r.C-i!,:. Jiit c . i t. c I the contemplated eer the income the creater t!.e ....Li tax the recipient can afford to pay. It i claimed by ome that auch a tax penal ize thrift. - But it doesn't. .'What yo don't feel ia not punishment. '-- ltd ecry day U the year ex t Uoady at 43 Pollock Street - PHONE 50 ;r 'SV- J. LA?t) PRIMTIXS C02PMY f SUBSCRIPTION RATES f ilonthw . . 1 '- 'ij ' 2.00 1 ee Montht,. .' .'..i i I " m' . ..-t-OO e Month- -. . ' . : ' ' Catered .at fh Port flceNe Bern, II, m 6nd daaa ntt. Advertising rate furnished upon ' Scatwa to this office. ,r- -' '" .- -" Interest over the postbfficea ia -aaid to be at fever heat in WaahingtOn. Xut Pr. Wilson ia aaid to distress ingly pool. ' , : , ,1 ; : ; ; Colonel Gorgaa, the one matt per-. haps who ought to know, says the Panama Canal is not a canal By the ci same token, we presume; it is also wrong to all it "the big ditch". v': Democratic statesmen who have been 4 -wobbly on the tariff are showing re . markable stiffness of conviction now ,that it has at last come to a show down. .Not as bitter a pill as it looked, some of them no doubt are saying. V 1 'J The . Raleigh News and Observer cays that the1 search and seizure law -is effective, that all it needs is enforce . meat. Enforcement, aye, there's the ', xub, If it -were as easy to enforce a "' Jaw'as it is to pass jt, life would be one 4 Brand ,sweet song. Vh'&ft' t ' , -Tit ' the North Carolina law-makers T 1iad worked out as complete a program - Jar .raising money with which to meet State 'expenses as ; the Democratic leader in Congress appear to have done a the task of raising money with which to meet national expenses, citizens of ' the State generally would feel better -, -' satisfied. . -wMany of President Wilson's admirers -will refuse to approve of his course in going in person to deliver his message , o Congress. Of course it doesn't make any difference intriniscaljy wheth ' jr the President's message is read by - lhof ProaiHpnt ot somebody else, but '"ias the Doctor has been breaking , s 'i food manV precedents his latest achieve' ment is likely to make the people think . t. ; nvprrfoine the thine a bit; i-M4vK'-'':' t ,. t .Washington, April 7. V Wanted: A 'Kaval: Policy," will be the ruling theme ' when the Navy League of the United - States meets here Thursday m yts ! 'eighth annual convention. ' 1 The' Navy League shouldn't worry. " It has a boss who is clever at evolving t policies tand ' resourceful and effective ' in getting them put in operation. ' Under JosephU. Daniels the American navy WiU have a policy ' It may hot be a ', i'i wise one, but it will not be conspic . -uous for its non-existence. ' ' : :., ... . , , : , Suppose the ; British Government . 'Should ; let ; Mrs. .Pankhurst starve to 't death. What .then? ' Mrs. ' pan khurst would be held iup' by her fellow suf iragettes as 4 -martyr, but we thinic that .the common 1 sense part of the world would feel , that if a person -prefers to starve to death when he can -get. the .food necessary to prevent star , -vatiott there ia nothing to. do, but let him do it.' In some States in this coun try attempted suicide is a .crime, and involves a' serious pehaltylt Pej-haps Mrs Pankhurst. should get .three, ad ditional yearV for her "hunger strike" ''! monkey business. ' . '"' . ' "t '.: 'v WANTS MORE' WORK OUT OP POSTMASTERS. V V :: ' Postmaster General Burleson re f iterated'to a number of Ndrth Carolina Representatives recently his previously Announced determination ; that fiere- ' after postmasters must work the sami as otherlpostoffice .employes. r If 'the postmasters who ,have been contenting themselves 'pwith . exerewng merely -a rerfiinctUfjry oversight over the affairs of their .office's will get busy and do' a man's ' work every :d&yr,jti venture the prediction that ; many , "a j clerk will find himself put of a job now if the Post master.; General would insist on navung the salariei 1 cut. Sdown about ' half or a third, atleastl thev scramble for l iicBe places wouia, oc reauceu in luixiir uiy and the service would, be ; none i he power.' y-i m .vVV:-'-7-V: V ; ' THt"'lNCOME'TAX..4?; The bill for the new tariff, as proposed : y the ' Democrat, carries with it a oviiiloo for an Income, tax to apply incomes of over four thousand dot ;s annually.. 4 Whatever . the mcr- ; of the -"various duties Or absence ' ny as proposed Irt the tariff, bill, is no doubt that the Income ta ,il meets with .widespread ap I. It filncoi the burden of Uxa- UNIVERSAL EDUCATION AND : -EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, i Aristocracy ' was l ways, trained. Democracy, if it is to b effective; must likewise be trained. Universal edoH cation is therefore the ! imperatively and only remedy for oar loss of ower in the nation.'1 But how shall we be trained? Are we to forget the memories of y the past;' lo break away from" our traditions; te joia with those, who arc clamoring for the adoption of the con victiona whch we have'combatted for: years! K I think not No people' can ' ever . become V great v people IbyjJ ex changing itn'own individuality, but only by,;' developing - and ' encouraging itr We must build .on our, own founda tion of character, temperament and In herited traits.' We, mtoat not repudiate, bnt develop. ;We must. aeek; out and appreciate our own distinctjv-traits, our own, traditions, : our -deep-rooted tendencies, and' read our . destiny in their interpretation. We ' must, put away vain glory- and boasting and take ah impartial inventory of all the things that. We have and are; and these' things can Oily come to us through, the train ing of all our citizenship. EQUAL! That is the Word! On that word I plant myself and my PQrty the equal fight of every child born on the earth to have . the; op portunity "to burgeon out all that there is within," Unspoken address, pre pared for delivery in Raleigh, April 12, 1912. of the late Governor Ay- cock. Meet me at the Big Land Sale. NEXT CITY ADMINISTRATION The new Mayor and Board of Alder men u nominated ' by the Democrats yesterday and, already as good as elected will .enter into office at a time when good government for the city is es pecially needed. A11 concede that New Bern is on the eve of a great commercial and industrial revival. An efficient and progressive city - government will have a marked effect in adding impetus to that revival, whereas a poorly ad ministered government- would to a corresponding degree retard and check. it. wny stiouia not public an airs in New Bern during the next 2 years be so conducted that they shall be a criterion for 'private business enterprises in this city and a model for other city govern, merits in this and other States.? . THE PREVENTION OP CANCER , y (From Harper's Weekly.) in wuuiau mere are twu tniei junas of cancer, one' of which ha-f'been mentioned, namely,' of the internal or gars. The other is located in the bos dm. If a woman notices a lump jri her breast, she should consult her family physician immediately." It may. be only a fibrous little scar-like bunch of tissue and thus not dnagerous. Then, again, it may be a, cancer. In the lat ter case it should be removed at once, writes Dr. L. K.' HirshSerg. '. Inte,rpal cancer " is recognized by hemorrhage. , .If the. patient -, has hemorrhage that cannot , ubeK", clearly explained, she . should report imffleJ diafplv ,to hpr nnvniriany"' Hp ".will rpll her; whether her ailmertt isi a simple one or a cancer. If here Is evidence of a growth, an operation should, be performed forthwith. This is the news to be disseminated throughout the length and breadth of the land; to be carried toTeyery moth er, wifeand sister. ;The United States ia '; blessed With f many welt-equipped hospitals and with' many Capable phy. sicians and. surgeon. ,; Womenv uffer- fng with; cancer will not havei to'traVel tar . ,trom,T nome to obtain.' the neces sary rhedical advice or surglcat'treat- ? v ust' 'as soon a the women of the lauu nrp; us luiiy cuacace .BS aociors aboutVhe f firtslgns of cancer, and about 'the; danger-'Of ; delay,; and will report prbmptl to their : physlpians,' jujt as soon at least willthey be rescued frotn this Iruidious ydiseasej1 "',ntU a few years" ago '-'Cancer .was considered absolutely , hopeless, ignorance , might have maje ;.it;; remain :'so,. but1, know ledge will free you from'its (Janger. i ".I"' ''i '"! 1 t"'i .,; t'-.j ' LH fi f.:"-. J BRIDGETON V? PARENTS "' -NUPTIAL PLANS IN f THE BUD.".''';. NIPS 1 ? : ;'JX , Yesterdayxmorning a youiig man wlio said, that his name was Thomas Gillette and thai hii Home was at Jacksonville, walked into1 the office of , the . Register of Deeds Stephen H. F9Wlcr and Infro mcd Mr. Fowler that he wanted a tinar riaga license. .Rk-giHtcf of Deeds Fowler is always ready to oblige those who have been struck by one of Cupid's shafts and he Jostno time in getting out hit lunik of blank f'irmi, and ni i'm;; ic- Al U IS 1 1 n Hill 0 mm Royal Baking - " ponsable to finest f thexonifort ariiyenience of ; ;, Tmodem v housteepi 'Baking Powder makes hot breads, s cakes and pastry wholesome.: T mentation. Foil instructions in the "Royal Baker and Pas try Cook" book for making all kinds of breads biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder. j Gratis to any address. - . ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK the cred'enals necessary to''ehte'r "double harness.".' , " ' ; Things were going along 'smoothly and one could almost hear that haunt ing melody of Mendelshon's '4we.dding march when 'suddenly the trouble began. - Young Gillette informed the Register of- Deeds that the. young lady in the. case was Miss Geneva Parker, daughter of S. G. Parker ofwBridgeton. Now, earlier in the day Mr. Parker had got an inkling of the "contemplated marriage of his daughter Jand. had sent the? Register of. Deeds a -message for bidding him to Jssue a license on the ground that the Voung lady" was not yet. seventeen years of. age. rThis set tled things as far as Mr. Fowler was Concerned. The young man who wanted to wed, used every method' of persuasion but imperfect hearing, and when it is en .. .-.. - ,- j . ..i t i" tirely closed, Deafness is. the result. wese provea useless no e .u.v. to depart without having secured the license. HoweveiV as a' parting shot, he informed those present, at Ae .ime that the affau- was not ended and that jyiiss rarKer wojiia yet oe ivirs. vniuue. y .. ''. ' MOW TO -TREAT AILING CHILDREN. s Growing . children play hard and work hard at school, which wilh ra pid growth ;.ues up an enormous amount of energy and vitality that must be replaced. . ; " ' vWhen a child is tired all the time, no appetite, 'weak, delicate: and sickly we guarantee jyinol. our dieclious cod liver and irontonic. Will build them hp, Create a Jhearty appetite, sound flesh and muscle tissue, pure healthy blood, and make them strong. . " Mary Lang of Altoona, Pa., , writes: "Ever since "childhood I have been weak and delicate and my blood has been thin and ' ooj'V Many different forma. of treatment. did me .no good,- but last spring f. totok yinol and now I.am so muckVotronger and 'better that I want you to know it. I don't know when. I haye felt so well and vigorous as I naye "since taking Vj- niAW f .''.'-:-. --.-' ; Mi Vinbl fails to do just . what., we say; we will give back, your tnoney. F." S, "Duffyi pruggisCNew Be,rn, NC. ,(Adv,) ;m:ei. m ni iu piy-inuu oio. Jjia. a. pki Ai-t, rresiaeni i V? JNO; DUNNicePresi dent 5 yg,.:is:i?-te'-'f- f. 1 t t-ia titii t t':rfW nnirt in i V. ? w.-. ; We want you to become acauamted ."(fi '; . c fy: )'& -C' i frfi - wifh thp f nrfr fhaf Wi: hnvr' nnft or f h'f . . test equipped banks V in ; whis ; section : ' and it is olhcereq; ence.' - w e wane your Business ana are & un position" tb give ! 'courteous service. : - ... . 5 . V . ' .. .. - . r lev ..'7' in: CENT INTER! ST coMrcur::": ; A::.) iv ". I i ... Powdei - isiiidis cookery and to : A GOOD STATEMENT. The statement of ths National Bank will be found in the Journal today. It makes the usual good showing for this" well known bank. The indi vidual depositis are $541,009.94, whe the totaf resources of this strong bank ing institution are shown to be nearly a million ' dollars. The National - is officered by experienced men and is doing a constantly increasing business. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED l local applications, as they cannot n,ah the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is bv constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inllamed condi-; tion ot the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube.- When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or afld unlegs the inflamraaton can be taken out. and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de- stroyed torever; nine cases out of ten but an inflaed conditon of the mUcous surlaces. I F. T. CHENEY. & CO.. loledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. (Adv. : : r ii i .1 Uall and see tne new nioclel Kbdaks. BroWnies from 1 .00, $2.00 and up.;3 S utw. n. -Ruptiwiji v-uuier by nien or expen- .you prompt and-' Let our bank. be r ;:'V- I ' i , i '. : y. i V . ,. -. A -0 QUARTr."LY rr:;. ON - vw -crests J. J. BAXTER Elks' Temple Department Store 4 PER CENT. INTEREST Compounded O-U-A-R-T-E-R-L-Y April first is the'beginning of a new quarter deposits made on that date or the first three day9 of the month will receive interest fora full quar ter whieh will end July first. END OF 1st. QUARTER, APRIL 1st. END OF 2nd. QUARTER, JULY 1st. END OF 3rd. QUARTER, .OCT.. 1st. END OF "4th. QUARTER, JANY. 1st. Four Times a Year CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY T..TCJ17 ;S2-lb, Pail Sncw Drift Lard... i pbPailiiow Drift Lard-.. i'Jvib Paif Snow DriftXard ..! 21b1tPaii;Sno'w?b lQ-Ih. Pai! Srinw Drift LarH j iiiiislpialvi ,Twn PHnhAS IdO tinrt --'.-- Are rdieYeVJMitKGlass a I . . .... 4-.i.s . .... ,:(:. ... yilEN your head aches and pu 'feel fired !!and fter- g i vous. don't think you're ill-trv wearintr a Dairof ' 6t-i 0 our EYE-GLASSES t6 relieve the; strain On ypur eyes. ; 9. This is 'a' limbic remedv-'-but. verV 'e'ffecHv.;v'.fl' C .A ' PA'M K. ; TV ;LL Ladies are cordi- -T aUygirivit ed to call at our' store' and inspect our new line of REDFEfeN CORSETS Every pair guar anteed. Also a new line of the Warner's and R, & Gi corsets just in. : : : i One - third Less of IT .25c. 35c. ..45cT 55c. $1.00 1KO 4 '77 Rrhrt Sf- .' ( T .... v . J .. ,. V,:":i... EATON, Optometrist f! .A I r 5l iA',J -1 , -' . i. ii f liouMcrs able td , bear it, r .;t it is proposed to male it prations to sun !y the yuui:;.;,. 1 v ''if