- i . i i -, - -I ... .' 7 ; v I " ''if' v V r . i v. i;. - r - ': '.- V i' THREE CENTS PER COPY. VOLLXII. No. 76 j ' Tb Weathers NEW. BERNt N.:, SUKDA10ING;RIL27r 1?1J M AKING LITTLE PROGRESS. ;i j r SCHOOL TEACHER DIED : If" it i f . : TIME FIR ELKS J v fnimlnftton Planning Royal ' Wel " come For Member of -. v An tiered Tribe. STATE CONVENTION JUNE 5-6 : PfTAonal "Letters Will Be Sent To Every Member of The . j '-.. Order In State. , - ft .The annual meeting of the-Jtate : " ' issociation of Elks whicS met . last ?&':yti New Bern will ntect this year ' in itVilmington, tlw date being June ;. 5 and 6. The Elks of Wilmington are making extensive preparations for the v? .-entertainment of the visitors. Yester , . tlays Star "says: x ;:h : "Trie delegates will fegin to arriye ;; n the 4th of June. On Thursday $Jfs jnorning, the 5th,. registering and( get-j-';;'r..'-3ajE '.acquainted will fill up the fore soon at the Tempk. In the afternoon y all will take a dip in the old Atlantic. iand at 7:30 P. M. a business session 1 vill be ttuld in the Oceanic Hotel, af ter which, about 9 o'clock the visitors ? ( -arfll attend the ball at Luminal ' , "Friday morning, the 6th", the entire 4 lxidy Of Elks will parade the principal I streets, headed by a pTatoon of mOMnt- ;wte.-vd-.pqlioe,' the Fort; Caswell and the JjV,, 'y , local bands. Thore , will be costumes tiaving the largest number of members f aa Jinc and making tne post appsar- o iano? will be awarded a $500 silver lov ' ' ' Incr cuo. This is an annual feaure of P i ' '.' -ibe association arid When a lodge 'has 1 ' wbn the'ecup three times, it becomes it property for all times, . Wilmington lks have won it once, but " this year v'-will, of course not compete. "There will be other prizes which lave not been announced. One priz' -will hi awarded for the greatest aver jage distance traveled by,"any " lodge "The Parade will bo at 10: o'clock : iAt i P. M. luncheon willbe served to all i.be hundreds of Elks in the Temple", At 2:30 a busi- Pry Weather Interferes With Work i.":,Qn -County Roads, .y , : HKa nhvvit hnasknA in rbulldinir the road from- Bridgeton W Vanceboro are rnaking but little" progress just at the present : time owning ,to' the. fact tha,t the road is so- dry and dusty.; R. Snowdea, county road supervisor, returned .yesterday 'afternoon, from a visit to the point 'at.lwhich-they; are working,and he stated that the force are now going oer a ssctibnrof the.road on which; they, have already Repent some Jtime, putting this in hrst-class conditionv;;.The road force at present is comparatively small, only, sixteen men being at work and until after the next term of Superior. Court for the trial of criminal cases at which a- number will orobably ' be Sentenced - to the roads, but very'littk work cart be done. '''i ' JlL It-U lTyi n4.r.-... ;'riS;"Jna,B''488,tt' will be held in the Tern 3ple, and at 4:30 an automobile tour of ''iS''' ''Ae'ji.tjiiJwiH te madeasd a trip tak J ; en irouiid- the loop;; ending at; the y rl Xighthpuse on- the Sound." That even- S ;3 , ing thi,K Tidewater Power ' Company J., ; "Will give a complimentray danc at , iV, - JLuBiinii;-,"i. . ; 'Xc-"Sr:' -'V t .MWnile;it hap not'y8jt'be;idefiBitejiy ' lJ,'' jdecidedi 'ft- is'pre than;' likely that a trip wai ue wjturuuwn we i-aj5 rwi on Satrdiay;tthe.7th to Fort Caswell. mgtori Elks will the State a 'ttom&M&Kfa letters will - 'pk 00 members . . .e;'4f.t1e:;Iodge B;tlie.tatjeinvitingihem join t hhroftefr'thatTwiH 'journey ''CtteCit Had Roamed The Woods For Two I Glass from Broken Car Window Vi Dayt. Without': Food, Or .-. l - Painfully Injures Female V ? Water.&V;l-' ."'' I-;' "-.Passenfier. -- TRIED TO REACH NEW BERN MISSILE THROWN AT . COACH Boarded SEVERAL COMMITTEES OF THE CHAMBER'OF COMMERCE CALLED TOGETHER. , ' ' 'M;VUfeirirett9pf? I mportant meetings of ; committees of-the Chamber of Commerce will be held Monday, .Tuesday and Wednesday nights of this week according to official notices furnhhed bv T. Leon Willliams secretary of the Chamber arid appear ing below;; 1 There will be an important meeting of the Merabership Committee of th. Chamber of Commerce in the Chamber of Commerce room -Monday night.'at 8:30 o'clock. , The committee is com.- posed of the following members: W. W;-'.Griflifti'; chairman; C. . W. Akers, W. G, Boyd J.'P. C. Davh, C. M. Dpck- ham, S . H. Fowler, D. W. Hanks, D, E. - Henderson, H. K. Land, - W. Lucas, L. I. Moore, M,D. W Steven son, C. H. Stith, C. E. Thomas, C. T. Ward, A. T. Willis, W. L. Hand; H.-B Craven H. S. Styron; Chas. Tolson, C; There will be an important meeting of the . Farm Development , Committee of the Chamber ' of Commerce in . the Chamber of Commerce room 'Tuesday night at 8i30 o'clock. The committee is composed of the following members Geo. Qaili chairman, J. M. Howard Hr, Hancock, Monroe HowelL J-.'A Jones, R. B. .Lane,: N. M.'-Lancaster, L; G.'.panieU W.; B. Planner, Graham Richardson, 'J. .y$. Stewart D.;E. Heh dersonV John; Dunn, ' J T, cH.; Moorci G. N. Ennett, F. Cas.tet, D. M. Fulcher. 'UWssmDymmKajTt attack. ; i - . iT, R-,- Craw'ord,.;:;-a;.'..satesin:.;;at , t l ' Coplori's'departmeritstorlwas 'Ui!i.lfihJ.:. aV;:attack';;of.,:ac:ute;indige8ti6n ; . y,;yesterday afternoon and for a time Was .' i&$UM'fflfxi cpndkionrJe'was Carriod : i & I into ihe'drug' stored hpopd-L'ane ;. , : J)tvg Company arid his needs fonporily 'iltriiftrtded to peridingrthe .arrivai of.a ; -. x jphyaician whp;soon pucceed.d -in bnngf- 'j' .vjfimj the patient arourtd all rfght,';.;-'-;;. JARENT'Sv WEEK'AT THE .GRA M:mMMDD : SCH60LS. ( ' . . rh& .;Tn::;wil I be parerit'yeeka't'jthe i Jb'te$&. kaded Schools. Cl: 'P'reriti' .are Snvi't'ed Invited. ;;; $!$ f 0;ybit"the' tchdolp WednesayyThors :-''ikii.diS and Friday and i'ee the Wort done ti ades?Each''grade;willbaW on fi '-. :-xJuoit;-tnc;-wprtti done by tne pup M ?' Vp' ?i i iaed the regular wprK sof .thii.grade 'will ' '$&!ptirrk& on just as it 'Is every day .' In a 'iig'-Vbe work exhibited will be. the articles, r ' .-iliw ; naWactiired by ' the Du'plts,; in the r'V's'Maflua Training and D.omestic Sciei ence 'i' t fr'tenartjnefltsV.''-": .(;.Ii4e le"w lew Advertisements ; :few" Eern , Banking -ATrust . Caf- .IVepared for 'emerg'incies. r.;'- yy '' '' -IVojJe's Bank Women, '-i- ';': . National Bank of N,ew Bern--Not a '. farmer in , this section who should not ' Iiave a1ank iccount. - ; ; , v j i v Sam K. Eat6n Diamonds Vs. say . : , tng banks. . ' v' ':, -JL C. Arnwtrong-7-Gnuine Smith ftiii style hams. , ''.; . 1 ; S. Coplon & Son. Winning nicn's -4 ' cwfiil-.nce. ; '' 1 . - nrnw & Co. Buy a Johnson. I . I-'i-w B-tn Furniture Co. Ilcy wood's f ;ii! and carriages-for the baby. : tn-.l.trd .Shoe Comii:""" Cro m . There' will be an' important meeting of the Health and Sanitation Committee of ; the Chamber of Commerce in the Chamber of pomjrierce ;im,'y'ediies' day nignt, ateuu o ciock. i ne com mittee is ' composed 6f the fcl lowing members: Dr. R. :h. Duffy, cha'rman H., Wood, T. . H: :Bennett, ;r; F Butler, ; R. R. - Eagle, tr. Raymond Pollock, Dr. R. S.'Primorse,Dr. N.". M Gibbs; Dr. Geo. Caton, S. M; Brinson H.; B. Craven, J..A. Bryan, J. F. "Foley, F.;Bridges Chas.:W. Lewis, .Wi iH. Huff, DrV Walter Watsdte.v;- WHITE 'SHAD ARE PLACED IN 1 , WATERS OF NEW RIVER. V W. H,' Ramseiiir of Beaufort who is connected with" governiiienf fish hatch erles at i Edentipn passed through the cly Vesterday ' 'morning : enroutc ; to 'Jacksonville. ;',Mr.: Kamseur naa witn him.fouhundred thousand white shad which ne Iritended plaflting iri New rivef . LastT Monday he visited" -'-'New. i Bern and placed mpr than. hilFa mill on of and Trentf'r-lvers..V'; 5M'tZl:;!- $Xi- MR.- SELF . LEAy.ES.-';';; U'-;' -'.'!k. O. Serf,' biisinessmanger for the State Board of "Health and Secretary of the State,' Hookworm) Commission Who haa benn irt the citv aevuraf davs worm ' dispensary " at "n early f date and attending to other .matters iri con nection witjh hia. official duties,, went to Washington ; yesterday afternooh for '5 Easthoutid Train - And Negro Boy," Supposed . To Be OneJ Walked Into The Arms Of ; ? ' Who Caused Accident, V Waitina Officers. Now In Jail. v.,.:;::., v r y , ', r -v After having roamed the woods for! . Nancy Jane Morris, a colored woman two days, during- which time he had I whose' home is near Maysvllle, while sot a rn.outhlul.ol lood or a drink 01 1 enrouie to tms city on tne Atlantic waier, Jacob Dove, the negro who on I Coast Line train was painfully injured last -Tuesday afternoon shot arid killed yestarday morning, when she was struck Simon Hicks also colored, at rink py a misstie .tnrown Dy a colored Doy. Hill in Lenoir county, was apprehended "The affair occurred s near Ravens 0 the east' bound train near Caswell "wood, a small station iietween Mays- Thursday night while attempting to"! ville, and Polloksville, at a time when teach this city where he has relatives. I the train was going at a comparatively Immediately after the crime was slojy Bpeed.. There were two colored committed Dove ran for the woods ahd J boys, near the track and one of these although a diligent search was made for threw the missile which caused the him" at that time he was not located. I havoc: Engineer v Howard witnessed His description was sent to the officers 1 tbe attair and at once brought the train it) all the towns in Lenpir and adjoining 1 to.a st6p and he and conductor D. J. counties and the conductors on all the I Georfealighted from the train and went trains were also notified' to be on the I in pursuit of the miscreants. One of the lookout for the fugutive"as it was known boys,! Arthur Blackledge, was caught he hd relatives in thisity and it was j carrietd back., to the train, brought to thought that he would make an attempt this city and turned over to the police to net with them" and eo in hidinfe. 1 The woman had several cuts on her Late Thursday- afternoon ' Sheriff face and one of her eyes was .injured Taylor of Lenoir county received a Medical attention was rendered her- telcphone message stating that Dove as soon as the train reached the city had been -seen headed toward Caswell and the 'physician who dressed her and it was thought that he intended wounds.-stared- yesterday afteftioon boarding the train at that place. That that he did not think they were serious night Sheriff Taylor.- accompanied by and pat there was very little danger Pbliceman earsell of : Kinstori boarded of her losing the eye which was inujred the eastbound iraih and secreted them- ' Blackledge 'told jhe police that he selves in the baggage car. At Caswell land another boy were throwingVocks Dove boarded the tram and strange to at a teiapnone pole and nad no inten say -walked into- the baggage car and I tiori 'of striking, the. train. ' However, into the arms of the waiting: officers, the offense is a serious one and he will He made.no resistance and was. 1m-1 pe neid until his companion can be mediately 'taken jfronr the train ' and 1 apprehended. ': This is riot the first hdd j atr CasWvJlV until the westbound time Jrhat this train has been 'rocked" back tKinston ranff placed xi jail, j mned to-, prosecute the offenders to the Yesterday- he was given a preliminary I full extent of .the law, making an ex hearing before Magistrate Peebles, and J ample of them for others wh might- probable cause being found was' com-1 pursue their tactics. fnitted to jail without bond for his ap pearance at tne-next term 01 unoir , Th ritv Rarif.ii. nu,u t. VVUU V J ww 1ST iui ,WM V - . m , .r- The shooting, it is believedascaused I -r ,' bv jealousy hAweeathe two nien over y The matter otf, this subject Northern Lady Succumbs To Heart Disease. At Swansboro. The remains of Mrs.. Sophia French who died at Swansboro on Friday morning, passed through the city yes terday afternoon enroute to Quincy, Mass.,-the former home of the deceased for interment. Mrs. .French was a member of the Unitarian demonimation and for some time has been a teacher in a school a Swansboro which is under the super vision of this denomination. She had been, ill for only a -few days with a slight attack of heart disease and her death was rather unexpected. The bodywas accompanied by Mrs. Addie E. Peterson, who is also a teacher in the school at Swansboro. a woman, .BettyMurrU fop u"l"s: v w3f yMwkWtP tPOay s iurni8nea,j)y tne taty did not deny thMhngandJM eautiful aub Thefib; urges the? least ;pertUMhen witriesies -vir: .. describeatPafffe iiililiiipitol ANglNSCRIPTIONl mM0k Vf ATEERClsiRIt . REDDEST RED1 OF ALL ' ATWNfe ! ; ; ) KNOWN REDS. IN.THAT TOWN. , s , C ,- - n : - , v,, "s m u -',. v rrf'mil'Mhn ' ' '.'-(Special ohe; Joiu-hal)g5;'I larse bodies of the: buggiesvo-thi R.F4 D; carriers there apcea now the inscrjp- tiVn'UrS, Mair'ff.--The funning" gearof the R.. F. D, buggies .has 'also been Moreheftd Ci'ApnlThe'vrdf- mg exercise 01 the Morehead -.City Graded School was held in the school auditorium" Jast Thursday evening , The members of the graduating class were- 'Misses"1 MabelTeasley,' Loraine TZZ-ZX Longhand;, Willant Jennings, Bryan similar w6rk there. JAPANESE MINISTER AT METIIO- 'DIST CHURCH TONIGHT. ,-, Rev. Duichl Moraoclii, a graduate of WofTord College and Vandcrbilt Uni versity; and now a student at Prince ton will speak at the Methodist church tonight. ' I!c will soon sail for his own countfy tj engage in the work of t lie ministry of the Methodist church of which lie is a inrnilirr. lie has spoken at a -it nl:my ( tlie lc;ilinj; i lnin tx s ali'l (.iim-j vi 11 I'.'i-i.; n ' 1. o painted ; fed, ; the' vehicles V now f. pre; antlnc ni:it'a hiftv 'anriiaranre. '' . '-1 Vermillion re'd la- the : official ' for ,posffice department ad next time : the letter boxes in Jhisityj hvi,ii ff' rm!"'?f S?! The xercises ' Vcre1-opened with reddest p reds, jv.ll be the color. yeby:Vfev Euclid' ;$fC'Whorter v : woviuig.; .w u; after which." Miss jMahsl Teasley read 6uggies ill serva'a useful s W.U as the Droohesy forthe class of v1913 ifl an ornamental purpose ; as. a person will which were many humbrops references not have to -know it he carrier pr rus t0 the future 0ffthe members of thi rig to know that his oufit is in the tor- cfas ; o "- i- ' -v ;. frTi vice of Uncle Sam's great pSstoffice de- Professor Carwile, superintenaent of part ment t ? . '-v ; 'i:Vi:t '' the ; school introduced . the speaker- of ' The painting of the R. Fv wiggles the evening, Col: A. & Davis of "Golds has b:en done iri Accordance with in boro, 'who spoke about thirty minutes structions' received some time ago. fey upon 'the : necessity- of V maintaining Postmaster Basnight. from department a good graded -school system in' order headquarters in , Washington, . 7 ;:;;r), to , develop , the ' State in commercial f '';: ' '""' ; ':: 'f:-?'' lines. At the conclusion of Col.' Davis' ; ProfJ.' ;W; ' Piufot the;'-lsorO: talk.Dr.l.W. EHeaden Presented the Funi c School was amnntr'lhn hiiRinnsa I " . visitors , in -the city yesterday. The : commencement of this school ' ttkes place Thursday and Friday ' of ; this ( week and many visitors are expected by the Reclsboro people on those days. Following; the benediction by . Rev, T. B. Davis the members of the gradu ating class and the corps of teachers were tendered a banquet by the .under graduates. "j ' Lr. Leinster Dutiy has ju ' pu All those who have flowers and wi.sh (chased from C. B. Foy one of tin Litest to enter' the City Beautiful Club's I models of the well known and pnpu contest art requested to notuy ivirs. i jeo touring car. the machine is Ben Moore of ' T.Trs. N.. II. Street so I five passeng.:r touring car, fully cquq. that thry m iy In- juilied. Those who I pel wilh Gray and L)avi t If have iw.i-.-i.-i and peoni. a are al.. ie- I.-hi.I t-lniiic 1' ' '!:!' e'!iiii and 1 1 I ! '!' TBUI FULL IF Twenty Seven Quarts "Likker" Found In Dilapi dated Baggage. OWNER WANTS HIS r PROPERTY. -N ' V: Police Still Retain Possession Of Confiscated Goads Awaiting Mayor's Action. 4- BICYCLE RH Runs inm mi UNUSUAL ACCIDENT OCCUR RED ON MIDDLE STREET ; YESTERDAY While riding down Middle street yesterdayfafternoon on a bicycle and when almost opposite Dr. Raymond Pollock's' home, James Barffield, son of J. D. Barfield, colored, ahd employed by the Home Bakery, ran into an auto mobile driven by C. S. Hollister, The bicych rider and his machine were thrown to the pavement and the latter wks badly damaged but fortunate ly the boy escaped with only a few scratches and bruises. According to the statement of sev eral persons who witnessed the affair the accident was rather an unusual one. Instead of being struck by the ,auto, as is usually the case, the bicycle rider ran into the rear of the machine and the front, wheel of the bicycle was caught beneath one of the rear"wheel fenders arid this threw the rider off, Mr Holl ster at once brought his macme to a s.op and alter placing the boy in it 'carried him :o his home on Queen s reet and then summoned physc'an f ) give him medical atten ; :.; -iWz -f ' ' DEAT OF YOUNG MAN. 'f. iJlrlcfiiltmard Dies at Stewart8 r-':' ' .;iSanitorium. - After suffWng for several weeks with tuberculosis of the bonel - FJ'lIlrich rfoiward, jthe ;peyenteenr)eilfald'!ii)fr. Kirs. : Mafniel Howard whoSie'eildaSt' py? yo .xetcan, street, . dieaiiyesterd&x afternoon tjSteWart's sanitoHum'WhjBre he has, bceif 'for some time' receiving 02 of Cora; lf treatment. W! 1,1, .. ...Vp.J Young . Howard had held a J position J at Henry's 3 pharmacy - for 'he ' paSt three years and stood high in the esti nlatlon of his employers. Heyhad been taking va. course in pharmacy for some time, past and -was. to hevd stood ai examination' .before : vthe - State t?; Board which 'wili jneet in this city in ' jiine. He. was a young man . liked by atl .who knew him land hia ,'demisej ip- greatly" regretted.i i?fj :'i:s-i?K 4-'.r?.i The fuBeralseryice will be conducted from Centenary .Methodist church this afternoon at 5 o'clock and the interment will be made in Cedar Grove cemetery. i.-i?..'. v. f i '-r--w- "r v."" i 11 , . . , 1 y ; m .'SHAVE NARROW ESCAPE. ; j For some time the localjpolice have b lieved that whiskey wag being "sneak ed" into the city from the Virginias in trunks and suit cases, the owner having it checked as baggage and fhen claim ing it from the railway people after its arrival here, and they have been keeping a diligent watch on the baggage room at the local passenger station Yesterday morning a dilapidated trunk which had a most innocent ap pearance, arrived from Norfolk. Po liceman Rowe was at the station at the time and - with -that "sixth sense" with which the local police seem to be endowed, came to the conclusion that it contained whiskey. Acting on this theory he decided to wait until some one called or the trunk and then to follow therii to their destination. Several hours sped by and it was shortly after 9 o'clock before any, one came to claim the trunk, then a colored drayman walked up to the baggage master and handed over a check for it. Tust at that time Policeman Rowe was called to attend to some other matter and he turned "the affair of the :runk" over to Chief of Police Lupton. The Chief at once began to investigate and found- that it was owned by a colored, man named Kennedy and that it contained twenty-S'iven - qi arts of corn whiskey. Knowing that it was unlawful for a man to have this much whiskey in his possession the Chief, had the trunk and contents taken to the City Hall and it is now being held there pending disposal. The owner of the whiskey, it is learned, will make an attempt to secure possession of his .property but SO far, Mayor McCarthy has not de cided whether it will be turned over to him or not. The possession of six and a half ' gallons of whiskey is in- itself con sidered, under the laws of. North Caro Kt)'a,' prima facie evidence that the owner has, it in his possession forn- " faivful riraypses, or to bexact the law pays th$t 'possession of more than one glfca fisplrituous, thre$ gallons of 'ji$ott''Ofiive gallons.pmalt .liquors at?,bhe Stare aa'unlawful. V .TL...iviL-. j. ItrlHcx. ' j nu cufuui'ier sianuavM me owner t the 'WiseV? persists .lA demanding his property-It u possible that the au thorie?JJwjl?'place him under arrest arid carry; ftfra' before a magistrate for a! hearitXlf the evidence is such that - the triajt' judge believes, that 'he de fendant has the whiskey in His possession v for unlawful purposes he'jjwill then-bind him ovef to court tinder a bPnd, and the, whiskey will stillfemain in ;he hands ' b(,;'tWborinesl HoWever, if the ownef proves to be a. man- of character ' and jcai satisfy thejridge . that ' the .' ' : whiskey was not intended .for unlawful V use it is within the .urisdiction of the magistrate to release him 'and order the whiskey returned.. - ' ... r r rrominent :: statesmen . ::hI: 'Kr Heavy: Plrefe Statesmen .' Under J "New, York, April 26.-Eleven memb bers, of .' Jjthe Seriate and" House'' com mittees bnnaval affairs nad a narrow escape - from being blowa.to piece whilerWhnessing'nayartaget prrdtiij at -Judith sound, 90 - miles f nth : 0 Washirigton, late yesterday, acco d!a; to a Washington dispatch to th U nes this morning. .The . monitor f ilhta v see,, shooting 'whilfea thick hi ze.hung over the water, mistook for the tirget the United States 'yacht- Dolphin,, on board of whiih were members 0 tjnc official party, and pn 800-pound shell from a 12-lrich gun passed directly over the stern of the Dolphin, so close as to cu one of thp topes attached to the yacht's rigging, the dispatch says. The shell exploded just before it struck the' wateir,- and while the committee members were thoroughly frightened they suffered nothing more serious than a drenching from the water stirred up by the projectile. J No man can love a woman as much as hc wants sto be 'oved, ' or admire h'-r as i,lie thinki she otirht to be ad- :L;! , x.-.-.v-.t:' 'i"i;' - Burrus & C0mpany'''have just re- ' ceived a solid carload ,'6f the latest models of t mowing "machines :mano;-;'fc.'!."iv factjUred ; by the .'-Johnston 'i Harvester 'i tfyt ) ;- . i PROGRAM AT:v 'fijt ATHENS ?A ' 4;.i:-VpicTWRE: -. k tiH ;$:ym- Redemp,tipnl.-;vf., V ThiVFrerich drarria tv)!p .'a beatutiful' l; " '. and'touchlng story of .jljsf reclamation i; , '. of a wayward .young mam:v-j,v-'yi.:';;' ' I V'The Road of Triipgresslon"' Kf . In this magnetic, sfory'.f Pathosa ;.'? ' y , great objeclTlespon is taught.-'v-!'- V'v ''V? '.f.'From' Pen to!ickVr7V'5 "- 1 Avery laughable Pathe comedy. ; r' ' . v ;', ';JA Near Sighted, Cupid! -; An .amusing play of, cross purposes. "in a jap.ir.ese garden" . An excellent,' educational subject. ' d u Four full reels of pictures, with live' ' ' " different subjects lotp' of : comedy-. art abundance of drama.,). ' t Wednesday "we , will shpw .Pathos' celebrated picture, "The, ITassion Play in three reds. This is the greatest ' religious picture ever muile, and should ., .-. be seen by everybody. Matinee daily at 3:45. 2 shows at night. 1st starts' at 8 o'clock., 2d at 9:15. You ran always g t a desirable scat if you will observe the hour

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