug of your Lodge tonight at 8 o'clock. Very important business will be' transacted You - are earnestly requested to be presents T. B. KEHOE. Secty. T JACKSONVILLE, I POLLOKSVILLE i SWANSBORO AND RICBL- V LANDS MAY PLAY, v : rThe basebaU enthusiasts in the little town'of", Jacksonville a are preparing to Teorganwe ,? ineir;t. tascDai-ficitiu. Durfnglthe past' two; ycarsj this itown has had one' of the best'Amateurteams in Eastern North Carolina and the' exhibited 'v'.jtheir ability :"to;. play base ball.' J,There : Is movernent. -on foot to organize a four 4eam amateur league between ' the towns of Jacksonville Swansboro,:- Pvlloksville- and Rich lands. ' All boast of good teams and if they "decide to take this action and enough enthusiasm can De, worKea up to give them proper support the cifi tens living at those places' will have an coportunity! "of-'i witnessing some ex- him: to h'ai'e1 said1' when he intimated tnat ,ne wouia ur ouna nimscit. omy l.'.'l - J ... ill.. .1 '"I.. with ' progressive? J) ' :- 'trs Who will represent him on the" floor of the, Hoo'lndhat?? l " Wh6a the extfa ItfoiOn ol Longres will .be CMUcd?.! '.;!;'4;''-?f: Whether the PrcHdeiit "viil l'ry' o diive Congress or try to leacr it? These ari' after all, the question that' have moit seriously perturbed thi minds' of impatient' talesmen heie, and the situation is being enjoyed by those who cither have a ae rise of hiimof rr who may, for one reason cr another, be- dii InterCiti'd. A. C. L. BUY? NEW CARS. The Atlantic Coast Line Railwa Company Saturday "jarcd an or.h with one of the largcut railway ra nianuUcturing plants In thn country for thirtf;'ti Hundred new caro; thousand box fl.it cars. i.its aiie.tluiio h Oil MAIDS SUFFHAG BIBLE. SWITS: Fifteenth Annual Conference Will Be Held In Atlanta March . - . Tth-Hth." DR. BROUGHTON TO BE THERE Another Famous London Preacher, G. Campbell Morgan, Also To Be Present v Atlanta,, Feb. JO. The Fifteenth Annual March Bible Conference will held ' in Atlanta, Ga., March 7th-l6th inclusive. These Conferences have drawn annually MinisteVs; Lay mcftr and Bible Students from all parts of the county, and from all Evangelical denominations.' The , conference itself operates under a charter composed of practically all ol the Ministers and Laymen from every church in Atlanta. It is inter-denominational in support and non-denominational in teaching, Rev; Len G, Broughton, D. D. of London is the Director and President of the Conference. The following lines taken from the ca'l which he has i sued indicate the line of work for the coming Conference: As far as possible it is our purpose to keep, the Conference this year to sane Evangelism which must incorpor ate a -most thorough line, of bible teaching. So far as I am able to.di rect the Conference it is to be an oc casion for instruction and inspiration ''We have been fortunate this year in being able to .secure the strongest platform that we have ever been able to offer, included in this list will be Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, of London, who will arrive in Atlanta with ; me in time Jor the opening and speaking twice daily throughout the Conference other, speakers who will be given from one to" two hours daily will be :Dr. James M. . Gray, of Chicago; Rev. J. I. Vance, D. D. of Nashville, Tenn. Dr. W. R. Wedderspoon, of Washing ton, D. C; Dr. John R. Sanpey, of Leuisville, the Baptist Seminary; Dr. E. Y. Pierce, of Chi ago, Secretary of the Internationa Sunday School Com mittee; Dr. W. M. Morrison, of Africa, D . Lacy Moffett of China. Special railroad rates have .been granted. Those desiring further information are requested to write Rev. John W am, 78 Luckie Street, Atlanta, Ga. ' H IHE GUILTY TO REWARD OOF ?25 OFFERED C NNECTION WITH GAME I ! .LAW VIOLATION. Editor - New Bern Journa : , ' On the first , page -of your Sunday issue . appears tn article. , headed -I in Jarge ' carjitalsd'.'Huhtcrf yiolate''the. State Laws meaning game' iaws which! U.'trobabf true, of every Stale in, jthe ,Uuion having, such ' aws, w In sma er capita s us f u-neaa, : nonn era men said to be shipping birds to other' States f Doubtless they .. are But. these statements dre intended to be local, in their: application.. ; . i . . . . ....... : The Heading IocaV sportsmen" ' Who informed thev Journal's representative had "no direciievidence",of the alleged violation "but , h&4 learned-, it An-an indirect,- way.!";rThe'rticla proceeds as follows: t-."That birds re now bp ing. shipped North Is now beiieved and tn the future every effort will be made to "see, if such Is the fcas'e,''fhat the violatol- of the 1 fcla .-a'ppre-hended, and Woughl.tojustice. Wiy wait'l fo , the Juture? .. As 'the phrase goes,' "Do it nowl" . Let,theiJ"jeading sportsman"" Inform 'the game warden his .authority? and' let the latter go ahead and do iis duty.' 'Ifl' otde'r to aid him in his en'orts ld"bnng' the af- i ;J t !Li-..J' A.-. :!. " It.-' ..'-'.I.'- l.:geu viuiaiuf iu juuic, ui unu.j signed,' Northern men who have"come to this section arid pleased hunting grounds for the season, hereby offer a reward of twenty-five dollars ($2S. 00) for .'the apprehension, .and convictlo of the parties icfurred to in the Journal' article. . '. . .... . .'-v.; . ''. , ' - ' 'Jaa. L. Kearny, For , hinisfif and Ms . assor.Iic Monroe llocwll, Edward fc". B..II' 1 rank ( iIU.K hrr, . K. llervt y , : I.. W. Kiiiib.-ill. . New Ik'ii, N. C, Tili-iiary, 10. 1' BROUGHT m egular Monthly Meeting of The i Ity Feauftiul Club Held Yesterday Afternoon. MAN MATTERS CONSIDERED Committees To Serve the Chamber of Commerce Dinners Are Announced. (By Mrs. B. E. Moore.) The regular monthly meeting of thj Cit Beautiful Club was held in Club rooms on Monday afternoon at o'clock, Mrs. R N. Duffy presiding. At every meeting the club has enrolled new members, and at this eeting we were most pleased to have Mrs. D. E. Henderson join us. Miss Hcllister reported that she had written our Representatives in Raleigh to use the r efforts ia havin bill pas ed for the . protection of ou- song birds nd that this matter had received their atention. - Mrs. Moulton .reported that her committee had had an udience with e Mayor reLtive to trash an a hes thrown in the streets and our Mayor had pledged hearty support. It is most earnestly hoped that each and every citizen, business an and house? keeper shall . o-operate with our club in trying, not only to make, but to keep clean, our streets and lawns, and not to feel that the club and its com mittees have any spirit of complaint or personal grie vance, but only a civi; pride in a city kept clean. Apropos of this subject Mrs. Duffy gave us a valuable talk as to the pro per treatment of our lawns, pointing out wherein our grass has not had the. ight treatment, hence tiie spa sely covered lawns, and also gave the remedy as- suggested by one who has studied the subject and which we hope to see published soon. The need of more shade tre s was discussed and it was moved and second ed that jthe cl ub expend $15 for shade trees to replace dead ones. Those who planted trees last jear and lost them are requested to make application for new ones and to state what kind of trees were lost so that the committee can determine the best trees to pur chase. It was moved and seconded that ou ' club join the A erican Civic Asso ciation ,so that we can keep in tpucl with the work other civic workers are doing and can profit by their ex periences. Motian was carried that the tab,le and chair donated the library by the City, Beautiful Club be presented by Mrs E. K. Bishop at the next Library meeting, and that the table, be p evious- . ' ' . r- ... . . Ll.. marked with Drass piat suitairy inscribed, p.. ' '1 he committees appointed to serve the', dinners for the Chamb r cf Com- frieze' onu Wednesday ; arid .Thursday evenings ;were announces -ana ine ehtirf club." are - asked tq " assist' thede com mlt tees? a rid all me mbers t o meet at the . James Hotel on Wednesday moining at 10:30 a. m. to ; help in get ting the. halNn readiness ts.' 'j : Mrs. S; L. pill, jr., president ot tre Woman's Club gave notice of if called meeting; of the c'ub lor riday ' alter! no"oni'y''n w ..;-.'v'.: i' ? ' -,t ; .TO SERVE PRISON TERMH J Deputy Sheriff R. tf. Lanrf yesfeif day sent one of his deputies to Raleigh to place John. Gilmore, colored', in toe State prn- VGUmoi was forid gutlt of, horye,; stealing the,-. last.wK's terra oCCraven. County Supelripc; Court and was sentenced to serve tprriof four, years in the penitentiarys 3eVea cbhJred prisoners who were kohtlsMed to the' courity .road wete' t.lkeniut yesterday morning and placed at work mifti ttia rhnln cana. . " ' ' ' " s . MWVPNOPED, Amonir the officers elected, for .the ensuing ytar'at Ibftctinlfe f rli tifro- lina , Box and Shook f Manufacturer! held, U jPhiladelphifif Pa.JaBf)reek was' W. AAV'est ot New iDern. The next mcetlni wilt bei hold aJ.-Nrlolk Va., -on. April 7, 1913, -, .Tbe r.cn'lng was largely attended by manufacUircrs of North 'Carolina pine packing h'-.ea, whfl ,rrprcncnt the !,conuniptt'W'. of .l out wo hundrclf and fifty( ,rrijlion f ' Mnber each ycai1. Q . -.noni A i re the' economical ii . ifii'Js (during, packing, av t ind i modern maciutjery BUSY TIM MAYOR nniiriT liUUKf Law-Breaking Element On a Ram- - t page Saturday Night 4 . and Sunday. DIVERS OFFLNCES CHARGED Woman Bound Over on Charge of Operating disorderly House. Disturb ince Frobed The law breaki e: eiemint ot' thu ity broke loose Satur lay nigh, and Sunday and in const ci icnce Mayor McCarthy had a long line of often. li-rs awaiting his arnvnl at t lit i"inoi;u court yesterday afternoon. Matilda Goode, colored, was charged with operating a disorderly house. The woman emphatically denied the charge. However, from the number of witnesses who testified against her. the Mayor drew his conclusion that there was something wrong and found her guilty. She was given the alter native of putting up a bond of $200- for her appearance at the next tern of Superior Court or eoine to lail. . She went to jail Maggie Slide, colored, imbibed tool freey of "bind tiger", came down in the business section of the city Sun day, afternoon nd created a disturb ance, for this she was allowed to contribute the cost ot the case to the city coffers. 'Ed Mann and Charles Foy, colored, pulled off a two round bout near Smith's hall, on the afternoon of the Sabbath day. They said they did not knov that it w s against the law to have av little friendly scuffle but the five and' costs "with which each was taxed wilt doubtl ss serve as a reminder in the future. Josehpine Phifer, one of the most frequent visitors to the police court in the capacity ,pf defendant, i as again up to face charges. This time she had. ; ironed the face of a female friend with half a brick, inflicting various and sundry injuries. Guilty was the sen- ttnee of the court and the penalty three dollars and the cost. - Jesse Moore colored, walked into store in the Northern part of the city and inv te i the proprietor to vacate . without any parley. The latter re fused to do this and a "cussing bee'V ensue with the result that Moore waa soon taken in custody by an officer. . His offence w s not so serious and he ' was released on the payment cf a fine of one dollatr and he costs. Jim Jones, alias Peg Leg Jones, etc., V who has served so many jail sentences in Craven county during the past few' . years that- he has lost count of them, ' was in the toils again for being 4is 1 orderly. Somebody said that .Jones used hid name in an entire y uncom- plimentaty manner. It was provi'-fv-s!v that such' was the case, also .that the i-:vi' defendant was the worst nuisance on 'a .fc South Front street (with the exception i.j the Mayor placed a. fine of ten dollars" 'V-) -; and the C6sts of the' case on hini i':af'v; jones saaa iic ubu nu muiny aiiu iir . ''. ; ; was sent to jail. .--.oV- HEAD CITY. " ' tr$A The-Carteret Fisfi and Oil Coirv tA, ';IVr pany of vMorehead ' ; City was granted ', 1 fytfyf. a'chartef Friday afternoon. . R. Vfy-T Taylor; J C. Taylo arid John Guttwirfe 3 ib are, the incorboratbrs and the authorized ' -; ' '- casual imciiiy iivb iuuuhuiu uyur , with J five thoisand . dollars paid in,'-; i'he ;' 'cohipany,"'.wilL manufacturg"; fish v ! win, begin business at an early, date-'- ,v ..'t- ,,; mrnviinw viio;... v :t.,y ' ' . fiTheiconvlcts .iuowlttiymki'ony- ,U ni Unit ,CMtUk' "l tfcA.jutu)iuataaiwoaUrafl . : -. present la pretty v bad. shape, but with , , a few days work it. will be tn ,as good , cohditidrt as ' thef .cuscs roa.whichc 13 at. prociii; wv11!! 01 n illae'., -of country. foad in the countyiV'W'Vu--,'. , ' NEW ADYERTISEMENT?, 6 : f r J.'O. EaxterT-An hon.stva?tiei''i ' Nations Bank -We have the fucflt ties. '.'''i -. f ;V-'M.'tV t, , . : New Bern P.aflUn and Trust, Co. r Count for .'milch. ; , , .t; j -.v I , Citizens Savings Bank end rTrust ' Co. S,atnnt -.?- ,t .'' ' .':'. .Pcoili:' DankA,, practical com---"' bination. ' , ' , " II! 1 4 1 VI 'ifi 'I' V; 7.. 'f ':k,tj; X: , i