;; v V r VPILXIl-No: 9i; Ts Wither: NEW.BERN.N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 1913 THREE CENTS PER COPY. -J ! V. V : ill SOLDIER , Membert Of North Carolina Naval MUltal Will Take'Outina , , In June. WILL PROVE OF MUCH BENEFIT The Battleship "North Carolina" ?' Wlllln All Probability v " . ' - .,. Be Used. During the latter part of next month the six companies comprising the North Carolina Naval Militia will go on board one of the U. S. battleships, probably the North Carolina, for a two weeks' cruise. There are six-companies in this di--yisibn, New Bern, Washington, Her -ford, Wilmington, Plymouth and Eliza beth City and it is expected that a large proportion of each company will take advantage of the cruise. Com mander Bradham who is in charge ol the North Carolina Naval Militia, states' that the exact date for this crnise has not been determined at the present time but will in all probability ' be made known at an early date. The cruise will be a unique experi ence' for the sailor-soldier boys. For merly, their annual cruise has . been made on the Elfrida, their training fJfip, and the cruise has not been on "the briny" but only upon the rivers .and sounds which are to be found in Eastern North Carolina. . The cruise on the battleship will prove of benefit to the members of the different companies in a number of -ways. They will be given - practice -with the big guns, learn to signal from .one vessel Ao another -and in fact lie given instructions similar in every -way to those given to the members of the boat's regular crew. The embarkation will in all prob ability be made from Morehead City and the cruise extend as far down the coast as Florida. STREET CI fiUTO COLLIDE MACHINE OWNED BY GRIMES LAND MAN IS BADLY DAMAGED. An accident which, for the presence of mind of Conductor Gwaltney, might Jhave resulted seriously, occurred late JVterday afternoon at the corner of New and George streets when a Cadil lac touring car, owned and driven by J. Q.T Proctor of Grithesland, collided with car; No. 6, of the New JSern Ghent Street'JRailway Company; ' ' H .:. ' 1 Jn the.-automobile with'-Mr. Proctor -were three friends and neither of these "'teard the approaching car. Mr. Poc- j V '" tor 'was driving at a fair rate of speed i tf' y-.arding' to:the statement of several . &trao w who -witnessed .the accident, '-' 4's Ard a soon1 as he saw that the car was 'r ., almost upon the crossing ; he put on the i ft trakei ' At rthe --ame time Conductor 5 ' ''ytwoeyi,,'.!! irai in cnarge oi ine jitWr'carhrewohvhis- emergency , -V? ivtrakn'f Hwever'theI .two, vehicles "ivcdiided the auto- ""?'inobilewas:v torfl 'i ' ""Ihertf was'slight damage to the : '.-'-:trt car..--..' ' '.) r rt --Conductor fewattneys pQsitive that ' ihe waa ringing the signal ;beH before " i !1! 'V 'i' tntm ia the; iibm&bite evidently failed ,' - ",- V io, hear this. Fortuntdy the occupants i'fwf.the. automobil67were not injured, . -zy heint . only -badlyt-haTten' up ? at the time m the.crash;:'. '';; ft ' BANKING' INSTITUTION ADDS :;Ji , - .The' Citizens Savings fidnk and Trust ' :'u;-CoiBpany. Wve,'just added to tfieir 1 other departments an insurance de - T partment. Althougk this, is very recent addition to the bank they al ready hav6 a number of patrons and ilic outlook for a large increase In this Hoe as V2ry promising. ' ' " . A. J. Collins of Maysville spent yes- ,ifxiT.if in the city. DR. BUZZARD BUZZES. ... - ' Gol .Drunk And Butted Around Awfully. Dr. D. L. Buzzrad, who claims to be affiliated with Mephistopheles, or in words which can be more easily as similated is a "conjur doctor" was placed under arre.-t yesterday after noon by Policeman A. L. Bryan and F. P. Rowe for being drunk and dis orderly and also on a charge of vagrancy Dr. Buzzard is colored, in fact he is more than that, he is black and about as black as the descendants of Ham ever get to be, and during the past few days has had rather a spectacular career in police circles. The' doctor's exhibitions of "black magic" have not panned out so successfully in recent days and his coterie of followers have begun to murmur and cast imprecations upon his cranium. The result of all this was a summons to police court. Dr. Buzzard received this summons but after consulting various and sundry mystic signs decided not to appear before the Mayor, and he didn't, but he will for he is now being held in the county jail until 11 o'clock this morning when he will have an oppi rtunity of explaining to His Honor just where and when he engages in manual labor and also tell why he was drunk and dis orderly yesterday afternoon. RAMONA BORDEN OUT WEST Heiress, With Mother, At Home Of Grandparents At Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Cal., May 14. Ramona Borden, daughter of Gail Borden, mil lionaire milk man who startled her fami ly and friends a few weeks ago by dis appearing from an Eastern sanatorium, today arrived in Los Angeles with her mother, Mrs. Helen Balk Borden. The gir ran away because she wanted to live in the country instead of in hotels and sanatoriums. She said her mother went to Alham- bra, the country,home of Mr. and Mrs L. B. Balk, her grandparents, where she will' remain until her mother de cides whether the young heiress is to be sent to school. Alhambra was the girl's home before the estrangement between her mother and father. ATTEMPT TO TIE SHOT BAG ON CANINE'S TAIL ENDS SERIOUSLY. -V Isaac Crooks, a young son of S. V. Brooks, v.-ho resides at .Bridgcton, was painfully injured yesterday afternoon when he was bitten through the eye lid and on the nose by a dog owned by C. D. Bradham of this city. crooks and a companion, young Daniel Whitford, were attempting to tie a bagpf shot to the end ef the dog's tail. Now, but for the" fact that Brooks drew the fastening string just a little too tight this article might never have been written, but in a moment of in discretion he cid Ihis and incidentally Injured the feelings, also the rear extre mity,' of the canine. The animal's teeth made an ugly wcfund 6fl the boy's face and the ser vices of a physician wcu-e required to dress his wounds. The dog was not niad'v at the time and no ill results are looked pr. The prayer meeting at the Presby terian church tonight U1 be at 7-JO o!clocV Instead of eight o'clock, the change being made on 'account of the entertainment; by the graded schoo! children at 80..o'clocte ;- Index to New Advertlsemsnts ; Panacea Springs Co. Panacea, ,the Ideal spot for health, rest and pleasure. A,' T. Willis Co'The best .under the sun, the best under, the rain'' ' HackburtrWe can fill ydur orders for celery. ' 1 -New Bern' Banking & , Trust Co. Strength and service. !"- ' - ' -. National Banit-The old bank, the strong bank, the liberal bank. - ' Citizens' Savings Bank and Trust Co. High cost of living. .. . Wood Lane Drug C6. Maryland ice .cream the kind you like. ' , BIEEIOI LAD BITTEN f DOS IT H 0 US AND DOLULnS MED Craven Citizen Asking Damages In This Amount From the Norfolk Southern. TIMBER WAS DESTROYED Plaintiff Claims Forest Fire Was Started By Spark From Locomotive. Two years ago more than a hundred acres of valuable timber land which was owned by R. H. Rowe, who lives three iles from Bridgeton on the Norfolk Southern .road, was destroyed by fire which the owner claimed was started by a spark from a passing locomotive. Now. Mr. Rowe is suing th, Norfolk Southern Railway Compaqy for damage in the sum of five thousand dollars for causing his timber to be destroyed. The case was taken up in Superior Court yesterday afternoon and pro mises to be long drawn out. The plain tiff is represented by D. L. Ward and Rodman Guion. while Moore and Dunn are appearing in behalf of the defendant Company. Late yesterday afternoon the taking of evidence was concluded and the arguments begun. These will consume several hours and were not completed at the close of the session. Necessarily the case was continued until today and will be resumed at the opening of the session this morning. In the case of Anderson vs. Harring ton which was taken up on the previous day. the jury yesterday returned a verdict in f;.vor of the plaintiff. This was an action in which much interest was manifested by the many friends of the plaintiff and the defendant. The plaintiff was suing for hall" interest in a section of land and also half the Droceeds from the sale of timber on the land which the defendant had pur chased, claiming that he had a contract to this effect. The land in question is located in the vicinty of Vanceboro. OPEN NEXT- WEEK CRAVEN CITIZENS TO BE GIVEN FREE TREATMENT FOR THE HOOKWORM DISEASE. On next Monday morning a dis pensary for the free treatment of hook worm and other intestinal disca-is wi! be opened at Vanceboro. Th;--v dis pensaries will be operated at d Iferenl points in lravcn county ur tr.e i-ji- lowing six weeks and wi 1 be under t In direction of Dr. G. F. Leonard, asmsieu by W. C. Jenkins. This will be the second tinu' lliat a hookworm dispenasry has be.-n operat ed in this county. On the for:'. or oc casion more than a thousand people were examined and treated. I he ex amination and treatment is alwolutcly without cost to the patie it and the people of the county are urged to take advantage of the opportune y alfurded them. Wherever possible the c!i.-.pi:::r..-.ric- will be operated in the sc'.iooi lu.uae or some public hall but where neithe of the above can be secured, the dis pensary will be located in a tent. The court house wilf be occupied by the dispensary 'On the days that it is operated in this city. THE NEW PANACEA HOTEL. 'The New Panacea Hotel at Panacea' Springu,, N. C, is advertised fn this issue of the Journal.' Panacea Springs Is a very popular resort with the people of Eastern Carolina and the announcement' ol the opening of the 1J3 season will' no .doubt be received with interest. T. C Jones, Jr., formerly with the Hotel Jame of this city, one if the Atost. populaiwhotel men in the tate, is in charge of the New Panacea this season. Among the improvements recently installed is a circulating "hot water iter system which has just been, put '.'. ' "- ' ' '" ' '- ' - ' ' ,,"-. ., . on. i v'-v' ii. iii i'i ii .V ' Joshua Dean of Pamlico county was among the busjness visitors in the city yesterday. .. 1 1 . .. ff i I .. DISPENSARY 111 : H. t; PRATT E In Her Complaint She Charges Her Husband With In fidelity. CASE HAS BEEN CONTINUED Defendant In The Action Is Now Serving A Term In The State Prison. Among the interesting cases on the docket of this week's session of Craven county Superior Court is the divorce case of Pratt vs. Pratt, in which Mrs. Pratt is suing her husband H. T. Pratt for a legal separation on the groutnd of infidelity. Owing to the fact that the attorney representing the plaintiff did not have sufficient time in which to issue depositions, this case has been continued until the next term of Craven county Superior Court. The defendant in this action is now serving a three years' term in the North Carolina State prison for forgery and embezzlement. For several years he was engaged in the insurance business in New Bern and held the esteem of all who knew him. In the early part of 1912 he suddenly left the city and when his affairs were investigated it was found that he had misappropriated funds of the insurance companies, for which he was the State agent, and had also forged a prominent attorney's name to a note for three hundred dol lars and had succeeded in getting this discounted. Dectectives were put on his trail and he was located in the far West and placed under arrest and later brought back to New Bern and placed on trial He pleaded guilty to the offenses charged against him and was sentenced to the State prison. Mrs. Pratt, who has always been held in the highest esteem by all" who know her, is now residing in the North with her parents. GOSPEL HE HIRK INCLUDED IN FREER MANU SCRIPT DL COVERED SIX YEARS AGO. London, May 14. Some long-missing verses of the New Testament are in eluded in the manuscripts of the Gospel discovered in Egypt six yi-ars ago am purchased by Charles I. freer, o Detroit, Mich., according to a studv made of the f reer Manuscripts by th Times. t facsimile oi tne manuscripts lias been present "! to the Briti h Museum by the L'nivei nily of Michigan, lo which Mr. Freer assigned the task of publi ca ion ana, according to I ne l lines study, there tune liee.i lound in th Gospel of St. M; rk several verses which occur in no other known manuscript of the New Testament, although they were known to hi. Jerome, v. ho quotes part of them. In the Freer manuscripts after the passage in which it is said that Jesu: upbraided His disciples for their un belief, the text continues as follows: "And thery excused themselves- say ing that this ago of lawlessness and un belief is under Satan, who through the agency of unclean spirits, suffers not the true power of god to be apprehend ed. "For the cause, said they unto Christ reveal now at once Thy rightouBness "And Christ said unto them, the 1'mit of the years of the powers of Satan is (not) fulfilled, but it draweth nerf (The next here and elsewhere is corrupt.) "For the sake of those that have sin ned was 1 given up unto death, that they may return Unto the truth and sin no more, but may inherit the spirit ual and Incorruptible glory of righteous ness in Heaven." . A large number o( variations In other portions of the New Testament are alto pointed out by the Time In the Free manuscript, ::. MBS WANTS VERSES FO ' " w I PLAY GROUND POPULAR Children Of New Bern Making Use Of New Pleasure Ground. The children of New Bern are losing i time in making use of the play ground recently opened up on Craven street, adjacent to R. B. Nixon's home, by the City Beautiful Club. Several see-saws have been placed on the play ground during the past few days and ust as soon as they can be constructed several swings and dinky-boards will be added. It is also the intention of the City Beautiful Club to make other improve ments on the ground during the next lew weeks. A fountain and pool will be erected and numerous benches will be placed at various points. Several ublic spirited citizens have offered to assist in this work but if there are others who want to help, their assis- ance will of course be greatly appre ciated. In a few weeks vacation days will be at hand and then the children will be free all during the day and will have n excellent apportunity to romp and play on the ground and this thought ful act of the Citv Beautiful Club in making it possible for them to have such a place will mean much to their hildish hearts. HELLO GIRL AIDS POLICE Jollies Burglar Over Telephone Until Officers Nab Him. Cleveland, May 14. Myrtle Bar- nett, night operator at the South Ex change of the Bell Telephone Company, caught a burglar early today by "jolly- ng" him on the telephone while she notified the police. The man called in from the Shafter Suhr Coal Company's office and asked the time. She permitted him to "josh" her wdtile she notified the police head quarters. When the burglar said, 'Good-by. I've got to beat it," she- asked him to call again. 1 he officers lound the sate rilled at the coal office, but the burglar was gone They notified the girl operator, who meanwhile had the thief on the line from the Albright Coal Company's office. The police hurried there and caught Frank Kroger, aged 20. Cm BEAUTIFUL E INDIGNATION EXPRESSED AT WORK OF VANDALS ON OPERA HOUSE LAWN. i Prepared for the Journal) The City Beautiful Club heh Its club four regular monthly meeting at tne rooms on Alomlav, Alav L, at thirl v. The treasurer read her report, show ing a hal.mce on hand ol .S''(l..i. 1 here was little business to be transacted. The ladies rexpressed ther indig- ' . .v r nation at t lie repeated (Itorts ol some unknown per. on to undo the splendid work ol the opera house committee. We hope the police force will keep i diligent watch for the ollender and that he will be severely punished when brought before the authorities. There will be a free lecture at the Court House by Drs. Nesbitl and Stiles, date to be announced later through the papers. MARSHALL GETS TABLE COVER Embroidered In Vivid Colors By Indiana Soldier's Widow. Washington, May 14. When Vice President Marshall entered his office today he stopped in amazement and shaded his eyes with one hand. "In Hearn's name," he exclaimed, "what is it? A conflagration?" The object was a table cover done in pink and blue, yellow and vivid green embroidery, with rosettes of pink rib bon, and an embroidered portrait of himself or sp he judged it to be, for in embroidered letters beneath were the words "Thos. Marshall." ThecovJ er was the gift of a Fort Wayne, (Ind.) woman, who accompanied It with a letter saying she was "a soldier's widow, a Democrat and a friend." Appreciating the kindness that prom pted the gift, the,. Vice-President sent a cordial letter of thanks to the donor, Mrs. Catherine Stanford. r . ' :., l.t :":.. '," , '.. HOLDS T TO BE SEEN TONIGHT First Performance Then, Followed By Another To Be Given Tomorrow Night. PACKED HOUSES ARE EXPECTED Curtain At 8:30 and Every Body Is Requested To Be Present At That Hour. Adiuid-t the shout and applause of the chaperones, a few invited guests and a newspaper man, the curtain at the opera house descended last night on the full dres rehearsal of the big musical extravaganza, "Slmnlicrland". Every one us surprised but Mr. Foote the director. He knew it, told people it would be the biggest thing in the entertainment line that has ever visit ed the city, and his words have proven true. It was easily proven that this gigantic play, billed a the "Hippodrome" of musical extravangazas, will be larger and much superior to any amateur effort ever attempted in this city before and with all conditions favorable "Slumberland" will no doubt have two packed houses. Even the stage proved much too small for the rehearsal last night but some of this trouble will be avoided tonight as the schoool rooms have been engaged where the participants will be housed until their turn on the stage. There is no one time during the per formance that even one quarter of the whole cast is upon the stage; they ap pear in groups all though the play. Mistakes and delays usually incident to final rehearsals were by no means as numerous as might have been ex pected last night. Even the seasoned stage hands witnessing the rehears; forgot at times they were at a dress rehearsal, so interested where they in the progress of the play. "Slumberland" will be given its first performance here tonight with another show tomorrow night. The curtain will be rung up at V.!0 and it is requested that ecry one holding tickets be inthe hoa.se and t-eated at that hour. The street sprinkler owned by the city of New Bern has been resurrected after many months of inactivity antl is again in service much to the delight of every citizen. The sweeping ma chine which was at one time used in cleaning the streets, is also being re paired and will soon be seen in action. LARGE SHIPMENTS OF CABBAGE ARE BEING MADE. Large, shipment f c.ibb.a coin iime going to I ormcrly -hipinents i nort hern case this to leave t hi ( ii v each il.i , t he western part i t he State, t lie great er part of I lie ; n. k from this sect ion have gone t market. Thi k not i he on, now ever Tin local growers prii i paid by nave lound d oal i !iat I h the commission men in western North 'arolin.i are just a high as those paid on the northern markets and are ship ping I heir prod. ice to t hat point. S.i..vt potatoes and peas are also being ship ped but not on such a large scale as marks the shipments of cabbage. PROGRAM AT THE ATHENS TODAY. NEW VAUDEVILLE Freeman & Fiskc A comedy singing and talking act. PICTURES "The Banks Messenger" A ringing Western picture with out aws .cowboys etc., etc., thrilling and exciting scenes and incidents. SLUHLAi "Broncho Billy and the Squatters Daughter" A gripping and powerful Btory of the West featuring Mr. G. M. Anderson the great cowboy silent drama actor. "The Misfortunes of Mr and Mrs.. Mott's Honeymoon Trip" A very interesting and funny comedy drama. The various scenes in this film of 100 feet were made in California on the Pacific ocean and the South Sea Island of Tahiti.' Matinee daily at 3:45. 2 shows at Vj night. 1st starts at 8 o'clock. 2d Im mediately after the first or about 9:15 .' o'clock. ; ,' i .. ' -: C :. . If you will observe the hours, yoa- : can always get a desirable seat. :, ' ' , . . V 1' , .-i 's f 1 ' I f