r .1 T f f . 1,a1 Hi"" ,4 1 I"'' ' Villi J ,T . 1 1 , .Vv . 'SAFETY.;;:- ' ' ' ' . - v , -. ' i . ' . The most Important consideration to .those who deposit money in a financial in- etitution is safety. This bank at ail times . v- affords safety to depositors by reasons of the fact that jt Is under: the rigid super - vlsiqn of the government of. the State of 1 ; North Carolina and because the men who compose its Board of Directors are among ' the most representative business men In" ,lthe community who apply only the most , conservative prindpleso tne transactions ;-& - m. ' ' 1 7y ,: B. B. HACKBURN, ;;". Soe ylg-ehts. i ' !L! . , igl"!! 1 1 SS--3- V KSfll ,.-l U;,W K 3 b Liio:;TrAc;;.G r: evt:;ts ; -. h !l.!;i.!.f.!.!.f.!.!.!.;.i.UUU!.!.l.!.!.,.l.1.': 'It i desired that every member of the Womaa'g Qub who hu not paid I her due for tW Federation will bring tham to the Club rooms this afternoon. ; Coburn's 'Minstrels will.be be at traction at -the Massonic theatre to night.' ' Tickets are now- on ' sale ' at Edward" Clark's . cigar .storef and at Kafer's bakery lv '. This afternoon at' 3:45 o'clock there will be a meeting of the , Miseionary Society of the Christian church at the home of Miss Nina fiasnight .on Pol- lick street vEvecy mtmber is urged to! be present, j ; ' .'.i-j-, - Sir A t -.jj An important meeting of the Worn ana' CI ib , will be Jield this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the club rooms. w All the member, are urged to be present Election of officers will take place and other important business will be transacted.','- - , " u Meet me at the Big Land Sale. 'LEFT BABE IN HOTEL ( . . ... A A 4. ..... : t ... , . ' A l w 1 i , t t.JLN IK' . Rau th, April 8. -Cv. (. ation Com i ." liners E. L. Travij and W. T. Lea kft .- yenerday fcf - Crental, on ihs 'ai folk i- juihtrn, to look into the passenger faLtliiies. T . The people have aslced for better trains, and the condition Was such as to . make neces:ary the personal at tendance of the commission . ; "r HOUSE for rent. ' S10 mofath. Annir Justice; "83 E. Front street 'Phone j Meet me at the. Big LandSaie. i. . ' n" Philadelphia Lawn Mowert make your lawns look better. We have them ranging in prices from $3.0S to $22.60. i. S. Baanlght Hdw. Co. ,1 3 rec i ! I, I'-'i'l- ffaaV 01? MEASURES ,HAVE' MEASURED ENOUGH' MEN; TO'mAKE' AN ARMYl" I A FINE. LQuKIP All Tie.'IW All uniformly Stylish anri Correctly, Clad! , i3 BETTER JOIN THE fiILOR",MADE, JKASKS. r. ' A Yours:tri.ly, vi":;;;;''-: ; Father and . Mother Arrested As They Were Boarding Trains Richmond, Va., April ,8. On a charge of child abandonment, T. F. Fergus, 21 years old,,. of Wilmington, N. C, and Mary Bowdeh, 18 years, of Goldsboro, wcrd arrested here yes terday just as they' were about to boaFd a train fcr North Carolina, while a 10-days-old baby vas cr'ing for ts girl mother at Gilbert's hotel, a few . blocks a'wayv ' - ' Fergus called, at' the hotel between 7 and 8 o'clock . yesterday morning, and after registering, was shown to a room."- Soon afterwards Miss Bowdcn appeared at the front entrance and hastily made her way to the same room. with a babe iii her arms. Half an hour later, Fergus and the girl left the hotel without the child. When the baby was found alone in thte room,( the hotel officials notified the - police, who i lost no time nabbing1 the couple before they could get out of the city. rergus was committed to the city jail pending further, imvestigation. The girl was sent to a maternity hospital where, it developed, she had called in an effort to dispose of the' child be fore she went to the hotel. An advance deposit of $150 which the superintend dent cf -ibis institution demanded, caused her to seek dispostion of the infant elesewhere. When .approached by detectives, Fergus became , ugly and. resisted ar rest.. He said that he and the gijrl were planning to be married as soon as they could return to ' Wilmintgon. He admitted that the child was born there.- . ;p During the. days following its birth, the couple deliberateo! upon its fate, the lather counselling 'atr.ip to Rich mond to. dispose of it. while the moth er, who was passionately 'devoid to it, hesitated at taking such-a course, The counsel" of the father finally pre vailed. " . When the in ant was placed in the girl - mother's 'arm's after her arrest, she almost swooned with joy. She de clared that she. never wanted to aban don the child and had fully intended killing . herself when she returned to North Carolina. "v :In the excitement attending, the 11th hour arrest of the couple', a colored wo man traveling, with them escaped no tice and is believ'ed'fo have returned to North' Carolina"1 : ' , For anything in a first-class drug tore, - Phone 746. r Pinnii Drug Store, "IV the place". "Adv.) jAMeet me at the Big Land Sale VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR . ' , SALE.' . Am offering for sale lot number 125, and house and lot-number 127 Craven street, being part of the estate of the late. J. D: Whitford. Excellent lo cation; attractive proposition. Sepa rate or together. W.G.BOYD. Meet me" at the Big Land Sale, Let us fit your screens before the rush. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. Cold drinks par excellence. Pin nix Drug Store , "Is the Place" Op posite union station. (Adv.) Nice perfumes, scans and toilet articles, at Pinahc Drus Store. (Adv.) NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that stock certificate No. 82 for 12 shares of Stock in "New Bern Ice Co", issued to me has been lost and application has been made or duplicate certificate. GEO. C.JONES. P. M: Chatiwick Meet me at the' Big Land- Sale. v. i SMBSJSJSJstBJHHSI And- the tools ,wnich, save rhin- m i ..;:-.!,.! I:.-. v Ami' I iiH iiiiiiM wnirn sVA mm. . ; . f ; , utesm save you. their cost;in;a v fot i?:7 V short whue.?; ? - v -A 1 ' ; f , 4 ', - tWV 'TJie tools iwe sel save time ,be- . v cause they, can be depended Upon: . ' - ' v .' ; ;vS?. a?.?6 ?f :,.hi- ??W ma- ,;., Lcuuiia, , jii'uie uci way.', anu llieir , V , priced are, JUST. RIGHT, ; because- :. Vas to keep your trade as Ipn,g we v 1 stay-in business. -i.' ri . A . ' & Mill Supply Go. . 73-75 77 Middle St.,-, 'Phone 147 - ; "The Builders' H'dw'e Authorities ; if BESTOWS i' PRIZE FOR, HEALTH r.,J'A vfiox beauty; . York, : April ;'8XAVnow. kind of baby, . show will', begin, , next' Satih jday at pu'blitt , school ,110, y on Jfast One Hnudred and.' Eleventh ; street, m ,j The Babiej ; Welfare association which neaitniest tJaDy. , t , , . . ' t . V Dimples curves, ? pink cheeksr! and endearing.' attriDutes ,'Wiu not . count Helffht. eight, circumference of chest and abtomenr- quality; of bone, -skin and muicle mil be determining factors. "More . i than oner hundred children r- : i.Wn.',.j - Meet meNat the Bfg Land Sale; Mr .and Mrs"E. E. Baldwin of Boon ton, N. J , and daughter, Mrs. . Edgla Martin, , of Passaic, 1 N. J.ho have been spending some time with ' Mrs. . W P, Burrusi have returned horned i ' MiflB, Jcllic Dunrt of Philadelphia who haa been the guest of her aunt Mr.l Joel Kinney, has returned home..' Mrs. Mark de'.WoIf Stevenson Jcft yesterday- tor Woodbury N. J, for vibit to her pnrcnts. ' -1 ft 4 94 , Give us your next order for RUB BER ' STAMPS. Quick d.Jlvery E. J. Land Trlntlng Co. riione Wt T . IkT ' 9 f 1 . ttett ne at the r.'a Land .S.ile. TRUST COMPANY Prudent ; Man s r Apruaent man will consider the fi.? rnancial strength and safety of a bank ber lore ne entrusts fits money to it The'. proof that thl bankis positively-safe lies in the fact that it has ample capital and. fsoorces for the security of all funds en. trusted to Its care Prudent, careful men moreover.1 entrust , their - mnnn tn thii , b ink, because they, know that it is safe Ui-J mr v May t - P T FOUR PER CEKT COMPOUNDED FOUR' TIMES A YEAR ON SAVINGS, it r ' Meet me atl the Big Land Sale. Mc Daniel's Cash Grocery 41 MIDDLE SiTREET e Desires (o call your special attention to CATAWBA GEM PRINT BUTTER. It is by far the tinest butter sold in the city The following certificate appears on every package: "This is to certify that a'l the Cream received at the Catawba Creamery is fromcows that have been tuberculin tested un der the supervison of North Carolina Dept. of Agriculture". W. J. CHRISMAN, State Veterinarian. JOHN W. ROBINSON, Pres. Catawba Crenery Co. J. L. McDANIEL 41 Middle St. PHONE "91 New Bern. Nl fL FOR SALE A few bushels of long staple cotton seed. Best quality. J. E.1 Latham AgencyfNew Bern, N. C. Do You Smoke? We have . your brand of Cigars and Tpbacco or we will take pleasure in getting it for you Try " our" Fountain when thirstyevery thing clean ':and 'sanitary,' with polite , .and quiclcservice. LANE T ' 105 Middle St.- , ; -Wateta" Old Stand. ' it - st''' iff t. Lady to Demonstrate and sell Music every Saturday J at KRESSV. Apply at qtlce s i QU3 BONELESS PLI ! at 20c per lb. and our. fine, thin sliced smok-s ed ham t, 25c. per lb, I is the very thing you j are " looking for, for H for that early break iasr. SOMETHING NEW Milk Bread Have You Tried This Delicious Bread? Phone your orders In, for Hot Bread, Rolls and Pies for Dinner and Supper: Kafer's Bakery, Phone - - " - 243 rWPWPf!"WW!THCra laaX. ,u . . , mIAdS r . - ';.v" ' :- - - - ' v 'e rrp i ire 1 to f ""re ti'r i- ! ' i '1 sen i ' r - ' ' . J. ' . A. a: r y tfr Thy Are Here ! f Come get yours while they - ; . Combination , :..: Cultivator V;i ,,1,. -"' 'h,,'!,'''' ' ' I ,v is all iii one,: Everybody needs one; you most of all. Don't put if;'bff;;N6wiisVltheiiirie::uy: X-''; f : while we have them. I , , ; ? t t .. . " - . ' i li I .h. kAMH- aak m Ml . 1 '. . BBBBHriv auBakL1 lURRUSf GOMPMV ,...,. mil' i .! , ij iftrrri ' llllllr"'lnt'tl i-Hi'riiim n , Sanitary Plumbing If yo'uwant Sanitary- Plumbing pLJ work done by experienced men I." i n1 4 K V i l ;W ' :V'" ' L4