...v.- r-T-V,: '' --7- .7,:Jf.!.f.- 'i HSy- 'Ml .'.'..S.lSi ! -y.i 'MB ATHLMA U)tCfc No. 8. K. cf ::et( ecr WIm i . m., ovw G Co.', :T.c. Middle St.. A. M. f 'ctU, CCBJ HSmhh.K.of K.adS ViU ini brothers are assured of a cb svalierV ' CtAVF.N LODGE No. 1. KN1CJJTS OF HARMONY Merti second and - to irth Wediwsday Bights at J -V) o'clock eacli month at Knights of Harmony hall, corner Broad and Haocock street J. K. VrUUa, President; R. J. JDiaoawayi Secretary; Ceo, Moulton Financial Sec- ; retary.. f:- i-.V.':j. ? v ; ECONOMY . WILl 'TALK. v. , Spring, Spring, O beautiful Spring, I see you creeping oyer the bill.' Hear ...-.c1!, th Ivat fnmira and domestic fabrica for spring wear.seek rne early, ana avoia cne runum x 1 e best tor your money. , uur io ' it are up to all that your desire. ' ..r -Respectfully Yours,,;-- . -:,Oid Man Economy, Stopping with j R. SAWYER, . Merchant Tailor No. Ml S. front Street. WeGleari'em V -; If you want that suit cleaned or 'Pressed or repaired, all we ask. is to "give ua a try out, and let us ahow ; what ' kind of work we can Stive.;, W know when we once get ..l a trial we will always gei your 'K-tjA-u work. -.':''!.!,;-''"' " RED STAR TAILORING CO. t : 76 S. Front St. Phone 733 Sol Licman, Mgr. Opposite Gaston Hotel. We keep everything you need in the Drug, Medi cine or Toilet line come, ; buy what you need and if you find it does not suit you bring it back, get what you do want, or get your money back. We are here to serve and please YOU. Bradham Drug Co. HARDWARE AND ( Building Ma terial Paints, Oils J Varnishes AM 1 C num. w: i x n s ,',!:. uLE EuOED No Indigestion, Gas, Uiart burn or " Diapepala five minutes , after taking VPpVa Diap .-pain. ,Eery i year-rtgulary more tuna a million stomach sufferer is the Vnited States, England and Canada take Pipe's Diapepsio, ' and realise' not only ' im mediate, but tasting relief. .; ' I .This harmless preparation will digest anything 'you eat and overcome a sour gassy - or out-of-order stomach ' five minutes afterwards. V --j- - Jf your; meals don't fit comfortably, or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heart burn, that Is a aign of indigestion." '.' Get from .your pharmacist fifty cent case of Pape's Diapepsln and take a dose just as soon as you can. There will be no sour rising's, no belching of undigested food mixed . with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating headaches,: dizziness or intestinal griping.' This will all go, and. besides, there will be no sour food left over in .the stomach to pcisdn , your ut- breatith nauseous ordors ' .. ? rape Diapepsin is a certain cure for o it-of -order stomachs, because it takes hold of your food and digests it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. : 7'- ' Relief in five minutes from all stomach misery is waiting for you at any drug store. " "; r These large fifty-cent cases contain nore than sufficient to thoroughly Jcnre almost any case of dyspepsia, indigestion or any other stomach disorder. We are anxious to see Democracy improve upon Mr. Munsey's scheme by constituting itself a holding on party. Columbia State. , . -VJ ARE YOLT CONSTIPATED ? If so. eet a box of Dr. King's New Life' Pills, take them regularly and your trouble will quickly disappear. They will stimulate the liver,-improve your digestion and get rid of all the poisons from your sustem. They will surely get you well again. 25c. at all dealers (Adv.) Young lady, you should sidetrack the chap who says he's willing to die for you and appropriate one who is willing to turn his pay envelope over to you. unopened. WOMEN Women of tfee highest type, women of superior education aad refinement, whose dJKerninsat and judgment give weight and force to their opinions, highly praise the wonderful torrective and ctatjyc properties of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throughout the many stages of woman's life, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother hood jto the declining years; there is so safer or more reliable med idae. (WnberUin's Tablets are sold everywhere at 25c si boil' v ; - - - ' - 1 i l ... a 4 .. . a. s t .. J L,... j t-i. W-l-J l-.' I-- U a f.-l it U-ur.i dramatic! w.;s.y, tit wLli.ii t-crs are a gTnt Ctrj, gets rroia ijvj u a wees, and te srna.a part folic poll down $H to 1?. Tts salary of a heroine keen around tS-W. and the "arlitocratk: lady" finis about 025 ia her payj enrelope. It isn't oncommoa for that! kind of player to play four or fit apart to dram waak or 7-TSeW, ' Meat Market). - iT Tort Press.- :, - ,t J.-- .... . . . . . . . ' . . f wa. Chickena Half-growa pair 40-70 ir." meanlns one who holds tae -tear Or la tt tba dlmlnutlTa-of cads h ,;..; . ;.. Or U tt from oa.- th. Dorla form it tba -Oreak. ord -kadoa." meaning ma who auffers sorrow or aQk-tion' . . A n nnM. una ,tvk ttaTlfla A u . u- ' 7 - "- T T . fnneral Drocesslon r . : 5- :-- - i l. i .rx kMikv riMoir wnrf "kadoe,"-which may mean either .-i miiaptinff hr or -a eaak coBtalnini ' styoorr-WorW of Golf, : -. You can say goodbye to constipation with a clear conscience if you use Cham- i v if I lir oy r" -aT sale by all dealers. . . (Aav.) , ' ' . 'i' V-;":vr '".'"'-' ''Rotabagai, hundred' ' . i Make your words palatable when you Collarda. head, .''7 can. - You may be forced to eat them. Turnip bunch; some day. ' . ' ; Cabbage, barrel - It looks as if the 4th of March resolu- Spinach, basket, tions were holding up rather better than 1 . M tne iw Pi jar nary proaucts.-wasn- mgton star. the fenow ha3 tQ contend wiM Mean. If a young roan can't tell when he's Chester Union. Y in Jove the girl' should break the-news - ; ' t0 him. THE CAUSE OF RHEUMATISM . Stomach trouble, lazy liver and de ranged kidneysjare the cause 'of rheu NOTICE OP SALE OF VALUABLE matism. Get your . stomach .liver, HOUSE AND LOT. kidneys, and bowels in healthy con- PURSUANTto authority conferred "tion by taking Electric Bitters, and ' . . . y , you, will not be troubled with the pains upon the undersigned executors of of rheumatism. Charles B. Allen, a Maye Hahn, deceased, under the last school principal, of Sylvania, Ga., will and testament of the said Mayer wfo suffered indescribable torture from Hahn, we will on Thursday, the 1st rheuniatism.liver and stomach trouble j t r a ' t ex f ' ln , 'i and diseased kidnnevs, writes: AH day of May, A. D., 1913, at 12 o clock remedies failed until I used Electric M., expose to sale and sell to the highest, Bittors, but four bottles of this wonder bidder at Public auction, at the Court M remedy cured me completely." House Door in the City of New Bern, Maybe your rheumatism pa. ns come , , . , , "v from stomach, liver and kidney trou- upon the terms hereinafter set forth, Wes. Eectric Bitters will give you that certain lot situate on the North prompt relief. 50c. and SI. 00. Re Side of, Pollock street, between Craven, 1 commemded by all dealers. (Adv.) and East Front streets and adjoining iha Rhodes lot on the .West and the T. A. Green lot on the East, it being the residence and lot of the late Mayer Hahn and bearing the number 18 Pol lock Street, terms of sale TWENTY FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($2500) I cash to be paid at the time of making ha last and hitrhest bid and uoon the execution of a good and sufficient mortgage deed upon said property securing the balance of such purchase money in four equal payments due and Davable one. two. three and four vears from date, with interest at Six Periof noise after ood dinner Cent (6 per. cent'' per annum, interest payable annually, deed to be delivered to purchaser upon compliance with such terms, possession of such prop erty to be given on June lst'1913. If such bidder shall fail upon the close of such bid to pay Such cash pay- . - . immoi;,:iJ . ment -and immediately , therea ter to execute the notes and mort- gages above referred -. to, ; a resale of such property will Je made I su biic luuuwmg uay, lu wit, vu li- day, May; 2, 1913, at the ' hpur of ;12 o'clock M., at said Court House door. This 25th day: of March, 1913. JOSEPH Li. HAHN. F. M. HAHN. S. M. STRASBURGER"' . WALTER B. SULINGER, Executors ' and 'trustees under the will of Mayer" Hahn, 'peceased. v ' .v. ,i.V .,.J -1 -1 .V.r.h 17, mi - " COTTON (Quotations furnished by G. W. Tsy- ktf & Son.) - ' Middling : .' Strict Middling, Good JJi idling, J 2 1 "Scents 12 1-4 rA n 3-s r 5; POULTRY. ECCS ETC rouotatinn. fm-nUh-d b Ct Unl r . JU5-I1.33 ?"ck 501.00 W per ooa,., mo1. TTT "etwI m ...... -IVooU I6'tol7 10-10I-2 Hoga, dressed, lb V: . . 7 .. oxessea, lb Hdea--G. S., lb--. ' ' v 'Green. Jb. ' 8 Dry.FUnt, lb, i Dry . Salt, lb- .12-14 .10-12 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (Quotations by - New Bern Produce Irtah poutoea new crop$2.56 . . t, - Sweet potatoe. bushel . ...... SO Be , h y ,tble You don't know wl at What a joyful Turkey carving it would be if little Montenegro would only be satisfied with the neck! Wash ington' Post. A PLEASANT PHYSIC. When you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain's Tablets They are mild and gentle a' trial. in their actio, and always produce a pleasant cathartic effect. For sale by all deal ers. (Adv.) I ' Any man's talk makes a sweeter sort FOR DISEASES OF TH E SKI N. Nearly all diseases of the skin such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers' itch are characterized by an itching and smarting, which often makes life a burden and msturos sleep ana rest. Q,u,ck,rel1le.f ,maX Je had, b? .aPP'JK Chamberlain's Salve. It allays the itchin d 8marting aimost istantly. j Many cases have been cured bv i)s : use. For sale by all dealers. (Adv ) ' President Wilson is returning- the gifts "from people he don't' know," but it is easy to know people who send presents to people they don't know. . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S t , CASTORiA mm: K. ?:. $1.00 - . ,02 -.03 $1.00 to $1.25 JO C ACTOR I A' LAST KOTIGE! ' Those that hare not paid their CITY TAX please take notice tfciat the Tax must ?: bf i settled - before Apriu;i913. : If not l will then levy,' ; advertise and sell sufficient property to satisfy the tax and cost. Please pay your City Tax now. : ssave me tms un pleasant duty. Respectfully, J. J. TOLSON, City Tax Collector. SDU THERM R VILWAY CO. New Train Service Between Rale igh and Go'.dsboro. Effective Sunday January 19th, trains Nos. 108 and 131 now being operated between Greensboro and Raleigh will be extended and operated through be rween Greensboro and Goldsboro. No. 108 now arriving Raleigh 10.40 A. M and wil1 continue through : Goldsboro .arriving there 12:40 P. M Train No. 131 now leaves Raleigh at 7:00 P. M for Greensboro. This train will leave Goldsboro at S:05 P. M.. leaving Raleigh at 7:00 P. n;. as here tofore. The extension of these train w.l now ifford the travcl:ng public one additional through train between Greensboro and Go'dsboro. J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. MORTGAGE "SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. By vitrue of power of sale contained in two certain mortgages one executed on the 31st day of December, 1895, Asa Bryan and Hettie Bryan to the undersigned, which is rw-nrHi : book number 117, page 529, in the office ui me register oi1 Deeds 01 Craven County, and the other executed on the 28th day of April, 1903, by Hettie Bryan, to the undersigned, which is recorded in book number 146, page 89, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, the undersigned, mortgagee, will at 12 o'clock M, on the 7th day. of April, 1913, at the court house door in Craven County, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described lot or parcel of land: A cer tain lot of land situate in the city of NewBern ,N. C, being described as one half of a certain lot or tract con taining the lot known and described in the plan of the said city by lot No. 38 and the western half of the lot known in the plan of the said city by lot No. 37, being the western half of said lands, which is fully described in a deed from the New Bern Co-operative Land and Building Association to Hettie Bryan and her children by Asa Bryan, which is recorded in book, No. 91, page 452 and 453, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, the interst hereby conveyed being three fifths. JONH S. GARRETT, Mortgagee. March 7th, 1913. V : - ' - - - . ' It', I -J II I II ir..:i';;;;-: 5 I t..i LW.......L t,...J J j . .' x - . T. JL Simmons, j j), Uare. , ;- ii;SI""DJfS -ASDl ViXaD -A.-- AirORXgYS AND COUNSKLLORH ; ;.i .'.'ai'law,-,. i ' . ' Office Rooms '401-2-8 Elks BoJldlaf VPractiea to the counties of Cravan. Duplin, Jones, Lenoir,. Onslow. Cart eret, Pamlico and " Wait, intbe 8o- preaa and Federal Courts, and wher ever services ar desired. V ; R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Cravan, v'artt, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courta. . .Oflics Ns. 60 Crsvss Strsat. rtUpfcens Na. 97. Htm Isra. N. C. Joyous Eagter to all of Our Patrons ! - -i pi PHONE 66 B, W. HUNTER : : : Manager If you have rooms for rent' or have lost or found an article, or want to buy or sell something, use the Journal want ad column on page three. Railroad LUNCH ROOM C. E. TAYLOR, Prop. Have you stopped to think that there is only one CAFE in New Bern that is open' all day and night, 365 days to the year, and that we give quick and polite service? NOTICE! To Tax Payers Your State and County taxes are now past due. Remember that the cost will be put on them at an early date. Please come in and settle this matter at once and save the un necessary expense of ad vertising your property. R. B. LANE, Sheriff. III I I ",. :N . ',' i-. i . ( . ... ; ,.1 . DAVIS PHARMACY ri X .i'V'' ,cS:.'t 'iv., ' w 1

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