Vr. ? .51 J t. ' AN UNEASY FEELING in the stomach or. -. V." towels, caused by iudigestiiu ox c-aEstipatioa, yields- , . uickiy to ; ... k i . " 0S M 1 Oil S v' V? Li I V E R RE Gil L A T O R -" . : i .' THE powder foru -. ; .. ;'v It removes all impurities or. fermented food, cleanses and tones the 'stomach and bowels and restores that fine feeling of exhilaration; mental activity and cheerfulness that belongs only tojerfect healths - : 1 t'A. tl mil to .1. w vttt s tfc Irk, SIM fee bottl. Look l H ut"- : ;-- V J- , J. H. ZF.IUN 4 CO., PROP., ST. towis. MO. v . -k j .im vteh j r m )hi fehali If .mi nanot vrt tt iMtt MM by rot iiwk1. SimmoM Ltvcr Ktfnutor 1j w ? tuoiaiHaU fere lot ofmkfnit J r'..j ."v , :, . . v' UOU I noon... j;." - r . .. ;- :r'' to n Jonnneee belief, dolls v.: V --vt -sometimes come alive acquiring a soul r.-in : process of being . played with by -iracceRsIve .generations ' of children. n . . . I .S .. . ... (.atti nflAthoVafa treated "With 'great care, lest neglect . If should bring 'trouble upon the house---bold. ,- One pretty story tells bow a V? ? i i. 4.hiMis hhsiinnd and wife borrowed. bnd gained a soul, fed and prospered thereafter. . utter contrast with the doll theory of J arro, Jtfie echolnrof ancient Rome. Be .held that . the dolts "siren to . little Ilomnns t Christmas-tliat Is to sayat the sot-. ' TirnaUa represented original .sacrifices . of human beings To the Infernal god. V V' :SW:ii?''doll .that 'l'rf'; - Clotlied It and 1 ".. jA ' All this is in -nnpleasant , - ;... v.v; KoxiCw cr riiAVcn er - ! ' "Notice is Jiertl-y given tbat'the buEi nc$ tnown as the .Standard Vwrijiture Company hetcfore wnducted at No. 39 nven" street," Xev Bern,. N. C.j under said, came and style, "'Vas discontinued en "March 25lJ, 1913 "by mutcal cgreement.'i ; ' S'T' - i After said datCthe business will be conducted at -theiame place fcy the undersigned, H. M.' Hur.tdr under the name and style of Ik M. Hunter & Ca UThe indebtedness , of Xtif Standard Furniture' Company and the "Standard Tailoring Supply ' Company . prior to said date-is assumed by the' under signed,' .S,' ' R. tf Brockenbrough.'r-Ail debts 'coritracted after said date'J it aaeumed by and Upon the credit of the undersigned, H,, M.;.Hnter. ' tNew Bctn, CI, March 2Sth, l913. . v; S.R. BROCKENBRbUGH, He Kr,e His Ster. . fit..-e tU' Keofjt cf ts pretty sinter l;er fOiM Lrother bnd been pus- xling bis h;id to cedcrstand "what it meant. . -: , ' ' , ' . ' ? "Why." exclaimed h!s tnother. .-"! r.M Sbajrss bns risked slstpro marry tiim That means that he'll tate edre-of her.' - ' v.: ; "Bny her thmgsr.siked he boy. ; "Yes- : V.,.v.v.:.';:"'. TJarannd dinners, euj Ice cream SDd eerythlngr he pv'.iisted. . "Tes," was tbfawiwer.' ..:4" ''; "J; The boy thought it all rer for a mo ment, and tbwn be mW: f Well, that "man's rot lots of conr tge, hasn't terLadlesV.Home Jour nal. r i-iv, TC LVOI ! if ul iUSJUU I unli ILLL 11 JUU UnlliiUi if. -- . of-' : Everything Tailoring "s'-v."--",'' ; '".'f't'-:V . . Suits Ma de, Altered, Presse d and Dry Cleaned at ; 72 Craven St. PHOKE 7i5 &ew6ern, Ni C. ... , , ;.. . 1 ; - . ' . . . v - " . :t: - t..' . ; WISllAISWIiMSM5gl :e. RiE. LEE Proprietor:; ' j The Best of Everything. Private Dining Room. Lady ies Rest Rooms; ;.-- -r . ; -t .. -"I !iiv Ths Bagptpas. A' .bagpipe "4ir;9 three long f tubes,-or "drones which possess no fixed notes; it wind chest, sac or Jungs Inflated by a't blowpipe;:' a chanter,:, with flnger boles for playing the melody. It.ls aa Instrument wtli: a small ;compas"ot aboul nine notes, which form no, dia' : - mmisqto?je. cAI.K tonlc.scale, . rior are they: accurately COMMISmIPNEKS SALE, tuned to ne anotbfer. Eaitt iot orlgi- j By tu s of ofie Co:. etc-hnd all Abe airs, flings, slo- .B.-Plaonw,- .Clerk of the , Superior Wtrtr mftrches: hnlachnns.'tnith- Court of. Craven County, Jsorth Caro epeys, laments, ploboireachdpibrbehs Una, in a special proceeding entitled -retcJ, were self taugUt.l.v ear.;' Now Fred Ipock andEuphlronia'1. Ipoek vsl. there are two or three book tutors la) Gal"cl Heath,. Dand - Heath ana the 'market London t"anlly Herald, t j Lilly Heath and Macy Clark, by guard ian ad litem, Jesse E. Heath and U8fa,ce Clark appointing , 'thc underaigned , commissioners to Sell the land describ- . led in the petition in said action, -we j the. said commissioners will offer for sale, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door, in the city of New Bern, Craven County, N. C, at the' hour of 12 o'clock M. on Monday, the 28th day. of April, 1913, the followine tract, of land in Craven County,". JJorth Carolina, : known ' as the ; Freaenck1 Heath land, and being on the north side of Core Creek, and north "side of Rattlesnake branch, be ginning at a-, red; oak, near Richard Daughert's. gati and then .with Alex Taylor's line and Julia West's fine to a, cartroad that'turns out from Dqver road, near what is called 'the ; Arnold house, and with said road to : Rattle- l snake branch' anjd with, the' various j courses of said branch to said Daugher ; ty's line, and then to the banning being j the , tract of land deeded to Edmund 1 B. Heath by" Edmund- Heath and Zilphia Heath , on the 12th day of October, 1870. v : . : D. L. WARD, '"'- , D. E. HENDERSON; - P c Commissioners. 'y'Xtn Doubt About the Bend.'l, i A freshman cauiebome from -, high school the otber day and told ber inuth er' she' was 'discouraged. ' The mother asked her the cause.';-"Well.'! she re piled, "1 will have to govtbree more years before J - will be In the senior class,, and It really doesn't seem worth the trouble. This morning tn a spoil ing contest tfie teiicher asked n'sehlor .boy to spell 'pneumoniar and .he, stow! tip and looked about the room a bit P uncertului and then said: v'Do yon mean the liquid' or the cis euseV tVKaWa City Star.. Druggist SaysuWherr. Mixed With Sulphur Prevents Danti j ruff and Fatjing. Hair, " 4, Commoa garden sag, brewed into a oeavr- tea witu euipDor ana aiconoi added, then ieit to age ana careruny filtered will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri ant: remove every bit of dandruff, stop Bcalp itching; and f alling hair. ' - : " . jusi a lew applications win prove a revelation if your hair is iadinp, eray cr dry, scraggly and thin;- Mkr.g the Sage lea ana smpnur recipe &t nome, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use tonic, costing about 50 cents a large bottle at drag stores, known as" Wveth's Sa,"0 and Sulphur Hair Kemedy," thus evading ' - ; " A TRIP TO Is not complete without a ; visit to ,the ,;This 28th day of March, 191i a lot .bf nrasav, Sorheiflruggists mat . their own, but it isn't nearlv so nice as "Wyeth'a." .:.-,,' - While wisiry, grayj faded hair is not' ' sinful, we all desire to retain our youth- n ful appearance and attractiveness. By . uwfccuuig ywx uoak wiux. n ;cui s - and Sulphur no one can tell, because it does it so - naturally; so evenly. ' Yon just dampen a sponge or soft brush and draw it through your, hair, taking one small strand at a. time. Do this tonight , and by morning all gray hairs have 010 - ' appeared, : after another application or two it will be restored to Its natural '. color and be even more glossy, soft and ;, luxuriant than ever. - - - ' Local druggists" say they are selling lots of " Wveth's Sams and Sulnhur " : it . surely helps folks appear years younger" C, ,rf' - ;., a; Subscribe ForThe. Daily Journal Armour SOLID CAR: LOAD GF . V 9, rrao' IT ?1 u JUST -A RRIVBD THE Popularity of ARMOURS GRAPE JUICE is based en, quality. This product is pure, imfermented, unsvcetenod, - - undiluted. Our factories at Mattavvan, Mich., and VVest field, N. Y., are models of cleanliness each is equipped with every modern sanitary jdevice and appliance. : : : : We choose the cream of the.Qoncord Crop. The quality of AR MOUR'S GR APE JUIGE is unsurpassed. We inyite other brands for comparison. : : : : Drink , it at meals and bptween meals serve it to guests and the children Ask, your Duggist, Confectioner or Grocer for AR 1 MOUR'S GRAPE JUICE and see that you get ARMOUR'S. : ny NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. 1 .1?Tj:f--.S-'-f; ..- r ,. 1 r , l:.;'.. ? '.VM;V':.j".-i OF f ' ANlT kl -.IM 'noIr II 1 ,n .y js .;T;.'ri 1 " -n- , m, m m m in ; .40...- . jt. jr. JBL. VL. -.jmu, ua JUL. .. , J. -a. m. Kr n jkl. jl. -A- jul. '-'r:u v.-;y:-'-: -'. - 'v'v '). U- ..'f-v-- '.', ,v -' . 4 .,', A, rj';?i.. ' ;' - 7 fazi''-. 1".'. -:V." aswsatsaai!n g; SOn Monda 5 Farmat Auction; fHw )lSS fecStedJdnftPbllockiStret 9 ,1(.-"-.. rS will sell UOOibeautifu r ' . : ,-t.S to hot biiv lotsl in Hitfl . ." . ; j - y .-"-..' . . ,.-.,,.; .v t-.i.i -, . i . . ... -v. -..-, si.-.,,;, i .. -, r- -Uv v- .i v. r - i. 'vi. , . 1 " '' '.. ' i' V catea jonr roiiocKpoireeti une DiocKrom va S ' v ; On Wednesday.-April 1 6, w . Vf ; ; hkM ' ari . I ..... V . mm MaaB.J M..aMaaMi :.i;i:.t7t J vlOh ednesdayA ,Pe6pl(3; wed?man;sfcinc : yaluable premiums given away at each sale Our . oyn - All Star; Band f. (will:-; playcrvday; The World Famous Auctioneers, BUIITON BROS, will do the -talking. We sell rairT or shine. I- . . ' . . - - - T i "7- , - -"j I T aWv'-U.

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