i u I l ' 4 4 a 4 i ' ( 1 , 7: I'.. ;V s rnJ Von nave Always . ; xi tot ojtt SO years, liaa born the i?.oature o -. ,.''' .-. . aad has been mode under hU per AVjy: '." - . y .' -mtt -i . eMMnM 1 : e ' tT r7ucUtl ' Allow no one to deceive yoa In this, . jM Counterfeits Imitations and " J ust-aa-good " are bufr, f Experiments that trine with and endanger the health ttfyi . ' ; sTiZnt: mid CMldreia Experience against JiperlmeaU Vctetorla is a harmless snbstltnte for Castor OH, Pare4 i v tfTOTle, Props and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. IK v leontalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Bareotla v;; " abstance. - Its agre is Its guarantee. - It destroys Worms ;?- r 1 svnd allays FeTerlshness. For more than thirty years it v Jim been 1 1 constant use lor the relief of Constipation. t yifctnlency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and , XMarrhflea. It regrulates the Stomach ard Bowels, , , ' sualinllates the Food, giving healthy and naturai sleep. V The Children's Panacea The, Mother's Friend i'y--;---' twHis inn The End You Have Always Botight In Uso F6r Over? 3 0 Years THC WTM eOmf, TT TWtCT. WtW VOWK CrfY. MEADOWS CORN Horse Feed Cow Feed Wheat Bran 3ES White Miied Rust Proo NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY !. i DllfJ All Pork M CEREAL About the goods we sell New Bern rue, but we an i er you most ' e mphatically that only , tra ghttorward statements, without a particle i bf jftxtj rit od, will be found in cur advertisemeiits . :f.; V'E ACTUALLY SELL WOULD COSTVOmj$17.50;iaSfiVHERE,v j-Tw r cmi iiovc ui s ii yur -.tw .a. .-.lir- : ii t.. luiiiice yr c u nau t Car l!idiile''and tb'Frbnl! .Streets.' ' 1 Bryatffilodk I ,1 i "J-l i 1 1 I i olson Lumber Boasbt. and vhlch baa been ni?nsnirB ui fr : 3- i i HOMINY nnttnn Seed Meal - 111 Cotton Seed Hulls lJ Wheat Short i IATS i i i 1" 13 Sausage Filler Used e v may sound 'too good . to; be -1. SUITS FOR' $12 50 THAT : v saiisiacuun u you f give us v j t! 1- .i. . v anu lurnisnings on me same .PonnmV'. of ' llln ' -niir mill ' Wnrtr .! auch aa balurteri. .newel' oosta. 'rail togettc. 0 nave them made by hand vfiuAu kuvv .um time, am iuulu anu iiicii i . : - .-I: -.... .... . ,C (: he .work VouW not be,. p uniform !of ao perfect sa pun..' Come.and ace. .0 & Blanfe. Co. MEAL m Produce Co TRUTH II I I fr.iwui V wa; ' the. .adtaitaget; arid A Pumter. Punished B Fs A. MfTCHEL ' Then r mlxfortonea aod oilafor tones. It la a tulnfurtone to be dump ed tut? an otau trom a sUaturr taaf- ing jou at ttiw rut of tweuty kuou no 6ouK but Jou ,: vry aon"Uher uyed ofyour trotibtea art en'dVdi uffer aodar'a mlaiwrtun. that (wean wits-' mj Olrtn, waa addwi y at my bapusm ind hai been Kliif fr loca,"' iiy futbefa nam waa JoUn Darllnf. If toe tud nami'u John forblmMlf pne-balf my Jife'a aulTw- tnga would bare beeD avoided, but my motber's family name waa ltMedle; sod I waa Ktveu.tbat aumm. -1 pre some abould remeunber uty. parrara with reraraDce and affettlom " A tor the. lattar. ao I do.T but bow ran on rtrere spulr of bitetlecu .wblHt even combined war too atopld not to fore see that i: aa'boy and man, would be The trouble began when 1 nrrt went to school, tba boys' ausKeatlng that I ba ctaaaed witb the irlrla. Wbtn I grew older and Joined s mnalral elnb I , waa asked If 1 iiang eoprano or antral to. 1 was celled Rosde Denr. twirling Hone -Indeed, efery play uppfl my uame that eonia oe mrentea v-, , - - was needed to help me to throw off ima BUBKesnon or eoeniiDacy, i qeier mined to become a soldier,- I applied to the congressman of my dlntrtct Be tpld me that , be bad. given out bla appointments, but I . anw froni tbe amused espreaalon on his f nee that be wonia4not'tmna or recommeiHunK' a boy 'with Kwb a name. I walked awny to(the n,areat recruiting ataUon and cuiislcu. Knew what 1 had to expect my comrades, and I was not disap pointed. I wna soon (riven the soubri quet or ''Sweetheart' and. except offi cial ly. was never called anything else. 1 bore It Htotcally. When addresaed as Sweetheart" or "Roale Dnr" I did nut complain, taking It na n mutter of course that preteiidlng: to do s. though every time I wus tbuS addresn ed It waa like a stub. I resolved to be the best soldier in my company.' and I waa. Kotwun- standina; my Ini-dhus 1 was promoted to be (orjral. then sierueant and final ly orderly Her;e8ul. 1 When 1 reut-lied the.blKbuHt noneonimlHioned office In my company 1. "apt'ured an Hdvuntage It enabled me when on duty to compel the men to addresi me by my.rtKht name. I permitted them to call me what they liked unofficially, but tbe moment one of them did so upon any official occasion 1 brought him up witb s round torn. This gradually killed the habit. My service in the ranks was dnrlnir the last Indian troubles, and in a fljrht that occurred in attempting to drive a tribe of redskins back on to their re ervatlon 1. preferring to die rather tbau not gain something by wblcb to bal ance the disadvantage of tbe name uu der wblcb I lived, fought, reirardletw of danger. The result was that , when we Kot . back to the fort . tbe colonel commanding sent for me, compliment ed me and told, me that be bad recom mended ' me for a" eomnjlMslon.' Be knew me as Sergeant Darling. Darling by itself is not s very bnd name, and I hoped that when I came to assoelste with the commissioned officers I Hhouid gain a respite.-: ( woukl'be Mr. Dar ling, and , when I came ti. the next grade above t would be Captain . liar ling. Then 1 would Ret nd of the "UoHle Dear": and all that. '. " "': ' But 1 was doomedto dlHappointment. I found that tbe higher I rose tbe more ambitious were my aasoclati's. Ambi tion takes many tonus. t The smbltlon of he stupidest pemons seems to be to crsct, a: Jofc And tfte stopRler ' the person the more reliant be, IS flxm'en opportunity.. .When a few wevkM latei the eoionel. sent for toe to hand me (hy comousslon I foand blm looklnR at the parchment, with s smile hovering about bls ltps.r . With a twinkle ip bis eye be said balf mualugly, ; - "Roxedale pariiuK . Row. Darling. Ha hai Mr. Rose Darting, I atp pleased to greet, you among the commlsxtoued officers of the army. ' I dare say .you will be very dear to the, ladles or the artOIL,V:' j rThank joti, colonel." snid. forcing a smile. TPhat's a eery good pun of yours.' ' Bow did yon. bsppen to think of uf -:'.;..V:";;:',r.r- ? - "Oh, tfs In. the DaroRnw Darting, Darling Rose, .Rose Dear.: seer ;, $s fUpou my word,',. 1' replied, niyfsos HchtJiiM up with atHumed surprlne and admiration "Excellent: J wonder bo one ever thought of It before i''t ',': " rHiven't theyr His own fare re fleeting the p(easure In mine. "Well, t sniipose It's my sense of humor. v .Then snd there I . rexoived -that i would make a bold trke for revenge upon him for ifidniglng tu. tliMt huumr, 1 had often seen s pretty Rirt or ev tnteen st iniard DiDtintlng or drens parade whom I bad been told wa the rolonel's dniiaiuer. : I laid sieiie to her heart and after a struKKle' won her. tboajrh the colonel tried to bend me off by trutnplng np charge ngalnst me 1, was tried and acqultted and I mnr rted the Kid. fiinre then every time S (Darling, rtillrt In tv.rn to ui I feet that I am (rtvlna my hnmru fnther in-law a. new ittnb. I have at time bt'on tempted to my au Im'tihim on one Of uiy own boys b nnmluB him. for myself In onlcr to be able to ulnnt tlio more vvvi thv old fool wbo thoucht ho wps tbe first nnn to i "'i on mj' U L LL I 1 UU.LU.' Y Journal Readera Can No Longer Doubt the Evidence. - . : -Tbi . grateful citiicn .testified long Bo.--- ' ' .r; v-y Told "of quick- relief--of undoubted benefit" . "'...''.'.,""' ' The laca are how coa6rmed' . ' Such twtiiViony 1 ia complete-the evidence conclusive. .'"''..:. -v '- It forma convincing proof of merit. -Mrs. H. p. Whitley, iU E. Fifth St.r Wahington, K. C, '" aayn f Our daughter had a kidney weakness for year and thia trouble waa espechlly botheraome when he waa on her feet much We tried several remedies, but nothing, brought relief, until we.. got Doasiy Kidney Pilla. Theyatrength ened the kidney and acted at tonic to:" the entire I aytem'? t (Statement given January U, 190S.) :.';i.v,A LASTING EFFECT. . f When Mr. Whitley wa interviewd recently iiheaaidi'V,f take pleaaure in ' confirming all, ; I ' nave . previously aid about Doan'a Kidney Pills." My datighter has been in good health ince taking thi remedy," . 1 . .Forale by',all dealer. Price 50 cents.: Foatcr-Milbum Co., Puffa) New York, able age nta for the United States.-''. ' ..v, - i " Remember the name Doan' and take no other. (Adv. VOtlOIl 966(1 For Planting I have a limited quantity of SELECT TED COTTON SEED for planting j pi rposes, The Simpkins Variety, These v.u .tiv.wau; sub.u 1 5f, JRJf" " and kept aeperate. Dolla'r ($1.00 bushed cash i arrnmnanvinff rjrHor t n 'accompanying order, I. o. b cars or ITOm'hnat Pnllnlfvil1i. N C Address J. J. PRITCHETT, Manager Pollocksville, N.. C. i tiers Made A New Man Of Him. "I was snfferinir from eain in mv owauuvu uwu nuu svetvafcf, niiwo Us T. Alston. RaJeiirh. N. (J"and mv a liver and kidneys did rot work right, out lour Docues oi juectno xutiers made me feel like a new man." pmrc Rnrre: it sii nntio ernsr Are You Going to New York Soon? WRITE 42 East 28th Street . . (At Subway Station) - . New York City For Pocket Guide and Special, Weekly "Rate to Buyers and Parties Single RoonV $1.50 a day v or $9.00 a week. ! MARK Aj CAD WELL (Mention this pap r) THE OLD RELIABLE : Special attention given city peo ple for Sunday dinners'' .;5 : Ladles shopping In the dry and desiring to take dinner alt the Gas ton will receive the best,' of atten tlon. j Made the Gaston your head USaa-?:V,'iVf;;: -v' w S.'c;;w:i'i'u RICKS & BLAD HOTEL CO. R; A, CHERRY, Mar. . ' C 'I . I. llade from Hut distilled NEW BB RH 19-21-23 Griffith fit' . Phone 23 ;;'TAXEs:buE;- Your State and County Taxes for 1913 ere' now due and as both need the rnonry I must urfie you to attend to ti l matter without delay. My oUce Is open at nil hours of the day. i, BMpertf!!v, ESectric HotelRaymond Gaston Hoc on i. a treat ttj-utatrijtt and tatec.e ie ty us renuikiible cures of cout l. ccLls and croup. . h can be deDeaoed upon. Try ic Sold by- aU dealer.. ' v'.. ' ," . (Adv.) ..Spring carrie her rain-coat and her parasoL. . r " Children Cry : . :K ' r'OR FLETCHER'S ; OASTO R I A A diplomat h aeema must have dol lar and sense too. Jf Ct BEST KNOWN COUGH REMEDY Far fiftv three veara Dr. Kinv's Ne S-6! .ieea 4?- ""'IWANTED-At once a saleslady to ; the world a the most reliable cough m-T . . . , remedy. Over .three mUUon bottfe. ,f,U,ruM?erery V- APPX ; were used last year. f. Im't thu proof? It will get rid of your cough, or we wUI ""3 J- J. Owen, of Allendale, S. C, wntes the way hun- dred of other rhave done: "After twenty years, I find that1 Dr. King's New Diacovery is the best remedy for cougna ana colas that 1 nave ever used. . r or coughs or colds and all used." For couehs throat and lung troubles, it has no dealers. (Adv.) equal. 50c and $1.00 at all The goosebone has not yet applied for the weather bureau job. . - Many sufferers from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded bv aoDlvine ' 1 i T . ' " Chamberlain s Liniment. Not one case of rheumatism in tell require any internal treatment whatever. This umment is ior saie Dy an aeaiers. (ftav.) time until a Qlt's only a mateer of white lie becomes dirty . BiiST FOR SKIN DISEASES ! Nearlv ' everv skin disease viclds quickly and permanently to Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and nothing is better for burns or bruises. Soothes and heals. ohn Deve. of Gladwin. Mich., savs. after suffering twelve years with skin ailment and spending $400 on doctors' Dins, tsucklens Arnica balve cured him. It will help you. Only 25c' Recommended by all dealers. (Adv.) The men who kicks himself gets back at his best friend. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mich., saysj Dr. Detcheon s Keliet tor Kheu- matism has given my wife wonderful benefit, for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, a nd had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self, and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co- (Adv.) The sympathies of the people go out to the sterm-stneken victims of the West. You iudee a man not by what he promises to do, but what he has done. That is the only true test. Chamber- Iain's Cough Remedy judged by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speak of it in the highest terms ot praise, for sale Dy an dealers.' (Adv.) Beauty either fades cr rubs off. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Dr. Friedmann's cure seems at least to have considerable effect on some of those New Yprk doctors. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. 1 Wfioopirfi " Cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever , and consti pation are diseases that are often con tracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical, authorities say be ware of colds, ' r or the quick cure of colds you -will find nothing better than Chamberlains Cough ' Remedy. - It can always be depended upon and is Cieasant ana sate to take, for sale y all ii dealers. ; , . (Adv.) The girl who ia waiting, to wed a ''perfect college man' need not get busy this year on her trousseau. , ; . CASTOR I -At .KU-:ar I&&uti.and Children. Vv ; lis ' Kfci Yea l!::3 ftiji EsigM; Bear tha V Jlffi-- Slgnatora of luijfflctfC&4At r, WHEN THE MAILS CLOSE, : Mail doWrat. this office as follows) For Beaufort 8:30 am.J'W-j: ',yf. - For Goldsboro,; 8;30 a. m.'r, 4: ,'.For Norfolk 8';30 ,;m.'i';clV 'For Wilmington 9:10 a. mV; ii i A;'; For OrlenUl, 9:10 a;' 'hi.'' '.'t'. r- For Bridgeton, 10:00 ra.'r; f;;'v 'f For, Raleighj 1 :0S p. m, ' ,; r-' y For Beaufort 4:50 p. m, .' ; For ..Coldsboro,' 4:50 p. nt.1 -!,,' j For Gotdsboro, 4:30 p .ni'.' ' tt ;. MFor Oriental 4:55. p .m.';. '! ; 1 "Night EStprcss 9:00 p. m, ; ' J. S. Basm'ght, P. M. Lu Lc sinecs GRAPE FRl'IT, banana celery aaT apple at Royall'a. - ' : ' ' ... -.. f LOST An umbrella witt a greenikh brown handle, carved, wai lost y eater day at Mra. Slover'a tea. Will the lady who exchanged it by mistake plea phone 116? ' " v '. , - WANTED-Reliable f canvassers j for high xlass work, " local or to- travel,: ; ' 25 per week commission. Address T. M. Hall, Care of Journal ? si JLOSTBoy' bicycle. Black frame Sentinel make. Reward if returned o journal Office. j IvreM company. . ' FOUND White skiff Amos Paris, ;v Fr, . No 4 South Front tret" ' - : WANTED Wood sawyer and logging. .men ai gooa wages, ray every sat- uraay. lomtortable quarters. Apply to East Carolina Lumber Co, at Carolina City. Pamlico county, near Olympia, N. C. , . STRAY COW found at Arnold Dairy on Pembroke road. Owner 'can 'get same by identifying and paying coW mppiy ai rvrnoia uairy. - amo. miuTcn a . - i ' ability ag salesman. A gooff man can . f..-- a.u ... KU'C Wl IliailCIIL LIUB1L1WU Willi IQ. it u? pni,r.M( n c. Novelty Supply Co. ' FOR RENT Two story brick- store No. 61 Pollock street. Apply to Mrs. C. W. Blanchard, Kinston, N. C. PHONE your order for hot bread,, rolls and pies for dinner, to KaferV Bakery. FOR SALE Long S ap'e Louisiana cotton seed. These seed are absolute ly pure. $1.25 per bushel. Address John Pearce, Pollok-ville, N. C. THOMPSON'S Strain Ringlet Barred Rock eggs for sale, one dollar per set ting. Fred M. Scott. FINE stock of geese, turkeys also beef and ceived and on sale. Meat Market. chicken-!, ind veal jut re Coast Line JUST RECEIVED Wire tre guards They protect your shade trees. Wire front gates, both single and double. Lawn fencing a beautiful style. With right prices at J. C. Whitty & Co.. Phone 98. . ATHENS CAFE. Next door to Elks' Temple, open day and night. One of the finest and most up-to-date Cafes iti North Carolina' We serve the very best of everything that money can buy and serve you by polite and attentive waiters. Don't fail to try one of our regular dinners, from 11:30 a. m. to 3 p. m. The public is invited to inspect our place at all times fom dining room to kitchen Special attention given to ladies and rhiiHn Yours lor service, ATHENS CAFE Raltclis Bros. Propretors Phone 453 ' ' Quality. Service Is what you want, and that is what you get at CLARK'S. Our famous Milk Shakes are bringing . crowds to our store. Come along with the cro wd and let us demonstrate to you our superior Quality arid V Service. Smoke Havana Ribbpn 8f. Sft f,noe-i . l?Ar fiororw : 4-V ',iUi ; nickel winners,"Agericyfor, ; ' iPark.;'&;'TiifordCahd v'Cd'n'klVnV Fountain; Pjen.: t V "i- 3'J 0tBusiness0. ' v :Oak; in ariyv length 1 .00 ' per load. ; Dry Pine J Slabs; ; sawed; 50, cent' per1 'load, atf , kinds at. reduced,; prices t ; : ,; close out;'-;. if-P-'r ' ' Gasoline;: Wood "Sawing outfit for sale cheap. ' :0hV:W;WILLAnD ' ' 153 S. Front St. - D. o::- 27.1 ';'U-i Yi idb at I Fftttrr, If? E. .Prer St." K. U. I. A Nr.,