- i " H '-"""7 ' ". ' -: ' '' "T", ' -". w. VTOL:LXII.f-No, 113 Tttm Weather i -NEW BERN. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY f 12j ipi3 f v. ' -,- r.. . 2 THREE, CENTS PER -:- " " i y - '. ''.: ' v. Si- tf :! "';. j" W '.'JiVy'V.-ui t"',v,..f (if - -S.i'4.$: .?isSM;.ii- ; , 'it'VC m m n s n a n n si t - - , y,v.-.-.y l'? ' f, , i. ii i ' .i , i 'te&C Chamber of Commerce To Make Vigorous Canvass - ' . For New Members. r" BUM WORKERS GO QN "EET ONE" Hustle For Three Days, east ' Two Nights and Report On the Third. ; A large number of the members of the Chamber of Commerce attended chc smoker given at the court house 2at evening and - participated in the aunching of the big membership campaign which will be waged during eke next three days by that organiza- L. H. Cutler, Jr. .President of the Chamber of Commerce explained the object of the meeting and he was foBooed by . J.vJLeon Williams, Secre taxy, who outlined the plan of campaign. At present there are about one hundred and twenty five members in the Cham tier oi Commerce. It is desired that this number be increased to four ; fcuadrcd. Ten teams consisting of from ten to fifteen members, each under .ke instruction of a captain, were then appointed to carry on this Work. Each has been given a DUttpn on wnicn the words "Get One." For every r member he secures he will be given a button bearing the words "Got CMC . Today and tomorrow these teams swill be at work and every business mam in the city who is not already a member of the Chamber of Commerce, will be urged to join. Tonight and tomorrow night the committees will meet in the store under: ie James Hotel and make their rep6rt The ladies of the City Beautifu Club wilt serve a free luncheon there to wery -member, old and new, of the Chamber of Commerce. Tbe plan of securing new members for the Chamber of Commerce has , ftecn triecb in a number of cities and in this and other State arid has always woven successful and there is no doubt but that it will prove to be such here. ; Everyone is urged to hlep in this move- -' meat. At present the Chamber of ' Commerce is handicapped by not fwvtng a large number of members. ': li the membership is increased to four hundred it will be one' of the livest organizations of its kind in the State. Every member of the Chamber of Commerce who was not present v at last night's meeting is requeued to ee the captain of his company sat once and get Instri'C.ions. .The various companies are as 'til 's, the first named in each instance being rhc captain of the company. ' V Company A. As'iford, T. P. Aber v. V5 -i i .'- jm m., oery, vv. r., nrmsirong, k "'''' ';'''!' -WU' W., Armstrong. H. C, Attmore, Baxter, W. K., Bovrf, W. G., rW0lfr.-Brimon. S. M., But'er, R. F., Bishop, ' 'SJPvE K. Brinson. W, T.,-, ' ' "'':;A' !'.::;-'v,ComDany B. Basnieht, J. S., Ban r m At XT n A . . :-.T sect. A. H., Bades. W. B., Badcs.'J; iWfA J-' V--Bradham; CD., ivViiiBryaii,L A, Cuter, I. H., Jr, Cutr, - JXk&!i L.tfc-Cark.Ed : Cop on. C. Cohen. H. , v v.'i ' -mpany v. :v aypooe, j. v nan K-iV.wkkJ K'-M. Chadwick. f. C Crab- , r r : 1 ' I t : xm jonn, yuun, n ic, v.raven, 11. d., IXtvu. I. P. C. Depne, D. F . Deppe. JF., Duffy, T. S. Duffy, Dt, R ,N., Dnan, "Wm. Jr., Oiannanv D. Ebv . .C vnj 4 Dunn V V' TW iam.- Diinn, John. Dunn, J J. G., ;;'..;i..nai;CeO), Di . A. T., Dockham, C. f-ag e. K K., baton,- !v K.( ii u, M; Wiam, Fow'er, Steve, Koy, C. E. ' : J f 'v Company E. Hyrnan, T G , Fodrie, (I - .01. Griffin. W. W., Grove, H. M., ' :Yiiki Joseph, Green, T. ' A., Gibbs, n urst; B.- B., Hrwitt, T:,p., in niOGSAM ".AT THE: ATHENS :'"' i -I , ' TODAY. H ;V,ri The Lamont. Du6 ' close . their :en " ,v; fpjtrment with, us' tonight; .XVSkiriney ' .u hi hair pin dance'? isYworthi the ; 'fcole; price jo( admission. You; will .. 'Sinn nmemDcr mil act. 'il -I , ; i.'.vv;-'v-;!th Camblerk')- A VUagraph 'ocletv drama,1 'eauring - JMr- Earl Williams the popular player of this company.;;? ?', -.v f, ,.,.' : f-:-.:'i l"An :ta4!att" Idyl,'' 'fri' V- 'A " Otm vt Pathc's fsp endid lndlan :pic : , tnrea- ;,;;.'; '-i;',' '!'.';' ''.'';.: ,,'(: , . ' Hollowhead aV MtgiclaA', : -. :!" A snlcndid tomedv trick nictnrp. i Cverf lady attending the show-to- viu receive as a nonvcnir a hand ; .unne icture of Earl William. ' A1 ix-xt week we will have, Cha. Crfanlich's Tabloid Comedy - Co. 11 Krformef8 ladies1 and 4. men. Ijil)r rhanges ' of program. ', r On -ac-mmint ii the ,lcngih bf these, tabloid ran Imve only one show at night. Tli is the biggest production of the fiii' l rver seen on a vaudeville stage a t "iow IVrn.' . ': ! ! . ,j '...;:..-'. ' .. J'j icrs 10-15 and 25 Cts, " ' Hanks, D. AV.,' .Henderson, D." Henderson., Geo. . -' Company ' F. Henderson' V.. H.', Henry, T. A.,Honster, J. T., Hackburn, E B., Howard, J. M., Hand.W. I... Ives., G..N., Ives., C L. Jarvis, D F., Jones, J. A., Jones, Geo.- C,', Kafer, O A. . Company G. Lucas, W. J., . Kress, S.. H,, Lewis, W. L., Mclver, W. D., Marks, H.' B., McCoy, J. D., Moore, L. I., Metts, W. P., McGeeuee, C. W., Mi'-'er, J. S., Meadows, Waden f1 ... Compauy H. Niinn, R. A., Meadows, E. H. Jr., Mitche", J. M., McCarthy, C. J., Moore, J. T. H., Nico", G. A., Nunn, Ado'ph. Pettit, C. W., Smith, F. WV Pumphrey, C. T., kobimon, J.- L., Roberts, S.' G. Company I. Rodney, W. C, Rod ney., D. K., Roberts, H. M., Roberts, H. M., Roberts, D. M., Rodney, ijohn R.,: Sma"wood, E. W., Spencer, C. L., Smith, F. G., Stevenson, M. D. W . Seifert, C. A., Shipp, F. H , Sawyer. F. H. Company J. To'son, I.. C, Stewart, J W., Sma wood, E. F., Tay or, G. W., To son, J. J. Jr., To son., J. J., Tay or, 7. V., Thomas, C. R:, Tay or, H. L., Ulrich, R , Uzzell, T. A., War ren, E W., Warren, T. D., Ward. T. T.. Ward, D. L.f Ward, A. .D. DEATH AT CROATAN. (Special to the Journal.) Croatan, Feb. -.11. Last Sunday night Mrs. Janie B. William's, wife of C. B. Williams, a well known citizen of this place, succumbed to a com plication of diseases. The funeral was held this afternoon and the re mainslaid at rest in the famiy burying gournd. .. Old and New Members ft Chamber of Commerce Are Invited' To Be Present. A MOST APPETIZING MENU Ladies of City Beautiful Club Will Serve Report of Workers To Be Heard. A od members of the Chamber of Commerce and those who join today, are invited to attend a free uncheon to be served tonight in the store under the James Hate fro m8 to 10 o'c ock by the adies of the City Beautifu C ub. , The uncheon wi consist of Bar becued p;g. hot corn bread, hot coffee and pick es. -', At this uncheon the reports of the various companies which arc so idling new members wi be amde. Thursday night the City Beautifu C ub wi serve anothet uncheon at 1 he same pace to members of the Chamber of Commerce.' This uncheon wi consist of oysters cocktai s, Ham and cheese sandwiches, coffee . and pick es.. . ........ , ; You wi find a the "boosters" on Midd e street tomorrow night. HEWS FOOT WITH AXE Charles Sawyer Badly Injured Hirx - I self While Cutting Log;;;;W J; While engaged , in'cutting Jogs, near O'ympia last Friday afternoon fharles Sawyer, la ;young man fc'hp lives near that place i.had f'the misfortune, to injure his foot, so badly with an fixe that it was necessary'.to bring him to this city for treatment; and he is now in Stewart's sanitarium.. "Athe? tlme,f of t he accident ' , Mr Sawyer i was , cutting a; log which ' was lying on .the ground. , Jn' some, unex plained ( way the ;axe which l he ? was using in the work slipped from' the log and; the; blade ..was imbedded . In I his foot.')J ; First aid to frthe'.injured. wai rendered by .his friends nd , the flow it)f blood stopped. .i :p$!-' Laiey a,' physicia n-' was . sit mmoncd from this city and. upon arrivil on the scene' and, making an examination he found, that It: would , be 1 necessary' to bring .him, to this- city for, treatment. The' wound is a serious one and will take several weeks to heal. 'f .' J:-t . ', , 1 1' " ".'Ai-"J'iy ; IMPROyES 1.UNCII ROOM. ; v-': jrhe. lunch'' room at .the , union passen ger, ation' which has recently' been remodeled m rthat one ' tnay make purchases without , going out of the waiting roonl, has been furti.crimprovcd by C. E. Taylor, the owner and mana. bgef, stools having been placed alorig side; the Counle in the waiting room and patrons ; afforded . an opportunity of resting .while they eat, , ' v It's 'just like a m:in to'bc able to fed at home most any pljcc but home, WILL BE SERVED The Duke Tallebnd-a His Son.-tjie t -s x y-Wv'.:S- - , ': 4- . ' 4 ' 1 .: , 1 V.''.- Copyright 1913, by American Press ISITINQ nobility always seems TT V when our guests are as democratic aa ourselves. The arrival of the jjuite ana. uucoess ae Taiieyrana ana tneir tnree-ana-a-hau-vear-ola son, Prltfce de Sagan, was eamVover from France tor a flying two weeks' visit to attend the wedding of Miss Helen M. Gould, sister of the duchess, who was formerly Anna Gould and whose marital experiences attracted wTde attention. The duke, with bis son In bis arms, posed good naturedly for his "picture, as shown above. His wife being an American, be .said be had a warm spot In his breast for this country and would see that the prince vlajjed na again when he was older. NUMEROUS INQUIRIES FOR IN FORMATION COME IN TO . ' MR. BRINSON., v. ; ' v That; much interest is being mani fested by .the boys of Craven county in the recently organized Bov's Corn C ub. is evidenced -by the neuerous inquiries:: for information ' .which are ''"V . y . County Superintendent .of Public Jn-; sirucuua, ana woo i une pi tne icaucrs , t isey. in thip,,novement: 'S v ,i 'i- odist cl I In addition to the State and-NationaT. r,f i prizes ,and the., priies ' off ered by ithe i Rey,: F; N Skinnsif otSt Pauo's cVurch local merchants, and . maai facturers, . have returned from attending ' the the? county- has recent y -tffered two; Laymen's . convtion in ew ern prizes 6f five dollars ,in eaclt township r Miss Lo a iPelletier ; will entertain to' 'successfulrconteeUnts. -With;; so tthe. Epworth- League tonight at her many -prizes offered it will be almost .home on Orange rrwK ...... , : , , llii(V3Diuic)iui . . sw a,w asisasviK ss 'V- eel ent record and them.: ;,;,;',!'; .Mr. Brinson ; , " i auantity ., of s Information relative to the rules and requirement .necessary ! to com or m to oeiore, Decerning a mem- ber of .this Clud andthis information I can be secured : frtm any , teacher.. ., M'. l:.-.v.r.v,::;'4 ttn-tT trfi irhoflin inn'1-' Theregu'ar fortnlgh't'y-meeting' "of the Shakespeare Cub, Section A, was hed in the Cub rooms, vesterday af ternoon. . The hostesses .for ..he after noon ' were Misses 'Anns and Lize te Hanff. ', ' '' : .. : : v- - A thongh the attendance on account of the weather; was sma ', a de ightfu afternoon was spent and'thc interesting iterary program was fo owed. The members read and discussed Act I of Romeo and Ju iet. , , v V Diinty' refreshment! ;'wore served during' the aftcrnoin. ,; ., Those rrc sent were, Mrs. L. L, Dim eron, Mrs. George ' "Henderson,1' Jr., Misses Bettie Wind cy, Sara Stewart, Laura Ives; Lizctte ilanff and Anna Hanff. .4 '; r- ,'' -'. .-, - ' "The Co-operative Supply Coni)any has made a number of improvement Irt its store on liroad street. The stock hag been arranged in, ft most attriic'tivc mahner and a larj;e rju-intiiy of new )?!!h linn Ikiii received and pl.it-fl on t he h'( i. Prince de Satfaii i f wm ! mi Association. to Interest os Americans, especially therefore accorded much notice. They 'A "Mi! LENNOXYILLE MAN PAINFULLY INJURED MINISTERS . AT CONVENTION Beauftrt, Feb. 11 Jack Smith was painfully injured ves erdav whil at. 'work-in the , Pennsy vania Lumber CommnvV mill .a.-t... ni Having had .caus? to - stoop .down he raisea up q'rectiy Underneath a lathe saw, which cut a deep rewIkW htsliead. Cotton of Anti Street Meth lurch, and IW'-G. hMr4 - -7 . . iarui mil city, who -survives him.'' The funera was he d at the Epittcopa church this morn ing - at iv: M o c cok. 4 Rev. i F, v N. Skinner officiating., Mr". She ton -was one - of; Beauf9rt best . be oved , citi- 60UVEN.RS FOR DlEsl.: C Lovlck and Taylo,- managers of the Athens theatre, 'have secured for next week a rare treat for their patrons In Charles Gramiich, the celebrated Dutch comedian and, his .company of twelve people; eight girls and four jneh.'vThis is one of the best recommended companies- on-; the; road Tonight' every lady attending the theatre will be pre sented with a ouvet4r.1i.,'e' '., , , ")' )':' .',' ; "-'V',.': ( fa; TIME FOR THE PUBLIC' . ' The .: A. -T. . Willis Company has placed a large electric clock in the union passenger station and is furnishing the traveling public with the Correct Washington time. This progressive firm ia always on the lookout to cater to the needs of the public and at the sanic time remind them of ''The Shop That's '.Different.". ' , A girl's noiiMtiof -i idi-.il sweetheart if h-; 1 xm SAW oppesin to JEW COURT FDRMS Not Needed, Four New Judges Hav ing Been Added, Is Argu ment of Some. BILL SHOULD BE PUBLISHED Opponents of Court Say That It Is Not Worth What It Will Cost. The indications are that the plan for the proposed Recorder's Court will hot go through without considerable op position. It is pointed out in the first place that a meeting of the bar hed Monday night to discuss the matter- was called without notice having been given to all the members. This being so, it is he d that .he measure cannot, at pre sent at least .said to have the support of the Bar Association. Several law yers are. said to have had no notice of the meeting at all. Those who ocpose the bi say lur- ther that this is the very time when it wou d seem that a recorder s court is not necessary, the Legis ature having Drovided for four new Superior Court judges in order to meet the demandfor. a -prompter administration 01 justice I he expense 01 tne court, it is esti mated, wi be severa thousand do - 'ars annually and the benefit resulting from it, it is argued, wi'i not be com mensurate with that expenditure. And at all events, say those who are opposed to the court, the advocates of the measure ought to 'ose no time in getting the bi'! published here so that the public at large can have an opportunity of considering the matt r inte igent y. F IN THE CHARGE GAME WARDEN ASSURES PUB LIC NORTHERN MEN HAV EN'T SHIPPED GAME. Editor Jdurnal: In your issue of the 9th inst. I no ticed an article, stating that "North ern Sportsmen" were violating the game laws of this county, by making a business of shipping game to the Northern markets. I consider that the said article is not only a reflection upon the Northern sportsmen who are spending the winter in our city, but is also a reflection upon myself, as th game w.vden of this county and in the interest of all concerned, I wish to make the following statement, to wit: I have made a thorough investi gation of the , case which brought forth the article mentioned and have found that there is absolutely no cause for anyone to suspect the gentlemen in question, of having violated the game ' laws in any respect. On the other hand, I find that these gentle- -men-pbserve a, rule, among themselves, ''.i '' ' ' ':r n -1.11 "l.:!!- tnat no one 01 mem . ouan muit ihan one jfozen quail, In one days hunt ing,1 on lands that they are -Interested in.'; I also wish'to state for the benefit of the. writer of the article, before men tioned, that the States from which these gentlemen come, have enacted laws prohibiting' the sale of game and of course. It would .be extremely diffi cult; for them 'to market game, even f .they wished to do so. ' In the future If.-your reporter, who is the writer of the article in question, has occasion to publish, any criticism in reference to violations of the "game laws, I trust he will kbe careful to ob tain his information from a more reliable; sourceas it Is decidedly , ua pleasant to , me; to , be subjected to unjust criticism: for' not ptoperly at tending' to my duties at game" warden. 'hH'. : GEOv B. WATERS, '-4 '": v - : i'-fc 'W: VvCame -.Warden. :.t fff'.'.'. 't'. xfr.t! s, 'H J. K. WILLIS WINS SUIT 'tu At the opening of yesterday's res sion of Craven-county Superior Court the case of J. K. Wi Is, Admr vs. J; W. Waters was taken up. ' In this case the p aint iff was tuinp for the posscrtsion of a dwe ing house in which the defen dant; resides.; The case wai tried be fore' a .magistrate tnd", jury feevpra weeks ego and a decision in favor of the defendant , was rendered.. .The defen dant c aimed that he ha a ease on the house (or a term of three years but, the jury yesterday decided in favor of Mr. Wi is.-L; -' iv. (. ,. .. -'- ' . The next ense taken up was that of Rosa A. Grantham vs. George K, prant ham, in which the p aintifl is suiriK for d'vorcCi There were a argo number of wiinrwej in this cane and it wan not conihidi I at the end of the day's ses- none i. s. sai ti IS CHU6 ACID Young Insurance Man, Formerfjf: t Of This City, Commits Sui cide At Washington. DRANK BOTTLE OF POISONT Body To Pass Through Here Thisui Mornino EnRoute To Bruns wick County. L. S. Swain, former v of this citv but who about three weeks ago moved to Washington, N. C, to engage in the insurance business, yesterday morn ing committed suicide by drinking a bottle of carbolic acid. He left a note giving information as to the where abouts of his relatives but gave no cause for committing the rash act. Mr. bwain, wrule living in this city resided with his wife and one child. at No. 68 Metcalf street and was en, gaged in the Insurance business, repre senting the Pan American Insurance: Company. When he went to Wash ington his wife and child went to Shallotte, N. C, near Wilmington, for a visit with relatives and have been there since that time. Mrs. William Street of this city, who is a sister-in-law of young Swain received a telegram informing her of the affair yesterday morning and she at once got into communication with his wife and relatives. Another tele gram received from Washington stated that the body would be sent to New Bern on the early morning train. On arrival here it will be transferred to the Atlantic Coast Line train and taken to Shallotte for interment. Just why the young man took his life will probably never be known. He visited here last 'Saturday and told his friends that his business at Wash- ineton was all that he could desire. The inspector employed by the Pan American Insurance Company was in the city yesterday and he informed the relatives of the deceased that his books were in good order and that he was positive there was no shortgae in the company's funds of which Mr. Swain had charge. COMES HERE TO LIVE We Capture One of Oriental's Most Progressive Citizens. (Specia to the Journa ) Orienta , Feb. 11. Jonathan Per kins, who for the past fifty years has ived in Pam ico county, has moved to New Bern where he wi make his home in the future. Mr. Perkins was one of the town's most progressive citizens and his absence wi be fe t very much. The , entertainment given in Mid yette's ha ast Friday night by the Primary Department of the Methodist Sunday schoo was a decided success in ever yway. The attendance was gratifying and quite a neat sum was reaized,from the sa e of tickets wi be devoted to the purchase of pur chasing furnishing for the primary room in the new church. A number of our citizens habe veen examined by the hookworm specia ist who are now in this county and sev era have taken the treatment. The ' next dispensary wi be he d in this town on February 13 and on the fo owing day wi be he d at Arapahoe. The congregation of the Methodist church at ithjs pace who are soon to move into their new house o. worship- have so d the bui ding which theyH ''ff'i'-; have occupied for the Oast eight ; or!sii'.;; -i.;'p ' ten years to the Eptscopa ains. '" f$?t' '- ! , Mr. Frank Brown Hooker of Aurora V; ' his moved to Orienta and wi niakek'w'-.. his home herein the gfuture. v i- v" j 1 ' , v r-i'A., MONUMENT PROJECT NOT i V? : DEAD, JUST SLEEPING. ' t Although but little is being said iust ' ' ' at. tnis time in regards to tne proposed , erection of a monument-in memory of the Baron De Graffenrled Colony,. ',, the plan nas not been forgotten and , , V contributions ' are still coming - in to ;'rtv"V;, this fund. It is the intention of the fl;ty'$: committee who has charge, of the pro--. ?'.! a- ';' ject to make an active campaign with- 'hf in a few weeks and. secure the money ,vy". 'V needed for the erection ot this memorials , In the meantime all donations may li I. 0 sent to S.-M - Brinson, who it treasurer : of the. fund. ..ine junior cpworiij ueague 01 tne r- '.;SJl MetliodistV' church at ;,Bridgeton" will ' T. - T . . T". : . 1. 1 r . . . t, .. give a pasitet party at we s store ont$fa onage street next r roay nignt.. l ne y proce sds' 11 go to the' parsonage tund XS Everybody: is cordially invited to cornel ut and help tne good cause along. . y-v.-v. A j woman doesn't- care re how rtiucht ' money' her .husband earns It it what i she gettput'of ft-.thdt'.WuniiijVl.-'" i Ity a'jibcrai education; to get ovxFJ,; ' jslng tnrough"coueKO. ','i &' n 'lii I, ii.."lii I'm ' ; i- -Wi ?',niV".iii '..'? ,','mn":. ':: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS y: Citizens Savings Bank 'and trust-: Co. -Christmas Savings .Bank ; now open.1- -' '-' ; ' "'-y, : : Nationa , Bank of New Bern Four per cent. Interest, componded quar ter y, paid on savings and time depos-r its. ' 'v '-''. Prop es' Rank Save', protect,' In vest J New Bern Hanking and Trust Co."" No haitc, but be quick. ' I ( j; it': '1 "Vy. K .."..J .v.

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