J-' St - ; We have 40 Pairs on :-rI"slS.-"V. Price Reduced NOW IS YOUR CHANCE- ;v-. f -tf &V . See Them in Window. : 9 9 -10 1 MIDDLE If it comes from The Shop That's Different of course jt's the best ana the ne we sV style. Our Spring sbclill , Snappy, Nobby, The new shades for Spring are WeChitMiWx& 'Mint v. We vili show you the same; hats, they are wearing in the big towns. V El I h riate. Tailors, Haberdaishers. "Jy'!t'i.'.'- 41(110)1 of Vux '-eu buy.:your 1 .'-j ; r..V--fisf'.Fr6 "1 you':will ;go ,tyiMitcheirycl aslrtd -f -'v v 'r'v''- - .. .. '. . ..- '-''e' -v--;.--j.':-".f v4 .('.',"-. ' vV see the hew Bulgarian Silk 32 inV wicle 1 -U i Vat ..$1:Q0 '.Bulgariaa buttons to match ' v-'V.v;!-'.- -p--.r::.s36ncli fancy Ioularcl Silk land (Tryst-::; " . .. . ? al Buttons' to match.' -r V fs;. :?.". ; '.V-l -'3,45 inch Nelrose'Voii vwith'-wi'dersatiri v: : v' !, u -JTCilELL 126 MIDDLE STREET 2nd Door to lire';. yi Jfc. -w Lt Bsjadfcia fcs. hand, 'all 11 1-4 from $6.0CK to ! V" ' ' " i', '" .'.-. 'i feT, ;PH0 STB. 329 ojpieri your -eyes, r Conservative. jif ' iff -iVi" v-; - " w; v ' n t Short Passing Events : o5 The gis'boat H. I- N., htr tackle id turnj-.hins were yesterday sold at jiuiilic auction oa an order by Judge H. CConr.or under a libel by V. C. Whirr-, ,The vessel was sold to -Captain N V. Jones for three hundred dollars. The sale was conducted by United Stare Deputy Marshall Samuel Lilly. The . Canterbury Club, will meet this afternoon at o'clock at the home of Miss Mary" Oliver on Broad street. A full attendance. i desired. '-,-i Jtriu Sitterding, of, Richmond',' Va., principal stockholder in the New, Bern ; Ghent .Street Railway, -Company,' ar rived in the citySunday morning- and spent Sunday and yesterday ia'an-in-'spection- of. the line and the plant. tie; expressed ' himself ' as being much pleased' with the' conditions which-he ifojnd ,-and highly praised-, the lofa managers for jheir -efficientwork,;j;;. I Preparations are tping made'to yaze the building on- Craven stivtst "WirtJu ( was fen" several yearVoccu iiccL by .th .Journal and 'which has re-nty hjieo purchased, by Eugertce Williams, 'pre' illlparaiory to the erectioh-i'of a f -m- j modiouA brick structure. .which will be used" as a garage Sv--'.,,. . ''.. : I V The New Bern: pas -Company Jiiivs 'a' verjr attfactive .display of gas fix itiires .-in-the windows-of;. their .office on , Mtddle-.stteet. "i he- exhiDtf ; ort- eisjs oi ranges,--stoveBrt noatjK9.-a,na numenohs othir articles .and. ji-ttracr' tingf cnariderablc at at ipn.l'.v -j, . H.; Gof Ham, receiver; annonccs i an. advertisement today , that v the 'plant of . the SouthsidfeJaunfacturing Company will be sold tigiir., the "bid J rri'Vde a th previous sale havinj Jican'r ra;-ea. r i n aate nxea tor tne second s'ale'is Monday, March 'fi'i While attempting to tut;as hor a.ut.c mobile 'Trom, Craven ' info ' Jonftson strcQts late -Sautrday afternoon.f Miss M abt-l Bartli ng collided ' witW a fa rj wagpn which was cpming;4awiJohni-, son street- The automobile was some what -damaged v but. f ortun itely the occupants were unhurt, 'hfe waigon was- islightly damged but thev driver f this ,Jsp escapefl in jikv .tv , -,- y "H TKe. regular,' montfcly ;mevtng.o the Craven ; County Teach''y Association will be held in this city next Saturday morning; at , "'Griffin aiwhori im. vJhis meeting will "be a yery. important on; iifcvci; way uuu ii is ii'iwj ui. i (.wjy teacher who an! possiblyo so wiu e in attend; nee. ' ; i - ----- . - - - AB-C MEMBER OF CITY BEAU TIFUL CLUB ASKS ALL ' "r ; v-''TQ.CO-OPERAfE'P"'i;'' - .'Utor-TdurBal':-''.0.-'V. -. i-'' - The City Beautiful' Club : desiri m it earnestly to make , a clean cit ' i..id ever ready to point out ways and meansv to secjire GleanHntss .have Vested in some very, substantial trash : --J . -tt.ll: .l L ' i t.aii& :.aiiu aic uiactiiK nesi; vans ..ax points where they are most needed, -v 1 nese yeans laoeiiea i kash;' are fir the public use . onlv: thev stand riady to-receive the litter 'that is care- Jessly? thrown . onf the streets to be scattered by .-every : breeze that blows. It can. readily be seen that .thev are not large enough to accommodate the: ac cumulated trash ; : of ' any 'individual's back yard? but it is hoped that every one will try" to deposit the refuse that thrown down would drift. frorri yard to vara ana street to street. - k ne "Liuo has in reserve ;,about twenty-five ' of l these cans and. will- sell them At the 1 nominal - price, ofc $fty-cents each to anyone aesinng a .neat ana substantial trastrreceDtacIe-':;' ' " I. ft Us all awaken to fi! rail fnr a clean city.-iiet 'no'dne tfeel offended H aueuiiuir is CHiicu i9,;,any, unsignuy lawnj-. 'driveway' or',;,doorfront. but let each .feel "-that .every one can .heltf in this , work by having , .4 special over-' sight to his premises and : a general survillance ove.r4hewh6lj dty-v. This call for a clean city is not purely loeah 'it is a universal , awakehine . Manv -titier are 1eing aroused as neveif before to sanitary conditions' aijd those ;slow to join thp crusade are being rudely aroused by some pe iodtcal photograph ing their 'unsighilmess-andl'displayinB the views to the.w6rld. Jn this manner have New Haven and Trenton, two large cities that Jboast bf, their culture, been treated to usavory advertisement' , bv a leading magazine';arid ;made ' to jjec themselves as others 'saw theni.'?;'.'.i-s-I l;-Those who are aslcer are sometimes' awakened byhe stranger's comments on a dirtyl-f'street'.V.'.or"' an "unclean jC.'ty' V-tfWc : have . jgrown" lethargic, to our civic slovenliness ancf it. is time we take a. stand with other cities in thi civic house cleaning if, We would pr grcss apace. , r. , , A-B-C MEMBER. is , I1 .Lit FULL OF THRILLS ALSO SEVERAL DRAMATI 2 SIT . U.VI IONS IN FARCE CO 4E- 'UY JSEEN LAST NIGH r "Officer 666" was presented at the ; Masonic theatre last evening before a I well filled house. The play is a farce comedy and there are numcroui laugh j able situations. Th; theme is the mis adventure st.hat happened whri.Trivrr's ! Gladwin, a New YoA mi lionaire returns home from Europe to discover "that a .famous picture thu t his liecn masiucrading iindtr hiR hame and i;, .about to rob his famous art Rallny, las. well as marry a gnl with wlrn'm lie ist in love. Gladwin a-unic) tli identity of the .pnli; nf an on I i-, 1,,- it and many comic sit u.i, inns ai i.ji J 'I h if .if .sfv-cral len-.-1 (Iratii:tl ic Mma'io r, and " laanv thiili; . '1 In- ; !). y n .. j ii tin- I 'l.i y vi'i from (!n iii. mm.,! P - !)! . . at New V,.i k ;n I OFFICE!) Xi-at rec:;- o: Ca UUt Boots saa ta Loiidu" two meals a day and livs forever would not hare appealed to tfie Kngllshman of the eigliteentli cen tury nor yet to the maa who lived abroad.- Here, for Instance, are a few tribes which Lady Mary Montagu man aged to exist on In Italy:- , ; ; v" ; -I wake about 7 and drink half a pint of warm asses' milk," she wrote, "after which I sleep two boors. Then come three large enpi of milk coffee and two bonrs after a large, cup of milt choco late.. Two hours . Jater.' nay , dinner, where-1 never fall. to swallow good dish (I don't mean plate) of gravy soup, with all the bread, roots, etc, -belong lng to it"- I -then eat the wing and the wnote uoay or a targe fat capon ana a year' sweetbread, ' Concluding wI0i; competept quantity of custard and some roasted chestnuts." - f :" i: Even then -the "flay -was not Idone, fctdyMary goes on; "At 5 in the aitei nociu 1 tike another dose of asses' rail; 00(1 for supper twelve ;chestnuts.ono new laid egg apd. a handsoma porrlu geV of ivblte toiik.t! : Jn these Wegener tti days'jt, would" l?e thought that tht patient hadtdoue,very well;? ine' eigoreentn century, rtaiian wt tiot so easily Bi(tlsOed. .The parish doe ic;r njarvqiea uow Junay aiary manageo tcsuwlyfe. with such a finicking appe tite. -Jjondon Chronicle, r . ; TH ECOUMTRY LAWYER. , A Legal Vtow of Him as tha Slave o) -;,- 'i.v'C'-'HiA Clients..'- - j . f "A professional baseball player In part base ihls claim for jv large com De'nsatlon' uiion the Iheorv that In" aci -eptlng service he surrenders In n greal measure his liberty and becomes the property of "his employer,", write Al mond G. Shepard lh "Case and Com mnf." . ;:' '!" . . . "If this was the basis of compensa tion for; the lawyer In, the rural dls-i tricts he would speedily become a mil llohai'Fbrha Is the property not ouly'trf one individual, but frequently of a whole community, and the greater bis success,, the Wider his reputation, the more object is" his slavey. His clients hre.tyrannlcal. They know and recognize too omce hoars, The month nana;on u . xarm uas at least a rew hours between t late dusk, and early dawn for repose, but, e"rehthese are frequently deniecVJhe country, lawyer. ""Some of his clienbi are'prone to con BUlf him at his resldenceJate at night, when none of the curioiA minded vil lagers lan see them, -and speculate and gossip on the question and of thenk- ture and purpose of the calk . Another class, believing in the adage' that -the early bird catches the worm, at early sunrise Interrupts.hls slumbers to make Tsure that they retained .the bestx law yer lh the county to represent -fhemln some present or expected "trouble.'' . $ 5 ' .' Qallant Unto Death. When !Sir Ralph Abercromby wag mortally wounded in the battle of Aboukir ho -was can-led on. a litter on board the Foudroyant To ease his pain a soldier's blanket was placed under -his headV He asked what It was. "It ta only a soldier's blahketL ho was told.", -v -.,-;U"v:. 'jWhose .blanket' la it?V he persls'ted, .uiiui, uiuiscrii. up. ' "Only one of the men's, "'I want to know the name, of the man whose blanket this is," the dylna commander Insisted. ; "It is "Duncan Boy's of the Forty-sec- end; Sir Ralph," said his attendant al last-' -". ' ': ':'''.", ' - .'. .. s "Then see that Duncan Boy gets hi? blanket this Very night," i commandci me , orave;niau, wuo aia not ;iurgei cten' lvhls last agonlesi the 'comfort and welfare of his men. Of such nn selfish sttiftf are truo soldiers made. ;'Xbath'.Companlohr, r:'''; i Black y Opals seem- almost misno mers,' for while sorati of the atones, an aetuaTI? blaek and all of them hate (dark body or uodegroupd they "an .really Vwoaderf uj, , Jasbiqg. - changlnj masses of color. -!,!Alt.the color of th solar spectrum, vibrate through-, them some in "small plnpolot markings, oth efs in harlequin, Jeacockkand forma' k designs. Some of them. Bhow, brpac flashes of red,,, blue, greenor; purple Which chaflge, rapidly from one to an other, on the slishtest change of angli oV light.i Others exhibit cloud effect' and sunsets such as Turner palntoc and only Buskin could describe. iv f ' ' ' ' ' "' ' - A Rare Fllro. - "Madam, I , understand . that yotii youi dntighter helps you dallywith housework." J , "It is true." ,.. "What royalties would you hars "me for a moving picture reel 'of th.ii 1 most unusual Ight', Cinclnnat ,Tlmes-Btar.. ' -ii.- i:::lhli-X- ' , ' . The Helpful Man.' 'Any mau Who, by sound thinking and hard work, oovelops and carries on productive Industry and by his gooc- Judjrment makes thnt industry bott profitable and stable confers on Im roense benefit on society. Charles W Eliot ; .- . . : ' , ' y, . H Told Hr. KlieI wish I knew bow I conic" rinke yon rxlremeiy hippy, tlenr Knrl He Well. ' write to your father nnr. :t!,)t Mm to (loiiblo your dowry. -Me? remlorfer I'.lntter. . An C ' I J ' p.,., 1. 1 rlfi t r j Its Remrkti C tty ot Cunning n Securirj a Mul , la a f eld cf feeling tares fores hav been observed to approach with a slow, limping motion and holding down their hends, as If eating clover, until they were near enough to secure their prey . The following Is an extraordinary in stance of (ox cunning: One week -when the ground was , frozen, but bare ol enow, a farmer placed a -ben trader a strong, heavy chicken coop..;.The coop was boarded on one side and lathed on the other, the lower lath within an tncfc of the ground, which was smooth, but sloping with a furrow-like depression a few. inches: In depth about two feet 'P the slope: . ' , :.:';-.' '- ; ; . In the morning the hen .was gone Thevpop stood Immediately over tht depression, tberiaths bearing numerous impressions jot an animal's teeth, and the small one atthe apex was scratcb ed by its claWss ' ', ; ; ,'.. 1 ' . The fox had wasted' no strength on the board trying to push the coop ovet In an upjiill direction, but he tried hit 'best on the other side. Failing in this fie bit and tore at the laths to break them and flD'fllly'drew the coop tip the ujh aver ine uoiiow, araggea out tr.i ' hen and made-off.-leaving no blooO very foV feathers and only three of h'. haivs.oh the' laths. Harper's tVeekly. '.-. 'Opsn Winters. ' Vf hen snow covers the ground It pre serves vegetable life without develop Ini it. .Snow Is three times less nower ful as a -.conductor of beat Jtiaa fain:U screens the" ground and prevjents noc turnal radiation.'. ' Vegetables, cereals in particular, ran en'tlore aconslderable lowering of tem - peril ture if the-fall of1 snow precedo the frotL Ground planted to wheat rni: ipHiiM-thfousli a ' period When the tem , pern turf falls far below, zero if tli sno.w .covers it well. While rain br1hg to the ground azote In the. form of :ruv moniu or.nltrie acid. snow. enriches tlu- Soil In mnch greater proportion. A litei 'Of' rainwater icpntalns much less for iilMnH: material; thaii the same nmoum of hoarfrost or melted snow, and when the. winter has been "open" ,or niiUl. when "there has been rain instead, of snow, the farmer Is forced to spend more money for fertilizers than when tile winter has given the earth snow in abundauce. Harper's. . Plinv'a Vdpna. Pliny's yarns about human anatomy were something wonderful. He tellsj ofa race of savage men whose feet are turned backward and of a race known ;aa . Monocoll, who have only one leg,;, but are able to leap with sur prising-agility. The same people are also called the Sciapodae, because they re In the habit of lying on theit backs during the extreme heat and protecting themselves ffom the sun by the sltade of-tlielr .feet. ... Thase peoplf dwell not far from the Troglodytae. tc I'ue wtst of whom ttgain there are tribe whx are without necks and have tuelf eyes in tlmrr shoulders. i i-.,'-. Greatest Cbuntries. Great Britain, or rather the British empirci owns the largest share of the earth.. The figures are as follows: British '.empire.,., in square miles. 11.- ,iM.voo. missm. o.iiiio.vhjii; i,umese em pire;. 4.248.000':. United States tcoutinen- Uali. 3.000.000; Brazil. 3,200,000. These live nations -own two-thirds of. the .world In wenllh the United States Is '..::... tv. ... 1 ' . tar m nuvunce oi any ouier uuuuu. N'ewtVork American. ,'Y . - A Nice Little Hint. Ja "!jl. v? First Lieutenant How do yon like vthe . jhorse you bonght from me last weelii Second Lieutenant Very much, lie might, hold bis head a little blgbet. i hough'. First Llentenant Oh. that will .Nime all. right when he is paid for. Ijiidoii Tft-Blts. . . , ,'''" V- " Then She Said No. ,"But. yon 'are old enough to be my 'aiher".r:'- ...r -V J;.;- , ;. - ,'i,l'-''''ip)olfc i , wapa nwr frtiliftr. " ThAH 'tl hrtt'e UlK.fortunir' without having to nurry ,vihj.),-JIotNt ton J'ost. A It mittterK.iui)n which way ond's face fs set'tUati -bow fust 'one proceeds.-Ar- thnt:'OV.BruKi)ii,';..-;'v yj '-yy '.v1;:-.- 'v '".''.. ' ,-T ' , ' -.,'';'.. 'V I " ' ' i-V,-Eichcrd-rt'iTy left an 1 Mrs.. on the fouf.o'docS train M r New Yi k There-Mrs. Duffv will tcirt her mt;th f and- sister f mr)t rr xvillr Tcnh., i nrl sail for -a feuropeao ': trip, .landing' t Naples.- ,... :y-y, iiyy'yy . . . ' ' ii , ; i ' ' , i' ?t '.N.'f'K.V''' NOTICE OF SALE OF FURNITURE -On Sat-rdayV;. MarcKi'lst. Wl3 "'.at; 2 o rlock P. M. ,1 Will oner jqt'saie-to the highest bidder; for.cafh at at etion a larfje quantity of personal -prop-eny, iH..l..1;n aI.Iia1 Aal, anf irAn K.daai1o snrinirs. mattresses, chairs, tables': gtoves picture-frames, sideboard, china closets, wardrobe, lace curtains: Daventxrts, nnH moat, anvthine vou can think, of for the' house and k'tchen. Remember the "day and-Jiour Snd don't forget to come, as great bargains win dc-oi-fered. .- '- - "-.,?" ) " of. Craven Street," New, Bern Noith! Carolina. ' " i :'. :''" - "' Place of sale'Laiham Building, lor? D. E. HENDERSON. Atty. ; FOU MX stick pin.' ' Ow.tcr' can get an c Ly .fet ng urdcrsigw d, ide..i fying tie pin and paying for this -advertisement. . . .'.. " WAN 'I l n Caipentor to construe t -mill. Apply Richmond. . Ccdir Weeks, Nrrfolk, Va. ONLY one cnerRrttc man or woiqin vant'd" to ff.nl ml rlnsivc sale of II II I'M l.:i (.LOSS in this city. li mi i. 'i ii filer. A linn .e-to-liou , I tit Mil f', ,' '.' J ; . , . i t - i i ) ( .! ( Vim f . - w . -.' V 1 I..JV io f,.r i.iift.i ani t!,....:rrn si the gels .' inj f .;;os the. stylet liiustrated and -described in the einbt-page May mag-", .on-iashion Suppiemeot to be dis-. -'--tributed irte with every copy ,of-next ' Sup(l3y"s New- Vork-, World. . Besides-. :his v&liiable guide to fashionable' " ;lcthe3 and how t make them there will -also go with next Sunday's World O -fixteec-page Joke Book. A rut don't rf f. forget tfce Sunday WorJdV great -flluc-'.?' trated ;Magazi ie. a twenty-fotir-pegfe. f romrilation--sixteen oaz-es in ctlors .' of.-6:ticn and othe articl's'f more',' than ordinary interest. Crder the Sun day World, today, '. (Adv.) r ; -r-,t .-, . i.,.- f . NORTH ;CAR6tINA,:'i1f-H.'Ji ' ' CRAVEN COUNTYT'r '- ' ' XQiyrv. OF SALE OF THE $OUTH ' oSLDE MANUFACTURING v .; , . r COMPANVv INC'.v'V.i PURSUANT to the decree by the , Sufarior Coupt of Ctayen County bf i Fcbruarj' Term, 1912, in thc.proceedjnf -of'Hyman Supply Company, vs. Souths' side Manufacuting Compan .' Iucot-- . -oorate'l, the highest bid atrthe-Vale.-heretofore ntade, " ha vine'" been JnUfA ' in accordnace With" the terms fcf. $id . d.?crre I v.ill offer for ;aale at petite auction to-the- hiheft bidder for csh on Mondny .,the 1 7th day -of v. March,' 1913, iiit 42 o'cl'cck M., at the. iJit'on' 1 oint Luhber- Company's .mill rn East -Frst Street, New Bern,: N. C, ail the machinery-, ftork-'and m.3t:r'al on hand end all thepropecties and rip''ts of the said company;,.' -.This 24th dav of Febriarv. 1013. -ED.VfUND-H. GORHAM, Receiver. A FEW POINTS IN FAVOR OF THE PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPE- -, WRITER. X;; , . T There is not the least doubt but that THE PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER is the best low pricd machine on the market today.: It is durable, attractive and light. Its simplicity is marvelous- There are rrocomplicated parts to get out of order. It io like an open book. If something clogs, you, have, only to make a few turns with; a screw driver,' remove the part causing the trouble, clean it off, replace and go ahead. It is the only ma chine In the world on which the set of tpye and type bars can be taken apart from the machine in less than; ten seconds. This feature alone is worth many , dollars as a time saver. It is the only machine now on the market with which twenty legible typewritten copies can be made at one writing. The ribbon control is automatic, the s cqlor change is simple and convenient, tne oacK spacer and tabulating key are within an inch of the op-' erator's bands when usina the machine. The type are lined in a symmetrical row in front of the operator and are easily cleaned. Srtong piano steel wires control the type bars and it Is impossible for these to break. The, machine is so constructed that the lightest' touch or the vigorous pound-Used In heavy manifolding have the same effect on the mechanism. Call at the office of the!!. J. Land Printing Company and take a look at this wo"nerful r"r-Mne. Price $65.00 on tha easy paym3rt plan. We keep everything you need in the Drug, Medi cine or Toilet line come, buy -what you need and if you find it does not suit you bring it back, get what you do want, or get your money back, v We are here to serve ancl please YOU. t - Bdham. Drug Co, ...... . , - yy- lt TOUCHES THE SPOT .o;?: . J. t . J I ... L. nualltv j: ,:. IF IT'S OUR MEAT .there s no question about ness, a fresh flavor and oeriontvv ' ' Sr bvery vCnoice. cut you order UI1W VTI1CU IUHt 19 KUUU VJlUUKIl 'v entirely satisfy "the head of the-.-; bouse' .- you.- can depend n th) .. will pltese you ,and'so . WilL our .fair -j, . Pr,Fc9V'' W:V..f. y J y A ' '. ' C A K TP T i d lV '. Phonov239. The Home of Better Meats for Less :. ' Money. f- v . t f" a J i '"-V mi meat;, mm-'-M'p out the tenderfyyrC, unrivaled - mk k?J- t?S.0,.'..i rV. u order 'of us :''.: ym

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