in I o Comfort end Coi:u:iand" , buried woman to be delicate, ailirg, or a suflerer from Women In ro-Aile ace compiaia of "not fishes." Mary tuliT njJ'es!y from j-.hood to womanbd, and from muh to nnddie Ud, with backache, or headache, amines, fatness. or jwn sensation. For a permanent reUtl torn these distressing tas nothing is o good a 1 1 ' , i, u.; to -v 'DR. piercer- WORTTE PRESCRIPTION a svthlng and toengthenlng ncr-,. 'indttbdoesaerwMtxitabli'ty,' ;y, nervous eihimtlna, and othar g ymptoros commonly attendant 1 1 .rwUooal and organic iamm ot tha ; meorgana, It tnducas rcfrethtoa dee? . ruiem mental sfrrtrty and ttwponncncy. Dr. (HeraM FWaaact Pnet . Glasses and ths Eye,-.' I very one knows that In using a , 1 glass It to necessary to adjust 'it' a proper focus. Suppose that yon; atoneof the tubes at your focwr and ' other tube at focus that suited wu,.ww, w "7. through both tubes. You would bavt; It)8 rigDt; tQ curb the evU-if one does a more of - less blurred Vision, and If not wge alJ bU 8trength Bt Mv so that jofl kept in tooktos the chances are - h6 naTe t sit down and Jose heart, -that yo would feel giddy and . get a 'There Is no final defeat In an honest, headacheT1 Nowvthe two eyes i are supi' sincere effort, and that Is the doctrine ' yosed to. bave an equal natural-' fojps, 0f the upward look and thebright side nd when b? any chance that focus is at life. ' ,: . ."- ' : unequal a headache results,, Tbf rem- : dj is a pair of iglasses or" a single . glass to make the eyes equal In power, v exchange. : -' - l ..-',' ; ''' nX05C ON THE BPIGHT SIDE Ztf'Vf is No Bright Sida Burniah U; v'.r h' Oark 9Mk.-. ' ". " .. gentlejrjan remarked to us that the l ime theory of life was to get on the admiration aide and not on the cynical and objurgatory side of life. l We be- lieve that is'senslble, says the Ohio State Journal. "Loplt on the bright : ,Blde and if there is no bright side bur -, nlsh up the dark side" is a little . quota- 41on that we pnt in our notebook more , '. than a score of years ago. . It is good T08pei;. It is the doctrine of hope. ' Crnunbllng at everything is un-Chris- ; tian. ': It will condemn a man as sure l ! profanity or lying. ;r:;. The ;Blble says,' VBut let all those i' that put their trust in thee rejoice.'! crThere. ,1s philosophy for this. A per- Bern . ; oay tuey are ueiiiug a uicuiy ui wuiiv. tymjt 'i'V;i8lt?- Because they handle the standard fix ; ; tures and treat their customers right. Call Phione 734 it . jlm.v v.v, :ds)im:--mi: mmmmmmmmm , : .v. ..-.-, ' 'i' f "" v'ji ." 'i''i,'i''''ti''":?'i':'''!''ii;,''' V-iv Kv'-y;A . -r icj7 i :.ti Th Favorite Prescription b tawwa miywlim tnd (or over 40 year tk standard rmdy tor ttvt diuwes ot women. Your denier tn mediant tela , K te liquid or tablet tonn; or y cu end M ooe otrttl rtP- tor a trUl box si Favorite iWrlntton taMrt. Aod Dfc frierc InvaW hpul, Butfiio. K, V. ; - refulato na S"T V, on cannot donny goodirfa bad spirit.. jf hates a man h cannot reform nlnuj Every good thing' that a1 man! does polls some evil op by. the TQots.1 Good deeds grow -by smiles as th SHOE ODDITreS Two Pairs Are- Sometimaa .Broken to Obliga Finioky Cuatomars. - Wben a one legged man- bays a shoe the. dealer sends to the factory tor a shoe to match the one left remaining. In these days of the use of machinery in every process of their manufacture shoes are made with the utmost exact ness and precision, and It is easily poS' slble to mate that remaining shoe with the greatest nicety in: size, style, ma- terlal and finish. Few people have feet exactly alike. Commonly the left fobt is larger than .the right, bo that one shoe may fit a little more snugly than tbe other. Com. monly, however,, people buy- ahoes in regularly matched pairs, the difference in their feet, if it is noticeable to them at all, not being enough to make any other course desirable. , . - But there are people who buy shoes of different sizes or widths, in which 69 Broad Street t".1 i'.: PJumblkig Co - r. . . . . - . : li, t-t-i. t3 Lt r'f t:.,e ."era riClu In cti-a tLe C:..'r t-at'Lea cp t'-e two rtuialiila fcio. oua from eaca of two Ju'.m. J art as La wouia wLere ,e tad broken ona pair to aeil one aoe to a ooe iegscd man.- - - .',''"' . . Tha Story af ' Notioa. Germany la being blamed for the sto ry of a factory aotk-e now irelng the round. ' Prominently displayed near all tbe lire wire it rwida: , . ' ).- "To touch tbeKe wires means Instant death. 1 Any one falling to reap thl warnlns will be proaecuted and noed." " No one baa np to the present had to. be prosecuted.-Londoo Tatler ' ; ; l y r .. - Tommy Gave Har Away.,. .". r Caller (waiting for Tommy's slatert I hare a dime for you. Tommy. Jow I propone.. ' - ."J ' ' ' ' "' v Tommys 'Well.' you'd better' propose to atater. She's petting tired of wait- ng-Clilrito yews. f;'.j y, ;w ,s-. I V ; To Cure a Cold la Om Day T.k LATATmC BROMO Qnlirine.- ttttopatoe Conch and Headache and worlca OH tbe Cold. Dracalata -rernnd moneys U it faila to aura, 8. w. CKOVB't aigaatnraoa each box. v2Sc WHEN THB MAILS CLOSE, . ' .Mail clobes at this office a& follows; i For . Beaufort, 8;30 a. m. For Goldsboro, 8:30- a. m. . . For Norfolk 8:30 a, m. - For Wilmington 9J0 a. m. . - For Oriental, 9:10 a. m. For Bridgeton, 10:00 a. m. : For Raleigh 1:05 p. m. , For Beaufort 4:50 p. m. " For-Goldsboro, 4:50 p. nx For Goldsboro, 4:50 p .m; For Oriental 4:55. p .m. Night Express O;00 p. m. v, J. f. Basnight, P. M. SUPERIOR COURT FALL TERM '' . 1913. '..'' North Carolina ' Jones County. Nannie E. Kennedy . vs. : 5 Service by pub- Walter J. Kennedy. lication-Notice. The defendant" above named vwlll take notice that an action entitled as above has been . commenced in the Superior Court of Jones County by the plaintiff for the' purpose of obtaining divorce from the bonds of matrimony from the defendaivt on account of for nication and adultery on part of de fendant with different parties; and the sa'd defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said County to be held On the 13 Monday after the 1st Monday of Sept. 1913, in being '1st, day of Dec! 1913, at the Court House of said county ac Trenton N. C, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action,-'or tnV'plaiittiff will apply to the court '. for the relief demanded in said complaint, J. B. COLLINS, Clerk of the Superior Court This 21 day of April 1913. Thos. D. Warren, Atty.,for plaintiff. ill i NOTICE ' Ci cper.irg of Rt-giiration BooVs fcr Ciiy Election to be held oa tbe Sixth day f Hay, 1913. , V. " "The tndenlgoed Registrar" in the First War4 hereby gives, notice that a new registration, has teen crdered for the city elections to te held on the 6th day- cf May, ,1913, and that the registration books .will be r pened for the registration of voter, la said ward on Monday, the. 28th day of April, 1913, and will be kept open to 'and intludicg the folllowing Saturday, the 3rd day of May, 1913, between lhe hours of 8 oclock, a .m. and 6 pi m., each day, at the City; Hall in said ward. .And that the aaid Registrar and Poll-holders of said ward will meet at said City Hall at the hour of. 12 o'clock noon, bn Monday, 5th day tf May, 1913, for the purpose -of hearing and determining, challenges. : ' , -'-.'. "This- 15th day of April, J913. . . . h :, ' - ; CEO. M.- CRAPON, , " ' Registrar First Ward. -i s NOTICE. Of, the Opening '. of Registration Books for City Elections to be held on the Sixth day of May, 1913. . rThe undersigned Registrar 'in the Second Ward hereby gives notice that a new registration has been order ed for'the city elections to be held on the 6th day of May, 1913, and that the regisration bboks will, be; opened for the registration of voters in said ward on Mondav, tne otn day ot April, 1913, and will be kept open to and including the following Saturday, the 3rd. 'day tf May, 1913. between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m., and 6 p. m., each day, at the County Court House in said v.ard. And that the said Registrar and . Poll-holders of said ward will meet at said County. Court House at the hour of 12 o'clock ,noon, cn Monday. 5th day of May, 1913, for the purpese of hearing and deternim ing challenges. ' 1 ' This 15th dajrpf April, 11913. J. A. PATTERSON Registrar Second Ward NOTICE Of opening of Registration Books for City Elections to be held on the Sixth day of May, 1913. The undersigned Registar in the Third Ward hereby gives notice that a new Tegistration has been ordered for the city election to. be held on the 6th day of May, 1913, and that the - registration books will be opened for the registration of voters in said ward on Monday, the 28th day of April, 1913, and will be kept open, to and including the following Saturday, the 3rd day of May, 1913, between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 p.m., each day at The Atlantic Engine;, 'House Broad street in said ward. And that the said Registrar and Poll-holders of said ward will meet at The Atlantic Fire Engine House in said ward at the houf o 12 o'clock, noon, on Mon day, 5th day of May, 1913, for the purpose; Of hearing and determining challenges. , This 15th day of April, 1913. GEO.D. BOWDEN - Registrar Third Ward NOTICE ' - ' Of Opening of Registration Bcoks for City Elections to be held on the Sixth Day of May, 1913. jThe undersigned registrar-' in the Fourth Wa d hereby gives notice that a new' registration has been ordered for. the city elections to be held on tbe sixth day of May,. 1913, and that the registration bcoks will be opened foff the registration' 'of voters in said wards on Z nday, . the;28th day pf April, :r19i3,-, andj will 'be to and intlcditig' the follcwing Satiirdey the 3 .day 'pt Mayl9 1 3, between the hourspf, oMctljS.fahd a; :Vn. 6 p. fa'. , each'fday 'atEi-gene 'Tvcker'a store, 149 Bread streetin said ward, . And that the said Registrar and PtH ht Iders of aitf -ward will .n!c'et at th Ward Fife Engine House' in i said . ward, "at f2. rb'clock day of kyfWl Tor the purpose of hcarrig af.d ; dctcrmin ng challenges. .!S.fEUGENV,fuCK.ERr '"Registrar ;FourtH Ward, ' tVV). V,i NOTICE fcftty'ft OS Opening 'of ; Registration for .City Elections to be held On, the Sixth day The"1 undersigned ? wgwtrar in' Fifth Ward hereby giyes notice that a new -registration' has been ordered for he city- elections -to be held on the 6th day : cf May1,-1913, and' that the reg'stration ' books will be opened for the regi6tr'atiori of- voter in'said ward en Monday, ' the 28th day of April, 1913, and will be kerit open to and including the; following Saturday,; the 3rd day of May, 1913,. between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 p." n each day at , J. R. Merritt's store, corner of Howard and Primrose streets, in said ward. And that th esaid Regis trar and Poll-holders of said ward will meet at . Riverside Fire Engine House in Raid wnrd at, the' hour of 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, 5th day of May, 1913, for the purpose of hearing and determining challcncos. ' ' -. Thin 15 h d.yof ApWk 1913. J. R. I.!;:KR1TT, r 'Ml ', -i-J. ructr and Fipiiroi ty I Showing The Need of More School Build ings. For The ;City : oi New vBern.; Y: -j-- ,'-.---. i - .... : r : ' " -',.; ' , f:- -, , .- v U ... f ' At a meeting of the Board of Trustee of the New Bern Graded Schools held! April li the President and the. Secre tary, and Treasurer of the Eoard were instructed to prepare and pubfish a statement In the. New Bern ; Da Den. setting forth the needs of more school facilities for the City Schools of New Bern. . , v " " We herwith attach report in detail: Enrollment By Rooms and Grades. . , Old Building. Grade Enrollment Room No. 1 None None t No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 1A. - ' 77 IB 34 1C 31 2A- , 38 2B 45 2C 42 Uses 2A room after 1 v. m. tUses 2C room after I 'p. m. e- Grade , Enrollment Room 3A 39 No. 1 3B 52 . No. 2 3C 38 No. 3 4A 62 No. 4 4C v U No. 5 5A 40 No. 6 5B . 50 No. 7 6A 55 No. 8 , Griffin Building Grade Enrollment Room 4A 35 No. 1 6B 40 No. 2 7A 28 No. 3 7B 27' No. 4 8A 22 No. 5 A 21 No. 6 B 22 No. 7 8B 21 No. 8 iOA 8 No. 8 10B 7 No. 8 Only 20 rooms, lOAand 10Band8B have one-half room each. bummary Grades IB and 1C have no rooms and are held from 1 to 3:45 p. m., in rooms just vacated by grades 2A arid 2C. I u order to eet rooms at 1 p. m., 15 minutes is cut off the time of :2A and 2C. Grades 4A and 6A should be divided, thus requiring 2 additional rooms and 2 additional teachers. bne teacher in the High School has no room and is compelled to teach in the hall, basement or any place not already occupied. ' "The above "makes 5 rooms needed just at this time and would not pro vide for any growth in the attendance at school whatsoever. Grades 1A, 3B, and 5B are also very large, but at present can be mana ged but with poor results to the pupils. FIGURES ON THE , GROWTH OF THE POPULATION showing that rooms should be provided now to take care of the growth for the next two years or more,. Average Daily Attendance.. 1908-09 ........ . 589.89.. 1909- 1Q . 648.83 1910- 11 v.. . 685.55 1911-12 ,r.7.;. 718.45 1912rl3 (April 1, 1913, 6mos ) . Increase 1913 over 1908-09 is 186 per day, , ' , . ' 'Average, increase past 4 years has beeh 46 per dayt .'Taking this average as a .basis, we -should have about 100 more pupils in the, ; next 2 yearns, and wv wus' 1 vriyic. iur bins .-iiii;n;dse ' N additional rooms liave been built since the summer of 1909 when addition was made to Griffin Building, although the average jchool attendance has in creased -186 per ..dayl -V- ,' : ''-J , '-U .-.T C CATION , OF SCHOOL EN, F C L'MENT CAND CENTRAL ; LO- CATION OF SCHOOL PLANT TO I RESENT POPULATION .TtepresenV't.schdol f enrollment la 'j.Of this' 'hufnber 133, reside" tiorth of Queen street and ? $3? reside; west ;of George 4f reetf : Sti outside , of the sectiorVof ;the; ilty bounded on .the; North by, Queen street nd West by George streetrwhile 70 per cent ' jive iti this section.. 'vS J.'.V'K'' "M'' ;.The school Building's as now located are,within' 200- t.'of the" centre of' a line sruhnin(j; from Avenue ; A ; to ' the corner of East' and South Front street j, and the distance to, McCarthy's' store from the School Green is only about 1 block farther than the corner of East Front and South- Front, Streets.. 5" A circle drawn with the centre at the middle point of the Academy Green and with a radius equal to the distance to corner of South 'front' and East Front 'streets, would leave not Over 50 pupils on the outside of the tircle. The Graded School Board' has noth ing whatever todo with pupils living outside the city limits. This is a mat ter for the County Board which this year rays tuition for such pupili),- the mm.!, r 1 n 21 an the amount f r !i : ; " . Y. ; .''i anf : t thecity Lmi 53 bout 10 tne 4 months. .. . 1 Seven of the 21pupils mentioned aW - live West and ,14 live North oi e . city limits. - - -" : ; . MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUS - TEES APRIL 14," i -,; R. A. Nunn moved , the adoptioo of the following resolutions:. : : 1. ; That the Boa.d. of Trastees ap point a committee to prepay and to publish statement of-the needs of the Graded Schools of the cJtjVv; ' 2.,That the Board of Trustees now. record Its Intention to request the Board of Aldermen of the dtv to f i of the taty, in the event.the Toters of we ry.m tms next election authorize the issuance of any. in an amount exceeding the sum of 120.000. anHtr, levy an additional speciaLux in air amount not exceeding 5c. on $10( valuation of property and 15c on the poll. ' Respectfully THE ' BOARD OP TPFlCTrrc New Bern Graded Schools hv T a' ' Green, President, H. M. GROVES, Secty and Treas. A FEW POINTS IN FAVOR OF THK ru lauuKfj VISIBLE TYPE WRITER. ?h4ll!S Iea8t doubt buf its simplicity is marvelm. tu are no complicated parts to get out . of order. It Js like - if " ogs, 7o Kave onlV to make a few turns with a screw- ?nevet;urhrve, the pt.2SSI- the trouble, clean It off. renlace ?J? ead- ,Jt 18 the on'yPmar chine In the world on which theeer apart fromdrhyPe n be ?akeri apart from the machine in less thar u 8ends- Th,s Mature, alone J " i8,tne only machine now uSiKk market with which twenty yPewrlen copies can be- cornf'.0118 wrltln' The ribbon, control is automatic, the color Tle I8 8imple convenient the back spacer and tabulating key are within an Inch of the op- 8 ha4?d8 when 8in8 the machine. The type are lined i a symmetrical row in front of the ,and are easi,y cleaned! th tLSu n 8tel wirea controE for rhfbarand U 18 Possible for these to break. The machine is so constructed that the lightest touch or the vigorous pound used in heavy manifolding have the "T-en the mechanism. PrJnrLrt he ff,ce of the E- J- Land! Printing Company and take a look; m onnertui .machine. Price 565.00 xon the easy payment plan. T NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that stock certificate No. 82 for 12, shares pi Stock in New Bern Ice Co. issued to me has been lost and application has been made for duplicate certificate. GEO. C. JONES. Wanted Wood sawyer and logging men p-t good wages. Pay .every Saturday. Comfortable 1 quarters. Apply to East Car olina Lumber Co. at Carolina City, Pamlico county, near Olympia, N. C. Sounds Good to Me" what r-- bout e say, a BO-KTea--Tryitl mGnB6(fe-to 1. ' "h am V m BtJkaai kM M Qiir ? Business I 111 -i : - i - i peopi ' 111 .f : -.i -. . mm? Lb c a r rcoiumns: bring resiilts, try' them. :i j A 1 t ' TO :! :'-W,--it- it ri A .ivt- V' "tK' f":

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