K- V f -. ' , 5 . . . 1 ., ' - TV - ' no Kind Yoa UaTe Always Bought, anil vhlcn has lcn v : in use for over SO years, Las borne the ; ignaturo o .t v " 1 bas ibocn mode under his per--5 V Bonal snperrisiea since us inianey. f &5S2v Mowno one to deceive you in this.-: V .--y "im Counterfeits, imitations auc "uunwisTOa - muk , A i.wmt that trifle Trtth and endanger t?)Q health of. i ... . . . . ' I ,'" ' Infants and CtiidrifrExperincQ ngaicst Esperiaieat wCastoria Is e, harmless taTjstllata for Castor Oil, Xare i 'arorlc, Drops ad SootUnsSyro.v It Is pleasant. 16 contains neither Opianv Jlorphlne "nor other Karcotio .... substance. Its ape IS Its guaemtce. ; It destroys Worms v md allays Feveriness.?..,Gr more than thirty years 16. lias been 1 constant nsa 1 for thi relief of Constipation, . , TTatulency, "Wind Colic, all Ti-ethlifjr Troubles ; and . JDiarrhosa. I regulates, the Stomaon ard BuwcS, ' assimilates the Food, cMnff healthy and natural's? jcp. ' The Children's PaJUicea-rTho Slolher's Friend, Bear3 the. Use' End Yottflave Always B In Uco For Over 30 Years . r. ..uui.inUUW.n HUItHT BTRICr. NEWVORK CITY. ' UiWtattBaaBV&BiU'tM Horse Feed' Cow iFeed Wheat Bran S I I' s I o ; , , . ; ; o, r j , : 1 ?''' k; i i ..' ' rami 5fW2 JfWfWf5fttfKSWSRiS5lOiRJ4 i anecdote of the famous painter m the : 'i zKassLsaa nansii Paris Temp9. 0ne dily ' yoanjt troop. f fy.st, ' v ,' ''i-h-til'&.V'.h'-'' "-'' '.. 2 er rang at his studio door and asked If , ' S3 IHLAIV II eJ , llllril WJ "Who sent you to me?" asked Do- J ? ' . x- i lii taiiie; .. ... .', , , rfy! ' ftjj CORN. - . .?NHUMtN Vrf ia ' White . -TV ? w - aa , 'i; ; S " NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY tT;' C t 'J' !' ' - V....-r rr. ZC " time and v lator " S V saving :f devices ; J ; 1 "V4 -1 tHan allpmer; ;( !4i Wosilf j f . j."i .ivT'- (; V'.lt T T-;vJ ilieaf mii "OLLOCri'ST. . -. -r . -Mi V . 'ALWAYS' Signature of Cotton Seed Meal Cotton Seed Hulls Wheat Short III 11 1 )X comtined5 tet'.' -'. ua uiuvc: rsertion to you; v 1 9 ,ff Co.. ! mm .:.... K VV Ft and Cears and a Won Bully Than Or. Johnson, ."Eare Lh-u Jousun." vbo Is uJmlred lir vverj bodjr nDd read ty nolxxly. wu a diKtiii(.tl.v: iinilf.-ts;mt Individual who Uiid few real fni!tl during t life time.. A ruo1 luanr , people r?tended to Bk lilui inil enjoy Bin sxiciety Be- fausa tbey were afraid of ti,m. . Ee ms Dot odI.t vindictive wltb hi peu. but be wan yulcS t lnmulue insult or ;"Hsht' bhiJ wBs.proije reseat tbem wltn hk OrlKinnlly n bricklnyerV be was biST ind lur!y and Mrony as n ROTnimei)t utile 'until mo welbed down by fat tbat be. could Bcareely tavtsate. After Te- coveriug from n Bickiiesod4?e be auld upon v some forgotten t linasorisj . -re-. marked, tbatcdeatb didu't aave a-door blR enough to adpilt tUm. ' ,- 'lCS, Jonsoii bad powerful ; frame Jid huge, balrj liandic hjla face yt&ytyk? jind florid, the lower Dart eoreml wiOi reddisb wbLskerB,'and bfewaa extreme iy slovenly In his dress...? lie .waa H wowte bully than Samuel Jobiisonv The kifter.i'witb all his faults, iievertalsed b ronjih house.1' ; ' ; : , - ' T' JouBoa (ciiKlit two duels nnd feltlcd hfs man.-Ai) 1mA (ccjiSlon8. " Eis ttrat wa -with, sldlor durlux wartime, aad be w:ik not,liiiRht to accouiit for tliiLt. t.ai(.r he1 killed n actor. with wlio.m he liaJ some trifliug qniirrel and for thus was wntencea to ueath. The Sentence was comniuteft but he 'was branded i;m the hand .before , beihfi Eivpii his liberty; t HiK life was .stormy, and when hede; parted then was no ove'rwhelmiu Krief. The fact that-bis uame reuialns a household word ts'stranpre. fo. jiot one man f u a million baa ever read bis works. ChienRo News. " THE TROOPER'S 'PORTRAIT. And the Conditions Under Which Was Painted by Dctaillo. It t. Jules Cla'retle. wtio was a friend of Edouard Detaille, tells n" charming "My good comrades of the regiment. tSho1 say that you are Jolly good at catcblng a likeness, and. as I wanted to send, a Christmas present to my people I thought I would have my portrait done by you. Bow much will you charge me?" ''How much have you in your pock et?" asked Detaille. 'Twenty -six. francs." Jind the troop er pulled out the money, tied up In his handkerchief, padding. "Perhaps . that won't be enough?" ; if-l'Oh, yes., lots," said Detaflle. "Sit down." . And he bad-eoou painted the soldier's portrait on a small -wood pan el. 'There you ar& I hope your peo ple will like It" -; (. i wuiK uiey wi)i, sum lue uwiwr u t . I 1 . i. 1 tl ,, .f A. t J fit isn't bad at all." And he untied the four corners of the handkerchief to pay Detaille his 28 francs. 0 But Detaille stopped him. "No. Keep your money. But you must, do two things first of all;: spend It all la drinks to my health, and, secondly. don't send me your comrades to have their portraits done, 1 tibouid be over worked." , y '''.'-'.''' ''. Tda Rml RmL ;"I dosbt if Kitty will be hapny when married. She's always had her" own way too much." , . 1 - ' Oh.-but Jack will let her Co any thing.'?, - "I'm not thinking about her husband but about her .cook," Boston Tran senpt. . . -,J;. K BOYD TALKS FACTS." i Mr.,1 rnrtlanl Uami ol Wnt Troy, N, Yi' pays the UKHN CEN $27.25 annually, ; He received -last month a divfdeod of $31.51, beif t $4.26 more than he. paid , the Core pany. j In .;, fact ,slncelS4;tMr! Adams' has received, mere In' dlW( dends than his Insurance coct. ', .A - New .: Bern" policy, holder;: has" just received a .dividend eKceedln( fO per cent. of the pretniuir.., ' Th VN1CN CENTRA!, LIFE rays larjest d vldends and sella good, . c.d line: Ills insurabcerthe Jowestdf ' any otHef company Jn the 'wide, ' wlje wjrld. , Are you "unionised".?: not, see Boyd And get In the . Union -N-tiiW.:-G.BOYDdi 103 Middle St. ' (Ennctt's old stand.) iKMORtGACErSALE.'' 'Bv vitnie of bnwer of ale con tt.iicd in that- certain nwrtgaee deed date' ADril .16, 1907. and made and exectue bv Sam Cox and Mamie E. Cox. to the Itindertigned,' which said nitrtjage deed is recorded in 'book of deeds No. . 166 p?gv 276 in the effke of, Regi ter ol lJeeus ol Craven . vo'inty: the under signed mortgagee, will on the 3rd. day of March, 19U, at 12 o clok m. at the Court House door jn Craven I county, offer for: sale to the h irhcsl I bidder, (or, cash, the following land in Lraven county. j, All that piece or fared of land tx ginning at an iron ston in the IN. I: cornor of the Mn roe Rountres fi runmm easiwardlv to M. W. C.a nmn line, ihrn1 with fai (.arman s line Mill I'.ranch. Then up said M llrnnrh 1o an Oak Corner, t en south wardlv f 'the l;ri'irtning. CO tninii 15 trs. 1 'I ills !iik t';e allul incnt n t ara to ?.n I Man i'' L. I c in -a 'i i u ,n i I 1 !n fti-mnr I'iiIIU'i fi' I :. 1 .. "1 I : i t ! !.,v f ! f ' ! OP p f mm m lit rJiliiL i.uii hid Wten Will New Bern Peoole Learn the Importance of It? P Backache is enlv a si mole thinr at firsts' - ': ..; .-'- -- But if yon find "Ui from, the kid neys ; v.; v. , v , -r ' 4 j, ' Ibat.aerioui kidnev troubles mav follow; v , . si. That droosv or Bfieht'a disease! mav be the ftttal lend, . ZC-i-.. You wul be elad to know the fol- lowingr experience.; 'VV- ':" '' .'s lis the honest' statement of a resi dent of this locality. v ii. .Ji james Jt. Aswn, James City, N. C, sayBt-v'yvhile ia the army 1 received severe strain and after that 1 was ubiect to attack of kidnev trouble. y back ached jt great. deal and as time passed,'- the trouble grew worse. 1 tried many remedies but seemed un able to obtain relief and finally, hearine vau i,-; iuuiicx i urn, i uuiainea a box. : They gave me great benefit. They not only remeved the oain in back; -but ' streiigfhened my kidneys ana improvea my Health. ror sa le by all dealers, face 50 cents. hoster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York,, sole aeents for the United States. Remember the name Dean's and ake no other. What makes a woman proudest of her nusoand is a he can eet nasses to a theatre. Women of the highest type, women cf superior education aru reficeraeot, whose ; discerauisr; and judgment give weight as. force to their opiniuds, 'riigh! praise the wonderf) corrective and corativ e properties of Chis? herlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Thronghont the many itajct of woman's life, from jirIhood throngh the ordealaff mother hood, to the declming yean, there is bo safer or more reh'ahle med jdne. Oiamherlain's Tablets are sold eTerrwhererat 25c .a box. THE . SUIT YOU THOUGHT WAS RUINED. - will undergo;'a remarkable transfor mation in our hands. Ail' these nasty spots which wcr$ po ;annoying will hive vanished during our process of c ea'ning, ,and the whole suit will look sj clean and "fresh as to be equal to a ew one. -sena anything- you wieh cleaned to us and you will be more than satisfied. RED. STAR TAILORING CO. 76 S. Front St. Phone 733 Sol Llpman, Mgr. A man thinks , he's on a rigid diet fhe cuta out one dish his wife likes and Made A New Man Of H!m. "I was Buffering from pain In toy stomach, head and back," writes H. T. AJeton, Ealeigh, Nt tX"and toy liyer and kidneys did cot work right, bat four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." PRICE' B0 CTS. AT ALL ORUQ STORES, BaBaBaaawsanMsn v fOURNAt ; APVERTIS1NQT PAYS. v The NewBern Journal is In the bands and homes of fhe best peo, pie In, New' Bern In. the mornrng' hours the hours that Immedia te ly precede tne'shoppini rosfiii'i,-- : In a word,; it reaches the buying class at '. , the, ''psychological - mo ment.! A? ' That's ' why Journal advertsing pays, hfy r '; - 111 ''' '- .' 1 j'ri i - .')' B v , virtue 'of the ' ira'Msr .of sale : Con tatned n,. that cerrlFu'.'niortgage ' deed 1 I.','-' - f !'! i' t H maae oy mien smiM.p w,,u. jouse, ijrf i he 30th dny;o( August,! 906, ret oordc-d in the office of the Registe'" o( Deeds of Craves Cvinty ia Book 163. Paze 120. the undorsigned mortgagee will sell for can h to the highest bidder, at. the court house door, at the hour of 12 o'clock M , on. the' 24th day of February, 1913 the following 1 rea estate, lyin? and being in the County A vaven, state oi - jorn taroi na, knewa ' and '.deMgnateiJ ' fellows I to witt; " .' ! Adjoining the larldi of Walker WiJIie White, and others, and. bounded as follows-: Beginning at a take on .lie line ditch and runs S. f 3 Er 69 2-3 yards, then N. 24 E. 69 2-3 yards thc-n N. 63 V. 69 2 3, tl cn S. 24 W. 69 2-3 yards to t lie beginning, containing . . . . one acre more or ic.s., wiiu riwciisng hoti'ii- on f .ii'io 1 n! ( fiiilrc lion:;! hold ri ii'l li' liia do nil .ii -. . ! f Electric liters-; BUSINESS NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS ! t r ' PAID FOR IN ADVANCE, WANTED A' man to represent: our firm locally. ' Splendid openiaz for. a Ugood i man, -' with . arroriportunity. to make as. high as 110,000, annually Address M.- Sab ma a Cov 214-216 Franklia Sjt Brooklyn, N. Y. ; ' triMTtn .VT ' -,i W ANTED colored . women aeents for' Palmer's SkiaAWhitener.. 100 ler cent profit. T SLS0 "outfit free.: Write tc day, giving references. jacob'svPhar- macy, Atlanta, Ca. PHONE- yourorder for hot bread, rolls and pies for dinner., to Kafer's Bakery. vV. JUST RECEIVED Nice lot s trine beans.. -" Fifteen cents per quart. H. E. Royall. EGGS now ready. White Wyandott and Buff Orpingtons. $1.50 per set ting,' Won first prize at Eastern Caro ina Fair. Arno d Bros., Nev Bern. N. C. FOR SALE Long Staple Louisiana cotton seed. These seed are absolute ly pure. $1.25 . per bushel. Address John-Pearce, Polloksville, N. C. WANTED Men with teams, cither oxen or aules, to haul and deliver logs .10 railroad track. Short hauls and good pay every week. Apply to East Carolina. Lumber' Co.; near Olympia, N. C. THOMPSON'S Strain Ringlet Barred Rock eggs for sale, one dollar per set- ng. Fred M. Scott. fFURNISHED room with privilege of bath. Apply at 97 Craven Street. MILCH COW for sale, apply at once J. B. Reel, Reelsboro, N. C. tf. FOR SALE Ranier automobile in good running onjer. Will be sold at a bargain for quick sale. Willard, 153 South Front Street. tf. FINE stock of geese, chickens, and turkeys also beef and veal just re ceived and on sale. Coast Line Meat Market. JUST RECEIVED Wire tree guards. They protect your shade trees. .Wire front gates, both single and double. Lawn fencing a beautiful style. With right prices at J. C. Whitty & Co. Phone-98. JEWEL Oak Heaters. J. S. Basnight Hardware Co. BUCK'S RANGES Best by Test: J. S. Iasn!ght Hdw. Co. ' EAT more loai bread. Good loaf bread is more wholesome than biscuit The best is made at the Home Bakery. Have yeu tried it? Try it once and be convinced.. Good rolls? Yes. Hot for breakfast and supper Hot bread for dinner. 90 Middle Ftreet. Phone 46-. FOR RENT Store on Pollock St., now occupied b'y J. M. Mitchell & Co. For further information apply' to Mrs, C. W. Blanphard, Kinston, N. C. JEWEL AIR TIGHT cast top and bottom, highly nickled heaters. J. S, Basnight Hdw. Co. FOR" SALE, shafting, hangers and pulleys used in old Journal office. E. J. Ldnd Printing Co. PUTTIE LEGGINGS. Hardware Ca. J. S. Basnight FOR SALE-rOld newspapers can be secured at the Journal office for ten cents per hundred." Purchases sup ply for future use before they are all sold.; i 4 ;". LOST-STRAYED OR STOLEN one white and liver colored spotted pointer. Will-answer, to the name "Bill."; If returned or any; information received will oav for same; Address Oeo. K. Fuller, New Bern,, N. C. Yard wing Out of Business v-.-'V 'l Oak uaanyMenetiri" $1.00 perloao PrPnetSlabs - ' ' '. mi A ''Z . ' ' ' b '1 ,.: sawed bv cent per load, an Wndai'-rpdu tlose.pttt;;:; - Gasoline Wood Sawing outnt for saie cneap. ) v : ; , ; ,W 153 S. Front St. - Phone 273 THE OLD RELIABLE . Special attention given city pco pie for Sunday dinners. Ladles shopping In the city and desiring to take dinner at the Gas ton wilt receive the but of bitten lion. Made the Gnnton your bead ;. H i rt't 1. Gaston Hotel , , ' ' ' - ' ' T ' LOCALS THAN ONE MONTH MUST E2 .' -- .- - .", ; - -. ; 4 . ; . NQTICE OF SALE. ; , .Pursuint Jo the power of saie gtvea' mejn I) certain mortgage deed executed . the firt day of November, 1911 fcy ! VilUam H.v Ca mpen and wife' of Car- -teret county, to nomas J. Mitcrer,- . v . . . k. - T fracTDeinK Wi pthec .' of te Register of -Deeds,, 'Craven County, in Book 184," Page 295,. tor which reference is hereby- made,1 de-- fault having- been made in the pay-' meat .of bond secured -by said mortf1 ' gage, I will sell for cash to the highest, bidder at the Court House Door,, in . New Bern, N. C, at 12 o'clock M on" the 10 th day of March, 1913-the" foL-V ;' lowing described tract of land, ly'njf. '; and being in Craven County, Noah ' Carolina, adjoining the land of John " Ipock and others being a part patent granted to James iliis : . - ? v . Beginning at a red oak a Corner of said fatent, and runs with aiine of , . ' ame North 77 West 100 poles to a mall red oak near- to the ditch, then with said diich North 32 degrees bast ' 80 poles to a stakej then. North'85 de grees East 20 poles to a t-take thence South 88 1-2 E;;--,t 14 poles to a stake. hence South 65 degrees East 18 poles . to the first 'line of said patent, then along the same to- the beginning . containing thirty nine and one-half acres (39 1-2) more or less. This 6th day of February, 1913. . THOS. J. MITCHELL, Mortgagee. D. E. Henderson. Attorney. L. G. Daniels DEALER IN Horses g Mules 66 TO 68 SOUTH FRONT STREET, NEWBSSN. N-C BAYBORO, N. C. C IB Made from pure distilled filtered water. NEW BERN CO. ICE 19-21-23 Griffith 8t. Phone 23 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution. To Ail to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution, thereof- by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the New Bern Ship Brokerage Company, a corpor. ation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No.........Street, in the , City of New Bern, County, pf Craven, State of North Carolina (H. C. McKeel being the agent the.ein and in charge thereof, Upon whom procest may be served), has complied with" y the requirements of Chajpter 21,. Re-v4 . visal of 1905, entitled " Corporations," , preliminary to the issuing of this Certifi-" 'l cate of Dissolution: - '' ' 't - Now ' i, Therefore, I, kJ. Bryan Grimes, Secretary cf States of the- "-t ! State of North Carolina, do" hereby V rf ) certify that the said corporation did, " on the 30 day of December,' 1912, file in my offtce'a, duly executed and attest-, f, v 41. ed consent in writing to the dissolution- "m of said corporation, executed by sJlvr'-v- the ' stockholders thereof, which 'aid 1 consent 'and the record of, the pro-'"'' i' cceding aforesaid are' nowi on vnla in v'f' my said ofneef as provided by law. ' ;ji,r y.V In jTestf atony Whereof, : J have . hereto 'jsetmy . hand ami affixed 'iny v' official seaU'ai Raleigh,' this : 30 day 1 of Dcceniber,'AfD;.1912.''W BRYAN CRIMES : 'Secretary,, of Stffle,- -. Hoteli J Raymond i 42 East 28th Street : (At Subway Station) 5 V ;' ; w "; 'NewTorkCityV,"-:, , ' - EUROPEAN PLAN v .f s ka vA rvk 1 Tsv' ' 'r , $fi ,L sflaJW JTVL lUJ UHU V f. I . -w AMERICAN PLAN : :';';' 12.50 Pet pay aniUp c Apartments accommodatlong 3 or more persons from $4.00. to 15.00 per day. . . Special rates by the week or month. Inspection invited. " Reference ex changed. : A nulct fAmily hotel, "recom mcnclcd to l.idii-i visiting New Yoik City alr.ne. t'pen reij'irst ly l-tt r or I'ctcplionc, 256.V M.idi son Sii.irc, tnr ;'"'T -V ill n1' ' t v ' 'f ' ' -''-:i- " 1 " ' it

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