I V 'S : V 'I i V Ohe Kind Yoa Hare Always Bought, and -which bias been ' in .tisa lor oyer 8U yeri, as oorue me eijnainro oc l' :'r 'lJ7 ' ' and has been made trader hia per tStfjX La$7-- sonal saperrlsfon since Its infancy. ,' WifZ7UCUtZ Allow do on to deceive you In this. AQ Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but J.. Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of v jnfkyt and Children Experience against Experiment VVhat is CASTORIA ; Castorla is harmless robstitnte for Castor - Oil, Pate noric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Vareotio ' s substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm " and allays Fererlshness. For more than thirty years it has been 1 constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency Wind uoue, , au .. xeetmnff xrouoiea ; ana r , XUarrhoea. ; It regulates the ! Stomach nrd Bowels , assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep ; , The Chlllren's Panacea The Mother's Friend ( , cittllCASTORi ALWAYS the The Kind You Have.;AIways Boflght In Use Por Over 30 Years trHTaci.. wur weet. mtw towk wry. MEADOWS MEAL I Pi Si! I i CORN Horse Feed Cow Feed Wheat Bran White Mixed -Rust Proo NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY iii 1 a 1 CIS ..-............iuM.H.iuMiimmHunwiMiwnWwAM y: ;Coitaihs; more i ; oose:;: --fi ....o-v.,';..VVI 1 -A. , 45 POLLOCK ST. Signature of a m HOMINY Cotton Seed Meal Cotton Seed Hulls Wheat Short p 1 1 1 ()ats liillH Binders combined. Lit us prove uiis as- ;. seraon-to yau.KU NEW BERN, N C. . it. . Tlat tLey Lai ritLtf alrs&eei Ut-a as to the reaus of -getting out tLe to! la New England m. century ago U shown ty to extract from Dr. Banks' -History of Marthas Vineyard." The ToUng. which occurred Ia lS07. wai on ttte queetioo of tbo removal of the county teat . ' , Extraordinary netu vera taken to get ont a full rote la Eagartown. -Tbs Bailing of aUp was delayed for weeka bo teat tbelr crewa migbt Tote, ana on tb day of tne town meetinx lt 'waa found that tho contest between the two factions wai to b close, Gome on sogsested that there wer ereral TOtem who. nnfortnnately de- prired of their liberty, were JangnLui- In. tn i. Arn 1.11 onil 1f tho 1!lr mnu ktnitv allow them - to ateo acroaa the street and rote .It would consume but a few momento of the. " WJ -. , ::.scted promptly and gave me -entire ZTJZ T.. Jm VkZ. ty. The Jailer did iKt feel that he had the right to allow a general Jail de- llrery eren fw euch a worthy object, althoogh It mlgbt aave EdgartowoA '-; ; s -It was then proposed that the ballot; V ft.- u. h.K kanl man ..-.j t fin,j - was then rataed that aXL balloU muat taice no otpeiv M cast in Open meeting and In' the,, , . irCOOUVV VI lira KIVWU yuivasvwtsivi- rthelees SBtute mlnda found ;.' way . -out of this awkward dilemma, A mo-; Dresenc or tne eiecuon omciaa. iev Hon 'was made and carried that the(V meeting adjourn to the Jalh There the ' ballot box was carried to the door of; "i . . -iti- .nh imnuJ ftf' -r and deposited their ballota. - ; A BIBLE VERSE. . . . It 8urprlsd the Boy Who Boasted or His Wonderful Memory. i A boy who had won a prize for learning Scripture 1 verses and . was greatly elated thereby was 'asked by a minister if it took him a long time yto commit them. ' ' 'Oh.-no, said the boy boastfully; "I can learn any verse in the Bible in five minutes." , I "Can you. indeed? And will-you learn one for me?" i "Yes, sir." 1 " "Then in fire minutes from now I would like very much to bear you re peat this verse," said the minister, handing him the book and pointing out the ninth verse Of the eighth chapter of Esther ; " 'Then wsrp the king's scribes call ed at that time in the third montbr that is, the month Sivan on the three and twentieth day thereof, and it was written, according' to all that Mordecal commanded unto the Jews, and to the lieutenants and tbe deputies and rul ers of the provinces, which are from India unto, Ethiopia, a hundred, twen ty and seven 'provinces, unto every province according to the" writing L thereof, and unto every people after their language, and to the Jews accord ing to their writing and according to their language."' The boy entered on his task with confidence, but at tbe end of an hour could .not repeat it without a mistake and had to tearfully acknowledge him self defeated. St Louis Globe-Democrat - . ' ;- Tricky Lions. I ; Some of the most dangerous tricks of animals are those of simulating klnd-j ness. Charles Jlontague in "Tales of a Nomad" says thathyenas often fol low lions and finish a carcass the mo-j ment the liohs have left It Sometimes' however, the hyenas are too eager and steal oils oi meat wuno tuu uuua nro, still at their meal. - ; V .11 have, been told that the Hon rids himself of the nuisance in the follow ing wayr He; throws a piece" of meat aj3lde, t When the lion is .looking the other way the hyena dodges In and rushes off with, the meat Presently .the lion throws another piece of meat LUila-tlme a little nearer. Tha hyena? taRea inataiso..-At uibj ioejfon,.tnrows 4 jptoce very- near indeed.;.-.TJebyena, having1 bece, reckless, .'m at tblsalsol)ut the Uon wheels, round jahd lays him low with a pat of bis f' paw. and ft growl of annoyance." , ri sWadHIm the Point-f ;' large . crowd . which - collected uronaway -nnractea me auenuon oi jg.jjjjjj to take dinner at the Gas two commercihl travelers just back l ton wlI1 recelTe th. best of atten: fifteenth floor of a building and that. J- ' the. crowd, was: careful to stand, ouWr;, advertfaemeut ' for my : business," re marked one of the drummers, who is Interested, in the sale of airships, His comcanion admitted be didn't see the point 4 '''Well, look at the sign,. 'Dan- ger below r Then look up In, the sir. Danger', below, safe above. ' Moral, take an alrsblp,"-New York Tribune. . 'now; would yoo Uke to go to a bo hedlau supper? Lot of literary' people and all that, you know.,, ;r':: " "No; the bohemlana are too free and easy for me.'. Last time I went they ran but of cheese and spreod the sand wiches with librarypaste." Louisville Courier-Journal. , . . ; - r. , y,. ' ,. ,' ' ' , ! 's ', Conffioilna Precedtnts. . A man cas t always regulate himself according ta history. There was Bam son. who loot his li fe bom use he bad his hair cut, nnd Abmilom because be didn't Smart Bet Magazine.,, Her Viotlm. Kell You ore simply making a fo4 of young- 'Mr. Sn phrdde. ' Celle Ot wutl. I'm probably only savlni enmj otlirr trlrl the-trouble. rblladtlphli Kooord. ' ' ' ' ' ' Wben therProoCno Be So Eaily lni tsuiated. - - -'- When to many tratef cl citizens of New Bern testify to benefit . derived ftora , Doin'i Kidney Pills, can you doubt the evidence? The proof. is not far away it is almost at your. door. Read wnat a resident of New Bern says about Doan'i Kidney Pills. On you demand more convincing testi mony? - t .. -- ,, . C. F.' Harget, 47 , Burns St., New Bern, N. C, says: "I am just at pleased to endorse Doan's Kidney Pills at this time aa I was aixnt I first used them some some 'years ago. ; My back ached a ' great deal and I had pain through .m y L i n ff 1 K i h nlainlv .thnwMl that I afflicted with -kidneY comnlaint. Doan's Kidncv Pills were procured Irnm th Rradham Druir Cm. and thpv effectively removed ' inr trouble I 'that 1 have ; only had need of them once "1.'..: I know that this preparation ,cu as represented and is worthy 4 the hiehest Draiae." - k j-" For sale, by all dealers. Price' SO cents. 'FosterMilbuni l' Co., Buffalo, ew York, sole agents for the Vnited OUldi 1 s .U-C-X ' Remember the name Doan's and m ' - L . flOttOfl " SeGQ T" T, i f?v-;? "Plnrvr-S r ; JC UI Xlallllllg ' .. .: . 1 . crfr I have a limited quantity of SELEC purposes. The m?kJTs TVariety. These seed were carefuUy selected and ginned at the Diantation inn and Iceot seoerate. We will fill trders as long as they last at One. Dollar XSl-VU per bushel, cash accompanying order, f... o. b. cars or boat Polloksville, ;. N. , C. Address 1. T. PRITCHETT. Manager yollocksville, N. I. v Live according to your income and the outcoms will be more happy, Florida Times-Union. . ' ' S tiers i Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain in mv I stomach, bead and back," writes H. T. Alston. Raleigh, & C "and my liver and kidneys did cot work right, Dut tour Domes 01 jiiecmc jpuiera -J n tilrn k nam Man iiuuo MLm ici u&o mo vt iiuui PRICE 60 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. Are You Going to New York Soon? WRITE 43 East 28tStreet (At Subway Station) New York City For Pocket Guide and Special Veekly Rate to Buyers and Parties. Single Room, $1.50 a day or $9.00 a week. rl , MARK A. CADWELL (Mention" ihit pap r) .' Special attention given city peo ple for Sunday dinners.. . n Ladies sbonpina in the 'city and I R. AT CHERRY, Mgr. Elude froraw iKd' NEW BBllN 1CB CO. 19-21-23 Griffith St -V Thone 2H TAXES DUE Your State and County Taxes for 1913 are now due and as both need the money I must urfle you to attend to this matter without delay. 1 My onice Is open at all hours oi tr.e day. Rpuppctfully. It. B. LANE, Sheriff. Electric JIotelRaymond Gaston HotGl - l) i. a it:..; cuiUi an 1 crLp. upon. Try it. It ua be dcrJT:.acJ Sold by all cclrrs. (Adv.) Overboard is another bad place, to run an automobile.. v vOhilldren'Ory;, ' rOR FLETCHER'S . QASTO,RIA Bishop Charles Edward Cheney has just' completed his fifty-third year as rector, of Christ Episcopal' Reformed Church. Chicago." He is the first and only rector the church has had. r .John E. GDI, a manufactorer of Pitts- burgh, '.held a 2d-minute, reception at the Fort Pltt Hotel theie and shook hands with two" score visitors, -who thought he was President Wilson. ' SURPRISE yOUR FRIENDS Tor four weeks regularly use Dr. Kings' New Life Pills.; They stimulate the liver improve digestion, remove blood - impurities, . pimples and erup: turn disappear from ,your face and body and you feel better. Begin a once. ; , Buy at all dealers. . (Adv V" Marine Elliott Married", reads i I headline. Still, or again? W '.. .' - - . BEST KNOWN COUGH REMEDY For fifty three years Dr. King's New Discovery has been known thouehout the. world as the most' reliable cough remedy. Over three million bottles were used last year. l9n t this prootr It will get rid of your cough, or we will refund your money. J. j. Owens, of Allendale. S. C. writes the way hun dreds of others have done: "After twenty-years, I nnd tnat Ur. Mngs Wew JJiscovery is the best remedy lor coughs and colds that I have , ever used. Fox coughs or colds and all throat and lung troubles, i has no equal. 50c. and $1.00 at all- dealers. , (Adv.) An Advantage of the Poor. Blessed are the poor, for they usually can be cured without operation. Many sufferers from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. Not one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. This liniment is for sale by all dealers. (Adv.) The pie-counter seems to be mostly crowded with ernpty plates. BfcST FOR SKIN DISEASES Nearly every skin disease vields quickly and permanently to Bucklen's Arnica balve, and nothing is better tor burns or bruises. Soothes and heals. John Deye. of Gladwin, Mich.,, says, after suffering twelve years with skin ailment and spending $400 on doctors' bills, Bucklens' Arnica Salve cured him. It will help you. Only z5c. Recommended by all dealers. (Adv.) Baesball now has all seasons for its 6wn. CASTOR I A .Tor XDft&tt and Children. Tha Kind tYou Haw, Always Bought Bean the Signature of Give a small boy a piece of chalk and he'll make his marks. You iudee a man not by what he promises to do, but what he has done. That is the only true test.' Chamber lain's Cough Remedy judged by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. For sale, by tall dealers. ... . (Adv.) .ren urr v FOR FLETCHER'S C A STO R I A A Youthful Vandal. (From the Pittsburgh Post) ... "Let's goN West, knd kili lndians". -i' what's some-'ofM tha matter with you, kid? our best baseball talent is eked tip among the redskms.'l Children are ' much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they v have colds.: ; ; wnooping - cougn, diphtheria, -scarlet fever, and consti pation are diseases that are often con- tractea vnen me cniia oas a com. s i nai is . why all medical authorities say be ware of colds.' For the quick- cure of colds-you will find nothing better than Chamberlain,! Cough - Remedy. t can always be, depended upon and ii pleasant: ana -iaietio iac. rur uic by "II .-'dealers. rf (Adv.) .WHEN THE MAILS CLOSE, i ? 5 For Beaufort, 880 am ; j." For Xoldsboro,-8:30 a. m, r For Norfolk 8:30 a. jn,;; y ; For Wilmington 9:10 a., xtiX For Oriental, .9:10 a. fn, ' v J for Bridgcton; 10 :00' a. m.'; For Raleigh 1:05 p. m. -;: , ' For Beaufort 4;,10 p.. m. .' ",v V For Gotdsboro, 4:50 p, m.,'.; For Colclsboro, 4:S0 p .m.. -i For Oriental 4:55.' p .nil , . , ' '' Night Express 9:00 p. m. ; ' ' ,'': J. S. Basnight, P. M.". - : . - . ' i : ' - . . , - EASTER celay, to.tofs, k-tt jc 'i.J all kinds of fresh vegetables at RovU' t- WANTEP Young ,mao whh VS to invest ja.good'raying, proposition and act ias assistnat manager. Address Box 476. New Bern.: LOST Boys', bicycle. Black frame Sentinel ; make. Reward if returned to Journal Office. , : r; , , WANTED At , once a saleslady tdk sell music every Saturday. Apply S- H. Kress & Company. .. . t ' FOVND White akifl Ames Paria, Na 4 South Front street. . ; ; ' WANTElVrWood sawyer and loggia : men at good wages. - Pay ever Sat urday; Comfortable Quarters. ; Atmlr. to r East Carolina Lumber Cow f I uarohna City. Pamlico county. Olympia, N, C- . . STRAY COW found at ArnoM Dairjr on Pembroke road. "Owner : can grr same by identifying and paying cost WANTEP--A young man of-1 ability as salesman. A good mat casr secure a .permanent position with nsv Apply at: 187 Pollock street. De Soto ' Npyelty Supply Co. """""" t FOR RENT Two story brick store No. 61 Pollock street. Apply to Mia., C, W. Blanchard, Kinston, N. C. PHONE your - order for rolls and pies for dinner. Bakery. 1 hot bread, to Kaf erV , FOR SALE Long Staple Louisiana cotton seed. These seed are absolute ly pure. $1.25 per bushel. Address? John Pearce, Polloksville, N. C. " THOMPSON'S Strain Ringlet Barred Rock eggs for sale, one dollar per set ting. Fred M. Scott. FINE stock cf geese, turkeys also beef and ceived and on sale. Meat Market. chickens, ind veal juijC re Coast Line JUST RECEIVED Wire tre3 guards. They protect your shade trees. Wire front gates, both single and double, l.awn fencing a beautiful style. With right prices at J. C. Whitty & Co. Phone 98. All kinds of opportunities are to be found in the Journal's want ' ad column, calling for your at tention the opportunity to buy a needed article at a saving! in cost to sell at a profit to estab lish a business connection "-that will be profitable to better your position to obtain the efficient clerk or stenographer or the pro per kind of domestic servant. 8 The "Want "ads speak to a man or the young man or woman seek- . ing a better position. Start this morning and establish the custom, of reading the "Wants" every day.'. ATHENS CAFE. Next door to F.Iks' Temple, open day and night. One of the finest and j most up-to-date Cafes in North Carolina We serve the very best of everything: that money can buy and serve you by polite and attentive waiters. Don't fail to try one of our regular dinners,, from 11:30 a. m. to 3 p. m. .The public is . invited to inspect our place at all times from dining room to kitchen Special attention given to ladies and children. Yours for service, ," ATHENS CAFE Raftelis Bros. Propretorsi . Thone 453 On with the gudgeon, out with the -prune. ' r Journal Subserific For The Yard Going Out oH a Business per IoadM..iJDrftv ne Slabs sawed, ; 50 - Cent per.' load, all Idnds vat.1 reduced prices t. close pult'v-'"'' ;s Gasoline ; Wood Siiwini outfit for sale cheap, V W. WILLAKD. U53 S. Front St. .Phone 27: ' '' 'J-v , I mm mm?

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