i r ' 11 f v . . l i-. . . i , v. i i'. ;.,; ew: 1 - Sf f . r.u, ov rc G C;xt c3xt, Middle 54.. A. y."r-rU.. CC..J.HSn.'ih,K.o(K.:dS VW inu brother are iurd ol hivaBer CRAVEN' LODGE No- U ENICJiTb OP IURMONYMeeU secoud an fourth Wednesaay night at JiW o'docl ia eucU month At Kight ol Harmony LIL cwr Broad and Hancock atrvt - J. K Vrtllia, President; IL J.pUotvsy. Secretary; Cet. Woulton Fiaanciai S tetyy. --M V'- ' " ' jp" .: V , ECONOMY WILL TALK. . . Um Snrinir. O beautiful Spring. I tee yon creeping over the hilts.' Hear n nnw For the. best foreign and ..;. fciKrir fnr amine wear, aeek pte early and avoid the rush and ret hrst for vour money.: Our lie H are up to all that your desire. ; .... RMnM-rultv Yours. ' " v .' ;Vi !' 0)dMan Economy, Stopping with . R. SAWYER, ' ' ' Merchant Tailor v, T t No, Ml S. Front Sweet. ' We 'ffi V I i ..'-V- 5v - Ir you want that ault cleaned or Pressed or repaired, all we akU t lire ua ft try 'out,' and let ua how what kind ol work we can giver W know when we once get a: j trial we will always get yoir I Rfrn STAR TAILORING CO. 76 S. Front St. Phone 733 Sol Lipman, Mgr. Opposite Gaston Hotel. We keep everything you need n.the Drug, Medi . cine or Toilet line come, ' buy what you need and if you find it does not -I suit you bring it back, get what you do want, or . get your money back. We are here to serve and please YOU. Biadh Drug Co. am AJST Banning Mi ictia P&ints, Oils ; . . . AND Varnishes ., v I ' American 'Field Fence r HARDWARE V v S'-j. yLBr -w ;. ' W-iV -w-V4! - w 'mSMJLMMM Uli Clio . ,iiv-..i I ' ' , -,. .. M ' I S U r M I - V IB t c . tun hit uy.LLS Cat caret nsrt; never have .Hsad- ache. Constipation, liillaus V XX " nearer Sick Stomach; , .' -: . It Is more necessary that you keep your Bowel A Liver tnd Stomach dcaa, pure and frilf than it is to leep the sewer and draitiaj of a large cit free fromobstruciion. j V' Ai you teejlng cleae" iaide with Casearcts or ' merely forcing; a pas sageway every few day, witb salte, cathartic pill or 'castor oil? Tkis- ie importantr:. Vu-r V I X X ' ' Casearcts immeduttly cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the tour, Undigested, and fermenting food 'and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system the constipated waste matter and'poison ia the intestines and bowels. :,l X;X?: No odds how badly - end upset yoa feel, a Cascaret tonight will straighten yoa out by morning. They Work while you sleep. A lOf-fcent box from your druggist wil keep jrpur" head clear, stomach tweet and four liver and bow elf regular for months.,; Doril forget the children their little insides need a good, gentle cleansing; too. '- Mr. Taft has sent for the picture of Roosevelt that he left in the White House, but he didn't say what he was going to do with it. - You can say goodbye to constipation with a clear conscience if you use Cham berlain's Tablets; Many have been permanently cured by their use. , For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Rev. Dr Dona d McLeod of the First- Presbterian church, of Washington has invited Secretary Bryan to con duct a Bible Class. ARE YOU CONSTIPATED? it so, get a dox ot JJr. King s iNew Life Pills, talje them regularly and your trouble will quickly disappear. They will stimulate the liver, improve vour digestion and get rid of all the poisons Irom your sustem. 1 hey will surely get you well again. 25c. at all dealers. (Adv.) Heard in Washington. (From the Cleveland Plain Dealer) Yes, sun, that is one of the most prominent and popular of Texans, suh.' "Indeed! And in- what way has he dstinguished himself?" IITT . ft tie is tne inventor ot three new drinks, suh."- ' WOMEN Women of the ,t Ijijhf st type, women of saperior education and reficeacit, ariose 4iicj!rainei;i force to ikeir opipiwds, higy and curative properties of Chash bcrlab'i Stomach aai lirer Tab lets. Threcghoat the tasaiy rtaje of woman's life, from girlhooi, throagh the orde&ls of mother hood to the declimnj; rears, there is bo safer or mora reliable med icine. Chamhcrlaia's Tablets are sold eTcrrwhcre at 25c a box. . rtsr.:'m .:: WSSSBJSS t.i.SB)SY - SSMBP HpSSSBBJS. ........ ; A. VS, vi ; vF U i ft.:.;, s t.e i : tv . eiasa fie i U-e fULcs Cat are cars-tie of trU tersjice Is ttie drun-isb, called by reason of the deep, booming noise It produce at 'will.. It ia found alooff the Xtlantte coast from alaasactusetts to Florida. ;- .' ' ' The aqueteagne, another salt water nsQ or tne noisy ranety, resemuiea in appearance the trout, and the not un- mo&lcal. sound that It gjrea out 1s much jUke the not nttered by a big Dujiirog. Aiuea to us sqaeteaga is the fish known as "the croaker," which. the croak-en unmistakable croak. The- sea. robin, so called because It ?l 1 ' V".." has crimson fins Just behind It bead. Hams, oountry, smoked; lb about the slse of birds' wings. Is an- Beeswaitb . other fish that makes' Itself heard.-Wool, ,,,, , ' T The "squawk" of the sea robin Is es-' Wi"tt."" ' '"" pedalky emphttle when ' on' behig'Hogs, rf.l ." , ' caught It lifts up Its rolcojln relterat- nf V dressed. '' ed protests. ? 'A- v There la a flth that may bo said to chuckle the ilttle puffer or.sweUflshi Xt puffs Itself Into the snap of a per feet sphere and as it does so" gives out'a peculiar, hoarse, chuckle. ; . The c skate ' when : caught, 'grunts, groans and gasp pretty much after the manner of a human being In' dis tress. Carp1 and goldfish frequently utter curious sounds, but hardly sounds in the meaning of the term hero used. inasmuch as their sounds are produced by approaching the surface of the wa ter and blowing out air in. bubbles un til a- rippling noise la heord.-rDenver Republlcnn. .- 5j(- ".. ; ' I': 1'" . " I I I. j - . ' Sparrow Diet F6f Stork. v ; An English sparrow flew into the fly in; cage in the zdo and began helping Itself to the cracked corn thrown upon the ground by the keeper. A Brazilian stork quietly approached and shot out its six inch red beak and caught the Bparrow.i Going to, the fountain, the big bird dipped the little one In the wa ter and then swallowed it and looked about for more. "Oh, you cannibal! You ought to get a beating!" exclaimed a woman vis itor. "The sparrow ought to know better than to go in there," 'explained the keeper. "The stork has been eating half a dozen of these bird3 a week since he came her;. The English spar row has a quick eyo v.v.ii ia nuir-:: o:i the wing and is seldom caught by prowling cats, but doesn't suspect any thing with leathers ou. The big bird is getting fat on a sparrow diet." New York Sun. True to His Promise. "Dearest, will you let me share your every sorrow after. we are married?" she whispered as she cuddled her cheek against his. "Yes. darling," he replied, again plncklag a delicious . kiss from her sv;eet lips. It ivas the same lady who two years later wearily cried out: "Oh. Torn, -why can't you ever come into the house without bringing a t; of trouble with you? I'm so sick of hearing ubont hotwfcrrd you have work to keep the bills paid." Chicago Record-Herald. Funny Metaphor, Thp late King Edward when he was Prince of Wales once made a funny mixture of metaphors. In reply to cer tain Inqnlrkw and' admonitions he said "1 will do ray best to walk In my fa ther's footsteps, which you. have heli op for uiy Imitation." Negativo Woman.. Marks I married my wife a month after she accepted mt. Parks That's uothlnr. I married' tnlm three days after she refused me." Boston Tran Bcrlpt. . v SfS,S: S-S ' :- v.- : vr-.-rr . '-COTTON V ' (Quotation furnished by G. W. Tay lor & Son.) Middling . i ; ; II cente -Strkt Miidlinj,',' 'X' 12 I"8 Gcod iliidCng, V 12 1-4 POULTRY, EGGS, ETC. (Quotat (Quotations furnished by Coast Line ; , I - Meat Market). . . - Chickens Grown, pair, ,r. .v" 60-80 Chicken Half-grown pair . 40-70 Geese, per pair', , , . . $1JS-S1.S3 . Z P7TT! . SO 1.00 i. .15 1 22 16 to 1 -16 toll .10-101-2 Hides G. &, lb- .9 V Green,', lb- Dry Flint, lb- 12-H Dry Salf4 lb- 10-12 FRUITS AND VIGETABLEfjL ; (Quoutlons by New - Bern Produce ' - s ; ' Company). Irish potatoes new crop., . 42.50 Sweet potatoes, bushel SO Rutabagas, hundred $1.00 Cbllardi head, ; 1 .02 Turnios bunch, v .03 Cabbage, barrel $1.00 to $1.25 Solnach; basket. JO 'Sometimes it looks a little as if Dr. Friedmann had encountered a branch of medical tehnics that resembles the third degree. Washington Star. THE CAUSE OF RHEUMATISM Stomach trouble, lazy liver and de ranged kidneya'are the cause of rheu matism. Get your stomach ,liver, kidneys and bowels in healthy con dition by taking Electric Bitters, and you will not be troubled with the pains of rheumatism. Charles B. Allen, a school principal, of Sylvania, Ga., who suffered indescribable torture from rheumatism, liver and stomach trouble and diseased kidnneys, writes: "All remedies failed until I' used Electric Bitters, but Jour bottles of this wonder ful remedy cured me completely." Maybe vour rheumatism pains come from stomach, liver and kidney trou bles. Electric Bitters will give you prompt relief. 50c. and $1.00. Re commemded by all dealers. (Adv.) The new show in New York entitled "Damaged Goods" must be one of those problem plays. A PLEASANT PHYSIC. When you want a pleasant physic eive Chamberlains .tablets a trial 1 hey are mud and centle in their actio, andalways produce a pleasant cathartic effect. For sale by all deal crs. (Adv.) Remarkable! The "money kings" have at last done something in "de ference to the government" but it was only refusing a loan. FOR DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Nearly all diseases of the skin such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers' itch are characterized by an itching and smarting, which often, makes life a brtrden and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick relief may be had by applying Chamberlain's' Salve. It allays the itching and smarting almost instantly. Many cases have been -cured by lis use. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Children Cry ' , FOR FLETCHER S C ASTORIA S- P- - ;:.,a .1 : ... - "W- . : tjja- a . m. W t W 4 I A LAST NOTICE! Those jthat have not paid their CITY TAX please take notice that the'.Tax must be.' settled -' before April l, 1V13. If not I wiU then levy, advertise ? and sell sufficient "property -to satisfy the tax and cost. Please pay your City Tax now. bave me this un pleasant duty.. Respectfully, J. J. TOLSON, City Tax Collector. SOUTHfiRN RklLW.VY CO. New Train Service Between Rale igh and Goldsboro. Effective Sunday January 19th. trains Nos,. 108 and 121 now being operated between Greensboro and Raleigh will be extended and operated through bo- ween Greensboro and Golds-boro. No. 108 now arriving Raleigh 10.40 A. M. and wil1 continue through Coidsboro ,arrivng there 12:40 P. M Train No. 131 now leaves Raieieh at 7:00 P. IvJ for Greensboro. This train will leave Goldsboro at 5:05 P. M.. leaving Raleigh at 7:00 P. ns. as here tofore. The. extension of these trains wj now mora tne travcrng public one additional through train between Greensboro and Co'dsboro. . J. O. JONES, Travc:linj.' Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. By vitrue of power of sale contained in two certain mortgages one executed on the 31st day of December. 1895. Asa Bryan and Ilettie Bryan to the undersigned, Which is recorded in book number 117, parre 529, in the office of tk'e Register of Deeds of Craven Countv, and the other executed on the 28th day of April, 1903, by Hettie Bryan, to the undersigned, which is recorded in book number 146, page 89, in the office of the Register of, Deeds of Craven County, the undersigned, mortgagee, will at 12 o'clock M, on the 7th day of April, 1913, at the court house door in Craven Countv. sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described lot or parcel of land: A cer tain lot. of land situate in the city of New Bern ,N. C, being described a one half of a certain lot or tract con taining the lot known and described in the plan of the said city by lot No. 38 and the western half of the lot known in the plau of the said city by lot No. 37, being the western half of said lands, which is fully described in a deed from the New Bern Co-operative Land and , Building Association to Hettie Bryan and her children bv A II 1 1 1. nsa iryan, wnicn is recorded in book No. 91, page 452 and 453, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, the interst hereby conveyed being three fifths. Ju?iH b. tiAKKbl l, Mortgagee. March 7th, 1913. .- v,-i, "f-Ui . ' ''r ..v:t: ft aL J. JiiiOiA, ! ArTOipCXTS A5D COUXSELLDK v Offlet Boons 401-2-3 Elks Building ' ' Practice In the counties of Crsrsn, Duplin,' Jones, Lenoir, , Onslgw. Cart srst. Pamlico and Wake, in the; J5S prenae and Federal Courts and wbef srer services are desired. i ' , : mAmist ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, ?artedt, Pamlico Jonea and Onslow and ki the State. .Supreme and. Feders rjourts..;-,; - t - .Olllc Ns.60 Cms So-ft, Tslspheas Ha. 97. Nw 8sra; N. . JoyousEastet to all of Our Patrons 1 A PHONE 66 B. W. HUNTER Manager If you have rooms for rent' or have lost or found an article, or want to buy or sell something, use the Journal want ad column on page threes - Railroad LUNCH ROOM C. E. TAYLOR; Prop. Have you stopped to think that there is only one CAFE in New Bern that is open all day and night, 365 days to the year, and that we give quick arid polite service? NOTICE! To Tax Payers Your State and County taxes are now past due. Remember that the cost will be put on them at an early date. Please come in and settle this matter at once and save the un necessary expense of ad vertising your property. R. B. LANE, Sheriff. 'i- 'K ). i'V -V-V- -': :;';.,V. " ' ''-' ". v J . -'i, ' ?-- ' . i. - S PHARMAC mm