J ' VOL. LXII. No. 65 The Wtber: - FAIR. ... NEW BElltf, N.' C iSUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 13,1913 - - ; THREE- CENTS PER COPY PAREriTS'WEEKlO UEWPORT 1 ! BEAUTIFUL-; TEA fJEJROifLOIFOR V" BEDBSERVED SOOr WeiCUBT- Ii r lllSiii GIVE YESTERDAY C El r. " . New Institution Is To V" : Modern In Eastern. North-; Be Most vviix; Garollna;- BE OPENED 'IN.iMAY f ., -V To Bo . Equipped With Every Ap- ; pllance For (Gonjfort Of r ( A - 1 t " f v J New Bern is soon to "have aftothef j, ' to the. public some time ; during the imonth of May This announcement, - inade public for the 'first time last might 'v will be ot ; considerable.- interest , -not only to the people of th's city .bul to the citizens of this knd surrounding counties. - -. ; ;; -i '4 Ji v?'? ':i ' The 1 "neV institution wilt be, locat 3n' theuQqing now berhg ;constrijcted atvthe corner of Gri1 and .'Qiiceh tiwta bv Df G.. A.'Caton and will , le conducted by Dr.- H. M. Bonner aand ur.- u. A. uaton, botn wen Known physicians of jthis city. $ A ' ' The hospital proper will, be located vn the tecond aqd ,thjrd floors of the building; which is constructed of pressed 4 onck and will have a capacity tor ZO pri wate patients and 10 "ward patient's and 5f necessary a fewmprel patients ' can le: accomodated. ; !.. f,.: "The institution will be one. of" the test-ventilated, sanitary and also-best appo nted in Eastern North Carolina. .Nothing is being left undone that, will ten-to the comtort 01 the patients A modern hospital annunciator system is being installed and . with the use of this system almost absolute quiet can "be maintained in the wards and , the -patient will also be enable to summon the nurse -at his or her wil'. ', . . . Y' St t ' I) A the eye, ear and nose will be Hinder the siiperivision of Dr-.H M'-Bonner, while Dr. Caton will have charge of the department '. for . the treatment r; of" tfie diseases of the stomach,' intestinea and general i' medicine. Both physicians -wfll have their offices in the building ' tuii ;iu hub uiaiiiici ,wiii . uc vilrtuicu to give the patients their closest at tention. '' -v! ' ' ; 'r'-K-jir!X'j The entire hosptial will .be . underthe direct supervision of a competent Super; ' intendent and the nurses will be. under (lus ir 'her' charge, r -'A. training jschool for nurses Will also be operated in con nection with the institution and young f " ladies who desire to take up this line 1 wui,jhu uk givtii ail, uppurvuutLy '. to do so. ' rv a hospital, being near) the; fpassengaf station, , and has an opening on three ' sides thus giving it i perect. veritila- 1 ton. The kitchen and dining room are s. '" ' be locatted oh the top- floor and .thjs 1 . do'awaywith any1 possiWe odor tji.-iVj-''- CviH.-.-:n-.-l A Teaching the pitients. . The -operating Toom will be located on the third floor 0 ;;tIaHriIl: te';t quiped'wwitH every ( ' J, ;jaoiJer;'urg!cal.appliancft,-.t''.: t y .-"The fcr Jt floor 61'- Ullt'iAg will I ' 'atOTe. and,by a:'ar,ug,stori;"?p.ni:thj j r ' cond flobwiU te loeatad h'officis 1 - of Dr. Caton onif Dr. Ronncr nnr) fltan . '- tbio&c'pi, thi '''iujporfhcnldcnti'o the - , I aostitutioilv.Thc contractors. who have ' tthe erection -hefo'u2ldtn-Jn charge w ' '''-;n'!Bhb3gVthaVyork ' 'a.rapidl3r"iU f '-' 5', ;, ; possible and hope to have it complotsd , V: V SALVATIONISTS TO PREACH TO' . Major -. Andrew - Crawford and ..his ,;;;;ecmrtary', staff Ca'ptQtirk'pf Atjan'ta, ' ; " )will.', arriv' viri thJ city1; tomorrow a ., y,. ftiorning and-. wi 1 make, fc n inspection . ..?.'y';-:.;t th books' of the ijcal branch of 'th alvation';Army 'f-,y' "' EVER Y PARENT URGED TO VISIT ' .V SCHOOLS BETWEEN APRIL 4 'X-r 28 AND. MAY 2. ',' - ' The week irom April 8tho -May 2nd Vll he Parent ) Wee&kt the . graaeo scnooi ana qunng ine wee every parent is' urged to visit the school and see the 'work done i There will. be no special exerc'ses held but the work just as it h done every, day in' the 'school room can be;seen:;:S'5.;. Visitors are welcbme at any titne and all times but each year lor the past fou'rT or five-we hayeihadVParents .Week" and given a special invitation torevfy;.(0.'t:yisit'h,hooL.i...Ki- j l-uiuiiuttvrc rcpreeeniing uic ,o- man s i.ciuD v yisitea . : tne scnoois" on Thursday ?ndv spent; several hours in looking over the situation and the 'needs of' thevschool.y?;; , The Committee consisted , of JWrs. Harry" Marks, j'Mrs .5 fc Thomas, Mrs; i D. "Headerson,7 MrsClyde Eby,; Mrs. J. P. rC;; Davis; and Mrs; Sv LvVDill,' Jr., ' TReseniadies" visited every room, in school af.d will make a report of 'their visit Jto ' the ' Woman's Club. :i':Xr The-.W. C: T. U. of the State 'of North Carolina has offered five dollars in gold . for ).hc best - declamation pn temperance. -, "We have quite a number of enthusiastic young speakers ; who are., busycj&Bosih.speecheV'tJp' to date . there ar ' ten contestants, -On some Friday night beforevcOmmence men this contest will take' place and the money will be awarded on the night of the graduation ekerciscs.' 'The boys of tha;7A;-and 8B" grades are taking part in this-;; V'-.'.Vj1 : ; l ha contestants tor the Henderson medal are also JjusyVmemorizing' some of "The ' World's " Famous . Qra Watt Money Back They Paid For .; U'. Stock In Newly prftanl zed : . ENG AGED;? A A 'pLA Vf YVR . The department for the treatmentTtions" in preparing for the'Declama riday morning These little ladies they w il be compelled; to pay these. through i the;; figures ! beautif uliy" At - present the S. entire" situation is '-'J' .Monday 'night th jy . wiil conduct a S fnccting; In the First ,i Baptist church. These army officers argf Viry ablo spoaki crsand.it is hoped that a large aud.cncc will be present.-j , Indei to New Adrertlsements . J. J. Tolson Fair notice. J. O. Baxter Drugs vs. jhe norden ay. ' .. '. .1 New Bern 1 Banking. & Trust Co. f.I.ilcs big things possible, ' f.'.iiional Bankof New Bern One of ihr f i-t equipped banks of thig section. IV"- le's Bank Safety. , ' , .. I'i V Bank Statement. ( lnn ii Sim Su 1 son hats. ! Co. -Farmers farminj; ( t fsT j.rofa'. ' tion contest, which wjll be held during commencement ..wfc"ift":The.;C'c6netst is open to the boys in the High School. 'Xida Guion, Hattie' Dill," .Katherine Bel C ahd Mary Belo , Moore, four ptt'pilg; 'jot-l iroyikdIykK.PkyBitl Culture "iClass; deiightd the -; primary grades by giving a Danish -folk dance on Friday went and it was throughly enjoyed bv every one . x.S-;J.:fc ''ff&wtMW'Xj: - Another number i which pleased the children , was a vocal soloj "Mr: BunV bfeV'Praysung 'ry;aWeetty by MaryDeppe, & tiny maid from the 2A -Grade:"if?.v:i'i-': ? kiff VOn Tuesdaythe pupils of .the ,3B Grade had a "spelling ; bee" coVeo.ng thework of the: term gf They ; , spel led for fiftymmutesL fend at the end of th-J period. I the folio wiwer'8taftdrng: Annie .LuptpnS Bertie; Warren,j Eloise Peterson Jimraitf ' 'Robihsbnf Frederick Nelson, Charlie Pugh Furney Duprce, Herbert-Ireland .'ndCharJiLMkyer. HISTORICAL 5 MAGAZINE f : JUST MMFROM THE .pRESS,'';Si- v The ApriJ number; of Carolina and- tae aouinern v-ross,' rne.omciai . organ of ,the Daug'htcra -at .the!'; Confederacy, which W edited by Mrs; li.. yiArohbell, of Kinstoh,-is just from the presses Of the" J.;' Land.PrintingJ Company, This Issue of ;'thc.: magazine-is. ofie .of the best "vet issuedr It is rcDlete",'With iUerestirtg' historical Information an3 war ;time recpJbctions and cannot fail to be interesting to the reader.-) v . V K; .; LOVE FINDS A WAY.'-f-.t ty.' . ? v. ;s Bridtjeton Lessle Leaves Heir .- Home : -An article in yesterday's issue of tho Jfoufn'altbldf' the dispeafanca''from h-jf' homer at ;Brulgeton of. Miss Geneva Parker, daughter of S.i'G.'. Parke - of that place. ' It was" believed by the relatives and fronds of tho young ady that she. had Uopad 'with Thomas Gil lette, '4 young man whose home is at Jacksoayillc m' Onsfriw county, and this supposition proved to be correct'. Yesterday morning, the young lady returned home "and announced that fjhe and , Mr. ' Gillette had been marred on the prev'ous day at Jacksonville. The father" of the -young lady bitterly opposed the- hiipitals but the young couple are now at Bridycton awaiting the parcnta) blessing. , ' ' ,1' si.'--,..-. New Law - Permit-' Only ; Small , J Shipments and Railroad - Won't Talta These. $r '-,.:.:-.: i, . .r'"' ''- ;v-..,r. 1'-'f"1l",; ,' EXPRESS CO. HAS A MONOPLY Majority of - the 'Shipments Here ',yj Cqme In Consl&nmenta ' . ' Have About? Three Thousand Dollars ' h :i Vfot th Of $todt Sold Inu V. ;?&.Tfaat Town, f ;- -..;' -1 E, . .fir-.;;- namDer - o j citizens or. i-Mewport, Cartere county, ;Vhd"' subscribed for stock j in the ; bank' which " the State s Trust . Company ' of .Wilmington -or ganized at thaf plate are greatly; -wpr-! riedover;the recent developmenfss in that company's affairs, x ; Sl Several weeks ago two bf the State's? Trust. .Company's . "organizers -Visited Newport -and-"after expiainine the ob-- ject of their visit" succeeded in getting stock subscribef for to'the amounts of about three thousand dollars. A part of this money was paid in cash and he refiiaTnder !in notes, the latter being put irfShe hank and discounted. . 7 ."; Fortunately for the investors they purchased "but small amounts of stock, the ' largest block sold ; amounting;; to" only five t hundred dollars. The pro moters seemed to be "working in good faith that the .proposition ; they were offering. was bona;fide and the people of Newport,, having implicit confidence in their-integrity and business find ing, had not the least fear.;;. The ma terial for the erection !of "a banking building was secured and work onljthis was to have been starte4 within a ew days, but prior to. that time the.an- nouncemcnt was made that the Stats s Trust Company, was not complying witl-the State . laws and all thought of going ahed. with the ' work was a- andoned. ; , .;',v.,.f;v ki 'i :- 'iJ : -v Further, developments ledi the- NeW- port stpckKolders to believe that ihey had been buncoed, and they came to NW s- Bern and -: engaged 'the . services of D. 'L. .Ward, a well known local at tbfneyT- Now they-are trying .to get baCkthe money that - they paid out for ;stock in the bank.'. The notes wnitn .inev ave; ; it is unaersioou. we1 placed in a '"--'hank and discounted somewhat: mixed and - nothing, definite has been given out about the plans for recovipnng the money whjph they paid Never b' fore has the local; office of the Southern Express .Company has siich a large quantity of whiskey ar- nving -on every trainfrom' the : Vir- fginias, unless it was during the ; week before the Christmas holidays, as they have had during the ' past( , ten days. A careful estimate places the number of packages received, during" this period, the majorityof then? i containing four quarts Of the spiritus frumenti, at one thousand or a total for four thousand quarts.' ? - ' x- . :? -. ' v v i Since the Webb law and the State Search and Seizure Act has gone into effect the railroads has are not handling shipments of. whiskey and the business has gone over to the express, companies The express company, keeps a book received is Compelled to sign his name and any one who desires to look over his list can do so at any time Jby calling at the express .office and asking be allowed to do so. There are no , non- de plumes used in this book and if the express people are in doubt about a mar being the right party they have the right to conTpel him to be identified f This "social register" is of great help to the police.; The quantity of whiskey received by ; each1" consignee is placed oh "the listand in this way they are able : to keep a: line on all suspicious characters and there' is small chance that violations of the laiwill be over looked. , . - A 'i. :. ' u one day during the past', week the local office of the Southern Express Company issued ninety; money orders to be- sent toy Virginia liquor houses and ninety-eight money orders were issued at the- post -office, a total of one hundred and eighty-eight money orders n one day and this was just" an average day 8 business. ,'v. ( out.ir;i ;':Av..",-VV'i iIi!iTi7rrilflffif UI I ICLIIUv IIU 1 1 IL s: v ; WANTAj6VERNMENT TO MAKE improvements; inchan- , George' Rosenberg of New Yoik, who has been it) charge of the ! il bi.inili of t lie N'.i!in.il Wonlrii C.ii'i .. ny has r. ..:;,r-l h; i : : 1 y ! iv' t',.l i ti"t iih-" ! ,r ' , !.c . niKI'f IK Kl II . 1 1 V. NI II MM llj 'f Fbrf 'so'me tinie the citizeh?of.lprci head City havebeenndeav4)ring to tbtajn oA appropriation from the Fed eral Govern nientJforVthe' purppss itof extending. the channel oi Bogue Sound in such a' way as to4enabIci;t boats of nysize; engaged iincba8t-.wsa 'trade to- anchor ( near t the; town "When Vthey enter, vthe harbori for thc?pvrpcs , of discharging 4 their ' Cargo; ' cr i kop' f5r supplics.;,.'(i- 'lZ'''X!''"yt 'f Thg united t efforfs of the people of Moreneaa tity: nave met ; wiih. the favor 1 of .the . Goverriment - Engineers and they ; in ,turn reco.m'mended.; - that the, -apprcpria' on for- th abdVi pur pO c be- made. '. JHowcvt r for mk-j. rea son ,th4 Board of ReVicwsawfit- to re commend ' against; the '-h:tcnion of Boguo Sound channel and invitcM all person-,; interested "-'in the extension to present -thoit argument, in it!? favor cither -in person, 'of by -lctt.r;'.'. I.n ac cordance with the suggestion made by th-a Board of Review .the . people vof Merhcad City have appointed Mr. G. D. Cahfiold and Mr. C. S. Wallace an a committee : td visit ' Washing' ton and tako thc matter up with the Board of -Review. In prder that Mr Canfield and :Mn Wallace may have data as to the amount of comnieree along the Bouge ,Soun!( persons who arc interested' in shipping nlong thestf waters are requested to furnihh Mr. Canfield or Mr. Wall, ire' with a stale- mcnt ,of the amount "of shipping in th; ir biisim 's which use tti'-se walrrs. 'I he improveiiient. SUKe.sli-d v ill be of i'Mli i: r vabie to t lie luii'bi r i'l : f ! : ' , r Ca: .Kn.i, .n . ' h ( bin.' r Is ! ,.t bv: tl.: v r i Of Four Quarts Each. ' Hugh Wood" arrived in the city yes terday Mom Gbldsboro where he holds a position, with Tthe " Gddsboro Gas II TO y j. jus it SOMETHING,;: boeEEtV , MINUTE ATf THE CARNIVAL GROUNDS THIS WEEK, r ; Something doing . eVer minufe"' is he term, that can be; aptly 'nsed to lescribe 'the ;. Johnny J. 'Jones expo itlonv8how8;; A;fewj of ,the; numerbus Circus, Llulthc smilWst jiorse'-in the world, the ever popular '.Ferries,1 tyhfee, the "Working World, a city in miniature, The J Bohemian' rgl,issJ bbw'er, The Big Trained Wild Animal Shows The" Fa(; and Lean 'convention.;," - XT': Thechildren's V delightthel mam moth'' three; abreast; carounel "without; a doubt tho fine3t riding; device toaring this country today, and the yefy latest of all out door amusements the Motor, drome, with its saucer shape'track where fwo fearless' riders mounted on motor cycles race around at a mile a minute? The celebrated Due. family of aquatic performers giving exhibitions of fancy and trick diving and -Swimming en durance .under water tests etc. , ! Thomas Quincy and 'wife; America's Premier high divers, will be seen twice daily, as an outside free attraction. They will leap" from 'the height of 104 feet into a tank containing only four feet of water.. . n. Another sensational outside free at traction will be that of (brar V. Bab cork in hii thrilling Loop the" Coop and death trap .flume. , 'Iia i' free at t r.n 1 ions "vill I v ii i- i! i!!y it-ii ii1;; the en- .1 the J - ;bo I : ' , '! ' v :- b- 1- 1 at ' MRS R.k A. RICHARDSON AND DAUGHTERS ENTERTAIN 2 HOST- OF FRIENDS. . - '-"; . Unusually, beautiful in all its details was the dogwood tea, given yesterday afternoon, from v four to ': six o'clock, by , Mrs R. A. Richardson, and. Misses Mamie Humtef and Sara. Richardson. Their .home von. Craven street was profusely'and artistically' decorated in trailing vines and .dogwood trans forming it into a , veritable wood-land bower. - Handsome baskets and vases of "roses,' and. other spring blossoms, gift flowers, adorned the mantels and tables. At the door Little Miss Kath erine Richardson, daintly. attired, in a-white lingerie frock, presented the tray. ;.;.":.' The1 guests were welcomed, in the hall, by Miss Sara Cpngdon, gowned in blue crepe meteor and. Mrs. John Suter, Jr.,; who wore a. gown of white silk. '." In . the tfarlor. the charming hostesses were assisted in receiving by Mrs. C. Gnipe,- of Toronto, Canada. Miss Isabel .Simmons, -Mrs Edwin Richardson, and Mrs. Monroe Howell. . Mrs. R.' A. Richardson was becom ingly attired in embroidered mar quisette." Mrs. Guipe wore a handsome gown Of black net over blue ..silk. Miss Sara; Richardson , wore white chiffon. Miss - Isabel Simmons was gowned in black Charmeuse, Mrs. . .Edwin Rich ardson wore blue crepe dechine, Miss Mamia Hunter; Richardson was in blue chflTon and Mrs. Monroe Howell wore white lace over silk. Mrs. J Vernon Blades, in a . creation of rose and blue chiffon, graciously invited the guests into the dining room. Pink and white were used effectively as a color scheme for- the dining room, The table had for a centerpiece a handsome brass vase of "dogwood Tapers in brass candle-sticky and bon bon dishes filled with pink and white mints further adorned the table. ' Here Mrs. William Duhn, Sr., wearing pink chiffon, Mrs. Charles Hancock, in black silk and Miss Mollie Heath, in black and white silk, received, and a delicious pink and white ice cours: was served by Misses Laura " Ives, Mildred Ball, 'Bessie- Hollister and Myrtle Disosway, ' who were daintily attired in pink and white. ; - , Mrs. Fred Richardson wearing white crepe, meteor, gracefully led the way to. the punch room, which was most attractive and picturesque having been transformed into a Japanese nook, by its decoration .of Japanese parasols and i lanterns, "v Graciously receiving theHguests, in this, robm-i were Mrs David Congdon, -in blue chiffon, Mrs, Thqmas Williams, n white charmeuse, Mrs.:' Ralph Hunter Smith . in black net, oyer messaline. The attractively appointed "punch table was presided Over by rs Charjes ; Duffy, in .her usuaLcharmmg manner, r During , the afternoon, . a , constant streani' of. bailers cama'ndwent and the glopm of The rainy afternoon out side iwas ; dispelled by- the, brightness and gbod chewifhitfr seen merit PUT PREACHER 6isf PINNACLE More; Important To Nation -Than 'i! .President, Says Bishop. Boston, April li.- "A preacher is of far more Importance to a natidn than a President and a nation without a preach er is afloat on a shoreless sea.''3' v ' This is: what BisHbp Jno,: W Hamilton told four applicants, for; the, ministry who ;were admitted to the ,New Eng; land '.'Conference of" the-, Methodist Episcopal church'; 'j"c?';k'',:;;:v' "The history bf the Christian church during the early ageswqs one of persecution,"- he 'added. ' "The- greatest peril that it has to confront today is the frivolousness one sees everywhere It has led to a superficial study of God's word; and the poor, superficial, indifferent souls that trifle with eternal things' are Worse sufferers, than any other class of people. W you wish to be factor! for good in a community attach yourselves to 'permanent thingss which have in them the spirit of Jesu Christ."-., -.".' -.v.-'".-'-". Mrs. II. W. Giblis of Beaufort is in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs 0. A. Kafcr. ' , Mi n b .. 1 iii the ii y j 1 -pruill of Ashwood wa ri!,iy hliopping. iCharfled. iWItlt Frank " WUllanu erlous Offense Is Under ' "" A Heaty Bond, t.- i. ' i V ATTEMPTS TO ' FEIGN ; IDIOCY Taken Before Mayor For Preliml. ; .' 1 nary HearlnJ But Waives Examination. .riMK Frank Williams, 'the negro who' was , ';;", arrested late Thursday night onSi.-. warrant charging hfio with assaulting. ' Miss Fannie Sloan near her home oa 'V. ' New street, was taken befdro- Mavoj"'' ; ' McCarthy yesterday afternoon for' a"- . preliminary hearing. The negro,'- ' through his attorney R. B. Nixoit?wK waived an exmaination and was bound 'V "' Over to the next term of Craven Countjjr.'C?;' superior court under a bond of two j'i, thousand dollars. In default of this ;' he was committeed to the county fail ;? for safe keeping until that time. .V:,; ;. This assault was one. of the "most v ' - ourtageous that has ever occurred irife; New Bern and has caused considerable":!:', ft excitement. - Miss Sloan and her moth-'t er were returning" home from church 'SjPJ$- when a negro who Miss Sloan says . emphatically, was -Williams, stepped ' out in the centre of the sidewalk and laid "I his hands upon her. Miss Sloan scream-J Y' ; ed and -her mother struck the mis- " creant across the face with her parasol. ' This seemed to anger him and he struck the young lady in the face. Her screams A;iJ; nao oy tnis time attracted attention, . , and the negro, evidently fearing trouble if he was caught, lost no time in leaving wp the locality. ' ' , ?, ):." The shock of' the assault had so 4 1"'- badly frightened Miss Sloan that':slie-,;vsf4y:;. for a time was unable to give any : 1 , definite information to her neighbors J and friends, however, she" soon regained '$!-$.' her composure and told them of theri;c; affair and Policeman A. L. Bryan was ilS summoned and after being given 4 1 description of the negro soon had hin,),V,'' under arrest and behind the bars. " - "- Williams' on his first day in jail at- .( tempted to lead the officials to believe' -that he had not the average intellect;; V but those who saw him yesterday be? f ; " 1 lieve" that his mental ability is on aa f ,' average with the members "of his race' JY" and that he, realizing the enormity'",.'' of his crime, is attempting to hide be- ' Ir hind a screen of idiocy. ; " 'i iv ' .."'.' ' - Prisoner Spirited Away. . '. ' - " , " Late yesterday afternoon Sheriff H- Lane heard- in an indirect - way that there was some talk of taking Will ams from the jail late off in the nighfand'j meting out punishment ,to' him .for his , . crime before the law had an opportunity . of giving him justice: ' ;; Naturally, this caused the Sheriff , ;; some anxiety and after atonsultation- . '., with bthe officials an automoJbile.wasy's J-V svvui w aavsaa swaaa 0saKc ' f" ;V-y,"' llams was hurried from the jait, placed ; -in :!lhe.'Ml3nrV-iilwlulu ' under,-; guard ,sf ;' nd thdriver lost 'no-time.' in , -gettiiqri,f)4. out;.of the city, nquines ma ide , It s V'night vfailea to'f -: reCeive any definite in formation as ' to where 'the; negro -had ,been taken but i-s it is supposed hat' he was carried o Kinston and placed in the jail jn that. ;: town'TorV8a"fe Iceeping. -;,;'.';-5f-j PROGRAM; AT THE ATHENS ; ; ; A Perilous Cartfo Stories .of the sea. and its people lfe ;; ways have a strong appeal and in "A , , Perilous" V Cargothe only , exception win -come .iroiu nic, luti mai n nas all of the appeal 'of, softness plus some -of the most spectacular situations ever " ( puti 'Upon' vthe; screenThe-Edison ; Company's penchant for detail . arid realism, Clearly upheld in this photo play. .t i.' ' ', -;K.'C-?'A Ma Among Men.' ; v .r . The true story of the. philanthrop, beautifully and' interestingly told, by the Sclig all star players..' '-.V.-;-;: "Ma Joins the Giants. , ;,X)ur Versatile friend, Max Kinder, the celebrated comedian, of the.Paihe Co., is. at his best, in this very amuuing and laughable! 'comcdy' Our fourth reel will not reach us i i time to give the title in this program. See Monday's Sun. . : No' vaudevi!' until .Thursday. - " , ' Matinee daily at 3:45 2 nhows ' a' night. 1 First starts at 8 o'clock. S follows iiiilnediatcly aftci do : first. about 9:15 o'clock.

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