i T f 5' 1 0 Personals' INSURANCE AGAINST OVER-PAYMENT It is an insurance -against over-pay-', -. ment to settle all accounts by cueck be- ). - cause the cancelled checks returned to . ' : the depositor by the bank are unques- ;, :tionabe receipts of what has been paid.i" : It is also a great convenience to-be able to settle accounts involving an odd ' ' number, of dollars and cents by-; pimply . ? -writing acheck for the total. ; y w; y Ve invitejleposits subject tp check in any amount and render unuormiy courte- t -4. I' f ' 1 ' T It"'" ' ' " " 3 : v iiny amounianu renuer uuuucmij vuuuc-: , ,-, -I '? ous attention to all patrons, Whether their r g accounts are large, or small. :yVvi; c'vv i; ;;t- ! ! THEY CO.v E AND GO J 'Hairy M-rfc? 1 ft last evening fcr a business .ie at kolt igh. ? -.t ; J. G. Evam of Dover was among the boiness visitors -in the city yesterday. Mrs. W. H. VYet cf La Orange pent last -night In the city. v ": e tj - - Ma Alice .Sutton retnrr.td last even-' ing from a visr vwith relatives at. La Grantee. ,'.' --!. 1 1' :-.' :' Chi?f of Police W. C Rouse erf Dover was in. the city' yesterday j attending to some official, b- siness. v ,. ... , D. W." Richardson of Dover was among day. -George- F. . huller Jelt -last evening for. a short businetw trip at Kinston. . Mrs. Hard J ewteof Beaufort is the guest of Mrs; O. A. Kafir on street, g the visitors in the city cset Drie F. . Fuller left last evenini Furney White of Doverlpent yesterr lay in the city.", i,"' : '' '' Fred Henderson of Deppe was among Time For garden Tools Our stock of Garden an( Farm Tools is especially com plete and worthy this Sprtag. We have all the latest and test tools; all from the beist manufacturers. Get ycur Spring heeds filled here we can please you, and save money for you. : : i C s ' : ' ' GASklLLHA&BMRCQ "THE BUILDERS HARDWARE AUTHORITIES 73-75-77 Middle St. 'Phone 147. ,-ii-r-.V ..v.. wr riff "'"wTatfiffiV" ?i'"'-j-fm ! V '.I ! - " "' i V if- ' ' ' v v. 1 ' ( Tailor aayt UC?, jT, J. .a. . a. ...w. .a l j.TJf - - y in Will Don New Cfolhes on Faster Morning 5 PARTICULAR MEN Will garb themselves in . Garments made by a PARTICULAR TAILORL Let us get together oh that Easter Suit oF-Overcoat!J ' Yours truly, the visitors in the city "vesterday.v W.'C, Hartley of Askiri was among the business cisitors in the city yesterday. JV OErnul and William Arthur of As kin spent jreeterday-in the city at tending to business metttrs. . ' " Mrs. Kathriree Kaler was called to Florence. S. C. yesterday morning on account of the critical illness of the wi!e of her son, Oswald Kafer;' ,t T. D. Wilev of Pamlico county was among the cisitors in the City yesterday, ; George Attmore. returned yesterday morning from a short visit with relatives' at Stonewall. . Mr. and Mr. VV. b. Lnkens ct Philadelphia. Pa., are 6rendinar sev eral 'days at the Gaston Hotel. Miss M. K, Johnson ot Kichmond, Va.,- who has been head milliner ftr M. Mitchell &--Company for severe I seasons, arrived in the city Sunday from the northern markets where sle has been for the past few weeks stud ing the latest styles in spring and sum mer millinery! Mr. and Mrs. rranic Knnson, Miss Rosa. Rice arid Tohn Cowell of Bayboro were in the city' last evening attending he performacc. at the Masonic theatre. Have your prescriptions filled at. Pinniz Drug Store. Opptosit Union fltatl n (Adv ) Dear's Emulsion heals the lungs, and tr.rcaf and cuii us up tbe system regulates 'the bowels and improves the! poo t blame your parents fori giv-j ir.fr you consumption. -!-Tfie test' way! - to kct-p from, havirg consumption isj-,. to keep the lungs aid throat in a good healthy -condition. Yu do , not in herit consumption, but you can inherit weak lungs. And as the' air' is filled with tutercule ' bacilli sperms,'-' your weak lunjs are a fine feeding place for them. - Now hat are 'you .going , to dc let' your lung . get . weaker, each f year by the -action of , the ' standing v coiighs oh (hem? , v , v'v j ' ' x .If you rant to. heal the lungs, don't' u. get - these patented cough remedies . ' Middle ; tnt k rc ; dopjid up with morphine ;.' codeine, orisome drugs" that will tern porardy soothe the throat, and leave t,$e .threat and lungs in a' worse con dition than before. ' .' " A? -your dr jggist, ' Bradham Drug Co.', ' '" CHARLES SPfiNCER, COLORED, ' IS CHARGED WITH MURDER OF ALICE HARGETT r P. M. Chadwick sjgiyjgBlgiBjr-Sl'SilLSSl Yii uu - in i nm Wonderful Day tori Motorcycle 'A - 7 and 9 Horse Pdweriftx 1 1 ' ' - Reliabiy Economy ,ice . k ' 5 . rower. uei wnai you nave, oeen waning for. r 1 D; SoLANCASTER7 wMQi A FarrowntforCT been a,d 11 . ,,'. . H '-a ' . - i V 'ir- Are Vou Tlianlinil BECAUSE YOU HAVE GOOD EVES? SET FOB WT FOR SALE L. C. Smith & Bros, Typewriter.''- Perfect - condition. Eight months service. $75 to quick buyer Address M. D. Cart of Journal. 3t. ' WHEN THE MAILS CLOSE. Mail closes at ths office as follows: for Beaufort", 8:30 a' m. 'For Goldsbord, 8:30 a. m. For Norfolk 8:30 a. m. For Wilmington 0:10 a. m. For Oriental, 9:10 a. m. ' For Bridgeton, f8:00 a. m. For Raleigh 1:05 .p. m.. For Beaufort 4:50 p. m. For Cjpldsboro, 4:50 p. m. For Goldsboro, 4:50 p .m. For Oriental 4:55. p .ni. , Night Express 9:00 pi m. , ' J. B. Basnigbt, P. M. ' Charles Spencercolored, was given preliminary hearing vesterdav after noon before Mayor McCarthy on a war rant charging him with an assault with deaiy weapon on Alice Hargtt, plored. Several witnesses were ex amined but owing to the Jact that the State has several witnesses who covld not be found, the case was continied until today. Vine alleged assault took place on If st r hr"tllis mo-tit ip Hr-i-own. a subut in the northen pait Of t'w city. , It t claimed tnat spencer severely beat th6 woman with a pair of brass kmxkles and a crutch and that a short time later I U J U I . .- Spercer left the citv ai fr as T)oesi- ble after the affair and succeided in eluding the officers" untik. . cured at folloksvilie a tew days agn by Constable f. J. Hawkins.- When arraigned ye: t r day afternoon he entered '. plea -oi not guilty. He is represented by J. Leon Williams, t .. See announce mentof our great miction sale on page eight i Our optical depart ment will give care ful attention to your wants during auction. BAXTER JEWELERJ Old Gold taken -in', ec-range. , uzx: Bum BmuiVG;,, , v ., ' ' ' . ANt . - - - - . ' .viiTRU ST-COMPANY v " ran TIE I :? .-rfi ' MAKING A MAN'S SUCCESS. . "I CONSIDER saving money to to tiic " ' ireatesrIcment'in making a young' : man's success.' MARSHALL FIELD. V . Wiat applies to the success of a young marvapplies to the, successes of all ' It ; makes v no difference whether yon are ' young or in mid-life, the saving of money 4 ' It one of the sure ways by which you can . ,flssureyourscf and those dependent up-" : on you erery comfort In old age. This j bank invites your savingc accounts, wheth er large or small. . , ' v ' - . -. , - T ' . S FQUR PER, CT. PAID ON SAVINGS, COMPOUNDED -QUARTERLY. I "1 .- - . -I - ' - ' ;. .- .-. t . . - . 11 v 00HXXHMrO0 03 0 44 O0 OOOO ft ' ( o T MAKING BALUSTEUS aY HAND is an c xtiavrgance. You can for a mere-. fractin of hand made cottget ihcm hiresll radyto put up. Yiu ran o!so obtain the rail?, rewil post, (1 est aire iheih- 8(lvs. They are is good as the best handwork in, every respect Cof t you 188 llEn laK. Better eee,us b foe planning alterations. Tolsqn Lumber & Man'fg. Co. $ Office. Ya"rd8 and Factory, 129 E. Front &t. New Bern N. C. Watcli y I I - I V MLS- : For drugs, clears and sod water." Pi an is Druft Store Is the placj. ' " '' - r ... -' , ' siBliiDBiiEWiiyfili ii ' : 'I:-.1'-., -r r- r. ;6 ' the man woroaw or. dhifd whol NylH Msuggest jjtrie- most appropriate name lor the nisaaie, tariff, .wnicn wiu be cut iip Into lots arid Sold , a bout the 10th .ok March, the' entire iront on Broad etrcct extended to whke people exclusively and thepart next to Dully- town.-to colored people or, white lor Investment; 1 will give Ten Dollars in 'The-A,Gton'rBoulevard-,-4bout..6 feet-wi.de, will ,run frorh the Neuse road down where. ; the c Tisdale home Ms, which will be moved aside to! the. end of the white residential section, i write tnc name , suseesiei . on- plain piece of paper; with 'your name and address, and send or hand to Mr. R.i W. Haywood at Journal offiqe. 'or Mr. Owen Dunn at the Sun office, who will serve as judges If more than one suggests the same qamc the first, one wh sends , the name chosen . will win. Thecontest closes- Saturday, MarchJI 1st, 1913 at 6 p. m.;" Get busy, see the property, suggest .the right .name and win!' - ", : -' ., ' : ' :''';.': ".This Feb; 20th, 1913. ' ' ?-y: ; .. D. E. HENDERSON, - .. Nl B. ' Each contestant vi asked to suggest' only one' na-mc. In case any One has already' augmented more ' than one name, he i rcrjucnted to-withdraw all- but one.. ' , - -: -..V , -" - lot . ' v. : 4 . p,i''.lt you haven't you ought to be thankful that 'i . you can have something done to help' them. ;; V: ' v n r:; .'',;;;;''.:, ; : ",; ...'V-v. ''r-:;' -: If you have any eye troubles bring them 'to 1 1 : ( me; I'll fit you with glasses at a reasonable cost. sured at Plnnlx' I)rul Stare. (Alv. . , ECONOMY WILL TALK. ; Sprincr, Sprihcf, O beautiful' Spring I si'c you creeping over the hill', Hear tv.e.'now ror the best foreign and domestic fabrirs for poring wear, seek mc .irlv and avoid the rui.h nnd ret the best for your money. Our $18 units arc Up to all th.n your desire. Keprrtfijlly Yourn, Old M.in I.eonoiny, 1 topping wish V. V ' '. Phbiie FOR T?ve '.'Flour. Gia. . ;harri Flour, Wash- 'I iritrie cup, Steero t ; bullion Cubes arid v" Whole JEvaporated mi The Go-Operative Supply Co. Two Photies '146 and I5fr . Z 1 77 Broad Street lOUR,'; ' Mentholated Cough ' Balsam combined with active princi ples of Cod Liver Oil and Hy- pophoaphites. '.-ft.Af valuable coofth remedy and construc tive tonlci air In one. Price 50c. QA sale only at ; . v v-p ! 1 ff-HONB 69 . -, . r... . , , ' When vou want your ; TEAMS SHOD Rememher' Smith carries a full line of the ; Celebrated Steel Drop MULE SHOES Thh'ls tiK' l t!' :.M::r !c w o -"ft"" A Message to You, A Sir! Your dollars are as valuable as 'everjto yoajthig' season." You are anxious purchase the utmost possible yalae with every .one you spend. So this will interest you.. ' - , ' . - ' i v Would you like to' get a New Suit of Clothes Wprth You can: do it, if you are quici;W'e are closing obt bur Fall and WinteV Clothing stbok,: . hence these sacrificing prices. . -Pay usayisitandbecoWrafeed.Jr ; ' ' Z '. Cor Middle and SoittFroht-Streets.," ' ?, - ' J: 6rjsan BTocfc .v, : ft. All Pork ..L'vK.-'Vi Sausage ;;r. No GEREALFillcn Used if, , -v MEAOLKFOlICASfl! MgMSSSBMlMWSSsWwWSWSMMMSJSiSMBt , 5?J5 I; T " -. ..-.. .. . ; i - i . ... ... j .,. - 1 : . V' . -X S i-. 'rir - " . -' ; r Roller Skates- ; U : :.: ; - V: ':. . '...v.v'.-:.. i:i , v 5 !; . ' . '-.ii'' ', ,-'':'."-.v ' , U'::: -'Zty ' ' n-rb5 - ; !! pet pair.; ' j -- . Hill's Snorting Goods Stor Mi V 0.r.-