rAcz six NEW EZRN DAILY JOURNAL, VZW IIION, N. IL TUESDAY i:C"!,i:;G, ! !AV 27, U 13 ANNUAL REUNION. UNITED CON u FEDERATE VETERANS. Chattanooga, Teno, ; May 17th , Sth.U13. . iVi The ATLANTIC COAST LINE pmi ROAD COMPANY offer the '.TO? low rate of $12.60 from New Bern to : Chattanooga, ienn., ana mum. account of the Annual Reunion oi ITcted Confederate "terans. Vickets will be sold May 24th, 25th 26th. limited to reacn original ..ting point returning not later than midnight of June 5th, 191J, except by deposit of ticket with Special Agent, 703 Broad St., Chatanooga, ana pay ment of fee of 50c., at time of deposit, limit will be extended to June 15th. chorion, reservation or other f,mat;n annlv to local Ticket Agent, or T. C. WHITE. Gen. Pass. Agent. . J. CRAIG, Passenger Traf. Magr. Wilmington, N. C. ICE Made from w distilled NEW ICE BERK CO. 19-21 23 Griffith St. Phone 2:- 103SE DIRECTORY ATHENI A LODGE No. 8, K. of P. Meets evciy Tuesday H p. m., over Ga Co.'i office. Middle St.. J. R. Whitehead C.C.J. H. Smith, K. of R. and S Visit tag brothers are assured of a chevalier's welcome. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1, KNIGHTS OF HARMONY Meets second and fourth Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock in each month at Knights of Harmony ball, corner Broad and Hancock street J. K. Willis, President; R. J. Disosway, Secretary; Cto. Moulton Financial Sec retaty. ECONOMY WILL TALK. Spring, Spring, O beautiful Spring, Isee you creeping over the hills. Hear me now For the best foreign and domestic fabrics for spring wear, seek me early and avoid the rush and get best lor your money. Our $18 are up to all that your desire. Respectfully Yours, Old Man Economy, Stopping with R. SAWYER. Merchant Tailor No. 101 S. Front Street. We Clean 'em If you want that suit cleaned of Pressed or repaired, all we ask is to give us a try out, and let us show what kind of work we can give. W know when we once get s. trial we will always get your work. RED STAR TAILORING CO. 76 S. Front St. Phone 733 Sol Lipman, Mgr. Opposite Gaston Hotel. Ruskin on Doctors' Fees. The problem of the doctor and hia fee was admirably st;itil by !:iwl;:n in his "Crown of Wild olive " Wrillns of doctors, he s.-iM: "They like fees, no doubt ought to like theui-yet if they ore brave and well educated the entire object of their lives is not fees. They, on the whole, desire to cure the sick and If they are good doctors und the choice were fairly put to them would rather cure their patient and Ioho their fee than kill him and et it. And so with all other brave and rightly trained men their work is first, their fee sec ondvery important always, but still pecond," London Standard. HARDWARE AND Building Ma iorlal . ' . : I Paints, Oils AJTD Varnishes n B .. AJSD ... )U Varnishes ; Amerlfchn I . ' - - - mm lr . ... ... . ... ........ .11 i c ui H phi t mn t- mm v- -' - a' f r ' i i K' .mii sew a w . mm.:- ' II I. II.V ill, IHI I 1 1 llllll r II KftElDKE OF .IT."":' ; KINO IS HEEDED Remember to be sure to get an estimate from Elijah Taylor Co. General Contractors PHONE No. 1 Before you award contract elwhere. that If you have rooms for rent or have lost or found an article, or want to buy or sell something, use the Journal want ad column on page three. SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES TO MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAU FORT, N. C. Norfolk Southern Railroad To From Morehead- City Goldsboro $1.50 La Grange 1.50 Kinston 1.25.. Dover - , 125 New Bern 1.00 Oriental 1.25.. Fares to Beaufort 20 cents higher than to Morehead Citv. Sunday tickets sold each Sunday May 18th to Sept. 14th good to re turn on date of sale only. W. W. CROXTON General Passenger Agent. DOVER AND SOUTHBOUND RAILROAD. Traffic Department. SCHEDULE OF TRAINS CARRY- ING PASSENGERS. Effective Sunday March 30, 1913 South Bound North Bound Trains Trains 7 STATIONS P.M. P.M. P.M. Lv. 4:25 4:42 A.M. A.M. Ar. 7:55 7:38 7:34 7:23 A. A.M. P.M. '4:25 4:40 4:44 4:53 5:02 5:22 5:40 5:45 Dover Foys Taylors Phillips Wimsatt Comfort 7:55 7:40 7:36 7:27 7:18 7:00 6:30 '6:35 4:46 4:57 5:08 5:29 5:50 5:55 Ar. 7:12 6:51 Petersburg 6:30 Richlands t6:25 Lv. fTrians Run Daily xc Sunday. Trains Run Sunday Only. N. S. RICHARDSON, Traffi Manager. W. RICHARDSON, General Manager, D List Your City Taxes z' The City Hall FROM MAY 1st TO JUNE 1st, 1913 I will be at the above nam ed place during the month of May 1913, from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. for the purpose of listing vour taxes. A failure to list your taxes during the month of MAY subjects you to a double tax and is also a mis demeanor. See Machinery Act 1913. Section number 82. ALEX JUSTICE, List Taker City of New Bern, K C. The Last Notice To Tax Payers I wish to call your atten tion to the fact that I am now making out a list of all who have not paid their 1911 State and County Tax for ,t;he. purpose of advertis ing same. , If you have not paid, you had better come at once, pay up and stop the extra cost before same ii advertised in the riaper. This Is po'sitiveliy the last chance. , ' Sheriff of Craven County. " ' 'FOR SALE 1 House and tot oa Spring street 1 House and lot oa Bloomfidd street 2 Houses sjl lots oa' Griffith street 2 Houses tad lots on National ave. 2 Houses and lot in Bridgeton ' 4 Lou ia Bridgeton 1 Lot oo New street 1 House and lot on Pollock street 1 House and lot in Duffy Town 1 House and lot on Met calf street 1 House and lot on East Front street 1 House and lot on Broad street 1 House and lot on Crescent street 2 Stores on Crescent street 1 House and lot on Queen street 1 House and lot on George street 3 Houses on Gaston street 2 Lots on Pasteur street 6 Lots on George street 2 Lots in Pembroke 1 Lot in Riverside 4 Lots in Elmview 7 Lots on Broad street 35 Lots in Ghent 1 house on Hancock street The above property can be bought for cash or on easy terms and I can give you some good bargains. 400 acres of good la.id; 250 acres in the woods, 150 acres cleared and very good fertile soil with 4 dwelling houses, 2 tobacco barns and barns arid stock houses for the teams and to house the crop. 1 his tract ol land is I miles from Caswell, N. C, and I am offering this place at a ridiculously low price. I also have about 200,000,000 feet of gum timber lor sale, ll you want to buy real estate, it will pay you to see me and if you want to sell, see me. M W. F0DR1E, Real Estate Agent. Office opposite Gaston Hotel. 'Phone 84. Residence 'phone 850 SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue o the a ;hority conferred upon the undersigned j Commissioners ' by that certain judgment entered in the Superior Court o. Craven County, North Carolina, at the September term 1912, in that certain pction en titled Carolina Brick Company, a corporation, vs. First Baptist Church of New Bern, Col. et. al, we, the said : Commissioners, will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at the court house door in New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina, at the hour of 12 o'clock M. On Monday, June 2, 1913, the fol- I lowing real estate, to-wit: "All that certain lot or parcel of . land situated in Craven County, and and Northern points. Connects also at the city.of New Bern, begnningat aGre).nsboro with through Tourist point on the south side of Cypress sleeping Car for Los Angeles and San street 225 feet from the southeast EVanriovi rner of Burn and Cypress streets, running tnence ana along wttn tne J said Cypress street westwardly one nundred (IW) leet; tnence eastwardiy and parallel witn cypress street one hundred (100) feet; thence northwardly along with Smith street to the beginning being one hundred feet on each of the four sides, "being all the lands con veyed to the said parties of the first part by J. F. Ham and others Trustees of the Industrial Collegiate Institute of New Bern, of New Bern, N. C. by deed dated the 12th day of June, 1906, and released to said parties of the first part by Isaac H. Smith and the Citi zen's Bank of New Bern. HENRY R. BRYAN D. L. WARD, April ,1913. Commissioners. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For sale a farm nrnri New Bern, 142 acres, 90 clear, 2000 fruit trees in bearing, good tobacco land. 3 m les from 3 towns and two railroads. Price $10,000. T.-rms easy. For further particulars, address. J. VAN OSTRAND. Stonevllle, N. C. .,- Give us your next order for RUB BER STAMPS. Quick delivery. E. J. Land Printing Co. Phone 8 New Bern, N. C. WEEK END AND SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES TO MOREHEAD CITY and BEAUFORT. via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD From Kinston Dover New Bern Week End $1.75 Sunday $1.25 1.25 1.00 1.65 1.50 1.75 1.50 3.00 2.75 3.25 3.00 2.25 Oriental 1.25 1 1.25 ! 1.T5 1.7S, 2.25 Bayboro Farmvillc Greenville Mackeys Plymouth Washington Vanceboro 125 1.50 Fares to Beaufort 2o CenU higher f than to MoreheaH City v llAi Z&ill Rate, from Intermediate stations In WtUatiort and. prfCCS same proportion..;! $-4"M& :,Week End tlcWsold Friday,' KfWna?Ie urdajr and Sunday taornlng trains good t Caa' before VOU bllVa to return until Weight ;Tuesdayv ; f PSfTw9 W "7 Sunday V tickets1 sold each' .Sunday JJ-lf 'Xk-V',T v-f until September ,14th? limited to latt of tale only.;;i'-U '', M:''f 1 iGet complete Information from any ' J ''''lifl MlddleStl v :'" rtfcktt.arent, I " V- S ' - . ' ''i: '; f.jWw; croxton, g. p. a, Jsjfm w Rrrrf! N C '.vi Norfolk: Yt,'? l." lJJUtiy V Southern .,7; Railway PREMIER CARRIER OF TH .- SOUTH :-:.'-iV; Direct Lines to all Points J North, South, East & West Low round-trip Carolina, ' fares to Western 'the Land of the North Sky." Also to points, and California all principal Convenient schedules, electrically lighted coaches, -complete dining car service. If you'r contemplating a trip to any nninf hpfore romnletinir arrangements for sane, it will be wise for you to con- ' iult a representative of the Southern Railway, or write the undersigned, who will gladly and courteously furnish you with all information as to you best and quickest schedule and most comfort table in which to make the trip. H. F. CARY, Gen. Pass. Agent Washington, D. C. J. O. JONES, Travelling Pass. Agent Raleigh, N. C SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier oi the S uth N. B. The fol'owing schedule figures are published only as information and are not guaranteed. TRAIN No. 21 Leave? Goldsborc 6:45 a. m. for Raleigh, Durham, Greens boro, Asheville and Wayuesville. lhrough train to Asheville, handles :hair car to Waynesville. Makes con ecticns at Greensboro for all points ! North and East, and at Asheville with Carolina Special for Cincinnati, Chicago nd all western points. TRAIN No. 13'.) Leaves Goldsboro :05 p. m. for Raleigh Durham .and Greensboro. Handles through Pull man Sleeping Car from Raleigh to Atlanta, arrives Atlanta 5:25 a. m., making connection for New. Orleans Texas, California and all Western points also connects at Greensboro with through train for all Western and Eastern points. TRAIN No. 131 leaves Goldsboro 5:05 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Makes direct connection af r.rponohnrn wifh snliH Pullman Slwn- ; Car. train for Washington, Baltimore Philadelphia . New York and all Eastern TRAIN No. Ill Leaves Goldsboro 10:4S p m. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Handles Pullman Sleep- imr Cai Raleigh to Winston-Salen: Makes connection at Greensboro with through train for Atlanta and New Or leans, also makes connection for Ashe ville, Chattanooga, St. Louis, Memphis, Birmingham and all Western points. For detailed information, also for nformation concerning special round trip rates account various special occas ions, Pulman sleeping car reservations, ask any Southern Railway Agent or communicate with tLt undersigned. J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO . New Train Service Between Rale igh and Goldsboro. Effective Sunday January 19th, trains Nos. 108 and 131 now being operated between Greensboro and Raleigh will be extended and operated through bo ween Greensboro and Goldsboro. No. 108 now, arriving Raleigh 10.40 A. M. and wil7 continue through '.o Goldsboro .arriving there 12:40 P..M Train No. 131 now leaves Raleigh at 7:00 P. M for Greensboro. This train will leave Goldsboro at .5:05 P. M.. leaving Raleigh at 7:00 P. m. as here tofore. J The extension ' of these train wJ now afford the travel'ng public one additional through train between GreenslxH nd GodslKro. 3. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N C. Fresh lot No. 14 RUBBER BANDS ut received. E. J Land Printing Co. thone 8. 1 t';: FOR SALE. Small farms 10 to 1 20 ac- res on Neuse road one and ''M,t,1f mifA fmmfrtH, Ifmif " ""ca "- tfr J V-i;le 'MOOtC . , -..t DAY UIBEO TO r.llfiliJG MAGATE JERRY SHORT LAID DOWN PICK AND SHOVEL ONLY SEVEN TEEN YEARS AGO. Kansa City. May 26.4-Jesse M. Short, one of Joplin's richest mining men, was a day laborer six years ago. He started drilling land two miles west of Webb City land that had never been mined. Mine operators WUgnea at mm. MX months alter he had la!d down his pick and shovel as a laborer, Jesse Short had an income from his own mines of more than $1,000 a weelc- 1 ne "H"" ground he had opened has proved one of the richest zinc and lead camps in the district. Sudden riches did not turn Jesse Short's head. To be sure, he built a fine home for his family and the old white horse he had driven to and from his work for years gave way to motor cars, but he never forgot the "boys" he had shared dinner buckets with away down in the mine drifts in days agone. When he built a new mining plant he invariably hunted up his old "bud dies" as .they call their pals in the mines and made superintendents of them. He got them to save their money and helped them obtain prom ising leases. He "put in" with them and with them as partners organic ing new companies. Visitors to the mining district are always taken to Thomas Station out w-'st of Vi'ebb City to see Jesse Shrrt's b 8 mines. As the motor loads of vis- itors would drive up to the office, a ruaay - :aced, strapping tellow in rough clothing, spattered with mine clay, would come out. "Howdy, folks," he would say. "Get down, come in and look around. Made thirty ton today." That was Jesse Short. Within the past four years Short has developed five of the biggest min ing properties in the Webb City-Jopiln district. They are the Pocahontas, the Sitting Bull, the Geronimo, the Powhatan and the Wanita Pearl. The Sitting Bull's record of one day's production has never been dup licated in the district. The Pocohon tas is now the most productive mine in the district. E ECHOES OF THE FEDERATION President and Foreign Minister Realize What Christianity Has Done. New York, May 26. While the American churches were holding special sessions of prayer for the right guidance of the Chinese republic, in response to the invitation of the Peking autho rities, the native Independent Chris tian Church in Peking, of which the Rev. Mr. Meng is pastor, also had a prayer service, which is reported in the mails just arrived from "China. Pastor Meng opened the meeting and after prayers and hymnj he introduced Wellington Keoo, who had ben com missioned by President Yuan Shi Ha and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to convey the greetings of the Government to the church. "Both the President and Minister Lu Cheng-hsiang take special interest in this meeting," their deputy began. ' "The bid Book says the root is in the heart, and if the heart U right the man will be right, and so the family, and so the whole nation.- It is the power of rer ligion that is. necessary to-day. . J ; . ' "Although lunder ia... Republic there is equality in religion, the President, and Mr. Lu recognize that Christianity has done muchfor China. Christians are not regarded now,' as under the Manchu dynasty, as a class by themselves,; but as citizens of the Republic, whose work has done much to promote , morality in hh land.',1,' We hbpe that : Chrirtlanlty may advance here, and- we come with' t ie expression of our best good will to this gathering, which, has met. to pray for the nation at this important junc ture In its reorganization." J ''p : j.1'" ""' " 1 " X v ' '' . ' Warmer iw soittii. ;V ii But Ho, Unseasonable, Temperature According to Forecast '; .. . . Washington, MayThe forecast of te Weather feureaujor "the Week as issued Sunday is as follows: - ; "The yeek will, open' with unsettled weathef east of the- Missouri River. There will be showers Monday and Tuesday in the, Great Central Valleys and the Lake Regiort, and on Tuesday of' Wednesday In the middle Atlantic States and New England. In th CeV tral West generally fair wealherjhould fevaH about the nilddle of the week, SOM followed by unsettled condition a the close. while in the Rant tK r..k will be - " WWI J fair during the cloing days of ; For the South. th Cnni.' the week. west, and the extreme Central West present indications favor -fair, weather ir . art..!. I- k K7 .L- ' . . : generally, J t - u vuc nvnowcj; MIX er will also prevail except about t ..MJt.' r . i . . . . . i . eath the nji iuuio . IN me . weeK ltM lnAI showers are nrohahlcr ; Jx, -.' 'It will be warmer in the1 SouthV bat ' there are no immediate - prospects of unseaso maDiy warm weather over- any ' of the countrv:- TIim 11 K portion frosts J - . W MS Mondav of Ne . .....g .u v.it luicitur iw England and eastern Ne Ynrt and low temperatures will continue i day or two over the northern eastern portions of the country. for and followed by warmer conditintin hw thm m 'ddle of the week." THE MARKETS. May 26 1913 COTTON (Quotations furnished bv G. W. TI lor & Son.) Middling . n 4.8 Strict Middling, H 7.8 Good Middling, 12 - POULTRY. EGGS. FTP (Quotations furnished by Coast Line Meat Market). Chickens Grown, pair 60-80 Chickens HaJf-erown nair (L7n Geese, per pair.. $1.25-81.53 Uucks, per pair. .... Su 1.00 i Eggs, per doz. Hams, country, smoked It. ia Beeswax, lb 22 Wool, ,fi tn , Wool,..: , f, fn(7 Hogs, dressed, lb 10-101-2 Beef, dressed. Ib s.o Hides G. S., fh -o Green, lb. s Dry Flint, lb. Dry Salt, lb 12-14 10-12 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES!. (Quotations by New Bern Producer Comoanv). Cabbage, 'crate $1.25 to $1.50 Lettuce (Basket $1,50 Beets Bunch .8c. -.$2.50 to $2.75 ...$l.le to $1.40 Strawberries crate. Garden Peas. crate. MadeA New Man Of Him. "I was Buffering from pain In . my stomach, bead and back,'' writes E. T. Alston, Balelgh, N. C. "and my lirer and kidneys did not work right, bnt four bottles of Electric Hitters made:ma feel like a new man," PRICE 60 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. : ; PROFESSIONAL CARDS F. M. Simmons, A. D. Ward, SIMMONS AND WARD AfTORXETS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW mtw iiBir. i. a, Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Crayen. Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow. Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, In the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. R. A. NUNN ,v ATTORNEY AT LA,f Practice In the counties of 'Cravak Carteret, Pamlico, 'Jones aiidjOjuOow fjIstsMs Ma. 97.-4 , WewiintJI. C GLAD TO SERVE ' MM. ;B.w. HUNTER '1 r iV.D.l.i ( :1Out;' Business L ocal columns bring results, try them: ' ESectric -timers' 1 WW in ue ?uta supreme ,and, Federa D IS III 'v J . . "4 i 1 ... . . 'i. . . . t . t - . vv,. . " ' , :r f j, ii i ,1m. , .i i .,. i. r Vf ;