:J . f ' . -1 rravft Always Booght, and wUch has beea la n e5dhabecn made under Ms per. 'yfTt sonal scperrlsion since its tnfancr. . if 4J-t-rfr . ... i.1v von In tills ' JafcmtT CnUdren-Experlence agains j- , ' contains el'S to Wte. I destroys Worms substance. -Its ST e iS w fcftp "ore than thirty years 16 end allays reverlshness.,. For move a ony ation, s . Jas been f tsan 3 I Rubles anl , Tlfctulcncy, Wind the- stomach ard Bowels, GENUINE CASTQRIA always Bears .tne -oignauuc . v .auh.iii. I'Lu - VISIT HIE cm FaluL CONFER .WITH COMMANDER C. 'ut When Will New Bern People Learn I V v the Importance of It? .-, Backache is only a simple thing at r D. BRADHAM ON JORTANT MATTERS. find 'tii from the kid- tr I t J . ' .nnKlaa tlW t low; - That dropsy or JJngnt aisease may be the fatal end,-- , ' ..You will be glaa to. now tne ion Children Cry CASTORI A One touch of frost make the whole crop wilt.V . v "'i'' .; ; t ! '. Business Lo ROOMS to , let. D.-sirslle room.1 Conveniences. - Private family. Tt-r iu reasonable 25 1-1 Pollock nr-t. VALUABLE lot for' sale In Bridgeton. J. Moore, PoIloksvIiLv Apply to N. C -, RriirhKs disease. - Thousands- recom statement of a rest-1 mend Electric Bitters as the very, best .. ... - I i . ... ' ' " J- . -. " t i $tomach and icxaney meaicine maae. ,amM LltV. IN. 1 .. ': r . .... si u i iintAH n waiaiirn ij . wills the North' Carolina Naval Militia m ''While in the army i receivco l"-.:rv-. -..L .. 'i,. iv .'.ol ..Ji. the-Nava a severe strain and alter tnat x TO pw . PAINS IN THE STOMACH . Tf nis nn!niiaT1w nmnlain 'nf nflfni in the stomach, your liver or your kid. I WANTED parties to 1 contract " for neys are out of order. Neglect may lead 'cutting timber, hauling, and, raiting, to dropsy,' kidney trouble, diabetes or jXolson Lumber & Manufacturing Co. AJptant General L. "W.; Young of General Thomas ivn..i" r - - . . ." . - . ' r c..:fM f Wavn sv lie ware in tne lowing expeneace. -v.. v. . rs.nta;ni,-Tis the honest stai city ytsterday confeiring with VaPin of thi8 locality. ' C D. Bradham who is In command o . james E.-Askin, Ja the North Carolina ' Nav'at Militia m saya:, "While in the .4AtlanniialrruiB2 of the Naval a severe-strain ana alter, vnat j - - r rogardo the annual cru ot tae v kidney trouble, back; 'writes : 'My; kidneys were de- WANTED-position Reserves and-,tha encampment of tt.3 , M J ached great 1 and as mj Jiver did not work ' b u a with , Cwst A.flbry Corps.; , . . time S8ed,Hhe trouble -gtw worse. ffJ.miM.h. ht Electric r-.J i. "IS . t , Both gentlemen left yesterday alter-. .. j tried many-medies but seemea-un- noon fo, Mhead Chy XSfSi 5 will go to Camp Glenn and make ar ot Theve.me reat benet. ,;ke a f i-anirementl for retting this . place in T. . nrtf , Knlvi removed the bain in . . WATSON'S FISH HOUSE has just received a fot of nice oysters and clam.-. Orders filled at once. ' s . x -o - , . readiness fcr the annual encampment; i ' v : . Iw Cpt imnmwwl niv npalrn.. The grounds tne win t- - by all dealers. Price '50 class condition and veral new bu d- .Maborn Co.. Buffalo, Ings will be erected before .the, soldier New york sole agents for the United boys begin, to arrive, for their annual, states. . i ' , . encampment. - ' ' . V Remember r the name-Doan s-and In the ast, each.' division of the take no other.- , as bookkeeoer. bv voune man with business nwrvmv ngm. i suwerea mucu, uui. crciuu. an turnisn the Boitters was. reemmended and I im- Address' P. O from the first -dose. I now feel . mam " T rM amrffWA VA11 wv-. n XkTm uu,s,'uv'.Mi a Zu tain in 1 ucw ui uFiVv uk K&t i nine -5" Ce to; Only SOc and 1.00. Kecom- Pollcck 8treet. uaw -uui'. bhhwi.w- ."J I best of. r reference.l Box 316. mended by all druggists. Consolation can be found in the dic i tionary, but is is an inferior variety. roonr house. 87 Possession given May 1. or will rent as two apartments. All conveniences. Address S care Jour' nal. . i VAIR NOTICE. Any that have not paid their city COUGHS AND CONSUMPTION Concha and colds, when Oeelected, always lead to serious trouble of the Box 36 lungs The wisest tning to ao wnen you WANTEP Two comfortable, weII'io': cated furnished rooms, walking" dis tance ,by gentleman and wi'e. P. O. State's militiary , companies has been I under ; the supervision of division in- I. K.. ! future lnsoeCtcr lm thai- ham - not DaiG tneir wj . " . . "u". ''"' ", " r . ' .. r " . ... Itiave'a cold that troubles vou is to get wANTif.niwi,. .- k i General Stringfield will have tnom an tax are hereby notihea tnat i win DCg. i- - - fi ""7- "a ; - k:---1... nH in tV,U w iv will i rnh vo.,r nersonal Drooerty 8 ottIe of Dr. King s New discovery Convenient to .depot. Rates reasonable ulT,";,;r;t".lr.or in touch with :S: to satisfv the tax Voa WUI get relief from the hrst does, Apply t0 112 Hancock street ircLre i..y.-- , ..v. .-..v. -r..- . i Und fin tllv the couarh will disaopear. I their condition. The M You Have Always Bought ;n Use For Over ouar SOUVENIR DAY on Black & White 5c. Cigars with every zac. 50c. $1.CQ and $1.25 , purchase of this famous cigar we will ftive yon a ' valuable and useful souvenir. I Carried in five shapes.. Don't fail . t J Visit us. Bradham urug 1-0. See our window display. and cost. I hate very much to go in your house 'and levy upon your furni tiire, but I must have the tax and at once I will begin to levy April 15, 1913. YoU are torcing me to do this. I will also garnishee. : 1 Respectfully. j. j; TOLSON, City Tax Collector. and fia illy the cough will disappear. O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., writes "My wife was down in bed with an obstinate cough, and I honsetly be lieve had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery, she would not be living today." 1 Known for forty-three years as the best remedy for coughs and colds FOR REAL Hand made Embroidered Price 50c. and S1.0U. Kecommenaea y all druggists. (Adv.) FOR SALE Baby's Crib complete used than a year, also letter press , almost new, can be bought at a bar gain. Apply 24 Craven street. Phone 16. INSURANCE OVERESTIMATED. ' 'A At V vs. m v? m vs ft M 111' m m 54 ' 1 1. ' 1 1 "' iiivai'siMintrir "BBBBmQHinBMm Only Ifl MEADOWS MEAL $28,000 On News And Ob server Plant. . Rakigh, N. C, April 26 Instead of being forty or forty-five thousand, as was - believed, 1 he insurance on the and Dlant of the News and Help Wanted Wanted a man to travel in Craven and adjoining counties Must be ef neat appearance and a convincj CORN Horse Feed Cow Feel Wheat Bran Wliite Mixed Rust Proo HOMINY Cotton Seed Meal jCotton Seed Hulls Wheat Short 5K K building ana piant 01 u.e - : M K; Observer, which were destroyed by tire ing . tauter. II yw " I . . ... j' i. froo fnn 1: ' . . Ixa I I hursaay, amouniea to ouiy io,uuu, n was learned today. The mated at over $65,000. Men who can be bought imagine that I they can't be caught. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA Ladies collars and cuffs, table covers. doilies or lancy hand work from any pattern, see. A. B. Sugar, 63 1-2 Middle street. FOR SALE Desirable lot, oppositff Gaston Hotel, suitable for store cf warehouse. Address L. J. Moore, Polloksville, N. C. ()ats tit 11 1 If 1:1 99 thoca rAniiiremetltS write 10SS IS 'CStl- " .' '1 '., t J . J. Secretary of tO H Care OI ine JOUruai California is not making a good start for holding a world's exposition in 1915. the Navy Daniels, president of the JJew Bern, N. C News and Observer Publishing Com- -.y." -: . pany arrived yesterday afternoon and at once began 'making plans for rebui.d ing. TO HAVE MODERN ZOO. NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY CI Wealthy 12 V t 1 l 4 I i 1-S i olio 2SS i iii HI I Man to Place Animals At Asheville. 1 Asheville, N. C, April .26. Ashe ville is to have a modern zoo, by the Ivttor nart nf thfi comins summer. Fred Electric .Sitters : Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A FOR FRESH vegetables of all kind phone 449, the old reliable, and your orders will be delivers at once. E. Fisher the Green Grocer. Corner Queen and Bern st. Phone 449. VALUABLE property for sale House and lot No. 15 Broad street. Desirable location, good home. Apply J. K. Willis, Admr., 30, Broad street. The deserving poor are usually those who don't deserve to be. mii a Maw Man Of Him "I was Buffering from pun in my atatnARh. head and back."' writes H. Utter part 01 tne commg . Baleighj 1 N,Cad WJ L. Sceley", son-in-law-of E. W. Grove, 11,, .ndkidnetlttid notwort fight, the St. Louis millionaire, who ii:he 1 but fota battles of J!leetriO Blttera owner of a great deal of property here, having decided to establish zoological gardens on the Sunset mpuntianst 1 which is owned by Mr. Grove. Mam moth Concrete reservations have been built for, the use of the animals, the S' j 1 . tt 1 . ' -III I Km If t : !Ma2a.:nn!S:S!S! qf which arrived yesterday a ter 3aMMwww- 1 ; ; noon midA me feel .like ai newman." PRICE BO CT8. T ALL DRUQ ITOBCT. New Goods For Spring SERVICE OP SUMMONS PUBLICATION. noon when a pair 01 eiics irom vy- : V, k!. .in, nftorranpnilinff ' CTftven i.OUnty. t an nnrru rar. One Of . GeOrJe OrlC AAA4. MW --r--,, T the animals weighs 800 pounds' and the other - tips the scales at 500. .,, . , BY FOR BURNS, BRUISES AND SORES The auickes and surest cure for burns, bruises, boils, sores, inflammat- Ition and all skin diseases is Bucklen s Arnica Salve. In four days it cured L. H. Haflin, of Iredell, Tex., of sores on his ankle which pained him so he could hardly walk. house. Only 25c. All dgruggists. (adv.) I HAVE just received another ship ment of those juicy wine sap and Alb;rmarle pippin apples. These are j the best eating apples on the market. ' Plenty of celery Rowa's ice cream parlor, "The Juicy Fruit Store." FOR RENT Tai wo storv brick store No. 61 Pollock street. Apply to Mrs, C. W. Blanchard, Kinston. N. C. THOMPSON'S Strain Ringlet Barred ri r t -I 1 1 . Should be in every , s . ' ... tine. Fred M. Scott. xiecuiuuivuucu uj If vou are fond of iokes read the - j ..... : -Congressional Record. nnnrn arrV nnnifinT. AWAY Catherine Grlce Sick headaches, sour gassy stomacn 1 - j.i. j.f j..-.. ... nmA wit I inHicTMtion. biliousness disappear quick ' Are irhlng ' ZKft 'rrZ!Z2 SSK.- latest arrivals. ' A more Splendid ShpWing tnan teeth. .t. . pe Court of Craven County for new life and vigor in the system. Try yoarapprpval.here,:,.,: ; Zrn yM ..!-. w. k. .h .h. i. I. 2fc I .' - -. j nrViaf-Vioi m, Jv"" ' I .. ' : sj .n t thA Mav Term. euts. av.; n nA lftftV trift newest iniHKS ,"ufc Pri'nrMnn. Ind.. is cuttimr her third set . - - ' mc'uu ? A. 'oftntitvill 1 "i.' . - A913, of the Superior Court M.uveii you want;to,Duyorno, ; :T JUST RECEIVED Wire tres guards. They protect your shade trees. Wire front gates, both single and double. Lawn fencing; a beautiful style. Wkb right, prices at J. C. Whitty & Co. Phone 98. prove very interesting.' Tbday .is a good time. NcJ Ccrdelia, a soldier is not erfi Give ua your next order for RUB BER STAMPS. Quick delivery, E. J. Land Printing Co. Phone W New Bern, N. C. V-;i- ' , e?'nr Mirldle an SouCh Front Streets.'. ;,, . - i. Mar. 1913, at the Court House n titled to a pension ior uemK . wsn a red carnation oa an election bet in. jnay, . : , .... n. , v ' . . ' 21 year. ago? lu worn one y day 2Si r lmVW RHEUMA- Bince. . -sv -. . . . . . lL. 1 ' ' ' , TISM. . ' " ' , . ) n, f I '''i;'. tif , v innI yl ff T: - - North Careuna, ana answer or oeinur vviu.n---' --' to be had tor th, asking. -,- ,4 . -pr ANNER.' ) benefit for. rheuma if 1 .('Ht !t f t ' Jiist Received a Car toad ofc;; Som men pse up a lot'of time re-1 grctiting the years they have, wasted. ' . "iCkrk of the Superior Court. This 'the 27 jday. 67 March, 1913." ' New;Bern;Pr,oduce;Gq , New"Bern, N. C. V.' Ill ,. 1 Tit .1 4U .Phones 121 and 422. f.f, HLl-... ..f'. ' uin'r...i. . . i'iii.-I.M. t Ill Mil' , ., . ii.. . iii-t -t m .i imi..i.l.i. 1 ;4MM:r Resid the) "Situation waiucu ' v;uiuwuo 'HANDpOME INTERIORS . " 1, ' 1 . . ti.-" 1 r . 1 can, be furnished almost like magic when our mill work is Used.,; In hardly any time a bare room can be converted ' info an attractive apartment or office, -by the use of our. paneling, columns arches, fret work, etc. , See us before ! completing your plans. There are ideas i galore here. Money to be saved too. 1 Long length roung lumber our specialty. Dnlv guaranteed outside ' paints on the market. . f - ie' thA ... Soutn uouna , Trains Mr.-Business Man. vV'.i QThis'-'&lumn ladder , of the discon tented bncs-ri or discon tent nine times, in ten. PM pells ambition. v Cjjust the young man your business needs may be appealing to you today. - H Ta!;e a chmcc ca the 7 J DOVER AND SOUTHBOUND " . lw .RAILROAD,- j s V f y '"- K' TrafllCDepartment, ? SCHEDULES OF 'TRAINS CARRY ING PASSENGERS., r,., '1 c... J MMh'itA '"101t jinecuve ouuu iivu , (,..., L ' 1" ' ' i 1 , ' vsNorth Boun,d 6 -".. ,.y.";. Trains ' ' FOR SALE. .Small farms 10 to 20 ac- Qtwf TISM.,,. - ; ' ' tf r. Lawton, Mich.; jjf miles from City limit. 'a u. i.i inr k neu. I .... '. . i . ....' ..'..)....'. says: wr, wmwu , j matism has given my wife wonderful , Ideal Situation and prices i Deneni or; riieuiimusui, y..v not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted foil two months. .She began the use of the . re medy and improved ra pidly. On Monday she could not move ana 6n Wednesday Bh6 got up, dressed her self and walked but for .breakfast." ,Sold by, Bradham Drug Co. (Adv.) '. The Agricultural. Department eveng up the free wool by issuing .instruc tions for; Cooking mutton 'sixty differ- ent pkynJ: fhX) '.V";'' ft." 7;r '.;t;5;.-: t fixy " ; STATIONS ' P.M. A.M. '..P.M.V. 5--A.M.- ' Lv. 1- Ar. 4:25 . Dover '7:557' 7:55 4:4Z Foys 7t38 4:46 ' Taylors 7:34 P.M. 4:43 ' 4:40 ' 4:44 4:53 .' 5:02 ' 5:22 -5:40 5:45 1 i t . t y, A. ,A.M. Children OryJV- FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA "1 4:57 5:08 5:29 5:50 5.55 Ar. Phillips 7:23 Wlmsatt 7:12 Comfort 6:51 Petersburg 6:30 Richlands. t6:2S Lv r.Jnr. PnrldnsV has asrairi been 7:40 elected a director in the steel trust, 7:36 but a business man cannot, be expect? 7;27 ed. to stand-at Armageddon all the 7tl8 .im. - i ' - ' 7:00 6:30 6.35 or.nToniA- fTriani Run Daily Fxrcpt Sunday. : :J '3 &ni CI , Kit ..i i .., r,..ti 4 reasonaoie. See me before you buy i , ' ' ' v 148 Middle "St. iVew Bern, JV. C (i ' - in 'i ; i Are You Going to New York Soon ? WRITE'i.rK' HOte 42 East 28th Street v.'t' ; ' ' " (At Subway Station) y, yf ; , New York City1 fj' Vor Pocket 'Guide and Special ! Weekly . Ilatft , to Buyers and Parties. , Single Room,' , $L50 a day ' or $9.C3 a week.. k ' ;f MARK A. CADVVCM i - - (Mention this papr) lRaymond Trains l'un Sunday Only. 1 ' N. S. KICIiARDSON, . . Traffi Manager. c: Bears D. V. rriiM'D ONT, r' T Cf C, . , r i. "1. in ' ', 1 1 ' '

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