kJ 1 ; Your Savings Account . A savins account "ith this bank is ihe very best , possible forot of investment because, beside drawing ' tW per cent, interest, it U, also at all timjt ins ' V" froni fluctuation. Your ' money. U alwaya availabls - f : and you are assured careful attention to every - re - , quire naenl. - ;'"-., ' -- "; v . ' Safety ia assured by 'reason of its lare paid-in , ; . capita, of 150,000,00, the conservative management .' " ' of its board- Ipt directory and the strict; supervision X j Z " exercised over t attain state of North Carolina,'. - ' .. t ft: r And as to stay m and ' : T - ; - k. I , r--.i sJ . ' ' 1 t' ' i 1 - r v- v 1 ' V Phone 190 GIVE US A CALL E, B. V I Haircut puvdSjS hind The; drkfmustw ncOTfshprt;) 6iftcdme,";flnve porpsavingivumplementsii and yourrwork vul soon be; caught Corn and Gotton Planters, Rid iiandWalking ? Cultiyators; HarrovsV W Fertilizer m Distributors, uriiis ;.etc. . - r ::...- : : - Our Riding Cultivator Leads them all. "TTirtTir'' :-. by tne jfovernmeni of the "' i i t iK,vr t i yi; r ri,iralvJii i?rr , IS MONEY i the tools.whkh; save .min- , utes will save yotf their ; cost in a short while. - : ' - - , The tools t we sell save time be cause they 'can be depended ;upon. . They are' made of the very best ma ' terials; in the best' way, and their prices are JUST : RIGHT, because we "believe in buying and selling so keep your trade as long as we I busmess. . ' Gaskill Hardware & Mil Supply Co. 73-75 77 Middle St. 'Phone 147 The Builders' H'dw'e Authorities ESS ry Goods Millinery t IS ;N, " Plows. v Grain vr i; . X -. s V"'-"K aAf Compl i J 1. ;.J !..! r.Li: Ur 2-7 Cwvtn j tirt-ft, Lirj part of the ts'.ate of the late J. D. Whl'Jord. Exctlient la cation; attractive propoilian.. .Sepa rate or together. - ; . W. G. BOYD. Philadelphia Lawn Mowers make your lawna look better. hav them ranging in price irom j h to $22.50. J. S. Baani&ht Hdw. Co. For anything In a firat-claaa'drag tore, Pbone 74. Finnix urug Store "la tha riace . - , . utdv v SCOTTISH RITE MEETING. Degree Conferred Upon Several V Candidates lt Night. ; ., r-The New Pern Lodge of Perfection No'. 6, Fourteenth Pegree held a meet ing last night in the lodge rooms in the Masonic - building'' and - degrees j (were conferred upon several candidates..- Fol lowing the conferring of the fifth degree the. .. business was r suspended " and ithe member partook of a sumptuoua ban quet after which the wort was resumed and continued ijntfl the'.fourteenth rfpi?ree had been conferred 1 .. " .Tbnight-the chaptJr of Rose5 Croix fifteenth! to eighteenth degree, -will hold its meeting. .: The Soverign tirand Inspector General James Wake fhld was present .last nights and acted in his official capacity and wilt 'also be present at the meeting tonight. '. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY ORA N ' GES AND GRAPE FRUIT. - THE MAN arouW jowa1 said the best place to buy oranges- and. grape fruit is at . Whitconib's .Phone 536. He gets them by lightning express and they don't have time to dry out before thev net here. Try them. 3t. BeiilnmnH Monday the seven teenth we will be prepared to figure turn 1cey jobs on all screen door and ' window work. . , J, S. Basnight Hdw. Co. Phone 99 67 S. Front St DEATH AND DESTRUCTION Millions of dollars in -property loss hundreds of live snuffed out, and thoi sands of persons injured in the great Nebraska tornado are suggestive of TORNADO LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE. It's simply business prudence. See W. G. BOYD. Fresh lot No. 16 RUBBER BANDS just received, E. J. Land Printing Co.. Phone 8. Let us fit your screens before the rush. J. S. Basnight Hdw. (Jo. .': BIDS INVITED. ' Bids are invited for the erection of the following buildings of the Craven County, Farm Life School:. One -bungalow, Principal's home. One Dormitory. -' ": : v One school building, containing reci tation rooms, laboratories, &c. Bids are invited forcach separately. Also for ; bungalow and dormitory together. f . -,' k Also for dormitory ' and r school building together. , V ;? Also for all three buildings together, ' Plans-and specifications ' may be had upon application t S.M.. Bnhscn. New. Bern. N. C. '.' ' - ' ' ,,-TIie right to reject any and all bids is rcseive.l, Ji.BiiJs bereceived up to 12m. Sittrday, p il 19th,M913 ;-,'- ' "r S. M. BRINSON, Secy. . --Board of '4 Trustees,-. Craven "County Farm Life School. $''.;' Col d drinks par excell "nce.Pin nii Dl'uu Store ."K tie 'Place" Op posite Unicn station. , (Ad .? Give us your next order for RUB BER STAMPS. ; Quick deUvery E J. Land PrinUnd' Co; Phone 8 New Bern, N -'vV'; MS? iron it npoM tv .' Through ?'the request of delegates and'.riends,tfJnoun'myelf'i';a cndidat i for: v ajdef min ''of Cjhe :t Sth ward subject to he Democratic Pri mary to be held April 8, .',1913, v - ! ; . L. M. SATTERWTHAITE if Fresh lot? oRUBBER BANpS just .received; G(vHus four ) 'nest order. E. J Land Printing Co Phono': SWftftfte&ffti ;' - ', ,. ' B ' ., ""'..-V V.Mr I Nice 'perfume, soaps and tp'let articles at PInnix Drug Store. (Adv. '"; A PUBLIC NECESSITY. Nothing more essential than ACCIDENT INSURANCE to protect when in distress. Loss of life and Impairment of limb or body with total or partial disability benefits fully covered. ' ' MAK YI.AIn .) CASUALTY CO. re ccntly paid : ). for death on raCroad mi-J 5 7,.'. ) for death In automol "o iird lent on which only $125. . ii 1 T( pectively had been i - " I toi c - - i ny. (With 1.IG I.. 11TS and OLW COST a'irei, Us absolutely un necpfi!:iry 10 ftrv own ru;. .ee MAR Y LA ;.' UALTY ( O'S Accu v e ( jual Incrcar liti rni ,1 ir.ct 'e in rrcmlum Arcl !.-nt rl- ' . 111, HO I !)VUT, I J i . . St., Te.cj i on IJj. ' i r LVLMS The finance Committee of the VS'o- mans Club will meet at tne nome 01 Mrs. J. M. Spencer on Broad street this afternoon at 8 o'clock. Business o( importance is to be transacted and every member of .this committee is asked to attend the meeting.1. . i This afternoon at four o'clock the Music. Department, of .the Woman' Gub 'will meet at the borne of Mr. Si L. Dill,' Jr., on South Front street, A full attendance is desired. ", 0 The People' Bank has "on display in one of the show windows at Brad- ham's drug store a drawing of the new building which' they,- will erect' at - an early, date. -..The buildings will be an imposing" structure and. the drawing is attracting the attention cf all who pass that way.--j' v'-k.- i Rev. Jl.tB. -Phillips went tp Eliza- beth City, yesterday to , attend the International Bible Convent ion. He will deliver an ; address before that body, but' will be back in' New Bern in time for his regular Sunday. service at the -Tabernacle Baptist -church. The regular . monthly meeting of Christ Church - Parish Guild will be held at the residence pf , Mrs.' JCharles Duffy, at 11 o'clock this morning and the Mission" Study class will meet at twelve lat the same-place.- - , ! Considerable Damage Caused By High Winds In An Adjoining County. LARGE DWELLING DEMOLISHED Intense Excitement Prevailed " Among the Citizens of , : That Section. Passengers arriving in the city yes terday Afternoon from Oriental told of a storm of almost cyclonic intensity which visited a section of Pamlico county shortiy afternoon, and which left destruction in its wake. During the early part of the -day a men wind prevailed and this was augmented by rain. Shortly after I o'clock the sky suddenly became dark ened and the wind increased in velocity until it was blowing a perfect gale and small objects which were not securely fastened down were hurled through the air with great force,, .-' At Ashwood, five miles from Oriental a handsome dwelling owned by F, A, Whortoh-i and which had just been erected" was totally demolished. The contractors had only a few days ago turned the completed building over to its owner and he was preparing to occupy is within a few days. Fences were, blown down, trees uprooted,, chimneys broken from their foundations and much other damage was done.' AH along .the railroad for a distance of twelve .or. fifteen miles from Oriental :. Iherc wa3 evidence' of the high' wind which had visited that sec tion. Inquiries were madc'"at the; dif ferent stations' but so far as was learned no '.one "was injured during the storm but he citizens were very much fright e.-ied. - ' . .' NOTICE TO CREDITORS ; Having qualified as the Administrator of Jane.-.LQwe nberg deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said JestateVto jresenVtnenf,tV':i(h undersigned -j.or'.: my .attorney :ontt or before he'.Uth day ".'cf March, 1914, or - this' noiice wilP be pleaded in bar cf the'j1 ! recovery Alj persons ; in debted v said estate please make inv mediate 'Wettlementv? .Zv '-.Jf;: :"'; 'feliMt!,G.GUIpN SmS''' "'Administrator, DTaHENDERSON1; Attyt; fK'-K4';' '""''A', ' " ' 'V-- a.' tf- SERVICE X)F:?;SUMMONS fhYS h'hAKAh AM PURI.inATION. 5t - PUBLICATION,; fh-t-K rolina, . pen County.:v;;:-r;-,Vi! ic -J '- '; .''v'-Ar Ic:y',-:4-::v???!..,sk-s., North Carolina; ; Craven George Grlce vs.. -!'- h: Catherine Gr.'ce jThe defendant ,. above . named . wil taks. notice that an ction 'entitled asl above-; has been'o commenced - in, the Superior Court of Craven County f6r an absolute divorce from, the .bonds of matrimony, and the said defendant will further . take notice that she is reotiircd toappear at the May-Terni 1913, of the Superior Court of Craven County, to be held on the 1st Monday in May, 1913, at the Court House .in said county, in the City of New Bern North Carolina,' and answer or demur to , the complaint of the plaintiff the said 'action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. W. B. PLANNER. Clerk of the Superior Court This the 27 day of March, 1913. SMALL CYCLONE VISITS PAliCO TRUST COMPANY s HEW BERN ,N .C,, Increase Youp Leisure. ' Manyt people look forward to a time when rhey will hare a little leisure. If you do not plan for the future, you - may always have to work and there, wil! be no help for it. A small amount of money , deposited at interest will at once become an efficient help and will increase your income by its earnings. Save a fare of your mbney and then make your money work for you.- r . FOUR PER C!NT COMPOUNDED FOUR ' w' TIMES YEAR OX SAVINGS, SANITARY - If you want finitary done by experienced Standard Plumbing & Heating Co. 13 Middle (jUlf 1APE MEASURES HAVE MEASURED ENOUGH MEN TO MAKE AN ARMY! A FINE LOOK! AW MY IKE: AH uniformly Stylish and Ccrrectly CI id ! BE I TE"R JOIN THE TAILOR MADE R A KS. Yours truly. F. M, Chadwick Do You Smoke? We havo your brand of Cigars and Tobacco or we will take, pleasure in getting it for you. " Try our, , Fountain when 'Hhistry---everything clean . and ;' sanitary, with polite and quick service. tl05 Middle St.'V.r ' f Waters Old Stand. . 'if'' -" --'vkT J.'- ' - mms once T3Y reason of the fact that 'fie' rsfcBcrii1 Banking &' i rust Company : lias adopted the quarterly plan of. paying interest alldeposits matie on ur.uciure; .-vpniisi. wui yrftw- a f uH i quarter interest on ' the Istday of juy,'P&m W. CARROLL-RODNEY,- ..'": '-': '-' ' v;'.' - Cashier. . , :: ,f :::'.; Notice : y 'ji 1 Next Monday "evening Mar 3 1 Vrev. r. e: knowles of Canada',, will lccturyjn the court house;" - on, "Thomas Carlylc.' : The , Man and The Message", . Under the auspices, of the Ladies Sewing Society of the Presbyterian Church. The chair will be taken at 8 i' P. M. Admission 50c. I'l r v PLUMBING Plumbing work men see Street. MMITlkil'll'M" ,IUf !!! tfMM-l- W IMJiiIUj HEADACHE. "In, to ahcrdav.du.Hnt xkaag, . Mrcngta-tapBieg tku atkbew liiajlliarigi. ' , Tn Cacth i. Mm MutiM kv itw a Jal Biqm rn'Cmr.'af all kMi an im4 bp 4e(retrwAiyca with mm. Claam all d!imaig f aiaa would rumk. Wa Ekamiiii Yotm Ena taotwafWr. aaaaaiacr, aataukcan., aod b (fun. aw We do not use blinding drugs in our examination AND GRIND:; .i-! V-".-.' ', 3iW, i,h,.i .,ri..i.,w..i.a,.i.itTZw,.i.,in .i.m,7Xr the lens ito suit your eyes , in '-'U ;' t.. :.. , our own office,. . ; ,. . . ::'M0:h ' U DR. j. O. BAXTER : .''AVOptometristA.-:; FOR SALE -.-..a. ij. . A seven room house and a ;! large lot located on A. St.5f';A .',r Bridgdton, and ; fronting a .. Neuse(River, is - for sile at y a bargain. "Apply to TV L.n -' Moore at Journal office or. r-' ; -: Bridgeton. : , " . Wanted" i.-f Wood sawyer and logging V v -; ' ", ' , ' A . .A-. men at : god ' wages. ' ' Pay f every Saturday.' Comfortable quarters.' Apply to. East Car-, olina Lumber Qa. at Carolina, City. Pamlico -county, near ; Olympia, N. C. .'4,- y t - v-: i. v;i I'.'V 'AA' ':' '.A