-0 ;:-:' - 1 ' , -4 . ; RnroiiT riuzYCo:.:z m:d go - 0COiOOO00O-O0COOi 'A ''-.,. I j - -.- ' ' yTArTv -TrT- - : , Safe MmtSnfifeteF; w E ARE opening up a full line of Refrlger- V have thV.iamoAut6fic, ,the Leonard i cleahable (Which 'is among the best built boxes in the. country .The sanatary arrangement inside beats alii If you are considering buyr ing, it will pay y6u to examine these lines. . I. W. Stewart left last evening for a business trip to Gcldboro.5'? , i ... Charle F oy of Kinstoa was monj the business vlai or ia the city yet- terday. " : ..... ; '- ' , Mist Mary Thompson of Pamlico spent yesterday in the ity'the fueat of relative; '''..('-. ; ; t-'. - .'.' "'. Mr. and Mia. W.F; Fpy left yester day for a isit with relatives at. New Yoric?'-'- V- y T.' Rowe oCjClatks was among th business visitor in the; city .yestery '-H. lA-v Marshall "of; Havelock -spent yesterday in the 5 tity 'attending to business 'mattere.'-'.V-v';-"'..,.- .George NEnnett visiting relatives at-Cedar:Pdint"ivv' "'"?' - u ii" Frank C. . firinson tf Bayboro waa among thi- visitors in the' city yester- Mies Leona Thompson, of Jacksonville passed!' thit ugh,: the city Tuesday moniine enroute to .Baltimore, where be wilt visit rieridsi Y, ' y' yPT Kirk Podney ', of Jacksonville was in the city last night? - H. M, Hill of the . Hill Tailoring Co. hes gone to Baltimore on a business S: Miller Furniture 99-X01 MIDDLE STREET. PHOSE 229. TOD 1 HEART in Within Twenty-Five Miles of this town is set .Hpoa- NEW-'BERN'S; ' " "f NEW STORE FOR WOMEN For Their Spring and Summer Outfit. FOR POTATO CHOP REPORTS FROM PAMLICO COUN TY ARE DECIDEDLY GLOOMY. '-- s "k r.nnn pniwr ' ..t. iboui oivi Meat that every clef imme diately" notices is the quality, r Another poiitthjat ' will interest many lwusc- keepersiho j?fte4 fai. at, difficult to know what td Jiavft for dmner w the variety of diQicuts we offe?. ? There: are otherf commendable fea tures that charactenie. i-V ' r- 'v.--- otR viATs.- .' t ..; 'We are' especially ; careful to have every patron: aatW&ed'.v We serve you courteously and deuver ' promptly. , 1 1 We ' have . on hand ' today another supply of fine stall fed beefr better than ve; bad. last' week which '-Was of the fihest quality. Also some" nice, tender mutton, cnups. A. CASTET, S The Home of Better Meats for Less Money. ' Phone 239 ' 11 :' t" " OF THE CQNDITION OF THE ;5 y. , ' National Bank of New Beroc ' AT NEW BERN, IN THE STATE OF, NORTH CAROLINA, AT THE ' '.S:' close of business, apriu 4. imj.' - ;-i?W:H.t RESOURCES.; Loaaa and DImnn : ; : ,' r Overdrafts,, secured and unsecured. United States Bonds to secure' circulation.- Banking house. Furniture and Fixtures. , ' Doe from National Banks(not reserve agents) . V Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, 'Trust Com- ! panies, and Savings Bankt... . Due from approved Reserve Agents .'. "" Checks :'aad other Cash Items . Note of other National Banks , Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels and Cents Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: ' .Specie-. 1. . $ 7,924.30. "Legal Tender notes 10,000.00 . Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. 5 per cent, of circulation.. $646,151.56 . 9.368.12 25.ooaoo . 38,000.00 12,000.00 26,152.17 37,716.05 32,543.75 7,522.44 2,760.00 833.21 17,924.30 1,250.00 I invite inspection of my Excellent Stock of Millinery, Waists, Skirts, DressesrSpring Coat Suits, Dusters, ftaincoats, Underwear, Gorsets and Dry Goods.- - - - Also a Full Line of Ladies Hair Goods; Reprrts from Pamlico county con cerning ..the-potato crop are anything .h t encouraging and are causing no ""H tie uneasiness-all over this section During the past three weeks much rain has fallen in that section and this has caused many of the plants to be blighted. In some places the water has stood in the fields fordays and the farmers hve been compeil?d to (dig tenches in order to drain the helds. Acctrding to the statements of some of the largest land cown.'rs and farmers in that section the potato crop has been cuf in haf and - unless the shippers receive exceptionally good prices for their product they will lose much money Wanted Wood sawyer and logging men at good wages. Pa$ every Saturday. Comfortable quarters. Apply to East Car olina Lumber Co. at Carolina City." Pamlico county, near Olympia, N. C. ' M Phone 752. rs. B. AUen - - - - Under .James Hotel. .1 f ffiTi niniiim Tii'iiriiiwmrii imrrn MMnyiTitnaimnai niMiimniiniii in nm-t - - - - ... - - - CARNINl if ' . ' ' lira PREPARATIONS FOR NEXT. ' WEEK'S EVENT PROGRESS ; FAVORABLY; Tomorrow :-New Spring v if ... -i r ,. ri .iimfar i v i - ii wtsuwjwwt mm i " The Daylight Store' : We k dont. buy jthenr by the car load, but', we . do s have v,therri ecoming-inachday; ilCfelong W the rAJicss .runs ana we need H?ts and; you) .'carl? find what :i vnn , iwanthere,:and atthe.: price you want to pay.? 5(BeautifulTrimme" k hatsj ot sucti ex a ui site ' style and beauty that. evrev ftnA flnnp-rc v ;V tTia'$ terpiccc'.-1 j i c have been able lo' 1.; ciictj. v several- kittle . .economics in' buying thatrrfablesus to lyf exception ally: . prices and: you'll be . able: "to; firjd just ex .;s actlv what VOU' wnnt ' f '1' for we h n v ' KiVr h' : a 4 big line..- '.'.V,: :".:' .. .v Come and See :; t '. .Them it ?:;:'..; .a 1 . v ' - and omnr.ny. ., Preparations i for the pi(j; Firemen's Carnival to be held here during the week of April 14th to 19th inclusive, are progressing favorably,"': and 'the committees in charge of the work cf promotion report exceUent progress in the. various details: in connection with the events which, it js decland, w U represent one of the biggest oit door fetes evec held r'th icituty,, -: .? The Johnny ' J.-Jones Shows haVe been engaged to furnish the attract ioi a id many: novel amusement! features. a 'Promised. f '. '. -; vy,!';,v 5 hi? Midway will represent a veri' table Coney Island, with all the feature s of Si-rf Avenue'and the Midway;Thee will b i bands and processions, a man- moth, trained; wild'.a'nimal show, n 1 i-fashionei1 "nc-ring t ircus," a mctor dx(S e, in w) IcVtao racing tnbtd.'iycle's will "speed around arf lalmc pCrpen u al'sidesho- features' will be there, including V Johhnjr Dreamland frealt ahow, wh.Ie a number ot ' sensational free' - acts and Y peror- mances wlllbe incliided-'in-: "a: veritable feast1 !pf amiisemenj; and ir,Ii3.? J-; i T,he frfteeds ,of :'tfeXwek;:witf be turned t ver ip the cc rrhitf in ch4rge of the Firemen's CarpivaVf nd With thi liberal ,! ambun ' of sadyeitising. hit.h w.lf be givenhe.'Wveni; :!a;,jbig 'wjel'ia v; The jcbnrty" J.J. jonea ,?hbys,;'oovc the old' st anoVtvggest carnival organi iiopr-inthe country has been coi)t iderably enlargcd, and niady' new and startling fcatures.have been 'added for the ,coming. season.', f i' 'J,ft':'.' '" i .) - , , --'ft. '.:.:-,' -;":: Meet We at the Big Land Salef . BENEFIT PERFORMANCE AT Tlltf ; V A'tHENS TdMGHT. h4 The performance af the ; Athens theatre' tonieht w.11 be for the benefit of the flood sufferers in the west. Lov. ick and Taylor, 'managers of this pop ular. little'' theatre, have decided to donate ten per tent of their' receipts to thU cause and the amount secured for the fWod victims "will le puhlibhcd in the ' Journal tomorrow .morning. Those who atlrnd v.111 niit only K '-( urinjf a plc.i'-.uit c-"in for ilicm Mlvcs lnt will abo be aMing '.! v l,r arc in nil d.. i A HOT BAiTH l 8 IS A luedry I S TN masy Homes t!ic l-ury S P i- of the hot bath 13 iiapcnsecl' g riiL daring t!io janncr., S . inoatL), tccausc tho heat cf js S tao cod rafttfe cannot be eadufed during the hoi cpell. S 1 YOU CAN HAVE I s ;, ' YOUR BATH ?; s T-?r ti no longer any nepd of heating the wtolj' s hnuM vcrw i tme lint wa'c?. f is wanted. You caniuva a Q S cup, a gallon. or a tubful ' (SIMPLY;. tJSE A':.;;:'; 3 Gb9 ; Vatcr .Heater 3 -t Heats almost ;.inv, 3 $ itaatly' Hot water S Jllyeaatt A'Vhifltft-lMls-mf I 6i 1 1 l! - j g-.j ? 'trt7'3Wtt- waft, tt.f i g J-tv '-'ii'' .' S 'j?-PuJ rsprcMata-;, tVillv'callv; ''v.'.?;4'Vitr,nv'.;'- S : A: postal request- S:? will v brin-you I an, 6L..S:"iterstmtf booklet. . c3;i!i!iiui!in:!:m::::!:niniiiaiu:in::nita ,tt.r., jt-' i V V I n ! FOR SALE.; Small ifarms 10 to. 20 ac res on Nqusc road one: and haU miles from City limit Ideal situation and prices reasonable. 'w ' ' ' ! Sec mebefore yea buy J. T. IL Moore 1 Ij ill ... ..Iv t I. . r - r .J Total...; LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in...: Surplus fund Vodivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid. , National 'Bank Notes outstanding Due' to State aud private Banks and Bankers.. Individual, deposits subject to check Time " certificates of deposit Cetified checks.... Cashier's checks outstanding , Notes and bills' rediscounted S847,222.2($ ; $100,000.00 80.000.00 27,575.60 25,000.00 8,204.22 541.0C9.94 12,440.24 55.00 1.789.8S 555,295.06 21,147.32 Bills payable, including' certificates of deposit for money borrowed..:, ..: 30,000.00 Total....- $S47,222.20 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Craven, I, G. H. Roberts, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly , swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. G, II. ROBERTS Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sth day of April, 1913. THOMAS J. MITCHELL, Notary Publi:. CORRECT Attest: E. B. HACKBURN, JNO. DUNN, T. G. HYMAN, J. A. JONES, Directors. Reduced Prices on Ball Bear. III ing Skates! ?1 Hi i $1.50 pair While They Last. WILLIAM T. HILL m i ne sportins uooas ivian 52 91 Middle Street. i New Bern, N. C. r.-k - 15 the sentence which has peen lmpos , Jgaion;iybiT:pair of HOLEPROOjF HOSE six rnbnths of the hardest kind fiw'e7tKat,manan; give thdm, and g lflthey; ?do ''not'; ;SerVe, their, time to the ft-:;:'V-f;v.,W-Y,M' . ' .1. Ml ; ruii limit or six -rnonrns, we wm replace y tnem .witn new nose, r rnc-. HOliRPKilllR L M v-r Mum m-m m..-, m. m -v rr, -, HOSIERY ;6j PaGtiraB Mont tf;ed tor:months r.uu; -Viwe are tne New Bern ents.4i Mail and phpn Wi44 x "THE SHOP THAT'S DIFFERENT" TAILORS HABERDASHERS " "; c (ICC C C HATTERS -Of' -i 4 .s A If m 1 'J I. ',. .