I.. PAID I IN AL i'ANCH. 7' f' ; f I r alcohol a Pig ciir. Prowctcs Diesflon&e?i ness and RestXcntilns actotr OpnmMorphine norKioaal Not Nar cotic. , vJMaf- jtxJmm 4.:- mmtrnxm ... 7V IlinfiyiiiiTiwg ' AnoHMBcmedj forConsftt tton.Sour StooftDtantoa YformonvulsiaitsJeTOisfr ngssandLOSS orauts JacSmZe Sgnatuitof XBKCEKTAim COMPASS v NEW IUK1V, r Guaranleei uaderjwr'wjj Exact Copy of Wrapper. 5J 1 if I r :s r si t I t I 2 MM2WMMMMMMMMMIaaMMMWWMb( MEADOWS ! CORN ' n " s, a , j'-! ! Horse Feed . S ! Cow Feed . 2 ! 1 Whoa Rfan . ; r White i:i C - .. Sf.-:: at . ;,V; 53 Mixed pais ' ' V A alJmsiXlI nil I A" b - - f v f ;t?n7liS;iSJ' w. i . -9t.t . 4' YV- '!T?''Tr; aitfr- -- --- - -- --"""""- g C Loose Leaf Devices r$; '"M 'SV tsavirigS devices 1 ; .s?& Loose '3 Bindersl , j CQmbined;?Lfet:'(i ' 5 v ' ;v-''v';'-;'''if ' :. iw ' s i ' ;vf Afc.';; 3 TOLLOCK ST. rorinf 13 P'l ChiHren. ; Tha Kind You Have - Always Bojht, Bears the .Signature of In Use For Over Thirty :Y&ars - m i.j iijt aaWi'iwiii ss4piwS'yiBa'& ajra, . Mil i: HOMINY fVittnn SaaH MmI (Cotton Seed Hulls 5 jl wheat Short H - : 'r-y e . e 1 iii!!!!!1 . : ;- i : r u ' '. , , ...... 7M A' U- if fmnfAuTOrnrit 1 ill l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i . i n AV Hi ) MEAL r ;; us prove this as X "N, 1-1. C. lus from t.r.nt-n to brunch or tixm tree ta tree, it !; i every "appearance of bird. When IwDug from a tre s!eep tt tooUs like a back do!l ' Iti dark. oft eves are tery .large, Jit. tolike black relret trimmed with .satin, and "I fcava seen him veep aald Hum i boldt'and I btow that the aamalrt 1 tlka a child. In every feature." He has tlhe same Iniweept espresslon, the mw bright Intelligent mue, uie same uio Uke way of iwaslnjf awlftly from Joy to Flft UN Of Oollar Marn, .i .t . k.. - ..U....'I.f h meUc, CUauDoey XeeV '-Aii.t.rHau mmnfant." nnhllshediu ITflT Laa i alhgbuw, ; lhla;faft;jm HntrsJ out - .v- -.. - tu'IiiJ.; A recent wt ltor ue.iji nll jtteutton to tnia.arltriiiirtfc "f Jhn. with sweet 8lmpliclt- l . hilnd, eon - reya tle Ideatbat. thfcT piiUHi-Btloo I coustltto the true ilKiu of. t !, dot. In nmrk - T5 tMll hifliM KllortCUt vr ' , ' ... . . . ., he - aaTOfl '-himself UhlnjaijryLof a reseorch which, in our -a; im ex- I tended Over seveml year-, Artnr 1N the aymbol bt!aa ti tw lined fmjy, both la print and Iu riling. : n Sept 29. 1802. William A. WftMtiiuetou wrote a letter on the dlsitosHl wf ;)in of th I bottonik mud alv tlit -Voumc. be- lonirlng to the estatrft tMT Wash ington.'.; In thin letter: tuiH-e l tiwiitlon of; "920.: "$30" and ")f4W .-per acre. In this article It hna been established that the 9 is the llnenf descendant of tha Sunnlsb abbrerlatlon. pa for fpe- oa." that the ehnng from the floiw cent p to 9 wan made aboot 1775 by Kngllsh-Americans -who came to Dusi- neaa relutlous with SpanLsbaroerlcana and that the earliest printed 9 dates I Met to the . fear: 17a7Professor Flo 1 riaa&tjorl In, Popular Scleaee Monthly. Gotton For Planting I Jiave a limited quantity of SELEC- tjTEb COTTON SEED for planting "i I niirnnwi The Simnl ournoses. The SimDkins Variety. These a3ed were carefully selected and ginned A I at the plantation giri and kept scperate. re D We will fill orders as long as they last :at One Dollar X91.0Q per bus ;.Z I arrrtmnanvtnor order. I. O. b, r bushel, cash cars or I boat, rolloksviiie. in. . Address I. i. rKiiLnti i, evil ifiaiiaci $1 Follocksville, ,N. C. BOYD TALKS FACTS. Mr. Cortland Adams' , of West 21 Troy, N. Y. pays the UNION CEN- K$ I TRALV LIFE INSURANCE CO. TRAL LIFE IWSUKAINUtt Wfc 927.25 annually. He receired laat montb a dividend oi aai.st, oeing ;jM.26 more than he paia-tns uomriew one ad anything you wish : Pny. : I talce 1904 Mr. ceaned t0 ug and you.wiU be more i' I ifAMyta - enAM his lMaiteoitia v 2iS A New. Bern policy holder: nas I just jrecelved a, dividend exceeding 11 1 50 per cent-of. the premium.;. The j;; UN10f CENTRAL LIFE pays largest hi dividends and seUs good, "old line'' ii I J1 Insurance the lowest of any 11 lothetlcompany in. the wide; wide wold; Aro vyou "unionised v ?tf.f notjsee Boyd and g"et in the Unioq Centra:9ukfc;:;1itg; rr G. BOYD 103 Middle St. (Ennett's old stand.) : TUP riT ri TM7T TAUT V ' -Special attention given city peo ple for Sunday dinners. Ladies shopping in ' the city and desiring to take dinner atr (the Gas ton -will receive the beat of atten tlonl :t Made the Gaston your head; RICKS & BLAND, HOTEL CO. .i;"-:.R.-A. CHERRY, Mgr. 1 1 Is' what you "want, and : mat is wnati you: get ax , vi-n ,f-- vui , ifliiiuus I. : ,Milk Shakes are b'nngin ". 5 crowds to pur store, v-ome i along with the crowd and let us Remonstrate, to you r .our superior Quality and bmoke tiavana cc .uesta tr ,Rey ; Cigars jtne f ruckle ? winners. -1 Agency; for ; ' Park:& Tilford Candies" ' C o h klVn' Sclf.'Filling v Fountain Pen.' ' ' ; Edward Clark, Elk'sTcmpIcl' New Pern, N.C PHONE 91 mm mm ' .. People. - A little backache at first ;vr . Daily increasing till the back is tame tnd weak - - ' - - ; Vai disorder.; mV quicklyhl- . ..--. . ujsec irequenuy -w, the w downwaro coure of kidney Ms. Vv - ;:- - Don t take this cxur?e.'. -New Bern i reatdenta bhould proht by the follow? hBg Wpenace.i " 5 a ; . Aira..- v. jacMon,,ago jv i.enoir 1 1 , tQ,v tL.t .nM',' VUm 1 r " , . " ' r've been orgeat benefit to roe. , t""7w T T7 l"oe M, i myiDaca: aaa.i . .. . . icpuia not respweu.. in. we morning wben I got up, 1 had but little strength jor energy iind 1 waa; often bothered 1 by; headachrb and attacks of dizziness. 1 c... a.-. ; i -yJL Doan'a Kdney - m. j was rei;eved 1 . -. ... ... lano my neaitn inproved. ' 1 ,, . .. , . . e- tK W -V ccnJ!i- -r osier-miiDurn uo., uunaio, I New York. 6o!e agents for the United I States. . , Remember the name Dottt's and ujje 'n0 other., i;4 (Advertisement) WOMEN :"'f. Women of tie hijliejt type, vomeiiof superior edncatioB and reHnement, whoie ,dicemjnent f orte l ' tneir nftpioj ; la niaii tte nd jenrative prepertiet W CotnW. berlun'9 Slomicn u4 tJhrer Tan kt9. Ilirniigliosl tht iuny itafea f iranufo life, :tinm girihooi tfunra tltt wdleals of aiotlie bond to the necBnlnf yeara, tlure It no aafer et more TtBalle eL Idait. OiamberUln'a Tatleta are soU e TerTwaere at 2Se a k; THE SUIT; YOU THOUGHT WAS RUINED, will undergo a remarkable transfor mation in our hands. AH these nasty gts which werc m 8nnoying ,:i,.j ,.- will have vanished durinir our nroceis of j cIeaning. and the wh0Ie suit will look .ian aild fre8n at t0 eauai to a . I ihiM A m rw a ww v v wm i 7t S..Frot Sf.:a ;bone 733 .Sol, Llpman, Mgr.,: . .The season fbr spring poets will soon be -wide open., -i.u : .v Made A Hevv Man Of Him. "I was anffaring from pain in my stomach, head and back," writes H. T.AJaton, Raleigh, If: Oi rand my liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electrlo Bitters mada me feel Uke a new man.", PRICE 60 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. r, -i - .-v (lost Di:.ulllflwClellBMM : -fWill garb theiriselves in Garments ma'by-'i':; J Let us get together ori that Easter Suit , or4 Overcoat! -' -.:. riSl ;v ."Mr ii,Vours' truly, 4. . Jli:Ji At 1 r FOR FINE Ice Cream, fruita: aand.( '" wiches, Soda drinks, aee Jl. , Royall. ' a , THE HOME BAKERY is right up to the minute. Our bread and rolls are the very best being made after motnera receipe. All wty hava tried them say our cakes and pies, can not be beatenv Try them and you can not stay away. . They are ao good. Call 'phone 462 and we will aend you any thing you ' want." , '..; , ; - . - WANTED jooms for light housekeep ing, Address B care Journal. ... W.6t, PHONE your order', for hot' bread, rolla and' pies for din ner. - to Kafers Bakery; ' X. FOR SALE Long Staple Louisiana cotton seed.' These -seed are absolute ly pure. : 91,25 per bushel.. Address John Pearce, Polloksville, N. C. THOMPSON'S Strain Ringlet Barred Rock eggs for sale, one dollar per set ting. -Fred M. Scott FURNISHED room with privilege of bath. Apply at 97 Craven Street. MILCH COW for sale, apply at once B. Reel, Reelsboro, N. C. tf. tUK aALt, Kamer automobile in good running order. Will be sold at a bargain for quick 6ale. Wiilard, 153 South Front Street. tf. FINE stock of geese, chickens, and turkeys also beef and veal just re ceived and on sale. Coast Line Meat Market LOST On Broad or Middle streets, a plain topaz brooch. , Reward .for return to journal office. . '3t. JUST RECEIVED Wire tres guards. They protect your shade trees. Wire front gates, both single and double. Lawn fencing a beautiful style. With right prices at J. C. Whitty & Co. Phone 98. JEWEL Oak Heaters. J. S. Basnight Hardware Co. , BUCK'S RANGES Best by Test. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. FOR, RENT Store on Pollock St, now occupied by J. M. Mitchell & Co. For further information apply to Mrs. C. W. Blanchard, Kinston, N. C. JEWEL AIR TIGHT cast top and bottom, highly nickled heaters. J. Basnight Hdw. Co. PUTTIE LEGGINGS. J. S. Basnight Hardware Co. JOURNAL ADVERTISING PAYS The New Bern Journal is in the hands and homes of the best peo pie. in New Bern in the. morning hours the hours that immediate' ly. precede the shopping rush. . In a word. It reaches the buying class at the "psychological mo ment." . That's why Journal advertslng pays. TAXES DUE Your State and County Taxes for 1913 are now due and as both need the money' I must urge you to- attend to this matter without delay. My office is open at all hours of, the day. -r , Respectfully, "J- - R. B. LANE, .. Sheriff. ... i'.''i,.,'.,.v-j';i,1(.. J' f-k'vfW'-. y P. I U . ... tV '. ... CI I rf. A iV , A , -d ..tray. ALFiller Used CASH ' f .uut, ur aAiL. Pursuant to the power of sale grvea me ui a certain mortgage aeea cxecutea th first day of November," 1911 by William H. Campen and wife of Car teret County, to Thomas J, Mitchelf, -the. same being recorded in -the office'. '. of the ; Register of . Deeds, Crave v County, . in Book 184, Page -295, to A :" , which reference ia hereby made,, de ; ault having been made ia the jpay.' V w r- An a a ment of bond secured by said 0oit : j' " gage, I . will sell for cash to the hignot r '- 't J ' bidder at the Court House Door, : iav'j New Bern, H. C, at 12 o'clock M.'on-U.'v -; - the 10 h day'of March, 1913 the fol-'V ;-; lowing described tract of land, lytnf .''" t '.( and being in Craven County, North; ,'', Carohna, adjoimng the land of Job P. I pock and others being a part patenf . granted to James Willis: s t; : Beginning at a red oak a Corner of said Patent, and runs with a line of . same North 77 West 100 poles to a."li small red oak near to the ditch, then 'SjSsV with said ditch North 32 degrees East 80 poles to a stake, then North 85 de grees East 20 poles to a stake thence South 88 1-2 East 14 poles to a stake, thence South 65 degrees East 18. poles to the first line of said patent, then along the same to the beginning containing thirty nine and one-half acres (39 1-2) more or less. This 6th day of February, 1913. THOS. J. MITCHELL, Mortgagee. jJiejidrsonlttornev I C E Made from pure distilled filtered water. NEW BERN ICE CO. 19-21-23 Griffith St Phone 23 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom. These Present May Gome Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the New Bern Ship Brokerage Company, a corpot ation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No Street, in. the City of New Bern, County of Craven, . State of North Carolina (ILi'i C. McKeel being the agent theieiri and in charge thereof, upon whom proces may be served), has complied wft the requirements of Chapter 21, Re visal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certifi cate of Dissolution: ; ' Now .Therefore, I, J. Bryant Grimes, Secretary of State of th; ; State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation .didyi: on the 30 day of December, 1912, fitt ;; in my office a duly executed and attest-; t f ed consent in writing to the dissolution; ' r-' of said corporation, executed byr ailtili;: the" stockholders thereof, which . said ' is consent -and the record of the prtf-'j ceedings aforesaid are now on file in, ' ,?5p my said office as provided by law. . In Testlmon Whereof, I have;r';f hereto set my hand and affixed; my;' ; ' official seal, at Raleigh, this 30 day .t?j,','; of December, A. D. 1912. i'fJf0 J. BRYAN CRIMES, vj v Secretary - of State.' Hotel Raymond ffy 42 East 28th Street ' 'in,-. V! (At Subway Station). , New York City . EUROPEAN PLAN 91.50 Per Day and Up . AMERICAN PLAN :'t 92.50 Per Day and, Up ..,Wv"i;n7.j-'V Apartments accommodatJong 3 "er;; . more persons from 94.0Q tor 950A v Special rates by, the week. w..mbntk-v, '. Inspection' invited. Ref erence: f exA Hf changed. V A quiet family hotel, recomj.,1 mendedo'jad'ies i Visiting New 'York City ialoiie; Uponreouest by fetter or Teleph6ne'.2565 Madisoa Square,; messenger IvilTjmeet you at stationV f Qki : MARK A.;CAD WELL ? ; .; '. a OolngOvftM BusltiessMi' ba'iiianv' length $1.00 per loadZDry Pine Siaba sawcdSO' ceht per; load; all kinavatrccluccd prices to close 6ut-4,V! v'-'-C - Gasoline - Wood Sawing outfit for saleschcap.; '". VVV; WILLAPD. 153 S. Front St.v Phone 27J 7 ' i" v 10$ v;;