.:e New Uern - Say they are getting a plenty cfworkKVhy 1. Is lt?r Because, they handle the standard fix-: t tures and treat their: customers right, : Call : on them; J?hoiie734 $10 Given Away . - '. . ; THE PEPSI-COIA COMPANY will give $10' 00 for the five best reasons why: " Drink Pepsi-Cola" Sentences must be brief, have per suasive, convincing, positive selling force, without unnecessary words. This content: will close March 31st, 1913. Send 5 our reasons to the edi tor of the Journal or Sun. Sign your name and date. . The judges will be Messrs. H. K. Land, O. G. Dunn and C D. Bradham The Pepsi-Cola Company New Bern, N. C. A TRIP TO MORBHBAD CITY N. C. Is not complete without a visit to the Ocean Gate. R. E. LEE Proprietor. The Best of Everything. 'Private Dining Room. Lad ies Rest Rooms. 'fCLWdndejrfu :y: - 7 and 9 Horse Power " " : fT AwVUUUlUl.Tl UVUUViUTa VlililUlll IVOO (, , i Power. Get what you For sale by 1 . ;: n TANf. A tTPP' - "., r. v - V - llUIIllCtCOlSFIllllEI" : ;VV PAMAHA-JAMAICA-CUBA VIA THE OVER-SEA fiAILRO i ,: I-"- IS OFFERED AT A The , cruise j will be tit the ; New Steamsnip EVANGELINE of the ; P, & O. S.. S. ;Ca-Length' 364 -feet, with 162 -Staterooms 'X 'f SAILING FROM KEV- WEST JANUARY 7, 113., ' ' Other sailings Jan.' 21, Feb. 4 and t 18, March 4 and 18, April I and 15 vF; M. JOLLY - It will only cost postal card worth ' , . I7n .rtumuiag to 69 Broad Street ; VS -1 . ' W il rjt.2 '' TT- 11eUC8t ,lUle have been waiting for. .V. ':. -The " Mptofcycle v King, -rnnT J . - . - .; r;:; ..Vicinity. ,1. T AHD FLORIDA OVER THE.: ; FLORIDA KEYS COMPARATIVELY' ' For' ull ' information, . the ap proximate cost of, the trip from -J-iny point desired, 'and for iche dules and reservations on trains 4aad on the snip, address the tin , rjorsigned, who will accompany , the party. KllDGm:i,H. c. il Announcements FOR ALDERMEN. . To the Democratic Voters- of :tte Thud rd: - :; ' We; hereby announce ourselves as Democratic candidates for aldermen 'from te third ward,' anbject to the rule of the Democratic primary, to be held April 8th. Vv ', V v" . VV if. JOSEPH GAS KILL.-' 4 - : JAMES B.: DAWSON" , TO. THE VOTERS OF THE THIRD 'J ',:; ; 4 WARD. ;."'.' . ',. We hereby, announce ourselves ai candidate '.. for C Aldermea from the Third Wardsubject to the Democratic Primary to be held April 8th, 191. V , Mi De. W STEVENSON. ' A. T. DILLl ' ANNOUNCEMENT. At the request of my friend I here by announce myself a candidate for Alderman from the Fourth Ward subject o the Democratic Primary to I be held on April 8th, 1913. v Very respectfully, thos. f. McCarthy ANNOUNCEMENT. At the request of my friends I here by announce - myself a candidate for Alderman, fiom the " Fourth Ward subject to the Democratic Primary to be held on April 8th, 1913. i Yours very respectfully, J J. G. BRINSON. TO THE VOTERS OF THE THIRD WARD. We the undersigned voters of the 3rd Ward, believing it to be to the best interest of , the city, to be represented by young, able and progressive business men, respectfully endorse for Aldermen Messrs. M. De W. Stevenson and A T. Dill of the 3rd Ward. J. J. 'LASSITER. W. A. SMITH. S. G. ROBERTS J. L. McDANIEL. W. G. BOYD. H. M. ROBERTS. W. P. JONES. MW. SULTAN. JOHN SUTER. LEINSTER DUFFY. HARRY SULTAN. C. V. McGEHEE. JOHN SUTER, JR GEO. R. FULLER. L. L. HENDERSON. J. F. BATEMAN. Tf T. MITCHELL. JOHN F. McSORLEY. ANNOUNCEMENT. Candidate for Aldermen. We announce ourselves as candi date for Aldermen from the second ward of the city of New Bern, subject to the Democratic Primary to be held April 8th. We will endeavor to serve for the best interest of the city. Very respectfully, W. B. BLADES, S. H. SCOTT. ANNOUNCEMENT. At the request of friends we here with announce ourselves as candidates for Aldermen from the First Ward subject to the Democratic , Primary to be held on April 8th, im. Kespectfuuy, WM. ELLIS. . T. G. HYMAN. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democratic Voters of the tty of New Bern. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Mayor of the City of New Bern, subject to the wish es of the voters to be expressed at the Uemocratic rrimary to be held on April 8th. '1913. . If elected, I promise to Rive the people- an efficient, an economic and a business-like administration of City k flairs. .. V 1 . I am in favor of running the City within its income which can -and, should be' done? -and am 'unalterably ooDOsea to tne sale oi Donas to covei runnintr expenses. ' It will' be' my pur- pose t0 promote a feeling of Civic pride and co-operation m all thine which- affecttthe city; and to stand for a . progressive - administration both; ideas and in action.-' t-.-nx'' j I am at-all rimes a "Booster" of New Bern 'and a r strong -believer in the Greater New Bern to be. .1 stand fftr. fhp tnnfal , linliff 'of 'h ritw f or I w7 Z.- -'- .. o&KIN auUltne eniorcement- ot the laws, without 1 feat1 or .favor. If eWctedi t,will be the Mavor of all and will not eo into office as. tne tool of any man. or as the prop erty jBf any faction e-r clique. . ; 'X.rv'-'i ;.-) I , ': i'Respectf ully, ( 4X ' ; ;?' VV-K:-BAX'rER.' ;' -' ' 1 .7 -' " '- ' f J"-'- V ' TQ THE YOTERS OF THE FIRST ' Ve the undersigned' citizens 'of." 'the First v Ward, desiring - that i the ? clt? snau nave upon its ooaro ot . Alder men ' '. men soi business' iability and sound judgment-, do (place Ja nomina tion William Ellis and Thos. G. Hy than." Subjpct to the Democratic Pri mary to be held April 8th, W13. i-',;,. , rREV;;.- U," A. MERFELD, '.i''fl EDWARD . CLAMi?-l:'?:y '7&lfr'-M. HOWARD: , tff&S'. i'-v,:' F. N- PINNER. - v ' ? ; . ' -"J '' ;,r D, -M.;' ROBERTS.)'--;' 'r . rM:U G DANIELS. Vr, Zm:'Ci' E PEN N I NGTQN B. B, HUKM. J' S. CLAYPOOLEl i-.. , E. M. GREEN ANNOIINnRM E NT. v.- ,- We announce Ourselves 1 as candi dates for Aldermen from the . Fifth Ward of the city of New Bern' subject to the Democratic Primary to be held April 8th. We will do all in our power to conserve the best interest of the city and serve you faithfully, if elected.; ' 1 Very rcRprrt fully, . , t "" ! ; ; R. f. ihsosway, '. ; .;Vv. -'J01IN CRABTKEE.- '-- 'ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myelf a candi date for the position of Dayor of the city of New Bern subject totheDerfl coratic. primaries to be-, held April 8, 1913. ,r Kespectuiyuy, - . . . . " , A. H. JiiftlitKl,; i - announcement. ,? ' J, ' 5 -To nV" Democratic ' Voter ' of the" City of New Bern. v. ; c I hereby -announce" myself a candi date for the office of Chief , of Police, for the ensuing two years, to succeed mvself. . Thankinr my- many friends for their past favor and kindly asking their, support in ine 'coming primary I promise, u -ic-ricvieu 10 cuuiiuuc iy 611 the duties of the office;to the very best pt my ability. - -. . . . v vourt respectiuiiy, 1 ..-.v'-xvCr-LUPTON. i ANNOUNCEMENT. ' I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of City Clerk,; subject t the Democratic primary to be. held April 8, 1913. In I Soliciting your support 1 desire to thank you tor the consideration tbat you nave always given me in tne past.. Kcspectiuiiy, F. PATTERSON. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce' myself .a candidate for Tax Collector -for City of New Bern, l. for t nsuine term A wo Years subject to Democratic Primary to be held April, 8th, 1913. i win again nignjy appreciate your fl, t t, . support-. Yours very respectfully, J. J. TOLSON. TO THE VOTERS OF WARD. THE 2ND We, . the undersigned, voters and citizens of the second ward, feeling the necessity of -our ward being rep resented on the Board ol Aldermen for the ensuing year, by able and progressive men, nominate for the consideration and approval cf thf Democratic Primary, the following pro- ressive men: VV. is. Blades and S. Scott. H. E. ROYALL. J. L. CASON. J. G. DUNN. J NO. DUNN. T. D. CARRAWAY. J. T. HOLLISTER. t. T. HARGETT. V. L. LEWIS. C. L. SPENCER. W. L. HAND. W. A. LANE. M. M. MARKS. H. B. MARKS. C. M. KEHOE. L. H. CUTLER, JR. ANNOUNCEMENT. I herewith announce myself a candi date for the position of Chief of Police of the city of New Bern subject to the Democratic Primary to be held in April Having served as police officer for more than eleven years 1 promise to faith fully perform, if elected, the duties of the Chief of Police. Respectfully, W. H. GRIFFIN. NOTICE. To the"' Democratic Voters of Bern: New Havine noticed in the Sun vesterdav that I have been named by my friends as "The Peopled Candidate" for Mayor of the Citv of New- Bern. I beg to state, while thankine them for their compliment, that I . cannot at this election accept the nomination AM NOT A CANDIDATE.. March 15, 1913. T.'W. BIDD and FOR ALDERMAN. Through the request of dclegct s and ' friends- I announce myself a candidate for alderman of the 5th ward subject to the Democratic Pri mary to be held April 8, 1913. L. M. SATTERWTHAITE. ANNOUNCEMENT. Learning that many of my personal friends -are interested in the selection of Aldermen in the coming Primary, with a view of my re-election as Col lector cf Water and Light Rentals, and desiring to relieve them as -well ss all of the candidates for the office cf Aldermen of any embarassment ot casioried.- by the suggortii h ' that '-I would again be ' a candidate for the position of Ccllcctor, I Respectfully desire to estate, 'with greateful ack nowledgement to my friends for their interest ih me, thtt S I AM A CAN- DIDATETOP THE POSITION f F POSTMASTER . In this city,- and feeling- tht it. would be improprr for, me, to. 9epy;rviorref position while an appl rant f r the record I ani'iot and 'i'l 'dot apply for reelection' to the 'position of .,iQbllcctor,v.,ifvs' xXj&p ' ';'P :i:;.7..-.tH0WAs' J R, U ? v .M V ih-i: Cl'tAA w if?. . iGlve as yoar next order for RUBBER-STAMPS. . quic ;deHTety. E. J. Land Printing Co. Phone 8 New' Bern'Cf i"tf;X' ;--:.,! a. I j ft ,,'' ii i i- i i ,in mi ; V ., ,'Doe Nor Look Natural. ''UA Illibnis is 'trying (9 become ; ac'cUs t jified ' toT Joe Cannon ai k plaint pri vate cltizcp.Birihln rham i Age-HerT ftla. -.I'-'S.Vf.'f ; h-i ' " '.. "i..'?,.v.- i ,;. ; ; r. -,- . - LiBJJt Southern' .' . ,i",..i. : j.-rivr.,. c ' . 1 f. r. , . 1 i''A..vvi-;-. :-'".) Railway PREMIER CARRIER OF THE , "-j-r SOUTH ;;--"';-h -t . ',;i';.,-- ?..". j f. . ;':. :'. c, Direct Line to all Points Nforth, Sout, East & West Low round-trip fares to Wentcrn North Carolina, ."the .Land -of the Sky." . . Also t9.: -?.-: California points, and all priacipal resorts.--1 . -'..' v. Convenient schedules, -' electrically lighted 'coaches, complete dinieg car If you'r contemplating a trip to any point, before completing 'arrangements for saner it will be wise for you to con suit a representative of. the Southern Railway r or. w-rite the undersigned, who will gladly and. courteously furnish you with all information as to you best and quickest schedule and most , comfort- table la-which to make the trip. H. F. CARY, Geo. Pass. Agent j Washington, D. C. JJ 0. JONES, Travelling Pass. Agent Raleigh, N.,C Norfolk Southern Railroad ROUTE OF THE "Night Express" ScUedule in effect Jan. Stb, 1914 N. B. The following schedule figures are published as information only and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN. North and West Bound. li:40 A. M. Daily niwht express Pull man Sleeper for Norfolk. 9:05 A. M. Daily frr Norfolk con nects for all points north and vest. Parlor Cas service between Wash ington and Norfolk. 1:35 P. M. Daily except Sunday for Washington, Creenville Wilson and Raleich. Parlor car Washington to Raleigh. 4:15 A. M. Daily niyht express for Goldsboro. -9:00 A. M. Daily for Goldfboro. 5:20 P. M. Daily for Goldsboro. East Bound. 9:00 A. M. Daily for Beaufort. 5:10 P. M. Daily for Beaufort. 9:40 A. M. Daily except Sunday for Oriental. 5:i5 P. M. Daily for Oriental. For further information or reserva tions on Pullman cars apply to T. H. Bennett, Ticket Agent, New Bern, N. C. Phone 737. W. V. CROXTON, General Passenger Agent. " W. A. WITT Ceneial Supt. MORTGAGE SALE OP VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY By virtue of power contained in that certain mortgage deed dated the 4th day ot June, lVUo, and executed by Ann K. Dixon to the undersigned mortgagee, which said mortgage is recorded in book of deeds number 160, page 55, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county, the undersigned mortgagee, will at 12 O'CLOCK M., ON THE 21st DAY OF APRIL, 1913, at the Court hous door in New Bern, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lot of land: All that certain lot of land in the city of New Bern, and on the west side of East Front street in the said City of New Bern, and adjoining the lots of Jas. T. Lewis and P. A. Willis, and be- ginning on the said fc-ast front street at the corner ot the lot occupied by P, A. Willis, formerly known as the Dowdy lot and runs southward withi ?aid street 25 feet nine inches to Jos. T. Lewis' line, thence with the said Lewis' line westward 10" feet 3 inches to lot number 10 in the plan of he said city i of New liern, thence with the line of the smu i'jr iLiiiiH-r iu, uei, nine i.idks to the lot ol P.A. Willis, thence with the' line of the lot 'of P. A. Willis 107 feet 3. inches to the place of beginning, being more fully described in( that certain mortccag:: deed from the said Ann K. Dixon and her husband to Fannie E. Holland, recorded in book numrcr 114, page ae, ouzce oi xne negisccr oi 1'erciB of-Deeds of Craven county, and being a part of the land conveyed by deed dated June 15, 1892, from las. B. Lewis and others to the said Ann K. Dixon and Jas., T. Lewis recorded in book number 108, pages 277 and 278, office, of the Register of Drrds of Craven county, ::f JOHN S. GARRETT, - ; Mortgagee. This the 17th day of-Marih, 1913. , DOVER AND, SOUTHBOUNDs 1 : F AltROAD. , ' ; Traffic Depai tment : .. , A '- (. t, -'-k.v -H-' : . V .-.,''' ' SCHEDULE , OPdTRAINS CARRY h ',T ING PASSE N ER$.,-i , r t. : -4'f'i-i::'r; - ' i1 -v."" Effective Sunday March 30, 1913 t l-..' South Bound v- North 'Bound Trains l f ; - Trains Stations V-'-r-N P;M,M.-m?A.Mr-; ;fP.M.?P.Mi;,V;.-A;M.-yr'A.M.. SvB tv:!&$Z Ar.. tfslHaS ?Dovef;:5! :55 ?y-i fi;f;7,;'chanfie le simple and ' conv. f mt '4:44 TayIors. v7i34 '4:53 'Jri&1 PhllliDS hii-l ;27 "5:02 - ' J5:08 Wimsatt-''? :1J 'fhlS 5:22 ".r, 5:29 ; Comfort 6:5 7:00 5:40 ' 5:50 'Petersburg 6:30 ":;6:30 5:45 ', 5:55, Richlands-t6;25 e5 v':.'-V: Ar.-. ;' ' Lv '-JV, '; . ,'tTrlne" Run Daily, Except. Sunday. Trains Run Sunday Onlyi ; ;, .', ''''J''. ' 'p N. S. RICHARDSON, ! " '"' ' ' Traffic Manager. D.' W. RICHARDSON, ; : r ! . Grneral Manager. . ".'.'-'."; V . SOUTHERN RAILWAY -v V , Premier Carrier, oi tfce Sovth N. B.-rThe fol 'owing schedule, Egsr- are published -only a irjotmatinm aaf are not guaranteed.. 'j : y, v T . ' v TRAIN o.'til Leavei CklMate 6:15 a. m. for Raleigh, Durba js, Gnrast boro, -Asheville - and : Wayeinfe, Ihroogb train to AahevUV, , kaadesr mair car to Way nesviUc " Makes ns 1 ecticns at Greensboro for B poiots--North and East, and at AsheviQr wkb Carolina Special for Cincinnati, Ckirajp- nd alt western points. -" TRAIN No. 139 Leave GckMwro- K)5 p. m. for Raleigh Durhaia mtN Creensborp. Handles througS )?jB man Sleeping Car from Ralbii io- Atlanta. arrives Atlanta i:L a. an... making connection for New CHfca. Texas, Califoruia and all Westers yoiat& also couuects at Greensbor with through train for all We&tem aad? Eastern points. -TRAIN No. 131 Leave? GotdsboTo 5:05 p. m. for Raleigh, Durhae ?d- Greensboro. Makes direct corniectioii.- at Greensboro with solid Pulhnp.s SJep ing Car, train for Washington, BaFtiaiore' Pluladelphia, New York and all Easterc -and Northern points. Connects also at' Greensboro with through Tourist Sleeping Car for Los Angeles audi Sai. Francisco. TRAIN No. lll--l.eaves Cordasbeac 10:45 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham awi" Greensboro. Handles Piillman Sfct-p--ing Car Raleigh to Winston-Salea:. -Makes connection at Greensboro wkh-i through train for Atlanta and" New Or leans, also makes connection for As&v villc, Chattanooga, St. Loui Mempliv Birmingham and all Western poits For detailed information, also foi nformation concerning special" raA''! trip rates account various speGiaFoctas ions. Pullman sleeping car rfrserv-atibos, . ask any Southern Railway ilgent tr communicate with the undersigned1. I. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent,,. Raleigh, N. C. Our Business: Local columns bring results, try them. NOTICE DEMOCRATIC CiTY' PRIMARY. Meeting of the City Dcmocratit Executive Committee was called! e& order at 8:30 at the City Half- T. F. McCarthy was made temporary -chairman. Edward Clark SecreCarf. On motion temporary orgaair-atantp was made permanent, there beisp majority of committee present, o. motion April 8th was named as t at -datejor the primary to be heM lor the nomination of candidates ios city offices. On motion managers of election v3J- i be allowed $2.Q0 per day. On motion; the candidates for Mayor, City Tax Collector, City Clerk and Chief f Police were assessed $10,00 eacfii o entrance fee, and each Alderman $2.0C" All candidates for nominations- be barred from entrance after midafjlt- March It, and all entrance fee must be paid on or before midnight Mairh 27th. On motion polls win opto as 6 a. m. and close at 7 p. m. ' The following managers wenr ap pointed: l-,t. Ward. W. D. BarrintjtOH, R". L. Hill, A. Lcc. 2d Ward. Wilier Fn'T.-rf T A Patterson, R. B. BIuIoc'k. Jd Warn. 1. . JMitCil'il .. I Clark, J. F. Mcorlov 4th Ward. 'Wm. Paris, L. S. WW... Eugene Tucker. 5th Ward. J. V. Dowdy, K'.cck. D. Dail, J. W Dukes. I On motion recces was taken to wort 'April 10. at 8 r. m. at the Citv 11 a 1ST to-canvass result, ol I'nmary:, THOS. F. McCarthy, Chairman. EDWARD CLARK, Secty. . March 11th, 1913. A FEW POINTS IN FAVOR OF TIEFC PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPE ' i. WRITER. There Is not the least donbr kat that THE PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Is the best low priced? machine on the -market today- ir is durable, v attractive ' and If$kt. Its simplicity it marvelous. Tbexe are no complicated parts ta get of order.4 It Is like an onan Jw If somethlna clogs, you hvevsfr to make "a fewsturn with ' mmmr driver, : remove t the part dwsl. the trouble, clean It off. repiaee? - and go ahead. It is the only - -:. ' chine in the world on which t W eeti; .. Of tpye and type bars can be taker...'.. apart from the machine In lea ttmm. 1 . ten seconds. This feature Iepf'j:.' is .wortn many aouars as a .ataae?: , aver.'Mr la tha n n 1 v m n c h f n t m ' L- en the" market lth Which twsenrCiW;-' leglbla typewritten copies can fce? c;. made at one wrltlbtf. LThe rlbboewi?' ' control is automatic, -the, "oUr'y' the back 3 spacer and tabuiatlai key are within an men .01 thai . : : erator's 1 hands when . ualna,- 'thm.' ,:J machine. The type are Iled ,; a symmetrical row. In front of tbr" operator and ere easily- cleaned. " ':' SrtooJ piano steel wires catiwC ,' the type bars and.it Is lmpoMiUe for these to break. , The marblae? ' Is so constructed that the listet V touch or the vigorous pound nmtSS J'' In -' heavy, manifoldlnl have the ; same effect on the mechanft wi. V ' Call at the ofTIce of the ..J. TJ Printing Compiny and inke f'V. at this wohnerfDl nwrMne. Ti i-- $05. CI on the cn-y f; t l i i