' p'iiv uT" L..iLI L WUliii.lL J every day In the year ex i Monday at 45 Pollock Street, INESS OFFICE PHONE 8 -, CIIAMCAL DEPT.PHONE'SO I. J. LAND PRINTING COMPANY , PROPRIETORS SUBSCRIPTION RATES ;f J 1 Year V -"''--" ; "" 14.00 i:onths 2.00 .1.00 0 e Months;,,,.;,. Month . mm i i 'l;-?.C"A','.v"'i--i''-'''1'-' r-V Entered at the Port officeiNew Bern, I, C. at second class matter. -' -. Advertising rates furnished upon ap !ication to this vffice. .fj&' ; 4 jv - eathtfrCiefl.WIfa' obreias teen rembwd fronvfficfr by the Presn dent but .there . will be just as many people ias ever kickingon the weather. ' Illinois solon ' proposes Xo license iotirnalist.V Passihe a Jaw? continues -to be.an enjoyable pastime With many legislators." The i Eielish suffragetter continue . to pillag and burn, In so doing they are losing lot; of sympathy for the woman'.- suffrage ' cause - in , America. But it seems to be characteristic .of these people to think only of themselves. v-- - " : .' . Ther hard fight in the .National So ; ciety of the Daughters of the American Revolution over the presidency, of the society shows pretty conclusively that when women vote in this country politics will have lost none of itt ptren - uousness. ;:; " ' """iS Although a new . man in the House I.Andi'iWyacksbn ; Montague of Viginia , is. already taking a prominent par in its i councils, He will quickly get to be one of the big men of Congress, lie has brains, energy, and magnetism and it is tolerably hard to keep a com- bination like that in the backgroung The Wilmington Star did itself proud in its treatment of the opening of the annual session of r the Grand Council of Royal Arcanum. The Arcanumites should feel much-beholden to our con temporary , and we don t , doubt that they do, for fraternal organizations realize and fully appreciate theas- jsistance that the press renders in keep ing them befote the public. " v Majority" lexdei" Underwood,", it .must -occur to most people, is showing a 'very magnanimous spirit 'towards President Wilson. : Having I e tfTlefeat- 4 bythe President in a . hard-fought contest, lie might have been expected to bsomewhat ;:cool -towards - him, On the contrary he Is co-operating most earncstj'y and i "effec.tivtly -: with him. There is nothing narrow or selfish about Underwood. , - f -. -"'! -"i"-: - : ,1 1BR VAN'S PIONEERING.- - The'. Petersburg Progress' refers 'tq the fact that William Jennings Bryan more than a decade ago advocated -the election of United Stales Senators and blood almost alone, on this issue.. . It might have properly added thai Bryan was severely.--ridiculed -at - -that ' time by some of the 'most ardent advocates of that principle jiow 'This, is, one :tf the important measures introducedjby I'ryan into the atmosphere of Ameri can statecraft, : which both parties ' ave adopted, and which he has lived o - see : putv into : forceRichmond j ournal.. Z & : r", ?; This reform is only one of several 'liat Bryan saw the need of years ago. I n fact, the great ' misfortune .. under v hich Mr. Bryan labored was the fact ' at he was so far ahead of the rest . f the statesmen '01 his' country He ' id the vision to see -what the country i.t going 0 need and demand and he a s not .enough 01 i time-server, to .iccal the conclusions td' which care 1 audy and observation had. led him. o laid down a program of reform . a n years or . more ahead, of his time 1 t he cou ntry . without ; hesitation ' t led him a '-dreamer.siBut in the nrse of events he has been abundantly Jv5 - A STRONG SHOWlffG. ' It is a strong - showing! 1 ' behalf of jiroposeH bond .issue for schools t hi trustees make in today' lour It will appear reguiarlv fn? now ', (lie election a e adytf our i to sludy ciocwyj ;' ..- 1 iiy that has 4 . much help i schools frcm a private source v licrn has had ought to be will go down in its own pocket in ! nuike tho" .schools thoroughly to t lie need , Give New I'orn i 1 ! ! nt that it can point to with il ran point to its streets and , ;ni'1 t lie benefits which will i tie form of Additional ad i',1 in lug) measure d ci lie ()-t. ' ' ' They 2U not come. to a ti-.y the children study ia crowdvJ rooms and ia irregutar and curtailed p:Lds., Downward revision will come and wi!l-come with a vim. " The tariff- reformers have the bit. in their .teeth and nothing --will stop thera.. More, than that,.: our- old friend .-Ultimate Consumer i hoping that nothing will stop them, for he has been told so long that low tariff will be a good thing -for t him that h' warrta. J,o- find out from " 6 an actual trial jut whether or not he 0 nas oeen aavuea correctly j ' : FLOOD llAUNTS HERs YET. 1 ' Mrs. Frederick Ketchura 702 East Twentieth street, who was trapped with 50 persons and 30 loaves of bread in a . second -story apartment" in Hamilton, Ohio, for three days and three nights during' the flood,returnedi Jiome yes-' terday.:iS M&gig&M Her father's" home, ; where she : was visiting, was just two and a half block its ordinary level.' "For those .72. hours'; X the sound of a "Niagara of water tush-, a ing aown to,, ine river was constantly-. in ner ears. As many . as 54 bodies . of; chI iren and babies?; in 1 this ' flood were counted by her from the windows. She j"saw buildings neari, her; collapse came for the St.. Marys reservoir the il 111 vnio... bui in nanuiton it wa8: notyetfJainu3gnd "the 50 pcr-1 sons m -her . father apartment had jam, preserves' and pickles, with- their bite of bread.' . ' Later , when the. ram fell in torrents, and even the : bread was gone, , she . and the SO ' uninvited guests : ate'.-only.crackera--and only three, pieces of those." ' .'l Yet he' , called ' herself fortunate. Her vncle was imprisoned in the hay jwtreet froihisihome year-old child was alone ; with its nurse, two canaries and a parrot. ( He had One cracker for a' three-day meal, but his ' one occupation 7 was watching the" waters gradually Treep Up . toward the eaves of. .his home.. . r"';'."' When rescued from his water prison his hair was white and an inch growth ! of white beard was on 1iis face. ' His brother' did, not recognize hiri. v He learned that: his baby -was alive, 'Baved by being, tarried up into the unfloored attic by its nurse. Baltimore Sun.?, POSTER GIRLS IN TIGHTS JAR Chicago Censor Considers Barring r Them From Pyblic Display; r - Chicago, April' nBillboard posters showing burlesque girls dressed " in tights are to have the attention of Major Funk' houser," second deputy iuperintehdedt . of. police,- who is the censor of public morals. "I.. ' '.. The officials . a;e now organizing T a board i of Censorship j and ;,hen; it iJs nanl'y decidcdTupoh neSof the first things toJje taken up will be .this class o( advfertisinj - "I would like ; to have torn down advert8iements of a certain show in the city-4l6w,;ai4 the :tepiily superinten dent last "night, J 'but I realize that to do so now. would only make better adver tising 3or "the. performance, f H w - Advertising -agents.; of the aires will be required soon .to ' show- their posters in the. sameVwayi tha motion picture men show, their films. ...In this way anything , 'objectionable can ;be 8uppressed.I VALUABLE CITY TROPERTV FOR Am offering lor sale lot number. and house and lot number 127 Craven street! being part of the estate of the late-: j, D.'JViWd.' s Excelfeht lo :-.Lots of men who have an aim in life .jack. ammunitiorT4M"'Kiv U. AFTER SICKNESSC -.' How.to Recover Strength.ii t So -many people are asking how to recover ..their 'strength - after'; severe sickness "that we are" : publishing this information lor'their benefit. ;- ;; .'. '. After ' trippe, thjurisy,"" pneumonia or any illness what .you' t need is new strength and better bloo4, C'--'''y c Thes most ; certai'ri t way ' to get this is by .taking: Vinol, ! pur delicious cod liver and ; Iron preparation j' (without oil.) lit creates strength, improves the Monil aharnr-n. th nnrwtilP nnrl'rfl.- .: i.-vi.i...r robtsV condition. . Mrs. Alice Mills pi Newton,,N, C, says-i I Bad a very severe attack 01 grippe which confined me to my bed, for several weeks. After 1 was able to sit Up, I felt weak, tired ad worn ont'for a long; time-- "A friind ad- viwa me to try vinoi nnn ix ioa i j canon ; attmctive. proposition. - . sepa rate or . together.' v i ' S V lllfBOY Mr had taken one bottl-3 I was cnnn.ly nllovod-of that tired, worn out fI in;;whi(li UHually follows i '; i ' 1 I h.i'l naincd my Btrci,;i li an I -f.lt well i' . .in. Try a 1 1 f f - of Vinci. Y"ir ' V w ;: I f r-t hi n. 1 i( it 1' ; 1 ' 1 , - - - C JAS. JNO. A. EX VAN, Present-. DUNN, V ice-Prei Jent . or IP : v. , " There is not a farmer in this section who -should not have a bank account, If you have, bills to pay, whether ; they be; large or small,' " j your check will pay ; them and you always have ' f the riht change. It would be a pleasure to have ""your name on our books You know how to. J 7 farm to the best advantage. ; Farming is your "' business We knovf how to handle money to- the best' advantage; Banking is our business.' J j Come in and' we -o banking and perhaps.it .benefit." The best chairs & too good for any tioiiest tiller of thV so il?, BhliiiinSiPniiil New &tik xmr 'wnTtsr: compoupjdei Faict and Figures Showingi?r1he Need! of . More School: Build- ihgsr svAta meeting of the Board of Trustees of the New Bern Graded Schools held April -U ;: the President and "the Secre tary an(. Treasurer of the Soard were instructeq ; to,, prepare aim puuiisu a statement in 'the; New Bern papers, setting forth the-needs of more ("school facili ies for the City Schools pf New tWe herwith ittach report in detail:. Knroument' ay itooms ana urodes. Grade . !- Enrollment :.; - Jioom i-.r4, -41a? ':f-f none j 2C , 142.,:? -:no--4 f Uses 2A room after 1 p. to. i tUses 2C room after 1 pVm. ;-;V;.;fv--.Central BuUdihg: Grade';$fe"Enrollmentfe ( Room 3C;vA;'-38:.:v 'v: N..3 4 AS-i; ti1" 2ii; vlgNai, 5Ba0;;;No7 6A-r J ::. 55 i Jj- No ' Grade" 3. Enrollment -iB Roo'hi 7A.x::;v-28 9BK2' 21inf-frNov8 ioAvrvr8f'-i To78 10B 'If.; No; 8 Only 20 robms,r10A'ancl JOB and 8B have one-half . room . each. 'v SummaryGrades-. 1 B and I,C. have no rooms and are held from, I to 3:43 pj m., in rooms just vacated by graded iA ana KVi-e iu praer i;oKei rooms hi 1 p. m.,-15 minutes Is cut off the,Jtime of 2A and' 2C; Grades" 4A and 6A should bcT' ciVided! . thus requiring Additional rooms ; arid 2 ; additiohl teachefs.;'"i' One tcacler in the High School has no ; room ; fcr.'d is compelled' to teach in the. hall, basement or any "place not already .occupied,.,-'!-; ";''..'-' ',, - "The above makes. 5 - rooms needed just at this time and. would not pro vide for any growth in the. attendance at school whatsoever, ' -: -'fv , I Grades klA, 3B,. and .SB ftre - also very ,ar8e- but at Pnt Can be mana- gd but with tMOT results to the pUplh. figures on the growth FIGURES ON THE OF THE POPULATION showing that rooms shoi'li be provided now to 1 ldKi: l- , " two years.pr more. Average Lauy Aiienoance. 1908- 09 .;;,;,!. "PV; " 5;i9.89 1909- 10 5 613.83 1910- n ". r-; f5.55 1911- 12 1912- 13 (April 1, 1913, (' Increase 1913 over 1 1 y. . - 718.4; .1 ).. 775. (;9 in 185 i igc increase 1 : ') per day, Ta! ' ' we sllOlil i 1 ' ; in t' ' n i- 4 j C- O C C O V C- w O GEO. 11. T 012 LUTS, Cashier VV. VV. GRIFFIN, Asst. Cashier i ue Farmer 9 t will prove to our mutual in. , our banklare not PNo additional rooms have been built since" the'summerof 1909 when addition was triade: to Griffin' Buildingl akhough the;ayerage jschbol attendance has in- creas7i86:iplay.-?!r LOCATION OF. SCHOOL EN ROLLMENT AND CENTRAL LO CATION OF SCHOOL PLANT TO PRESENT POPULATION. i-ipresenjtnoo enrollment 921,3':; ji::'X:-v f Of this' number 133 reside north of Qu.en street, and 4137 reside west of George ,6treet-i-or : 267 outside Tof the-) se.'uuu .01 -ur cuy 4iounaev on ine North by Queenstreet and West' by- G3brge"treet-fwhile 70 per cent live ii-this section, - f: ; 'S f- .- The school Buildings as now located are" within J2O0 fi.of "the centre; of a line running firqni Avenue A to the and ithefetance: o! j McCarthy's store from the School fGreen.Js' only about 1 block farther ;..tha'n thecorner o( East Front and South Front Streets. ": 7; A circle drawn with the centre" at the middle point of the Academy Green and with a radius equal to the distance tocorner of. South Front ; and , East Front . streets, would leave - hot over 50 pupils on the Outside :of the circle;- -The Graded School Board has noth-. rrigrJ1ter; to5d6jWith: pupil living putsic'ehe;city ,limits?SThia is a. jnat ; tsrifottheCuntylB ! yearaystuitkniir ; such vpupils--, the number, being 21- arid the' amount for such pupils living North and West .1 bt thcity iimits. is about $ IQO!00 lorn the;-4.E)nthsaasiS::yii;:ra- live yfcWeairiJ ity limits. , I city MEETING OF BOARD .OF TRUS- :TEES-APRIL: of the 'following xesoluUonsf ' I.';' That the ' Boa, 4 of.,TrUsteeVapr point; aTcommUteetd prepare aftd ; to pu oiisu .- a s t aieme ux, u ipe ; uecus - 01 theiraded Scb6Is-b(.fne.d!r r 2.:. That the Bqardf Trustees, now record its intention to request the Board of Aldermew-of the city to iue bonds of .the ityf jn thjeyent the -voters' "of the City in thisfnext; election auth6rize the Jlssuanje of ariyj;,in. an amoknnbt eicwding the um of .f $40,000, and to levy an additional "special tax ' in an amount 0notTeiceedinJIv5Q on V $ 100 valuation; o properfy "and -l5erbn'tho '.'iiit" Respectfully 'submitted, THE -' BOARP " pF,;,TRUSTEES,. Ney. Bern Graded Schools by T. A, Gtwn,Presiderit,;rSf-;'?i-: ; : I'll M.- GROVES', Secty and Trcas tWe are" prepared to'- figure t turn key" lobs on all screen door ; and . window wor ' J,;;' S.- 'Bas night Hardvafa Company, 67 South Front Street, Phone 99." C)ld drinks par excellence. ' Pin nix Druji Store ,"Is the Flace" Op poslte Union station. -. ' i (Adv. "Siljnt contempt ' is'; responsible" for many an unblackengd. eye. i-'-;'.' '' - Make the best of your life." 'You may never : fcet another chance to be happy. i AFNES3 CANNOT BE CURED I , local applica.iorm, as they cannot r'th the (linenscd portion of the car, There is enly one way to cure deafnens, and that is by constitutional reniidieo. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion ol the miicoiifi lining of the Ivibia ehian Tuhe. When this tube in in flamed you have a rii'i ilinj; sound or Iii ii it i en- i:i tt.e I' lulf, i! icn can I i- I-.,,- 1 to i , Ill; jKTK-l f tii'ly (I. and V- t .' ) fun le I, It I t! (Hit i I I f t Elks' Temple ONTS ON SAVINGS. Dbrir't spend all you make. Don't carry money in your pockets. Don't speculate. Don't take big risks for seemingly big profits. DO; put your- money in the Citizens Savings ; Bank and Trust Company, where it will earn . you 4 per cent, interest compounded quarter 'C-Iy '-' 5 : 5 : CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK AND 'V -.'"V. - v.'-.... ' .. U.ty . r "1.. . ; , . ,'.-1 ' '. S fV . V: I ?s nn 11 mil un n i pt f i n n . m 'r ill ' . m m isi n . - . mm ril-sf .1 III 1 1 till - II n I r I I H h 1 1 ;2-lb; Paik Sttf w:Prif t Lard:. 3-lb; PairShow Drift tard :4-lb. P9.1I Snow Drift" Lard -lbPailSnbw.DrifttardiX : i v-j D,:rr au onow urn c juara TlpOptiveSfppi f r The Cnnsiimerkl Strirn ivvu 1 1101110, itv M-.1.U Reduced Prices oh Ball Bear- i ing bkates: ; $1.50 pair While They "''Lact-;V'".'- 1 -t v LD- Ladies are cofdK ally, invito ed .to iqall at bur store and inspect : our nev line bf ;:'G0isifre-:-: ' Every pair guar aftteed. Also a ne: line of the Warner's and & G. corsets just in. : : : : - Store "A- - vUne?tmrdssiof u 1 1 u 1 1 v iii 1 111 : umu i-s"5'-i;-:vi'.-!.; --s'.iVMt '-r-;,-.-.- .- .;-- ..'..-- 'v m ' --- .. . V n-.r,-r,,;l55--.g:.? , uiuau oireei t. ? t - -a 1 S -4 s m s : ! ; v ( 1 S t'- At

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