, -' i ." I y I r 1 ! . '-111 I II y II-"- i j if -. - ii in t ' 'J - r " - " .'" Kv -"" r - VOL. LXII. No. 9i ; : : ; ,W BERN, N--C.. WEDNESDAY MORNING,' MAY 14, 1913 THREE CENTS PER COPY. It. ' "tl" if; 7 J 0 it1- 1 ';1 ; sir.-,- : t. ,l'if V. : . liti'i EEREl 5ES 'i" ' .V..'..1-' '.f v -'-'. V.-.: -; -it "Athena of North? Carolina : Growing p Leap And -: JTOURpONTRACTS YESTERDAY Dwellings Golnft Up" On.' Evry - ; Side. , .' That New Beii is growing -by leaps -and bounds' is evidenced by the un '"ual bilding activity which is and lias been evident fwthe past fewJhonths . Four contracts fordwellings and busi ness houses .were yesterday, awarded, . .The aggregate amount of which these " 1irildings will cost will'abeout thirty thousand dollars. ' XIo addition to the rontract for the erection o( the People's .Bank's new Bome which is to be erected on fiddle drtreet by .H S. Hancock Mr. Hancock urasilso awarded" the contract for the erection of a commodious residence n East Front street - adjacent ot F. 'Si'Ji Duffy's home for. John Raw Is of Pamlico county. This . building will cost-five tho' sand dollars. Mr. Hancock was also awarded the pntract for the erection of two re -fences on Johnson street for J. F Ives "Work on each of the above mentioned -I bvild ngs will "begin just aa, early as pcaiible. - r ' ' The contract for another r s'dence -which' 'ill be located on Nat'oml avenue wl be awarded today Th ,v building . will cost between four and '--u five thousand dollars. ' - There " is - in .all probability not a ; towil in the State wih a similar popu- ' -lation.to that of New Bern which can . .exhibit such an enviable record as this : v , "tifee is "only one real solution - -to the existing conditions and that is that the people of New Bern are not 4h1p the most hospitable but are the most progressive in the State and is . " Judge Walter Clark stated in his elo . 4iuent: address before the North Caro lina federation- of Women's Clubs a " Jew nights ago "but for the discrim . jnatipn against this'Sta) by the rail roads; New Bern would in all probabil Aty flow have a population 'of fifty or eveAty-fiv -thousand inhabitants. .sXL v. 'iDISqOVERER i)F. THE POLE TO ";'C '-i'' '; eTiio to k T nn i t ' .-' HOBT. E; PEARY TO fe ?h r fl lRT TDl Rl ITV wmn iiiiiii ii ' f..; i,1VV:5; -JW5 . STAK; UK.A 1 UK A 1 rnMMV.vr!r.uii!NT The S tpirnaf C acknovjedgea' -4.- with' citation :-V.,f h.. -- r-.r-- -.v. tThe SenDirClass o( Trinity :C611cge: ' $ VlJne8ta;' tbei hpnpr of 1 your ' presei rl jZy j0 at . the; -,ocercises Jtf commencenl ' i -wcek.Jijne''; first;:' Idurthi;iiinet presence i commencement" nineteen . luftdrtd arid thirteen urham l-.N. K; i-iA''VTrWtv usually succeed lnKettJne I ? vminencemcn peKer- w great 01s V". "' t i A tiixlioaand.lthts; 'time t'" Has 'stSJurep .-. It',f. . the, servicca of a4nanof ,wlrl-w4e ',ir.( .v''i'fiinp-Robert E'. Peary the discoverer -Ura.heNc-Pole-.'.JV " yTbe-full program for-the week- wfflj 17 1 Sunday . June 1 -. 8:30 p. nr., Bacca- -tagreat; Addrecs ". President William "" Tuesday June $ U a.ni Bacj5aIaiK. . ''. : -tm. .mnh .:' ..,'1' i''i.I -V ''"-! , - Ti e ReverendsGeorge Pcclc Eckman p.V. 'New-York Cify' ' -Tuesday Tune '3 p nv" Alumni .Dinner' AJdreM The' Reverend Charles ; Carroll Woody D'. JDi. St. Louis. , C Tuesday June 3 8:30 p. Grad- swting Orations. ',-.' " '. : V.V ! mday j u ne 4 : 10 :30 'a. . m. , CiMitmrm-ement Address 1 Rear Ad- r.i..l Robert Edwin Pearyv!U.. S. N.; V.V.Mn;;tort City. . ' ' . ', G .Vriing , Degress.- '' .'f T5 liar hi niont .iil ' lily meeting of i;u v in be held ' ' n 1 1 1 1 -1 71 i , ,j o t !(rui!;ini,.e in ic- 1! BANKER BROKAW. ARRESTED WIfa Say He StnickHer , With A Frying Pan and Broke Fingers. '- Colorado Springs r"toV. May;" J3. Clarence Pierce, Brokaw.-forraer well known New"1 York Banker and closely related; to: W. Gould. Brokaw' who has -obtained .much notoriety1 during the past? two years throjjgly matrimonial troubles - 'was arrested 1 tday-'on the charge of assault -and battery' preferred by - his-wife v Mrs. Tillie Brokaw who charges that he struck her with avfrying pan breaking two fingers of her tight hand-"- Brokaw was placed in the county jail over night. -; Mr. and, Mrs. Brokaw were much in the limelight about! a year ago when Brokaw kidnapped their ,5 year old son "Buster' and brougnt him to Col orado. Springs ;to live with Brokaw's parents. "He charged hiswife with iHifaithfulntss. ? Later a reconciliation Tjs 'effected and Mrs. Brokaw came here and - joined her husband and child t Soon afterward Brokaw's father died anrsince' then the "yoling couple and tfceir child have been living with the eiior Mrs. Brokaw. GRANDAUGHTER OF LONGFEL- LOW ALSO BELIEVES IN TRIAL MARRIAGES. Boston May 13. Miss Selia F Dana grandaughter of Henry Wads- woVth Longfellow the poet and Robert H. Hutchinson of Philadelphia now a Et'jdentat Harvard are to nave a unique wedding in June at the Dana sumriler home at ' Marchester-by-the Sea They will be married by a justice of peace and the cerembny will b one of their own composition very smilar to- tMat used when Miss JDana's brother Edmund Throwbridgc Dana married Miss Jessie Holliday an English por trait painter. '." ; 3, . "In the first place !r Miss Dana said today, "we do not intend to use the formal vows- .Instead 1 will say: 'I Delia F. Dana' take you Robert H. Hutchinson as. y lawful husband and promise faithfully to fulfill toward you all the obligations arising from the married State and I hope to be a true comrade . and helpmate; as a symbol thereof I give, you' this ring " As I say the last wopis I will slip on Mr. Hutchinson's .third finger of the left hand a-haav-y silver ring. Mr. Hutchin son'svows will' be onthe same lines' siye. ttat he will- give roe a gold ban instead of a silvfir. one. '''Marriage jsi'a calling that should be studied as one would any profession such as- nursing for example" she, said. "It is a definite'-Vork yet few women really "are prepared, for the bringing up.of children. I have made a close study 6f eugenics and am of the opinion that I arfi fitted for the marriage state with all its ()uties. "Race'suicide as it is termed .is not altogether wrqng. Ip a union where thereis, heali morally and physically hfieifr ishVtld 'be children as often as nature ;wiU. bles'the-marraig. - But wKew thfejppn'ditlons arc not conductive td a 1bia(jhy being there should be no offspring 3 " , ': v- 'Inther words rlpttirct the less dc- trabl'4fbildren 'add increase the "more wortfy,?.-,. . -v . " - : iTesentJ jay-engagement are. natural'-'Jihe,: paid,V "Trial marriages -..iJ-.'Jj i it-i- : - i wnuiu Run ur i iiim hhu utr mi t. luuuic toi knoyfejeh othtnihtlmately at tne same, ume auqwing inein .10 scptra ic iVT, THner 'and son vCharlesIeft yef terday lJor a Visit ' at. plaok MoUrt-tai4'a'ttdMshevllte,---T..f'?'', . Indrt to KliW- Advertlkemanu :: f O ;''.:' M V'S-iVJl,l Vrf'''- yvovi ;Lne rurug j.ompany ic? H.. C!",Armstrong-fi'Tryone. package' nrvtf T .''.' t. s .. V People's BanfcrGradijates.;;;' '"'f National" BankThe bid "batik1 the ....... a l,Bnl.Wh. ti Kitca t Ia nlr - i' 'l 1 ' SIIUH LIC1 II lull ml vUM'. ' f , , Citizens'. Savings - Bank and 'Trust Co. IVgh cost of living. ' V ' .' CaskiUr Hardware & Mill Supply Co.- ' Witts' Corrugated garbage cans. J. M. Afnold Sale of Horses and mules. ' -" ' '" Hern Hn nking & Trust Company ISiiiiArls e tc n mU:r.- H. s; DCK.IS AWARDED CONTRACT Local Contractor To Erect Peo ples Bank's Magnificent New Home. WORK WILL BEGIN AT "ONCE Building Now Occupied By In stitution To Be Used By Another Bank. The Board of Directors of the Pe- ple's Bank met yesterday' at non and awarded to H. S. Hancock a local con tractor and builder the contract, for the erection of their new home-on Middle street. ' . . This building which will be located just North of J. M. Mitchell & Com pany's new store will be one story in height and the front will b,e con structed of Mount Airy granite. The grills and doors will be made of bronze and when completed will be very at tractive. The building will be forty feet in height and was designed by B. S. Stephens a well-lyiown architect of Wilmington. The building and ot and furnishings will cost about forty thousand dollars. The work of con struction will begin immediately and will be rushed to completion. After the People's Bank has moved into its ntwt home the building it now occupies will be occupied by the Citi zens Savings'TJank which is now located in the Smallwood building just oppo site the postoffice. J. Walter feiletier oi btella was among the business vitisors in the city yesterday, TAKES A REBESS CURRENT EVENTS CLUB HOLDS ITS LAST MEETING FOR THE SPRING. The Current Events Department of khe Woman's Club held its last meeting for the spring yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. J. S. Cox on Graves street. An invitation to hold the first meeting in the fall with Mrs John Davis was accepted. The annual elections of officers was held with the following result: Mrs. S. H. Scott chairman. Mrs. John Davis vice chairman. Mrs. J. S. Cox secretary. The plan and scope of the vvnrl; for the next year was also considered and discussed. - ' The subjects for discussion yesterday afternoon vcrc Painting undSclpture interesting and instructive paprrsbeing read by Mrs. Herbert I.uptor on "American Painters" and ,! A'.iss Anna Ilanil on "American Sculptures". There was the U3uul rc pcr.sc by the members to rcll call wirh the citation of fome item of current news orhistosy tending to throw additional light on the subject of the afternoon's U :c' fsron. Folwii.g the close oi the business session Mr3.. Cox served her guests ;th a delicious' cream cottrsc BREADS ARM WHILE SKATING. ' -The young 4son of- S. -W, Carmen who livt on Rural Free .Delivery Route 2 from this city, while skating in the city ';hc other 'day tell and broke his arnj. ;Thia is one of several serious accidents which have' occurred in this city as a result of the roller skating craze. There was also phe death trace able directly to the sport V . There is however' a noticeable decljne of interest in the sport at present. ;,' ' .--,v --. ' ' . ' Miss . Lay'iala,' Creech ? one ' ";tne clerks at the local office ot the Western Union Telegrpak Company has gone to her home at La Grange for a short visit. ';Sv,v J. ' M. Arnpld ; of Vanceboro f.wae among: the vUitora here yesterday' C, A. Clawson of, Beaufort .passed through the city yesterday returning home from a visit at Wilmington, H. T. Patterson kit yesterday; for Beaufort to attend to official business, UNTIL OCTOBER SHERIFF COMES AFTER BURGLARS Colored Men Charged With Store Breaking Will Be Taken to Kington THEY DENY THE CRIME Detectives And Police Have Damag ing Evidence Against Them. Sheriff L. S. Taylor of Lenoir county arrived in the city last night and will this morning take Herbert Foy and Clarence Meldrum colored in custody and take them to Kinston to answer to a charge of burglary and larceny. Foy and Meldrum were captured in this city last Sunday night by Po liceman A. L. Bryan and McDaniel of the local force and V. W. Morrison and J. L. Pettus who are employed by the Norfolk Southern Railway Com pany as private detectives and are charged with breaking into the store of B. W. Cannady at Kinston a few weeks ago and stealing a number of revolvers. -Three men were implicated in this robbery but the third member of the trio got wind that the officers were on his trail and he lost no time in reach ing pastures new. Foy and Meldrum vehemently deny any knowledge of the affair even going so far as to say that they were not in Kinston at the time of the robbery occurred. However they have recently disposed of several revolvers which were taken from the store on the n'ght of the robbery and it will be up to them to satisfy the court that these came into their possession in some lawful manner. IS NOT 8E FOUND BEAUFORT LASS BAFFLES MEM BERS OF THE LOCAL POLICE FORCE. Although the pohVe made i thorough searth of the city yester day they failed to find any trace of Miss Lillie Harrell the sixteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H narreii oi tseauiort wno ran away from her home Sunday afteYnoon and came to this city. The girl was seen Sunday night and also Monday morning but since that time nothing has ben heard from her. Mr. J. H. Harrell the young woman's father did not return to the city yesterday to assist in the search bm. called up the Chief of Polite on the telephone ami asked him to use every poss,ib!c :. leans to find his daugh ter. The police believe that the young woman is yct -in ti e ti.y and that she is in hiding at the hon.e of a friend waiting until the search (it her abates so that she may get. out of the city without molestatiun. . l-'very train is being watched and as the pdice. have a very definite description uf the miss ing girl it will be a 1 ar I n auer for her to leave the city by that route. REMANDED TO JAIL. Wilmington Negro Charged With Housebreaking to be Tried Monday. Alex ' Hall, the Wifmineton netrro who early last Sunday morning at tempted to break into the home of Ida Bryan colored in Smith Town, was taken before-Mayor A. H. .Bangert yesterday afternoon for a preliminary hearing. Owing' 4o the fact that the defendant . asked" for , some time in which: to-write home for money , to em ploy an tfofney the case was post ported until next Monday and in the meantime he : was" reraaadedjio the county ja1sJ .H.;v v Hall .received gullet wound in the shoulder 'While he was attempting to enter the Jiouse but this wound Is rapidly healing and , will probably b Completely healed within ;i , WeclfL ot It wo MISSING GIRL CAN ' REBUILDNG PLANT. News and Observer Assembling Ma terial for New Home. Raleigh May. 13. The material is being assembled for the rebuilding of The News and Observer building. This building is to be restored in much more complete and adequate shape than before and will be a model newspaper home. The work will re quire several months and in the mean time Business Manager Bagley has arranged to open temporary quarters in the Mahler building on Fayetteville street. In this way The News and Observer will get out of the way of the Raleigh Times whose newspaper plant has been, running double time to get out both papers with the aid ot a couple of the other printing plants in the city. While The News and Ob server lost heavily by the fire through lack of insurance people in all parts of the State are cniing forward with aid in $100 subscription bonds and other wise. INST INTERESTING CASE CAME TO A CLOSE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. At the opening of yesterday's session of Craven county Superior Court the case In Re Will of Sabra Price which was begun on the previous day was resumed. In this case the husband of Sabra Price deceased was suing to annull a will made by her in which she had willed her prperty valued at about four hundred dollars to her mother a Mrs. I.aughinghouse whoreisdes near Vanceboro. The husband claimed that his wife was mentally unbalanced when she made this will and that undue influence was used in getting her to sign it. The case was inticate to the extreme and called forth the finesse of many points of law. However after the jury had deliberated upon the evidence and the arguments they returned a verdict in which they decided that Mrs. P, ice was in her right mind when she made the will and that no undue influence was exerted upon her. Vith the de cision the property goes to Mrs. Laugh inghouse. The next case taken up was that of of Pipkin vs the Norfolk Southern Ra way Company. In thise case the plain tiff Charles Pipkin who lives about seven miles from New Bern on the Nor folk Southern road was suing for reliif .1. . r -i.i i i i in tne sum oi eigni nuntircd dollars for damage alleged to have been done to his timber when it was set on lire nv a passing locomotive. l ne jury decided that Mr. Pipkin was en; it lei to some relict nut cut t tie amount down to S1.S0. In (he case of Anderson vs. Harring ton which was next taken up a con tract made between the two men i in dispute. Mr. Ilairington bought section of timber land and Mr. And son was to cut and sell t lie timber on it lor nan oi tne proceeds ot tne sale. In some way affairs did not run smooth ly and a law suit resulted. The rasi is very intricate and win consume some tune in tne nearing. it was icgun yesterday afternoon but could not l completed by the close of the day' session and was continued until today PROGRAM AT THE ATHENS TODAY VAUDEVILLE Jeff and La Verne Healy. Original songs! Patter solo tricks and comedy piano playing. This is splendid act and will please most any body. They appear for the last tim tonight. You should see them. PICTURES. "'The Photograph and the Blotter This Edison picture 4ells the story of a boy's jealousy not only of the girl but alsdof his rivals promotion, i "Love In An Apartment Hotel A Btograph production of great power. It tells the stqry of a maid with aspirations and her subsequent trouble and embarrassment. . "Ma'e Apron Strings A riproaring Vitagraph Comedy featuring John Bunny the only come dian "there be" . ' Matinee daily at 3:45. 2 shows at nightj first start at 8 o'clock., Second Immediately after first of about 9;l$ o'clock. 5 'H'l m JURY'S DECISION AGA HUSBAND NOTED PHYSICIANS ARE COMING HERE Will Deliver Address On Civler Improvement And Extermi nation of the Fly. WILL SPEAK AT COURT HOUSE Lecture Will Be Given Under TheC Auspices of The City Beau tiful Club. At an early date Dr. Charles V Stiles, Surgeon in Charge of the United States Marine Hospital at Wilminnton nd Dr. Charles T. Nesbitt city Superintendent of Health of Will mington will visit New Hern and give lecture on civic betterment and also on t ho extermination oi the house fly. Roth Dr. Siile r.nd Dr. Nesbitt have attained high eminence in their profession and their opinions on sub jects in which they have been special ized are seldom quest ione.l. I r. Stiles has attainted eminer.ee because of his successful ns.-arch a-s a physician scientist. He was the discoverer of the hookworm disease and the method of its eradication but outside of all t hat he is recognized throughout Amer ica and Europe as a Scientist prac titioner surgeon and health authontv His mission is of gieat importance and is recent location at Wilmington is of importance and significance to the entire Sta'e. Dr. Nesbitt has won an enviable reputation as a physician and lecturer ind has won the attention of phvsicians from all over the United States. The lecture given here by these two physicians will be given Under the auspices of the City Heaufitul Club ind every citizen of New Bern who is interested in the wellare of the citv hould attend it. The date on which the lectures will be delivered will be lnnounced within a few davs. rhe toilet rooms at the union pas senger station have recently been thouroughly renovated and disinfect ed and are now in first-class and sani tary shape. The rooms arc locked at all times except upon the arrival and departure of the trains. GOMES TO A CLOSE H. E. ROYAI.l. AND III Gil ROWE "BURY THE HATCHET" AND OLTET REIGNS. Afler taking a fair-minded view of exiMiing conditions Ii. h. Koyall ami Hugh Kowe who lor the past few days have been engaged in a controversy relative to t lie ownership ol store on Middle street just opposite K; fers oakery vcMcnlav atlernoon decided to luirv tne halt-hut and to settle he mailer in an amicable manner. A few weeks ago Mr. Royall sold Mr. Kowe the stock of goods in the store and also put Hi in in the place as tenant. When Mr. Rowe (ailed to come across with the purchase price on the day specified Mr. Koyall resumed control of the establishment. Later Mr. Rowe regained possession of the store ard still later Mr. Royall succeeded in getting in possession and has been on the scene ever since that time even going so far as to sleep in the place. Yesterday the two gentlemen de ddtd to talk over matters in a quite way and the result of trij conference was that Mr. Royall paid Mr. Rowe for some goods which he claimed to have in the place and the latter released all claim of ownership. W. L. Arrrngton of Beaufort passed through the city yesterday returning-- home from Norfolk where he accom- panied his daughter Lesste and niece v THE CONTROVERSY Miss Margaret Talyor who are enroute to Fort Antorfio Jarnaca where they 5 will visit the latter' brother 1'C.-B.,';' It r it-r to;. i of. about 9;1$ Taylor who k aildltor for the United.;, mmmmmmsi:'::: : , N ,:.'''.'',...,,''.:''..,; X:.:.- ", : v;-: 1 ';"' ',:, '-vv '' ' V'.' IS-

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