. Vf f '. ,1' J 1 Ml Building: Ma PaihtsdOils; Vanishes American i Field Fence E. si insist ' Ainnn t I I SIMPSON .. ,f.f ' ,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR . AND,' EMBALMER ;;ipay Plwne 167," Night Phone 829 D, G. SMAW. AST. F. M. Snnmons, A. D. Ward, SIMMONS AND WARD ATTORNEYS AND COtJNSELLOKS .1'. Vrf VJpce KOOID8 01-Z-d -IMKB DUUUiDg 'MV Practice in counties of Craven, vfliiifl)uplin, ioneal Lenoir,. Onslow. Cart- .: ,'ret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su- i toreme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. iSillllimnnNftY; at law'" . :- v ",-. n IfUv kwss'i. fRcs Nc. 50 Jfivsa tlrist. , ',. "' ;: T.l.k. Il '7 Slam Rarn. N. C L03GE dlRECTORY i$gkifii$x'ijQX$wi. t. k. of p. :?MMi6et ev'crv.TMiit " r. m., over Gas r YCo.'s office, Middle St.". A: M. Franklin, q., j: ll. Smith. K.of R. and S. Visit ing brother ae assured of "a chevalier's -l welcome- ,- -V- . ,' CRAVEN LODGE No. 1, KNIGHTS OP -HARMONY Meets second, and i St3ii: each month at lmgnts oi riannuMv . . , : ' , ,- SSlfcalfc! corner .Broad and Hancock street I. K. Vc'i.'lis, President: R. J. Uisosway;j "Secretary; Cto. Moulttn Financial Sec- t .'Iretary.'. , "v , v ; Mlf.yoo .have roomr(fot, ; rent- ot ;';'.'-;Vjiave lost or JTpund an artlcleor ."'V.- wah't..tO buy or aell "sdmethin, ttsc '-vvthrff journal VStnV ad olumrl on ...:V'f-;.toaie thrctf., - mmm.c-mWm -' : ' .i:';' s .,' 'I- .)",i.',:.v.::;' w l-''w r '' -v '.';;. '.'-'..- ';;;;, , "; v-m.-a'---..v--:-'-v-.'! -'-W - -r'Vi -Cv ': ..:-'V i :- The L.t Couih. ILroat and Lung medicine rr. 'A Moeey refunded if it f-iiU to cure vu IKt fcetitate talc? k at our risfc.- First dote helps. J. R. Wells Fliidnda, Texas, writes: Pr. King's New Discovery cured' my terrible coBgh andceld. '. t gained ,JS poeds.' r Byy it at all dealers (Adv.) 3;B..fuck "to iet bark a ien-d&llar wan' to ."be home, soit ,will tome in handy or the, family. V v ..This, is tbeTfeasbnpr.the year whet) tnoihtf feci very twurh, concerned over the'frequcnMofds xxtracted. Lythdr ,fhildren,J andn.aye.jbupdant reason for it. as every; Yjold weakens the lungs,' lowersithe-vitality 'and 'paves the' way for tllc fmorei serious 'diseases "that- so. often , folUrts;'.. :'Jpbainper'Miii Cough Remedy s famous fct its cures, and is pleasant and salV tojake. For sale by 'all 'dealers. " ' ' ( (Adv.) Evcnthe price of gasolene has jalown i up now. v ' ' . ' 1 V tOR COfj)S AND COUGHS" - Jui before.' tietifir.g ,-. put Savodine up both noitrils, 'breathe deeply and swallow ,pivC' two cr- three times size of pea.' I'-asy brtjathing it. soon fol lowed by a sense of comfort apd: re" frcshin s'cep,. Can be used during the day as'necded. '' (Adv.) When in Norfolk LOOK FOR THE bMbalis HoteUand Cafe OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 21446 18 Brewer St. Owned and Managed by a ,. Ner Bern man John ..Bambalis He wilt Appreciate -V Your Patronage !SI$&e- "(Sailiiia:.'- Southern SEND $1.00 TO THE NEW BERN CHAPTER U.TC. ;V ' Ralltoad LUNCH ROOM 4 Have you stopped to think that there is only - one CAFE in New Bern that is open all day and night, 36S Bays to the r year, and : .;. - a . , . -j- j that we give quick and polite service? i.txii.a, tetter Bi.J e.;lt ri.tura keep r vialn.s in ptrr-etual torment. The application of ChamberUin'6 Salve wilt instantly allay this itching ,and pi any cases have been cured by it tue. For tale by all dealers. (Adv.) Judee Goff will -doubtless decide in i favor of that-eenatorship.'' . -v ' Q h 1 1 d f 6 11 O T V - . . run rti unfcn - scastor ia oThe: dove of teace "wiU hardly btdld a nest ia Mexico this spripg5 v 0. " .:..-": ..' for asthma.';: , , '; .The ,-wiccesafuI, vtreat'bient or"i-J cases is, indeed hard la name, " Those uho art Subject rto lrequettt tn sev ere attacks of asthtna should be core i'til as to the Section of their dit Jnd the 'regulation "of rheif bowels -A change of "climate is often helplalriy. :-l the rjuictreiiej given Dvsavoainesnouio ilwa-s. te rememberedf' - Adv. . Bad season . for those who Hve out side. of the artificial ice. belt., FOU FLETCHER'S r V CASTO R 1 A They ai liable to celebrate inaugu ration day any old . . time down in Mexico. , V V r f REASON ENTHRONED. Because meats are so tasty they are consumed in great fxcess. This' leads to stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. Revise your ,dit, let reason and not a pampered appetite control, then take -a few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets a-nd you will soon oe well again. Try it. For sale by all dealers. ' - (Adv. The Democratic Congressmen be relied upon to fuss continually. can Children, Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O A' S T O R I A . The "finishing touches" oN the in aueuration will come when the, hotel bill s are presented. :. ' .. 'V QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA' '.'.' ; TISM. -,, George,' W- Koous, Lawton, Mich., says: "Dr. Detcheon'sRelief for Rheu matism has', given my Vife" vbnderful benefit for - rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two. months. She began the use of the remedy and ' improved Vapidly. On Monday, she could not move tend on Wednesday she gpQip, dressed her self and walked out' for breakfast.'1 Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv.) ' - Male suffragettes in Washington are wearing red leathers, jn their .hats, a delicate tribute i ndeed to the wome n-. Cfcildrea; .Cry FOR FLETCHER'S a CASOB! A Being in love never" made anybody a reputation lor sanity. :.t . to you kCibw-'that if ore real danger lurks in;a, conimontcold than in any other of the" minor; ailmentR?. The safe'Vay. is to tak ChamVrlaiu's Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable i preparation, ana na yourscn , or tne old a8 quicU,y possible This preparation, and rid yourself , of the ' remedy is for sale by all dealers. (Adv.) ;. r :. J It fits leen thiit "one svfers Irom a severe attack of La Gripr-e six tncntbs after getting , well". - Naai catarrh, headache and neuialgla soma-lin.4-4 hang around for quite a .whue. Not so sv it k one who uses Saodine freely during the active and convale cent .etages of the disease.- ' Adv ) T A gin is never afraid to flirt with a tnan unless he isn't dangerous, v , -: . ! ,. , v For a tprain you will find ! Chamber Iain's IJnimcnt , excellent. If allays the 'pain, removes the soreness, and soon restores ''the parts .to'au.liealthy ondition, '25fnd:rS6 ccni bottlit-fof ' aie y au osaiers., . - .-'; j r nqv.f , Unless the women in a' man's fam Uy spoil him they 'seem to him mighty selfish. : , : . ' . ' . ;. . ;V. FOR CROUP. ... "Make, the'.'ajir.'of bedrbom'moist by means of steam and rub Savodineon little sufferer's throat and -chest. NThip coyer with warm flannel .cloth. (Adv.) A man can begin to get. pretty . fond I hiswife f she's far enough away on 'a visit. MOTHERS CAN SAFELY BUY. I'Jiv Kiug s iNcw lJiscovery and give :t to the little ones when aili.-.g'an I suffering with colds, coughs, thro;.t or lunj trou bles, tastes niee, harmless, once used always used. Mrs. Brcce Crawford, Niagara, Mo. writes: "Dr. King's Xew Uiscovery . cnangeu our Doy lrom a-4 pale weak 9ick boy to the picture of health." Always helps.. Buy it at all dealers (Adv, A man hates so much to show pride about his brains that he does it about his whiskers. SURPRISE YOUR FRIENDS For four weeks regularly use Dr. Kings' New Life Pills. 'They stimulate the liver, improve digestion, remove blood Impurities, pimples and erup tions ' disappear from your face and body and you feel better. Begin at once. Buy at all dealers. (Adv. A girl likes ' to impress upon every young man she meets that she has rich relatives. Here is a message of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C. T. Martin. Boone Mill, Va., who is the mother of eighteen children. ' Mrs. Maftin was cured of stomach trouble and constipation by Chamberlain's Tablets after five years of suffering, s and now- recommends these tablets to the public. Sold by all' dealers. ,'.. (Adv NO NEED TO STOP WORK When the doctor orders you to stop work is staggers you. I can't, you oay. You know you afe weak, run down and failing in health day by day, but you must work as long as' you can stand. What you need is Electric Bitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent break down and build you up. Don'4 be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thou sands bless-them for their glor'ous health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50 c. at all dealers. (Adv.) SASIORIA ; . Tor Irfents and CMlJireru vBears the Signature of ., -!'- ' "-w' - T iff T -I " i i4U . i. 4. V.4.i. i o. - ' "Fttrudry, 25 19J3 . COTTON v - (QaoUtionf furniheJ by G. W. Tay- - ' r : lor & Son.) ; : , -' - f V - New. Bern Iv';: Good Middling . tA" ; V 12 1-4 ; Strict Middling . m-8 Mvddling - v-;-Vv.j4- L2 7 y poultry; tecs. etc. f.V' (Quotations Iurniohd by Coast Llrie - ' i1 , Meat Market).-. ; y. " ' Chickens Grown, i ';"' '. "-PO Chickens Hidf-grown rir ,. , 40,70 Geese, per pair. Ducks, per pair iv5u j.od - '. 18 Hami cdutftrjr, smoked, lb BeecKSxi " -22 t mi- 16 to i -.16 toll -iO-10 1-2 8-9 ! 9 12-14 10-12 WceJJ Hoifi dresseoMb: Bef, dressed, lb Hides G. S.," lb Green, lb " 5 Dry Flint, lb. Dry Salt, lb.. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (Quotations by New Bern Product , Company), Irish potatoes new crop $2.50 Sweet potatoes, bushel 50 Rutabagas, hundred $1.00 Collards head, .02 Turnips, bunch, .03 Cabbage, barrel S1.00 toS1.25 Spinach, basket, , .50 LIFE iN RfiACEDOMA, It Is Very Much In the Open, With Lit. tie or No Privacy. We arose eurly one February . morn ing and left our fairly flesui hotel tu IVeupolis for four hours of travel over the modem road near tbe Vi;i Hgimtiu, which should take us to ancient I'Ullip pL Our vehicle was a.soinewhat dilap idated hnck. such Asv Americans are fiimillar with at almost every consid erable railway station, but a surprlH- lnjrly comfortable conveyance for this partof the world. Rattling down some steep, roughly paved streets, we came to the center of the old Neapolls. pnss ed uenr tbe Kreiit Komnn aqueduct and ascended another steep street, ou tbe other side of tbe market place. Early an it was. we fouud that tht people of Kavnlla were up and doing. The stalls of tbe fruit men were at- tractive wjth oranges, pomegranates. lemons and dates. Tbe vegetable deal era displayed a tempting array of cauli flowers, cabbages, onions. oUra., leeks and potatoes. As In all eastern cities, there was no privacy. The cook was preparing his b.reakfast on the . sidewalk, the shoe maker was plying-'bis awl, the tailor bis needle, and tbe blacksmith was shoeing his horses almost in the very street Christian Herald. A MOTHER'S TRIBUTE. ! Pathetic Ceremony at Night on an At lantic Ocean Liner. 4' Strange, perhaps, to us. but very touching. Is the tender, intimate solici tude of the Latin races for their dead J uos'nil .mortl." as the Italians are wont to call those whom they have lost' There is u simple pathos in the Incident that was related by a passen ger on one of the great transatlantic mail boats. A few days before the steamer sail ed from Havre Its captain received a letter from a. peasant woman of Indre-et-Loire. In It she esplalued that her only s,on bad been a cook on the Titan le aud had gone down wltb the vessel. She was sending, she wrote, a cross Which She begged him to drop into the sea at the spot where the disaster oc curred. . i The cross came In due time, a simple cross of wood, fashioned rudely enough by the mother's Augers, aud one tiljrtit. I as. ihegreat vessel neared Newfound - i ' : y. ; V: v ' ,4',;v'. v"' I....JII. E.. FPE No Sick Headache, Bilious Stomach. or Constipated Bowela.-- , v :y - oy Morning. .v- .j. j..m the . rascals out--the bead" Turn ache, ; the ' billiousness.- the indiges-. tion, -the- sick, sour, stomach and foul."" gases turn .-theot ; out tonight and .' keep them out wit b Cascarets. . v i v ' ' ' Millions of men and. women) take a,T Cacaret now and - than and - never T ; know . the -.misery, caused by" a - lazy 1 liver , flogged bowels or an upset stomach. . . - v - '--V , -S Don't-; put in another day of dis-. tress." i Let Cascarets -cleanse " and reg-s ulate your stomach; remove the' sour, undigested and fermenting food , and that misery-making gas; take" the ex cess Wle from your liver, and carry' out or the system all the constipated waste matter aid posion in' the "in testines .and bowels. . .Then you. will feel great. . -. ,, . A Cascaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning They, work while you sleep. A 10-cent box, from any drug store "meaps a clear, head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver and bowel action for months. Children love to take Cascarets be cause they taste good never gripe or MCS.cn. liind. for the space ot 'a 'minute her cii pines ceased to pulse, aud the III tin wooden cross, weighted with lead, sunk beneath the waves of the Atlantic Paris Cor. Philadelphia Telegraph. Stovcnson on Invalidism. Robert Louis Stevenson, himself tbn most heroic of Invalids, would nave agreed with Sir George Birdwood iu his contempt for the valetudinarian. "To forego u 11 the issues of living In n parlor with a regulated. tem)eratuiv.' he writes, "as if that were not to diw a hundred times over, and for ten years at u stretch! As if it were nor to die in one's own lifetime, and with out even the snd immunities of death! As "if it were not to die, and yet be patient spectators of our own pitiable change! The permanent possibility t preserved, but the sensations carefully held at arm's length, as if one kept u photographic plate in a dark chamber. It is better to lose health like a spend thrift than to waste It like a miser. It Is better to live and be done with it thaiv to die dally in the sickroom. London Chronicle. California's Petroleum. Petroleum was produced in a small way in California very early In tbv history of the country in fact. Ions before it was invaded by the army ol gold seekers. Mr. C. Morrell. a drag gist in San Francisco, is commonly credited with being the first to attempt the distillation of kerosene from crude' petroleum.' This was in 1857. but sev eral years prior to that Andreas Pico made Illuminating oil from petroleum which he obtained In the Newhall re gioa in Los Angeles county. This oil was burned, so it l said. In lumps Id the mission San Fernando. Argouaut Not Stationary. A carpenter who had been enpa net- to build a cabinet for paper, envelope and other office supplies in a local com mission house was busy at his task when one of the bookkeepers Inquired: "Is that going to be a stationery cnl inet?" "Xo. 1 don't think so." replied the worker. "At least 1 have instruction to put casters on it." Cleveland 1'luiu Dealer. Her Portrait. The palnstnklng artist, iinxlnus to please, remarked to prospective cus tomer: "I can paint you u portrait of ymir wife which will he a Npenklng like ness." "H'm. Couldn't yon do It In what thev mil stl'l lift-?" -' ''.4p-f 4- ";,,V--,' ;r:!-''.'' 5 i t v.. ' '"'-.