V AJsTl Building, Ma- i!. PiilntSi Oils:-! : Field Fence f PROFESSIONAL AkQS F. M. Simmon. ' PIUUflMC A. D. Wart, d KlUitu Will HiW. AITORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS r- .T LAV " fw MRU. . fi.'. ?f ' i'' Office Booms 401--3 Elks Building : Practice in the counties, of Craven, s Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow. Cart 'V ret, Pamlico and Wake, in the So ' prerae and Federal Courts, and wbeif ' ever services are desired. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT 1AW . Practice in the counties of Craven. ' Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Feders Courts. r'-i Qfllcs No. 50 Craves Straat. Tslephons No. 97. Htm Bsrn, N. C When in Norfolk . LOOK FOR THE I BAMBALIS Hotel and Cafe f Open day and night. 21446-18 Brewer St. . Owned and Managed by a , New Bern man John P. Bambalis J " He will Appreciate , . Your Patronage 6; Looks - This Frank Beasley IGombiiial tion C ulti vator the farm. You can make ti vator or hoe cultivator and use, any size plows on-itm . M - vi iJ i. C,, T w Bern, N. C : 1 i Uur your r-rct-i'iy you Ere ijleep and iil I: fi.r !ir uaiit ojr ro- remember rJght watch.tan. . 1 have had the ivarket dork put in better shape Lh-a ic las been ta years. t . ' j. . , ; v -' Resjwtfullv, " , . ' -r-.-3" ALBERT A. IPCCK.A- , '; pen't Cag the buy Jktle bee wheat SC is going 6irait.ni rnituu. BEST KNOWN COUGH REMEDY - For fifty thrce'years Dr- King's New Discovery has been known tbuugheut the. world -as the most reliable cough remedy,.:.'- Over three " nillion bottles were "used last year'. ' Isn't, this 4ioof ? It will gct .rid of your cough, of we will refund your money, J. J i Owens, of, Allendale, S. C, ,wriis" the way hun dreds ; of others . have donej y"After twenty years, I .find that , Dr, King's New Discovery is the best remedy ior coughs and colds ' that I have, ever used.'. For 'coughs or colds .and all. throat and Jung troubles,, it ; has no equal. 50c and $1.00 at all dealers. ; (Adv.) Even the girl who , has a steak-and-omons appetite cafl rave over the way the stage hero 1 kisses thes heroine s hand. . ;' : v This is the season of the year when mothers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and have abunjdant reason for it as every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamberiain's Cough Remedy is famous for its 'cures,; and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. --(Adv.) No Cordelia, the language of flowers and flowery language are not the same. FOR COLDS AND COUGHS. Just before retiring put Savodine up both nostrils, breathe deeply and swallow piece two or three times size of pea. Easy breathing ib soon , fol lowed by a sense of comfort apd re frcshint; sleep. Can be used during the day as needed. , v (Adv.) How many people do you know who would not impose on you if they could? For a sprain you will find Chamber lain's Liniment excellent. It allays the pain, removes the soreness, and soon restores the parts to a healthy ondition. 25 and 50 cent bottle for ale by all dealers. (Adv.) A woman plays the game of love to win; a man plays it for pastime. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mich.1, says: "Dr. Detchcon's Relief for Rheu madam has given rhy wife wonderful benefit for rheumatism. She could n'ot lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed Her self and walked out for breakfast." Sold by'Bradham Drug Co, (Adv.) E&3 is the wonder of v 'hMmm it into a discf( "r Hvty' ' ;Vfl S; : Phone 184 l;s a, , ;. . thU i'.. h!;: ,aa j mart tases have been cured by it use. . Fw s.Ue by all dealers. (Adv.) Sailors in the Araericaa Navy .are now obliged to wear pajamas, and yet so Tie persons' affect to think there is s'.j'l a democrarv. Children Cry! ; FOR FLETCHER'S ) ": .OASTORJAi Mt costs a good deal to have enough battleships, Jbut.it may ccst a good deal more-to not have them. . .-. . ; ; .!v ..r:,,;FOtl;ASTHMA. " , ' The - successful treat nicnt for tJI cases fc indeed hard t name. Those who are' -subject ' to requentiand. scv erV attacks, of asthma should' bacare1' fid as to the selection wf thtlr t'idt an.i the 4' regulation of their i boWefsi A change of climate' is often helpful 'aiifi the uick relief given bv aavodineshould dwayk 6e remembered..: , (Adv:) Americans shotildlnot scoff too , much at the London suffragists. There was Carrie Nation, you' know.'. CfciiarenXCry for fletcher's OASTIORIAj -". ... V , , -n.r.i ! Vf:ii. We have in America men brave .enough to seek the bubble reputation even at. the cannon s mouth, but no lawmakers courageous enough to cut the graft out or a 9180,000,000 Pension bill. " ' ,j;v REASON ENTHRONED. Because meats are so tasty .they are consumed in great excess. This leads to stomach trouble, , biliousness and constipation. Revise your dit, let reason and not a pampered ; appetite control, then take " a few doses '-' of Chamberlain's .Tablets and you will soon be well again. Try it. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Some Congressmen will gain fame after a while by suggesting something new to relorm. . , FOR CROUP. Make the air of bedroom moist by means of steam and rub Savodine on little sufferer's throaf and chest. Then cover with warm flannel cloth. (Adv.) A California scientist says the sun is a magnet. It can certainly draw through a patent-leather shoe." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A There is liable to be an uoward Dro- vision of Jeffersonian simplicity hence- lorth. Do you kuow that fnore real danger lurks in a common cold than in any other of the1, minor ailments? The safe way is to take ChambcrUiii's Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable preparation, 'and rid' yourself of the cold va quickly as ' possible. ' This remedy is for sale by all dealers. (Adv.) ' If those hikers keep up their denunci? ations Baltimore may . regret v haying done away with, her ld dpcKing-stpol ARE,V0U CONSTIPATED? . If so, get a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, take them regularly and your trouble will quickly disappear., They will stimulate the Iwer improve your digestion and get rid ofr alltbe poisons troni. your sustemiK They Twill: surely get you wcu again.- zsci, at ail dealers. ' -V.,' ':. -.1' (Adv.) A New yorkclestgn announces the "perfect 'eowriv. with 120 buttons on it. Mor? ulikely a Yperfectnuisance'' if fc- V V- VV ',- . , tk . ,1' :Ohildren-Ory I ' t FOR, FLETCHER'S l- A It "Is said that- the' Indian memorial iir Near- 'i'm-x is oi Greek' desisn. ut'. the sculptor ,has thoughtfully retrained frdn deckingi the .Indian, with a,, silk ?f Xnw; I'dou't'wunt your patent cad vi-Arnre cpance. maaanv- s-., v'H; .i;' Doli"t want TL$p$$&'ffif$ h-Yoa'W 'regret 'ybdr..declslon,;iili!.i';! J ''Dont want it I tell yoVy 14$; I ;OpportnhMj nindam, knocks I but m v;..;: I' ". t n ' .r 'V-.-.,.. Oprrthhity,v eh? : loa 'look bore like S" lmpimnity.,JTtashlngto Her- :;J-i,,-;li:;f i," v1" . r: "' 1"';.IV''.'I''C ' ATIIENlA LODGE No. 8, K. of Pi Meets everr Tueaday H rm.over Gas Co.'s office, Middle St.. A, M," Franklin, C. C, J. H. Smith, K. of R.and S,. . Visit ine brothers are assured of a chevalier' welcome. ' 'f M 1 ' .. CRAVEN LODGE No. I, KNIGHTS OF HARMONY "Meets second and , fourth Wednesday nights at 7:3Q o'clock I in cath month at Knights of Harmony .hall, comer Uroad and Hancock street . K, Willis, PmiMcnt; R. J. DI "Ttary; C:o. Moullon Finai.f i c- ....si Lj I s t. Vcut t j tue lu the tvtty t;u.i.t-r. l-t4.:cr. YVt.:s U;(ore tie tr- ioruiauco tie country boy fiocg back hU roat and with bauds to hi pockets displayed a Ueavy gold watch chain. The uncle observed the act and resolv ed to teacb him a lesson. W hile bis HtteDtlon waa diverted the nncle slip? Ued the . watch and Chain from the boy'a vest, and they entered the the ater. ,, -What time la Itr he asked i ben they were seated. Tie country youth felt for his timepiece and found that It wis gone. -Alio wine him to make a . thorough aearch for K. the nude told JaUn he ' had taken It and reud him a sharp lecture. Y6b are not in the country now. you know, where yea can .display yalnabler with Impu nity. A' You should - be mora- careful. Let this be a lesson to yoo..8o saying, be slipped his band into bis coat pocket where be bad pat the watch. To bis utter dismay, he found ,tt was pone. And when he-looked to see if his own wasafe he found that also had taken wlnga-Kew Xork Tribune. 1 . S . : Tsa Drinking an Art. Hot China tea, Ueitber too strong nor stewed, should ba drunk slowly, Some people put a clove or two In tbelr cup of .hot tea. Shgar candy is often used Instead of lump sugar, and there are sugar bonbons that dissolve quickly la tea-and are popalar.;; some hostesses have their own sugar lamps made with special coloring and flavoring to suit tbelr Individual tastes. There are balls of white fondant strong ly flavored with lemon or orange juice; others pink, flavored with rose: violet. flavored with violets, and green balls that have a maraschino cherry Inside. uea to De icea should De made rather stronger than for drinking hot; When It has Infused seven minutes pour it from the leaves and sweeten to taste and then stand It In a refrigerator for seven hours. Serve 1n laU)ty glasses with a spoonful of vanilla uream 'on the top or else drop a small lemon wa ter ice Into the glass. London Mall. Where the Dogs Work. Life Is a vastly different thing to the Alaskan dog from what It is to his more fortunate brother with us.' He Is the hardest working member of the community and the. most, Important social , anL commercial factor , In the froten country, for without him travel and Intercommunication would be im possible during a great part of the year. Almost every man in this coun try owns from one. to Ore dogs. They are his constant companions, . aiding blm in nearly all bis work. When a pup. Is three, or four months old he Is given a course of training in the har ness. At the age of seven or eight months he must start in with light work and must understand and obey 'rwhoa." "gee," "haw" and '"march. which latter-means "go on" and is commonly pronounced "mush" by all men driving dogs. Country Life' In America. . ' A Vary Frank Lawyer. Joseph W. Folk said that while gov ernor of Missouri he received the fol lowing application from a young at torney for commutation of sentence of death from Pemiscott county "This was my first case as a lawyer, and ! admit that I .didn't know very much about defending a man for mur der.''! believe that If this negro had had a real lawyer to defend him he would have been acquitted. I don't lielleve you ought to let him hang for my l;h.oriince." Folk looked over the record in the case, thoroughly agreed with the law yer regarding the manner in which the cuse had been bandied and com muted the sentence. St Louis Post Dispatch. - '"" " , . ' Crude Cannon, -- , , pf the early -cannon, the larger ones weri' made by taking bars of iron and binding them together with hoops, leayiug a hole In the middle. The shot consisted of scraps of iron and often small stories. ; If they! got too much powder lu the enn the, barrel would et: plode. and there would be the. deuce to pay .-The euemy were not the, only "ones that : were in f' Sanger vin ;; those, dayW 'The gunner took his Jlfe in his band every time he applied a match to the . toucbhole..-;- But - with nil that f.i Want some y trfca medical advice Here it in. from Dr. Strickland Goodall f Londou, and it ,l for , business men who advertise ana hence are Dusy. see; Thus: Devote one hour. to. each meal. it voiding all, business talk.f Have, no fads In food,"; .Be moderate.';! Probably the lust is the-key to the wbOlefBe moderate.' .fyiff''St "4,:1i':;?f Good, eri'sy iodvTce, dontyou think?- ftetrolt lfreao PreaiL -- '. y. 'ri Air in ; tins. u; ,t? nfr.i.' mnA I'm' M. Ma1 aid the girl And your love affair?", your lovf affair? ; ,i0f Idyl.?,'.-V'X,;C,;.'K your flancaT',''.t''''-;,r?:-'.-: . Ts an idyl And your rapa says he r is idle-'-Louisvuie Courier-Journat '''y..:,.:j''fi , 's'?. V ' VI ' Well Posted. : V:W't i ; Teacher (In lesson on EollandlrWhy, Willie, don't you know what country the geography lesson Is about? Think hard.. Who were the people who made (war on skates? Willie De Antl-saloon league. Judgo. - . J-v..,'. ' Wholly Witless. , ' "DU yon sny bo wni tn!f wlttcl?" "ITo; I only e M he be half wtf'f.l If ha had a Kttla r;;.,-i8 E".r many parries lit eany- nmes-. were .e tlded by canno-Excbahe!j?j)-'; fn MedioalAdvio w,m ; .... .j C- i i; a 1 L :i.u-ry Wiicrs tao lexxs '.3 c e rr,nLa era tiken ED or as3:Oi. iGnis.cii TU lltduxd Adviser bv , : about which every man ,'., help tfca cr woman, single or tnar liver tntacw riedouald to V fret o receipt qf 31 one- Cf is axtmet t nativ uMicir.t v'' ha b cent Champa 10 payjor. .O Xarorsuy known lor over 0 yrsn. -. Jtiwryw wrapping and maUixj, vsosse aoigbbor eta tellyoa of thj good hca sV t-" ''i . ' " &oM srUidi4"irs in Ikial4r tablet f-M . or send fto UMU, ;i A Finishing 'Hsr Statue.' -f. .-' A French woman, who' Is wealthy and noted, a a generous entertainer of artistic folk;, has herself some ambi tion to thine as an amateur sculptor. A Paris paper hag-told how this clever woman managed to have a piece of work .accepted by an art Jury. One day she. Invited a master sculptor to dinner. After the dessert she said carelessly; "Come and see my little figure. It does not come quite np to my Idea." . , They pawed Into the atelier, where the .sculptor, gave a few reparatory touches to the-figure. Some days later the invited another sculptor to dinner. Again the atelier was visited. "Not bad; nofat all bad." said, this artist and generously gave the figure a few useful touches. After several seances of this kind the good lady r was not ashamed proudly to ac knowledge the completed work as hdr own. Indianapolis News. . . Way Above Her. It was during the rush houf last Sat urday night man aud a girl got on a Euclid avenue car at the public square and nacceeded in getting a whole seat Then the car filled up. and the standee opposite that seat couldn't help heariug a part of the conven tion, which was low. but Impassioned. The young man appeared to be plead ing for something; the girl was evi dently demurring. "Please!" be whispered, but she book her bead. At Fortieth street he was Bl! begging., and then she. grew Arm nay, haughty. "No." she said. "I cannot I might Harold, but your station is too far above my own!" We took that for false humility, but the event proved that she spoke the truth, for she got off at Fifty-fifth street, while he went on to One Bun dml and Fifth. Cleveland Plalu Dealer. The Choice of Constantinople. Com-eising the solei-tlcn of Coustan tinople as the seat .of emigre Dean Stanley has remarked. "Of all the events of Constnntlne's life, this choice is the most convincing and" enduring proof of bis genius." It was uot. uow ever, his first choice. That fell upon Nalssus (Niscbi. In the Balkans hlx birthplace. Then h thought of another town which we know under Its modern name of Sofia, in Bulgaria. The ob jections to both of these were that (jlie.v were too close to the frontier and too far from the sea. Mcomedla and Ilium were In turn also considered and re jected. His final cholep astonished tlif Itnrmui worM h meiv purt of i-hII tor the Kuxtue trade, and, u pniviuriui fortN'ss, tieln hardly nniivKul!f imn wat of empire. But 'tjoiwtanliue had beeu tbere.irLondon Gbronk-le. V; :: .' Or. Johnson and His Dinner. .Dr. Johnson.-1 who was lover o! good cuokeryl used to assertThat when ever a dinner was 111 got lr was because of I'ovprty. n vnrlce or stupidity. One day ho was eloquent on tills subjec' when his hostess (Mrs. Thrnlei asked him "if be feveV; huffed his wife aboil) bis dinner." ' -. "So often;" be replied, "that at last she called to me and said: ;-,f.kNay,' hold. Mr. Johnson. Do' net make u farce of thnnklnfr God for dltiner which In a few minutes ydu will protest is not eatable.' " ' . ; , i'V' V: V Dont You. , . .We kept .tabs at th theater. Th hero, 'cnreriflly sald. "Do't you"; thr low' comedlau said. 4'Dontcher," and tb aKKl8tant Varied it, to "Dontcha," Th heroine was a purist ?.She said. Don't chew.?; us If she were ajdrislna against the Use of tobacco. Exchange. TKilf,His Only Chance.- gi' . - Mrs;: teast Going1 over to the hall onl;rbt? '4 A'i'-'A ?"" Mr. Yeaslt-Wbat's going on? ' "Oh. Professor Meeks( la going to .Sjalki? ifi,&kf. ''tJii is? Why; la bis Irife away JTf YonVcrs Statesman. , riI'W' ''V SO" n ue What are you tv and: Jock- for li .1. ' ,L. .'. I'll bunch of lettrM JmH we Wvre engaged. I fiatBRobmlFixirsS ''ft'" 1 v. Sli:Every1ihing: Quality and Quantity. we will also give ydu.A close ; estimate on all kirids of :,?lurnb7 :;dr. (" in2 with a guarantee to pass any comf 1 ; : L sanitary. . Call for the v." vS'V-; f' vUSffv 1 :i :'V New Bern Plumbing Gompany t ' '. 1. cr ' T" I - 1 i i ::, fcr tho U) ZLX li Ui "t J t"d E .1 t.o- hloodL la consoq-jenca all the crns cf tie txx.y, such as heart, lungs, liver and Lidr.eys, aa we.l as the nervous eycteii, foeltiabad cCcct if. tie ctom ch is deraased.. ; . . . , ' . & xJ.--fc . , ctomach to digest od properly, starts tb1 etlvlt7, retnpvuig tat pouonj xrora iMm t H!wit auuipe tn Ir. psere. leWMr OoSn-o.tyada trial tnoX trill ! toaiUA Jt ; 8tage fFire Dogs." " k'-.i ' Eee Is an instance which, for simon pure stupidity, has rarely been equal ed, writes Mary Shaw in the London Strand. A stage manager sent o Ut of properties to a small,- place ahead, naming,' among other things, "dogs for the fireplace." When the company "ar rived, late in the afternoon, they found six or eight curs; lashed up in the the ater, barking and yelping and tuggtaa at their chains. The stage manager I not knowing what these canines werv there for, took no notice, of them, tmt began going over his "props." With, the property man at his elbow be ran down the list, asking what ne could. get and what tie could not get, Prer ently he came to the item and asked. "What about the dogs?" "Well," answered the man, pointing to the yelpers. "these were all 1 conkl let." The stage manager for the first time realized . what the curs were for. bnt be didn't want to give the local prop erty man away before the others, so he very seriously and critically in spected the dogs and then said, shak ing his head almost sadly: I'm afraid they aren't Jnst the right kind. You had better send them back." If you have rooms for rent' or have lost or found an article, or want to buy or sell something, use the Journal want ad column on page, three. Subscribe to ur 1- and The Southern Cross". SEND $1.00 TO THE NEW BERN CHAPTER U.D.C. Railroad LUNCH ROOM C. E.. TAYLOR, Prop. Have you stopped to think that there is only one CAFE in New Bern that is open all. day and night, 365 days to the year, and that we give quick and polite service? G ASTORIA : Tor' Irla&ts and Caildren. The Kind Yea Mava Alwap Bcught Bears the ST? ' yJ$?-J , Signature of Jlajijff4flcd4t VVe keep everything you need in the Drug, Medi- , tl cirie or Toilet line qornv;! buy what you- need , aritl if you' find' it does not' ; $s'$l I suit you -bring it i back, ; . . iC rf-K.i'-. v.l'.'.w-;'-''vW't'i ' . .. ,; get,what youiowant,or , .; ' ,We are here to serve and5;:.:, . ..;..' N'oIeaseYOU." mmiMm vW ?A'k" a fipk &i f. f- i:& ;V.v going to give-Kit- ;t; ,vv V Afr 'XlJZ I; k'wrote ttte.wfiM I u&tfM MWifti t. 5 WWSrltt , X i: 1 1

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