j every day in tha year ex t Mooday at 45 Pollock Street , THONE 50 v v :. J. LAND FRINUNWCOMPANY. ntomnois , " k ! v ' r . .. l . f " .- fa. "" ";. . ... - -i - - " " ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES i -; . ear 'tV 7 - ' ' ' 14.00 x Monthai ' "1 .,: -.1.00 ee Months : . !..,.,; ,.'..t.O0 . e Month ' ' 1 i M Entered at the Port office, New Ben : C ai tecond claw matter. Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication to this office. PAY THE PRICE AND GET THE ; : GOODS. Democrats are not wealthy folks. President Wilson is about not to find a sufficient number to fill the diplomatic posts,those positions requiring" the Out lay r'fit a .good deal more money than they pay. What's the matter with raising the salaries? This government is able to pay for what it needs and it surely needs men of democratic tastes 'and tendencies in all foreign courts; Men in this country who have piled up huge fortunes unfortunate ately have as a general thing lost the simple,, tastes and sympathies which are especially needed to qualify them to, present a republic at the seat of government of a foreign country. ,j'" : THE., FRIEDMANN TREATMENT. The . proof of the pudding is the chewing of . the bag. Nine out of ten patietns who received the Fried mann treatment for tuberculosis on Mon day of last week reported on Saturday that ' they were feeling better and stronger' in every way, also they had gained from three-quarters of a pound to four and one half pounds. If Dr. Friedman n has not found the cure for Consumption some other- doctor or scientist will find it. Of course it is possible that the improvement in the condition of the patients who took the treatment is only temporary and it . is too early,all the experts say, to pass an intelligent opinion on the effi cacy of the treatment. . : NOT WITHOUT PRECEDENT. " When Secretary of State Bryan on . St, i Patrick's Day predicted the early coming of Home Rule for Ireland, some of the Tory' papers in London pounced oa him viciously as having twisted the . tall f the British Lion inordinately and unnecessarily . Such a breach of diplomatic amenities had never been beard of before according to those .newspapers. Friends of Mr. Bryan are now re calling ; what Lord Salisbury said in ,1896,. when Bryan was defeated for the-Presidency by McKinley and ' when the then English premier designat ed the defeat of Bryan as a t -iumph for the 'principles "which lie at the base of all human society." ' With Mr. Bryan at the head of the Department of State, "diplomatic ac tivities promise to be divested of some of the sharp-practice which has here tofore;' seemed to be their distinguished characteristic. , INVESTIGATION SURE TO DO ' , ' . SOME GOOD. Minimunl wageor no minimum wage, the' power: of public opinion brought to 'bear on those millionaire merchants ui . vniuago is uounu to worK great good fc the shopgirls of the Windy GtyGreehsboro News. , Publicity always helps wheii it's a matter, ?of ' getting reform. The in vestigation made by the Illinois Vice Commission has revealed for one thing the vast profits, that the ' Chicago de partmenr stores '; have been making off a business an important and in dispensable' " factor;' ih which" t". the labor ibf girls7 V, Public opinion, which will- rapidly . crystallize along' lines Of justice when it has the facts on which to base conclusions,'- is now going to demand that- the girls in the great stores be given, a larger share of the profits of those stores, ING POOR VHASV ITS ADVAN The Chicago News gives' us this bit .f homely philosophy:.' ' v ; i, ' V Poverty has saved the life, of many a young fellow who Would have bought ' nself a shotgun or a sailboat if he ' 1 had the hioney,?V;;."; t'v "Or hfl automobile "the.- Chicago ; it might hav added. f The 'poor- t meaning paupers but those who c some little difficulty'even by dint ' rd work and economyVln making 1 r iuls meet--havesome advantaged ' 1 he rich jdo not enjoy. ; Many of luxuries; v,of Iif of whatever kind ' f it be automobiles, j fire arms !'!! or .fancy V eating involve iV.it the average' man docs not '1 t he man "who can't supply iih the jnodcrn and more or rou plfaaure devices needn't f.ikrn ahout it. Perhaps a povMnice hnn adopted ' that ! of Bavii'g' him from a violent. death and bu lno!y the accompany i: shock and grief- - - , 4 VICTORY FOR BINGHAM. V i , " '" 4-:': School Has A Very Stronf Bas .r -'. .ball Team.., ; - - Mebane, March 24.Tbe last fame of baseball played by Bingham resulted in a .vfcotry,for '.the' school over her opponents by .a decisive, victory- of eight to one.",-' i -; " ( '.."-? j . ' ' Col. and Mrs. Gray seldom leave their work at the school but recently have. ha , several., pleasant visits to Durham,; ': Upoa returning from the last one, they had the pleasure of talk ing with' Mr-: Frank Dalton of Greens boro, an old Bingham ite who was at the school in the seventies, under Col. Wm.' Bingham, father of Mrs. Gray, Mr. - Dalton interested them greatly by pleasant reminiscences of his school life and among other things, he called the roll of the cadets who were at Bingham during the years he was in school. The recollection of the roll call so accurately aftef the expiration of over forty years shows how deeply interesting to a boy the events of his school life are. Several years ago, Mr. Dalton entered his son at. Bingham and he followed in his father's footsteps, doing exceedingly "well in the school. Mr. Dalton is now one of the most prominent business men in North Carolina. Clarence Briggs, who was at Bing ham last spring has returned again to the school. ' All of his friend were glad to see him. Today, Col. and Mrs. Gray were pleased to receive an invitation to the wedding of Dr. Addison G. Brenizer of Charlotte. After standing high at Bingham, Dr. Brenizer continued a successful course at the University , of North Carolina and afterward -t at Berlin. He is now one of the most skillful surgeons in North Carolina. Miss Isabella W. Gray had a pleasant j visit to Hillsboro Saturday. Mr. Henry Blanchard, the efficient coach of the baseball team, has just returned from a trip to Apex, Durham and other points east. Henry says that he was very lonsesome when he was away from Bingham and wanted to get back to the old place. NEW BERN HAS JOYOUS EASTER, ALL THE CONDITIONS BEING AUSPICIOUS. Easter in New Bern was a day long to be remembered. The day was ideal in every respect and hundreds of people crowded the streets during the entire day. At the mroning service, every: church in the city was filled to its utr most capacity and the sermons were interesting and thoroughly enjoyed. Special musical ' programs had been arranged for the occasion and these Lwere rendered in such a manner that the large audiences at the different, edifices were thrilled beyond compar sion. In the afternoon it seemed that every automobile ,and carriage in the city was upon the streets and each of these were filled with happy, joyous people, each with the Easter spirit in their heart and a cherry greeting for all, In addition to these there , were hun dreds .of pedestrians upon the streets and every place of interest in the. city, was vis! ted by many during the day, i;; "Go to the a nt,' thou sluggard", may be good advit e, but thef modern' siujgard is more likely to go td h'i "uncle," - 1 - Sympathy. . ;4 ,f' (From the Kansas City Star.)1 (A society girl in Newton is quoted a9 toying:, . "Mother; is so pripjpled'wlth rheumatism and it is so hard that I just can't bear it. ' 1 always go shopping pri wash .day." ;' ''''. iv"; ''h'i'' ,.,-, f ')',.-:-,;?' -';;V:;;.p .; , :. T Keeploi VptheCott , The tax; commission has made a re. port on how 'much it costs, the people ot the i.';stat'(' for' government. Legis lators: and city! councils 'see to ii that it. costs .all there?, is ja..sight.rSt Paul r ;.V'ANNOUNCEMENT.:V; rr0:: Learning that many of my personal friends are Interested!!! 'the selection of ,. Aldermen , in the eoming Primary1, with' a; View of my re-election as Col lector of Water! and Light Rentals, and desiring to relieve them as well at all ot the .'candidates , for the' office' of Aldermen of. any 'embarassjnahi 'oc casioned .by ; the suggestion that 1 would again be" & candidate for the position of Collector,', I Resnectfullv desire td'; sute, ,with greatcfut ack- nowieagemcnt to my tricnds lor their Interest in liie, thai AS I AM A CAN DIDATE FOR THE POSITION OF POSTMASTER - in ih!s ;,dty, . and feeling that it would be improper for me to seek my former nomtion. while an applicant for the. second, I am no( and will not flpply for re-cloction to the position of Collector. ; BE REMEMBERED y J. C. TUOMA'-, j::.' JAS. A. BRYAN, 'President., $ JNO. DUNN, Vice-President ; BANKING I' I it. is our constant I jpebple jif this v ! ;V experience and v this : pbssibleSWe eoplerforfor foffef, them "the benefit of the experi- ?" ehce i gained Huiirig National J"" PER CENT INTEREST COM POUNCED QUARTERLY ON J i SAVINGS AND TIME DEPOSITS. '- , ' " H John R. Scott, professor emeritus of elocution at the Missouri State Uni versity, in writing a textbook on elo cution is using a typewriter which is quipped with 12 different styles of tpye. DrAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED ty local applications, as they cannot ra.h the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remzdies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when- it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which' is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. - F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. . Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. ' (Adv. ABSOLUTELY f IWith every order placed for a iMade-to-Measure Suit, for the next 10 days we will give you absolutely FREE a $10.00 Rubberised Rain Coat TO one Sill mm 'l mm m mm Over 500 pretty styles to se-; V and faciioniGaU intinobbytjiih ydohes-soxheap nniril ninni ')i v; : ''The Reliable and 79 MIDDLE STREET, Opposite- Baptist : Church. ' ' ' , NEW BERtf, N, C. " ' . Front Wright's CKir" nnd Prer ir. Dcp.-.rtrtnt. GEO. H. ROBLRTS, Cashier . W. W. GRIFFIN. Asst. Cashier FACILITIES! study to; give the e(quipmeht niakes havener vd the can that firrie. Bank of ' f HONESTY In no line is tnere more need of pure HONESTY and an absolutely truthfull representa tion of every article sold, than in the pur chase of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry &c Buy a Baxter Diamond they are honest stones. BAXTER, JEWELER. more rless.r:' we u guarantee bi unii g ; r r ' ILLd II I Popular Price Tailors ) ; H.'.iili GilEETiuGS . . . V.'ELGOJE .;:':'N We hope I to "i inake 'Easter Week jthe greatest one ih bur business mstory.: vye Have our Spring. ctMin'?d WW take pleas ure in showing the public ie ?prttiest line of goods ever showtfin New'Bern consisting of 6 Fancy goods in Fatmef, Voils, Poplins, Linens, Silks, Crepes I Tine Dresses, Skirts, Ladies' Tailored Suits, Queen Quality n J May Manton Slippers, Millinery Etc. ? ' .-.V .' , 6:- n it: . .:- LMens department ; We want every man that comes to New Hern to give us a call, before buying their Suits, Hats. Shoes: JiOur stock s very large and we una wcck. ue win give a vaiuaoie present to every persoa buying $5. or more d-jring the week. Make our store vbur h when in the city. We will Pay Postage on all Mail orders Send for Samples. J. J. BAXTER Elks' Temple Department Store WHO'S YOUR FRIEND? A sudden call for money need embarrass no man who has the right banking conections. We are our depositors best friend. Let us prove it to you. 4 per cent compounded quarterly Citizens Savings Bank S Trust Co "The Bank of Personal Service.' .Wonderful Daytoii Motorcycle u 7 and 9 Horse Power Reliability Economy, Cleanliness., Highest Horse Powers Get what you have been waiting for. 4? or saie Dy.. . . . Vy.f , DsSali G:Av Farrow, ; While They i & r i WILLIAM Tlie Sporting 1 Ar ACTED AT OUB STOHE. .V '-: r-Jt are offering special low Drice. The Motorcycle Kins. j Vancteboro; N. C. .i" v ''H.i' T. HILL . H 117 rT'Y' ' i l-y',An Goods Man i 'jb. if 'ft